Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (CoverageFormat == 1)
                if (m_offsetCoverageTable + (uint)FieldOffsets1.GlyphArray + F1GlyphCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_CoverageTable_E_GlyphArrayPastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
            else if (CoverageFormat == 2)
                if (m_offsetCoverageTable + (uint)FieldOffsets2.RangeRecordArray + F2RangeCount * 6 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_CoverageTable_E_RangeRecordArrayPastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_CoverageTable_E_Format, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", format = " + CoverageFormat.ToString());
                bRet = false;

            // way too many coverage tables to justify this pass message
            //if (bRet)
            //    v.Pass("_OTL_CoverageTable_P_valid", table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 2
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                // check for data overlap
                bRet &= ((val_JSTF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetJstfMax, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check the Lookup array length
                if (m_offsetJstfMax + (uint)FieldOffsets.LookupOffsets + LookupCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", Lookup");
                    bRet = false;

                // check each Lookup offset
                for (uint i = 0; i < LookupCount; i++)
                    if (m_offsetJstfMax + GetLookupOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Offset_PastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", Lookup[" + i + "]");
                        bRet = false;

                // check each Lookup table
                for (uint i = 0; i < LookupCount; i++)
                    LookupTable_val lt = GetLookupTable_val(i);
                    bRet &= lt.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", Lookup[" + i + "]", table);

Exemplo n.º 3
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                // check for data overlap
                bRet &= ((val_JSTF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetJstfLangSys, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check the JstfPriority array length
                if (m_offsetJstfLangSys + (uint)FieldOffsets.JstfPriorityOffsets + JstfPriorityCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", JstfPriority array");
                    bRet = false;

                // check each JstfPriority offset
                for (uint i = 0; i < JstfPriorityCount; i++)
                    if (m_offsetJstfLangSys + GetJstfPriorityOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Offset_PastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", JstfPriority[" + i + "]");
                        bRet = false;

                // check each JstfPriority table
                for (uint i = 0; i < JstfPriorityCount; i++)
                    JstfPriority_val jp = GetJstfPriorityTable_val(i);
                    bRet &= jp.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", JstfPriority[" + i + "]", table);

Exemplo n.º 4
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                // check for data overlap
                bRet &= ((val_JSTF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetJstfGPOSModList, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check GPOSLookupIndex array size
                if (m_offsetJstfGPOSModList + (uint)FieldOffsets.GPOSLookupIndex + LookupCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", GPOSLookupIndex");
                    bRet = false;

                // check that GPOSLookupIndex is in increasing numerical order
                if (LookupCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < LookupCount - 1; i++)
                        if (GetGPOSLookupIndex(i) >= GetGPOSLookupIndex(i + 1))
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", GPOSLookupIndex");
                            bRet = false;

Exemplo n.º 5
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                // check for data overlap
                bRet &= ((val_JSTF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetExtenderGlyph, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check the ExtenderGlyph array length
                if (m_offsetExtenderGlyph + (uint)FieldOffsets.ExtenderGlyphs + GlyphCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", ExtenderGlyph array");
                    bRet = false;

                // check that the ExtenderGlyph array is in increasing numerical order
                if (GlyphCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < GlyphCount - 1; i++)
                        if (GetExtenderGlyph(i) >= GetExtenderGlyph(i + 1))
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.JSTF_E_Array_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", ExtenderGlyph array");
                            bRet = false;

Exemplo n.º 6
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_GDEF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetMarkGlyphSetsDefTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                if (MarkSetTableFormat != 1)
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_MarkSetTableFormat, table.m_tag,
                            sIdentity + ": MarkSetTableFormat=" + MarkSetTableFormat.ToString());
                    bRet = false;

                if (m_offsetMarkGlyphSetsDefTable + CalcLength() > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_MarkGlyphSetsDefTable_PastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

                v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.GDEF_I_MarkSetCount, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ": MarkSetCount=" + MarkSetCount);
                // TODO: check Coverage [MarkSetCount] array?

                if (bRet)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.GDEF_P_MarkGlyphSetsDefTable, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                return bRet;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            // check that FeatureParams is null
            if (FeatureParams != 0)
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureTable_E_FeatureParams_nonnull, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            // check LookupListIndex array length
            if (m_offsetFeatureTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.LookupListIndexArray + LookupCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureTable_E_LookupListIndexArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            if (bRet)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_FeatureTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (ClassFormat == 1)
                ClassDefFormat1_val cdf1 = GetClassDefFormat1_val();
                bRet &= cdf1.Validate(v, sIdentity + "(Fmt1)", table);
            else if (ClassFormat == 2)
                ClassDefFormat2_val cdf2 = GetClassDefFormat2_val();
                bRet &= cdf2.Validate(v, sIdentity + "(Fmt2)", table);
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ClassDefinitionTable_E_Format, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", format = " + ClassFormat.ToString());
                bRet = false;

