Exemplo n.º 1
        private void HandleOperationResponseData(HttpWebResponse response, Stream responseStream)
            Version       version;
            Func <Stream> getResponseStream     = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = WebUtil.WrapResponseHeaders(response);
            Descriptor        descriptor        = base.ChangedEntries[base.entryIndex];
            MaterializerEntry entry             = null;
            Exception         exception         = BaseSaveResult.HandleResponse(base.RequestInfo, response.StatusCode, response.Headers["DataServiceVersion"], () => responseStream, false, out version);

            if (((responseStream != null) && (descriptor.DescriptorKind == DescriptorKind.Entity)) && (exception == null))
                EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = (EntityDescriptor)descriptor;
                if (((entityDescriptor.State == EntityStates.Added) || (entityDescriptor.StreamState == EntityStates.Added)) || ((entityDescriptor.State == EntityStates.Modified) || (entityDescriptor.StreamState == EntityStates.Modified)))
                        ResponseInfo responseInfo = base.CreateResponseInfo(entityDescriptor);
                        if (getResponseStream == null)
                            getResponseStream = () => responseStream;
                        HttpWebResponseMessage message = new HttpWebResponseMessage(response, getResponseStream);
                        entry = ODataReaderEntityMaterializer.ParseSingleEntityPayload(message, responseInfo, entityDescriptor.Entity.GetType());
                        entityDescriptor.TransientEntityDescriptor = entry.EntityDescriptor;
                    catch (Exception exception2)
                        exception = exception2;
                        if (!CommonUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(exception2))
            this.cachedResponses.Add(new CachedResponse(descriptor, headers, response.StatusCode, version, (entry != null) ? entry.Entry : null, exception));
            if (exception != null)
                descriptor.SaveError = exception;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the response payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseMsg">httpwebresponse instance.</param>
        /// <param name="responseStream">stream containing the response payload.</param>
        private void HandleOperationResponseData(IODataResponseMessage responseMsg, Stream responseStream)
            Debug.Assert(this.entryIndex >= 0 && this.entryIndex < this.ChangedEntries.Count, string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "this.entryIndex = '{0}', this.ChangedEntries.Count() = '{1}'", this.entryIndex, this.ChangedEntries.Count));

            // Parse the response
            Descriptor        current = this.ChangedEntries[this.entryIndex];
            MaterializerEntry entry   = default(MaterializerEntry);
            Version           responseVersion;
            Exception         exception = BaseSaveResult.HandleResponse(this.RequestInfo, (HttpStatusCode)responseMsg.StatusCode, responseMsg.GetHeader(XmlConstants.HttpODataVersion), () => { return(responseStream); }, false /*throwOnFailure*/, out responseVersion);

            var headers = new HeaderCollection(responseMsg);

            if (responseStream != null && current.DescriptorKind == DescriptorKind.Entity && exception == null)
                // Only process the response if the current resource is an entity and it's an insert or update scenario
                EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = (EntityDescriptor)current;

                // We were ignoring the payload for non-insert and non-update scenarios. We need to keep doing that.
                if (entityDescriptor.State == EntityStates.Added || entityDescriptor.StreamState == EntityStates.Added ||
                    entityDescriptor.State == EntityStates.Modified || entityDescriptor.StreamState == EntityStates.Modified)
                        ResponseInfo responseInfo           = this.CreateResponseInfo(entityDescriptor);
                        var          responseMessageWrapper = new HttpWebResponseMessage(
                            () => responseStream);

                        entry = ODataReaderEntityMaterializer.ParseSingleEntityPayload(responseMessageWrapper, responseInfo, entityDescriptor.Entity.GetType());
                        entityDescriptor.TransientEntityDescriptor = entry.EntityDescriptor;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        exception = ex;

                        if (!CommonUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(ex))

            this.cachedResponses.Add(new CachedResponse(

            if (exception != null)
                current.SaveError = exception;

                // DEVNOTE(pqian):
                // There are two possible scenario here:
                // 1. We are in the sync code path, and there's an in stream error on the server side, or there are bad xml thrown
                // 2. We are in the async code path, there's a error thrown on the server side (any error)
                // Ideally, we need to check whether we want to continue to the next changeset. (Call this.CheckContinueOnError)
                // However, in V1/V2, we did not do this. Thus we will always continue on error on these scenarios