Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CheckToUpdateItemSets()
            // For now, only check for OPGG until we support more build sources
            string opggVersion  = OPGG.GetVersion();
            string localVersion = Properties.Settings.Default.LocalItemsVersion;

            bool shouldUpdate = VersionUtil.ShouldUpdateItemSet(opggVersion, localVersion);

            if (shouldUpdate)
                ShowInfoMessageBox("Outdated item sets", "Your item sets are outdated compared to current OP.GG version.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task ImportItemSetsAsync()
            // Fetch configuration
            var config = new ConfigurationViewModel
                ApplicationPrefixName = Properties.Settings.Default.AppPrefixName,
                LoLDirectory          = Properties.Settings.Default.LoLDirectory,
                RemoveOutdatedItems   = IsCheckedRemoveOutdated,
                ShowSkillsOrder       = IsCheckedShowSkillOrders,
                DownloadAramBuilds    = IsCheckedDownloadAramBuilds

            // Start generation
            if (IsCheckedSourceOPGG)
                var opggGenerator = new ItemSetGenerator <OPGG>(config, Log, UpdateProgressBar);

                    List <ChampionViewModel> failedChampions = await opggGenerator.GenerateItemSetForAllChampionsAsync(CancelTokenSource.Token);

                    // Update local version with OPGG version for now
                    Properties.Settings.Default.LocalItemsVersion = OPGG.GetVersion();

                    string msgInfoBox = "Your item sets have been imported.";
                    if (failedChampions.Count > 0)
                        msgInfoBox += "\nHowever, these champions didn't do really well:";
                        failedChampions.ForEach(champion => msgInfoBox += $"\n-> {champion.Name}");

                    ShowInfoMessageBox("Import completed", msgInfoBox);
                catch (OperationCanceledException ex) when(ex.CancellationToken == CancelTokenSource.Token)
                    // Log that operation has been cancelled
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
                    pbProgress.Value = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task ShowAllVersionsAsync()
            // TODO: Find better way to fetch version?
            OPGG = new OPGG();
            Task <LoLStore> taskLoLStore = StoreManager <LoLStore> .GetAsync();

            Task taskInitOpgg = OPGG.InitAsync("annie");

            await Task.WhenAll(taskLoLStore, taskInitOpgg);

            // Local version
            string localItemsVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.LocalItemsVersion)
                ? "None"
                : Properties.Settings.Default.LocalItemsVersion;

            if (grpMetadata.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                lblLoLVersion.Content        = $"LoL version: {taskLoLStore.Result.Version}";
                lblOPGGVersion.Content       = $"OP.GG version: {OPGG.GetVersion()}";
                lblLocalItemsVersion.Content = $"Local items version: {localItemsVersion}";