            // way too many ClassDefTables to justify this pass message
            //if (bRet)
            //    v.Pass("_OTL_ClassDefinitionTable_P_valid", table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            // check StartSize for unreasonable values
            if (StartSize > 16384)
                v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._OTL_DeviceTable_W_StartSize, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", StartSize = " + StartSize);

            // check EndSize for unreasonable values
            if (EndSize > 16384)
                v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._OTL_DeviceTable_W_EndSize, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", EndSize = " + EndSize);

            // check that StartSize <= EndSize
            if (StartSize > EndSize)
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_DeviceTable_E_sizes, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            // check DeltaFormat is 1, 2, 3, or VARIATION_INDEX
            if ((DeltaFormat < 1 || DeltaFormat > 3) && (DeltaFormat != 0x8000))
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_DeviceTable_E_DeltaFormat, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", DeltaFormat = " + DeltaFormat);
                bRet = false;
                if (DeltaFormat >= 1 || DeltaFormat <= 3)
                    // check that DeltaValue array doesn't extend past the end of the table
                    int nSizes         = EndSize - StartSize + 1;
                    int nValuesPerUint = 16 >> DeltaFormat;
                    int nUints         = nSizes / nValuesPerUint;
                    if (nSizes % nValuesPerUint != 0)
                    if (m_offsetDeviceTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.DeltaValueArray + nUints > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_DeviceTable_E_DeltaValueArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                        bRet = false;
                // TODO: VARIATION_INDEX check

            // way too many device tables to justify this pass message
            //if (bRet)
            //    v.Pass("_OTL_DeviceTable_P_valid", table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 10
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable tableOwner)
                bool bOk = true;

                // ???
                // ??? are there any values that are invalid ???
                // ???

Exemplo n.º 11
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_GDEF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetLigCaretListTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                if (CoverageOffset == 0)
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigCaretListTable_CoverageOffset_0, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                else if (CoverageOffset > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigCaretListTable_CoverageOffset_invalid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.GDEF_P_LigCaretListTable_CoverageOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    CoverageTable_val ct = GetCoverageTable_val();
                    ct.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", Coverage", table);

                if (m_offsetLigCaretListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.LigGlyphOffsets + LigGlyphCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigCaretListTable_LigGlyphArray_PastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

                bool bOffsetsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < LigGlyphCount; i++)
                    if (m_offsetLigCaretListTable + GetLigGlyphOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigCaretListTable_LigGlyphOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                        LigGlyphTable_val lgt = GetLigGlyphTable_val(i);
                        lgt.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", LigGlyph[" + i + "]", table);
                if (bOffsetsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.GDEF_P_LigCaretListTable_LigGlyphArray, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 12
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetBaseScriptListTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                bool bOrderOk = true;

                if (BaseScriptCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < BaseScriptCount - 1; i++)
                        BaseScriptRecord ThisBsr = GetBaseScriptRecord(i);
                        BaseScriptRecord NextBsr = GetBaseScriptRecord(i + 1);
                        if (ThisBsr.BaseScriptTag >= NextBsr.BaseScriptTag)
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseScriptList_Order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                            bOrderOk = false;
                            bRet     = false;
                if (bOrderOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseScriptList_Order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                bool bOffsetsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseScriptCount; i++)
                    BaseScriptRecord bsr = GetBaseScriptRecord(i);
                    if (bsr.BaseScriptOffset + m_offsetBaseScriptListTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseScriptList_Offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                if (bOffsetsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseScriptList_Offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseScriptCount; i++)
                    BaseScriptRecord    bsr = GetBaseScriptRecord(i);
                    BaseScriptTable_val bst = GetBaseScriptTable_val(bsr);
                    bst.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", BaseScriptRecord[" + i + "](" + bsr.BaseScriptTag + ")", table);

Exemplo n.º 13
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                if (m_offsetClassDefFormat1 + (uint)FieldOffsets.ClassValueArray + GlyphCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ClassDefinitionTable_E_GlyphArrayPastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public new OTTable GetTable(OTTag tag)
            OTTable table = null;

            // find the directory entry in this font that matches the tag
            DirectoryEntry de = GetDirectoryEntry(tag);

            if (de != null)
                // get the table from the table manager
                table = GetFile().GetTableManager().GetTable(this, de);

Exemplo n.º 15
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetBaseTagListTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                bool bTagsValid = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseTagCount; i++)
                    OTTag BaselineTag = GetBaselineTag(i);
                    if (!BaselineTag.IsValid())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseTagList_TagValid, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", tag = 0x" + ((uint)BaselineTag).ToString("x8"));
                        bTagsValid = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                if (bTagsValid)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseTagList_TagValid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                bool bOrderOk = true;

                if (BaseTagCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < BaseTagCount - 1; i++)
                        OTTag ThisTag = GetBaselineTag(i);
                        OTTag NextTag = GetBaselineTag(i + 1);
                        if (ThisTag >= NextTag)
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseTagList_TagOrder, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                            bOrderOk = false;
                            bRet     = false;
                if (bOrderOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseTagList_TagOrder, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet          = true;
            bool bLookupListOk = true;

            // check that the Lookup array doesn't extend past end of table
            if (m_offsetLookupListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.LookupArray + LookupCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupListTable_E_LookupArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bLookupListOk = false;
                bRet          = false;

            // check that each offset is within the table
            for (uint i = 0; i < LookupCount; i++)
                if (m_offsetLookupListTable + GetLookupOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupListTable_E_Lookup_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", Lookup[" + i + "]");
                    bLookupListOk = false;
                    bRet          = false;

            // validate each lookup table
            for (uint i = 0; i < LookupCount; i++)
                LookupTable_val lt = GetLookupTable_val(i);
                if (lt != null)
                    bRet &= lt.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", Lookup[" + i + "]", table);
                    bLookupListOk = false;
                    bRet          = false;

            if (bLookupListOk)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_LookupListTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 17
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetBaseCoordTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                if (BaseCoordFormat == 1 || BaseCoordFormat == 2 || BaseCoordFormat == 3)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseCoordTable_format, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseCoordTable_format, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", format = " + BaseCoordFormat);

Exemplo n.º 18
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetAxisTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                if (BaseTagListOffset == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_AxisTable_BaseTagListOffset_null, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                else if (BaseTagListOffset + m_offsetAxisTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_AxisTable_BaseTagListOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_AxisTable_BaseTagListOffset_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    BaseTagListTable_val btlt = GetBaseTagListTable_val();
                    btlt.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

                if (BaseScriptListOffset == 0)
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_AxisTable_BaseScriptListOffset_null, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                else if (BaseScriptListOffset + m_offsetAxisTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_AxisTable_BaseScriptListOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_AxisTable_BaseScriptListOffset_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    BaseScriptListTable_val bslt = GetBaseScriptListTable_val();
                    bslt.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

Exemplo n.º 19
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                // check that ClassRangeRecord array doesn't extend past end of table
                if (m_offsetClassDefFormat2 + (uint)FieldOffsets.ClassRangeRecordArray + ClassRangeCount * 6 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ClassDefinitionTable_E_RangeRecordArrayPastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

                // check that ClassRangeRecord array is in sorted order
                if (ClassRangeCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < ClassRangeCount - 1; i++)
                        ClassRangeRecord ThisCrr = GetClassRangeRecord(i);
                        ClassRangeRecord NextCrr = GetClassRangeRecord(i + 1);
                        if (ThisCrr.Start >= NextCrr.Start)
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ClassDefinitionTable_E_RangeRecordArray_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                            bRet = false;

                            // temporary debug code

                             * v.DebugMsg("ClassRangeCount = " + ClassRangeCount, tag);
                             * for (uint j=0; j<ClassRangeCount; j++)
                             * {
                             *  ClassRangeRecord crr = GetClassRangeRecord(j);
                             *  v.DebugMsg("ClassRangeRecord[" + j + "].Start = " + crr.Start, tag);
                             * }


Exemplo n.º 20
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_GDEF)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetLigGlyphTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                if (m_offsetLigGlyphTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.CaretValueOffsets + CaretCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigGlyphTable_CaretValueArray_PastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

                bool bOffsetsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < CaretCount; i++)
                    if (m_offsetLigGlyphTable + GetCaretValueOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_LigGlyphTable_CaretValueOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                if (bOffsetsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.GDEF_P_LigGlyphTable_CaretValueArray, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                for (uint i = 0; i < CaretCount; i++)
                    CaretValueTable cvt = GetCaretValueTable(i);
                    if (cvt.CaretValueFormat < 1 || cvt.CaretValueFormat > 3)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.GDEF_E_CaretValueTable_Format, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", CaretValue[" + i + "], format = " + cvt.CaretValueFormat);
                        bRet = false;

Exemplo n.º 21
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetBaseValuesTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check BaseCoord offsets
                bool bOffsetsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseCoordCount; i++)
                    ushort bco = GetBaseCoordOffset(i);
                    if (bco == 0)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseValuesTable_BCO_0, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", BaseCoordOffset index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                    else if (bco + m_offsetBaseValuesTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseValuesTable_BCO_invalid, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", BaseCoordOffset index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                if (bOffsetsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseValuesTable_BCO, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the BaseCoord tables
                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseCoordCount; i++)
                    BaseCoordTable_val bct = GetBaseCoordTable_val(i);
                    bct.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (sIdentity.EndsWith("(size), FeatureTable") ||
                sIdentity.Contains("(cv") ||
                sIdentity.Contains("(ss0") || // avoid matching "ssty"
                sIdentity.Contains("(ss1") ||
                // The "size", "cvNN" and "ssNN" features are special in having non-null FeatureParams

                // TODO
                // check that FeatureParams is null
                if (FeatureParams != 0)
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureTable_E_FeatureParams_nonnull, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;

            // check LookupListIndex array length
            if (m_offsetFeatureTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.LookupListIndexArray + LookupCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureTable_E_LookupListIndexArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            if (bRet)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_FeatureTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            if (LookupOrder != 0)
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LangSysTable_E_LookupOrder, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            if (m_offsetLangSysTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.FeatureIndexArray + FeatureCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LangSysTable_E_FeatureIndexArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            if (bRet)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_LangSysTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 24
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetBaseScriptTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check the BaseValuesOffset
                if (BaseValuesOffset == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseValuesOffset_null, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                else if (BaseValuesOffset + m_offsetBaseScriptTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseValuesOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseValuesOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the DefaultMinMaxOffset
                if (DefaultMinMaxOffset == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_DefaultMinMaxOffset_null, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                else if (DefaultMinMaxOffset + m_offsetBaseScriptTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_DefaultMinMaxOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_DefaultMinMaxOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the BaseLangSysRecord order
                bool bOrderOk = true;

                if (BaseLangSysCount > 1)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < BaseLangSysCount - 1; i++)
                        BaseLangSysRecord ThisBlsr = GetBaseLangSysRecord(i);
                        BaseLangSysRecord NextBlsr = GetBaseLangSysRecord(i + 1);
                        if (ThisBlsr.BaseLangSysTag >= NextBlsr.BaseLangSysTag)
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseLangSysRecord_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                            bOrderOk = false;
                            bRet     = false;
                if (bOrderOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseLangSysRecord_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the BaseLangSysRecord MinMaxOffsets
                bool bOffsetsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseLangSysCount; i++)
                    BaseLangSysRecord bslr = GetBaseLangSysRecord(i);
                    if (bslr.MinMaxOffset == 0)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseLangSysRecord_offset0, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", BaseLangSysRecord index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                    else if (bslr.MinMaxOffset + m_offsetBaseScriptTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_BaseLangSysRecord_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", BaseLangSysRecord index = " + i);
                        bOffsetsOk = false;
                        bRet       = false;
                if (bOffsetsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_BaseLangSysRecord_offsets, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the BaseValuesTable
                if (BaseValuesOffset != 0)
                    BaseValuesTable_val bvt = GetBaseValuesTable_val();
                    bvt.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

                // check the Default MinMaxTable
                if (DefaultMinMaxOffset != 0)
                    MinMaxTable_val mmt = GetDefaultMinMaxTable_val();
                    mmt.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", default MinMax", table);

                // check the BaseLangSysRecord MinMaxTables
                for (uint i = 0; i < BaseLangSysCount; i++)
                    BaseLangSysRecord blsr = GetBaseLangSysRecord(i);
                    MinMaxTable_val   mmt  = GetMinMaxTable_val(blsr);
                    mmt.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", BaseLangSysRecord[" + i + "]", table);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            // check the LookupType
            if (((string)table.m_tag == "GPOS") && LookupType > 9 ||
                ((string)table.m_tag == "GSUB" && LookupType > 8))
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupTable_E_LookupType, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", LookupType = " + LookupType);
                bRet = false;

            // check LookupFlag reserved bits are clear
            if ((LookupFlag & 0x00f0) != 0)
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupTable_E_LookupFlag_reserved, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            // check Subtable offset array doesn't extend past end of table
            if (m_offsetLookupTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.SubTableOffsetArray + SubTableCount * 2 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupTable_E_SubtableArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bRet = false;

            // check Subtable offsets don't point past end of table
            for (uint i = 0; i < SubTableCount; i++)
                // verify that the subtable offset is accessible, if not error was already reported
                if (m_offsetLookupTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.SubTableOffsetArray + i * 2 + 2 <= m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    if (m_offsetLookupTable + GetSubTableOffset(i) > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_LookupTable_E_SubtableArray_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", SubTable[" + i + "]");
                        bRet = false;

            // way too many lookup tables to justify this pass message
            //if (bRet)
            //    v.Pass("_OTL_LookupTable_P_valid", table.m_tag, sIdentity);

            // validate each subtable
            for (uint i = 0; i < SubTableCount; i++)
                // verify that the subtable offset is accessible, if not error was already reported
                if (m_offsetLookupTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.SubTableOffsetArray + i * 2 + 2 <= m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    // verify subtable offset is valid
                    if (m_offsetLookupTable + GetSubTableOffset(i) <= m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        SubTable st = GetSubTable(i);
                        if (st != null)
                            I_OTLValidate iv = (I_OTLValidate)st;
                            bRet &= iv.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", SubTable[" + i + "]", table);
                            v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, table.m_tag, "unable to validate subtable: " + sIdentity + ", SubTable[" + i + "]");
                        v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._TEST_W_OtherErrorsInTable, table.m_tag, "unable to validate subtable: " + sIdentity + ", SubTable[" + i + "]");

Exemplo n.º 26
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            bool bScriptTableOk = true;

            // check the DefaultLangSys offset
            if (DefaultLangSysOffset != 0)
                if (m_offsetScriptTable + DefaultLangSysOffset > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptTable_E_DefaultLangSysOffset, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bScriptTableOk = false;
                    bRet           = false;
                    // check the DefaultLangSys table
                    LangSysTable_val lst = GetDefaultLangSysTable_val();
                    bRet &= lst.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", DefaultLangSysTable", table);

            // check the LansgSysRecord array length
            if (m_offsetScriptTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.LangSysRecord + LangSysCount * 6 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptTable_E_LangSysRecordArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bScriptTableOk = false;
                bRet           = false;

            // check that the LangSysRecord array is sorted alphabetically
            if (LangSysCount > 1)
                for (uint i = 0; i < LangSysCount - 1; i++)
                    LangSysRecord ThisLsr = GetLangSysRecord(i);
                    LangSysRecord NextLsr = GetLangSysRecord(i + 1);
                    if (ThisLsr.LangSysTag >= NextLsr.LangSysTag)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptTable_E_LangSysRecordArray_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                        bScriptTableOk = false;
                        bRet           = false;

            // check each LangSysRecord
            for (uint i = 0; i < LangSysCount; i++)
                LangSysRecord lsr = GetLangSysRecord(i);

                // check the tag
                if (!lsr.LangSysTag.IsValid())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptTable_E_LangSysRecord_tag, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", LangSysRecord[" + i + "]");
                    bScriptTableOk = false;
                    bRet           = false;

                // check the offset
                if (m_offsetScriptTable + lsr.LangSysOffset > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptTable_E_LangSysRecord_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", LangSysRecord[" + i + "]");
                    bScriptTableOk = false;
                    bRet           = false;

                // validate the langsys table
                LangSysTable_val lst = GetLangSysTable_val(lsr);
                bRet &= lst.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", LangSysRecord[" + i + "], LangSysTable", table);

            if (bScriptTableOk)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_ScriptTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Exemplo n.º 27
         * public methods

        public bool Validate()
            bool bRet = true;
            int  canrast;

            Validator v = GetFile().GetValidator();

            if (v.PerformTest(T._OFFSET_sfntVersion))
                uint sfnt = m_OffsetTable.sfntVersion.GetUint();
                if (!OTFile.IsValidSfntVersion(sfnt))
                    v.Error(T._OFFSET_sfntVersion, E._OFFSET_E_InvalidSFNT, null, "0x" + sfnt.ToString("x8"));
                    bRet = false;

            if (v.PerformTest(T._OFFSET_numTables))
                if (m_OffsetTable.numTables == 0)
                    v.Error(T._OFFSET_numTables, E._OFFSET_E_numTables, null);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T._OFFSET_numTables, P._OFFSET_P_numTables, null, m_OffsetTable.numTables.ToString());

            if (v.PerformTest(T._OFFSET_BinarySearchFields))
                ushort numTables               = m_OffsetTable.numTables;
                ushort CalculatedSearchRange   = (ushort)(util.MaxPower2LE(numTables) * 16);
                ushort CalculatedEntrySelector = util.Log2(util.MaxPower2LE(numTables));
                ushort CalculatedRangeShift    = (ushort)(numTables * 16 - CalculatedSearchRange);

                bool bBinaryFieldsOk = true;

                if (m_OffsetTable.searchRange != CalculatedSearchRange)
                    v.Error(T._OFFSET_BinarySearchFields, E._OFFSET_E_searchRange, null, m_OffsetTable.searchRange.ToString());
                    bBinaryFieldsOk = false;
                    bRet            = false;
                if (m_OffsetTable.entrySelector != CalculatedEntrySelector)
                    v.Error(T._OFFSET_BinarySearchFields, E._OFFSET_E_entrySelector, null, m_OffsetTable.entrySelector.ToString());
                    bBinaryFieldsOk = false;
                    bRet            = false;
                if (m_OffsetTable.rangeShift != CalculatedRangeShift)
                    v.Error(T._OFFSET_BinarySearchFields, E._OFFSET_E_rangeShift, null, m_OffsetTable.rangeShift.ToString());
                    bBinaryFieldsOk = false;
                    bRet            = false;

                if (bBinaryFieldsOk)
                    v.Pass(T._OFFSET_BinarySearchFields, P._OFFSET_P_BinarySearchTables, null);

            bRet &= CheckDirectoryEntriesNonZero(v);

            bRet &= CheckTablesInFileAndNotOverlapping(v);

            bRet &= CheckNoDuplicateTags(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._DE_TagsAscendingOrder))
                bRet &= CheckTagsAscending(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._DE_TagNames))
                bRet &= CheckTagNames(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._DE_TableAlignment))
                bRet &= CheckTableAlignment(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._FONT_RequiredTables))
                bRet &= CheckForRequiredTables(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._FONT_RecommendedTables))
                bRet &= CheckForRecommendedTables(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._FONT_UnnecessaryTables))
                bRet &= CheckForNoUnnecessaryTables(v);

            if (v.PerformTest(T._FONT_OptimalTableOrder))
                bRet &= CheckForOptimalTableOrder(v);

            // Validate each table

            if (m_OffsetTable != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_OffsetTable.DirectoryEntries.Count; i++)
                    // check to see if user canceled validation
                    if (v.CancelFlag)

                    // get the table
                    DirectoryEntry de    = (DirectoryEntry)m_OffsetTable.DirectoryEntries[i];
                    OTTable        table = GetFile().GetTableManager().GetTable(this, de);

                    // Will it really happen?
                    if (GetFile().GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(de.tag) == "DSIG" && GetFile().IsCollection())

                    if (GetFile().GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(de.tag) == "glyf" &&
                        v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.glyf_I_IDENTICAL_GLYF_TABLES_IN_TTC, de.tag, "glyf");

                    if (GetFile().GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(de.tag) == "EBDT" &&
                        v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.glyf_I_IDENTICAL_GLYF_TABLES_IN_TTC, de.tag, "EBDT");

                    // Call the function that validates a single table
                    bRet &= this.GetFile().ValidateTable(table, v, de, this);

            canrast = TestFontRasterization();
            ushort numGlyphs = GetMaxpNumGlyphs();

            // rasterization test - BW

            if (v.PeformRastTest_BW() && Is_TTC_LaterIdenticalTable("glyf"))
                v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.glyf_I_IDENTICAL_GLYF_TABLES_IN_TTC, null, "B/W Rasterization");
            if (v.PeformRastTest_BW())
                if (canrast > 0)
                        // fetch the rasterizer object and initialize it with this font
                        RasterInterf ri = GetFile().GetRasterizer();
                        ri.RasterNewSfnt(GetFile().GetFileStream(), GetFontIndexInFile());

                        // call the rasterizer
                        RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate upg  = new RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate(v.OnTableProgress);
                        RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate  rted = new RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate(v.OnRastTestError);
                        int               x          = v.GetRastTestXRes();
                        int               y          = v.GetRastTestYRes();
                        int []            pointsizes = v.GetRastTestPointSizes();
                        RastTestTransform rtt        = v.GetRastTestTransform();
                        bRet &= ri.RastTest(
                            x, y, pointsizes,
                            rtt.stretchX, rtt.stretchY, rtt.rotation, rtt.skew, rtt.matrix,
                            true, false, false, 0,
                            rted, upg, numGlyphs);
                        if (ri.GetRastErrorCount() == 0)
                            v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._rast_P_rasterization, null);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        v.ApplicationError(T.T_NULL, E._rast_A_ExceptionUnhandled, null, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                else if (canrast == 0)
                    v.Info(T.T_NULL, I._rast_I_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._rast_E_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    bRet = false;
                v.Info(I._TEST_I_RastTestNotSelected, null);

            // rasterization test - Grayscale

            if (v.PeformRastTest_Grayscale() && Is_TTC_LaterIdenticalTable("glyf"))
                v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.glyf_I_IDENTICAL_GLYF_TABLES_IN_TTC, null, "Grayscale Rasterization");
            if (v.PeformRastTest_Grayscale())
                if (canrast > 0)
                        // fetch the rasterizer object and initialize it with this font
                        RasterInterf ri = GetFile().GetRasterizer();
                        ri.RasterNewSfnt(GetFile().GetFileStream(), GetFontIndexInFile());

                        // call the rasterizer
                        RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate upg  = new RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate(v.OnTableProgress);
                        RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate  rted = new RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate(v.OnRastTestError);
                        int               x          = v.GetRastTestXRes();
                        int               y          = v.GetRastTestYRes();
                        int []            pointsizes = v.GetRastTestPointSizes();
                        RastTestTransform rtt        = v.GetRastTestTransform();
                        bRet &= ri.RastTest(
                            x, y, pointsizes,
                            rtt.stretchX, rtt.stretchY, rtt.rotation, rtt.skew, rtt.matrix,
                            false, true, false, 0,
                            rted, upg, numGlyphs);
                        if (ri.GetRastErrorCount() == 0)
                            v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._rast_P_rasterization, null);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        v.ApplicationError(T.T_NULL, E._rast_A_ExceptionUnhandled, null, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                else if (canrast == 0)
                    v.Info(T.T_NULL, I._rast_I_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._rast_E_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    bRet = false;
                v.Info(I._TEST_I_RastTestNotSelected, null);

            // rasterization test - Cleartype

            if (v.PeformRastTest_Cleartype() && Is_TTC_LaterIdenticalTable("glyf"))
                v.Info(T.T_NULL, I.glyf_I_IDENTICAL_GLYF_TABLES_IN_TTC, null, "Cleartype Rasterization");
            if (v.PeformRastTest_Cleartype())
                if (canrast > 0)
                        uint CTFlags = v.GetCleartypeFlags();

                        // fetch the rasterizer object and initialize it with this font
                        RasterInterf ri = GetFile().GetRasterizer();
                        ri.RasterNewSfnt(GetFile().GetFileStream(), GetFontIndexInFile());

                        // call the rasterizer
                        RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate upg  = new RasterInterf.UpdateProgressDelegate(v.OnTableProgress);
                        RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate  rted = new RasterInterf.RastTestErrorDelegate(v.OnRastTestError);
                        int               x          = v.GetRastTestXRes();
                        int               y          = v.GetRastTestYRes();
                        int []            pointsizes = v.GetRastTestPointSizes();
                        RastTestTransform rtt        = v.GetRastTestTransform();
                        bRet &= ri.RastTest(
                            x, y, pointsizes,
                            rtt.stretchX, rtt.stretchY, rtt.rotation, rtt.skew, rtt.matrix,
                            false, false, true, CTFlags,
                            rted, upg, numGlyphs);
                        if (ri.GetRastErrorCount() == 0)
                            v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._rast_P_rasterization, null);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        v.ApplicationError(T.T_NULL, E._rast_A_ExceptionUnhandled, null, e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                else if (canrast == 0)
                    v.Info(T.T_NULL, I._rast_I_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._rast_E_rasterization, null, GetDevMetricsDataError());
                    bRet = false;
                v.Info(I._TEST_I_RastTestNotSelected, null);

Exemplo n.º 28
            public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
                bool bRet = true;

                bRet &= ((val_BASE)table).ValidateNoOverlap(m_offsetMinMaxTable, CalcLength(), v, sIdentity, table.GetTag());

                // check the MinCoordOffset
                if (MinCoordOffset == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_MinMaxTable_MinCO_0, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                else if (MinCoordOffset + m_offsetMinMaxTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_MinMaxTable_MinCO, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_MinMaxTable_MinCO, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the MaxCoordOffset
                if (MaxCoordOffset == 0)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_MinMaxTable_MaxCO_0, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                else if (MaxCoordOffset + m_offsetMinMaxTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_MinMaxTable_MaxCO, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                    bRet = false;
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_MinMaxTable_MaxCO, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the FeatMinMaxRecords
                bool bFeatMinMaxRecordsOk = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < FeatMinMaxCount; i++)
                    FeatMinMaxRecord fmmr = GetFeatMinMaxRecord(i);

                    if (fmmr != null)
                        if (fmmr.MinCoordOffset + m_offsetMinMaxTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_FeatMinMaxRecords_MinCO_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", FeatMinMaxRecord[" + i + "]");
                            bFeatMinMaxRecordsOk = false;
                            bRet = false;

                        if (fmmr.MaxCoordOffset + m_offsetMinMaxTable > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                            v.Error(T.T_NULL, E.BASE_E_FeatMinMaxRecords_MaxCO_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", FeatMinMaxRecord[" + i + "]");
                            bFeatMinMaxRecordsOk = false;
                            bRet = false;
                        bFeatMinMaxRecordsOk = false;
                if (bFeatMinMaxRecordsOk)
                    v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P.BASE_P_FeatMinMaxRecords_offsets, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

                // check the BaseCoord Tables
                BaseCoordTable_val bct = null;

                bct = GetMinCoordTable_val();
                if (bct != null)
                    bct.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

                bct = GetMaxCoordTable_val();
                if (bct != null)
                    bct.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);
                for (uint i = 0; i < FeatMinMaxCount; i++)
                    FeatMinMaxRecord fmmr = GetFeatMinMaxRecord(i);

                    bct = GetFeatMinCoordTable_val(fmmr);
                    if (bct != null)
                        bct.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

                    bct = GetFeatMaxCoordTable_val(fmmr);
                    if (bct != null)
                        bct.Validate(v, sIdentity, table);

Exemplo n.º 29
         * public methods

        public override OTTable CreateTableObject(OTTag tag, MBOBuffer buf)
            OTTable table = null;

            string sName = GetUnaliasedTableName(tag);

            switch (sName)
            case "BASE": table = new val_BASE(tag, buf); break;

            case "CFF ": table = new val_CFF(tag, buf); break;

            case "cmap": table = new val_cmap(tag, buf); break;

            case "cvt ": table = new val_cvt(tag, buf); break;

            case "DSIG": table = new val_DSIG(tag, buf); break;

            case "EBDT": table = new val_EBDT(tag, buf); break;

            case "EBLC": table = new val_EBLC(tag, buf); break;

            case "EBSC": table = new val_EBSC(tag, buf); break;

            case "fpgm": table = new val_fpgm(tag, buf); break;

            case "gasp": table = new val_gasp(tag, buf); break;

            case "GDEF": table = new val_GDEF(tag, buf); break;

            case "glyf": table = new val_glyf(tag, buf); break;

            case "GPOS": table = new val_GPOS(tag, buf); break;

            case "GSUB": table = new val_GSUB(tag, buf); break;

            case "hdmx": table = new val_hdmx(tag, buf); break;

            case "head": table = new val_head(tag, buf); break;

            case "hhea": table = new val_hhea(tag, buf); break;

            case "hmtx": table = new val_hmtx(tag, buf); break;

            case "JSTF": table = new val_JSTF(tag, buf); break;

            case "kern": table = new val_kern(tag, buf); break;

            case "loca": table = new val_loca(tag, buf); break;

            case "LTSH": table = new val_LTSH(tag, buf); break;

            case "maxp": table = new val_maxp(tag, buf); break;

            case "name": table = new val_name(tag, buf); break;

            case "OS/2": table = new val_OS2(tag, buf); break;

            case "PCLT": table = new val_PCLT(tag, buf); break;

            case "post": table = new val_post(tag, buf); break;

            case "prep": table = new val_prep(tag, buf); break;

            case "VDMX": table = new val_VDMX(tag, buf); break;

            case "vhea": table = new val_vhea(tag, buf); break;

            case "vmtx": table = new val_vmtx(tag, buf); break;

            case "VORG": table = new val_VORG(tag, buf); break;
            //case "Zapf": table = new val_Zapf(tag, buf); break;

            default: table = new val__Unknown(tag, buf); break;

Exemplo n.º 30
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet = true;

            bool bFeatureListOk = true;

            // check the FeatureRecord array length
            if (m_offsetFeatureListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.FeatureRecordArray + FeatureCount * 6 > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureListTable_E_FeatureRecordArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bFeatureListOk = false;
                bRet           = false;

            // check that the FeatureRecord array is sorted alphabetically
            if (FeatureCount > 1)
                for (uint i = 0; i < FeatureCount - 1; i++)
                    FeatureRecord frCurr = GetFeatureRecord(i);
                    FeatureRecord frNext = GetFeatureRecord(i + 1);
                    if (frCurr.FeatureTag > frNext.FeatureTag)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureListTable_E_FeatureRecordArray_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                        bFeatureListOk = false;
                        bRet           = false;

            // check each FeatureRecord
            for (uint i = 0; i < FeatureCount; i++)
                FeatureRecord fr = GetFeatureRecord(i);
                if (fr != null)
                    // check tag
                    if (!fr.FeatureTag.IsValid())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureListTable_E_FeatureRecord_tag, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", FeatureRecord[" + i + "]");
                        bFeatureListOk = false;
                        bRet           = false;
                    else if (!IsKnownFeatureTag(fr.FeatureTag))
                        v.Warning(T.T_NULL, W._OTL_FeatureListTable_W_FeatureRecord_tag, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", FeatureRecord[" + i + "], tag = '" + fr.FeatureTag + "'");

                    // check offset
                    if (m_offsetFeatureListTable + fr.FeatureTableOffset > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_FeatureListTable_E_FeatureRecord_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", FeatureRecord[" + i + "]");
                        bFeatureListOk = false;
                        bRet           = false;
                        // validate the feature table
                        FeatureTable_val ft = GetFeatureTable_val(fr);
                        bRet &= ft.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", FeatureRecord[" + i + "]" + "(" + (string)fr.FeatureTag + ")" + ", FeatureTable", table);
                    bFeatureListOk = false;
                    bRet           = false;

            if (bFeatureListOk)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_FeatureListTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
