private static Resource LookupOperation(string systemURL, NameValueCollection queryParam)
            CodeSystem codeSys = GetCodeSystem(TerminologyOperation.lookup, systemURL, queryParam);

            if (codeSys.Concept.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception(INVALID_CODE);

            string codeVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("code", queryParam);
            //string versionVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("version", queryParam);
            string propertyVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("property", queryParam);
            string languageVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("displayLanguage", queryParam);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageVal) && languageVal != "en-NZ")
                throw new Exception(UNSUPPORTED_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE);

            bool displayCode                = false;
            bool displaySystem              = false;
            bool displayVersion             = true;
            bool displayDisplay             = true;
            bool displayDefinition          = false;
            bool displayDesignation         = false;
            bool displayParents             = false;
            bool displayChildren            = false;
            bool displaySubstance           = false;
            bool displayInactive            = false;
            bool displayModuleId            = false;
            bool displaySufficientlyDefined = false;
            bool displayNf              = false;
            bool displayNfTerse         = false;
            bool displayAllAttributes   = false;
            bool displaySingleAttribute = false;
            bool displayTermType        = false;

            // standard properties...defined for all Code Systems

             * // The following properties are defined for all code systems:
             * // system, version, display, definition, designation, parent, child, and lang.X where X is a language code in a designation
             * // SCT properties
             * // inactive	boolean	Whether the code is active or not (defaults to false). This is derived from the active column in the Concept file of the RF2 Distribution (by inverting the value)
             * // sufficientlyDefined	boolean	True if the description logic definition of the concept includes sufficient conditions (i.e., if the concept is not primitive).
             * // moduleId	code	The SNOMED CT concept id of the module that the concept belongs to.
             * // normalForm	string	Generated Normal form expression for the provided code or expression, with terms
             * // normalFormTerse	string	Generated Normal form expression for the provided code or expression, conceptIds only
             * // In addition, any SNOMED CT relationships where the relationship type is subsumed by Attribute (246061005) automatically become properties. For example, laterality:
             * // Laterality	code	In this case, the URI (See the code system definition) is, which can be used to unambiguously map to the underlying concept

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyVal))
                string pvl = propertyVal.ToLower();
                displayCode   = (pvl.Contains("code"));
                displaySystem = (pvl.Contains("system"));
                //displayVersion = (pvl.Contains("version")); // always return code system version
                //displayDisplay = true;  // default true - don't see much point in looking up the code and not displaying its description! (otherwise use validate-code)
                displayDefinition          = (pvl.Contains("definition"));
                displayDesignation         = (pvl.Contains("designation"));
                displayParents             = (pvl.Contains("parent"));
                displayChildren            = (pvl.Contains("child"));
                displaySubstance           = (pvl.Contains("substance"));
                displayTermType            = (pvl.Contains("termtype"));
                displayInactive            = (pvl.Contains("inactive"));
                displaySufficientlyDefined = (pvl.Contains("sufficientlydefined"));
                displayModuleId            = (pvl.Contains("moduleid"));
                displayNfTerse             = (pvl.Contains("normalformterse"));
                displayNf            = (pvl.Contains("normalform") && !displayNfTerse);
                displayAllAttributes = (pvl.Contains(FhirSnomed.SCT_ATTRIBUTE_CONCEPT));
                if (!displayAllAttributes)
                    displaySingleAttribute = (pvl.Count(x => Char.IsDigit(x)) > 7);

            List <Coding> loincPropertyVals         = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> substanceCodeVals         = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> designationCodeVals       = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> childCodeVals             = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> parentCodeVals            = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> propertyCodeVals          = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> attributeCodeVals         = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> termTypeVals              = new List <Coding>();
            List <Coding> proximalPrimitiveCodeVals = new List <Coding>();

            // CodeSystem-specific actions

            if (systemURL == NzMt.URI)
                string nzulmType = codeSys.Concept[0].Definition;
                string mp_id     = codeSys.Concept[0].ElementId;
                if (displaySubstance)
                    substanceCodeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetConceptSubstanceDataByCode(mp_id, nzulmType);

            if (systemURL == FhirLoinc.URI)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyVal))
                    loincPropertyVals = LoincSearch.GetPropertiesByCode(codeVal, propertyVal.ToUpper());

            if (systemURL == FhirRxNorm.URI)
                if (displayTermType)
                    termTypeVals = RxNormSearch.GetPropertiesByCode(codeVal);

            if (systemURL == FhirSnomed.URI)
                displaySystem      = true;
                displayDesignation = true;
                displayInactive    = true;

                if (codeSys.Concept.Count > 0)
                    if (displayDesignation)
                        designationCodeVals = SnomedCtSearch.GetConceptDesignationsByCode(codeVal);

                    if (displayInactive || displayModuleId || displaySufficientlyDefined)
                        propertyCodeVals = SnomedCtSearch.GetConceptPropertiesByCode(codeVal);

                    if (displayChildren)
                        childCodeVals = SnomedCtSearch.GetChildCodes(codeVal);

                    if (displayParents)
                        parentCodeVals = SnomedCtSearch.GetParentCodes(codeVal);

                    if (displayAllAttributes || displaySingleAttribute)
                        List <Coding> acv = SnomedCtSearch.GetAttributes(codeVal);
                        if (displayAllAttributes)
                            attributeCodeVals = acv;
                            foreach (Coding cv in acv)
                                if (propertyVal.Contains(cv.Code))

            // build return parameters resource using default & requested properties
            Parameters param = new Parameters();

            if (codeSys.Concept != null)
                param.Add("name", codeSys.NameElement);

                foreach (CodeSystem.ConceptDefinitionComponent comp in codeSys.Concept)
                    if (displaySystem)
                        param.Add("system", codeSys.UrlElement);
                    if (displayVersion)
                        param.Add("version", codeSys.VersionElement);
                    if (displayCode)
                        param.Add("code", comp.CodeElement);
                    if (displayDisplay)
                        param.Add("display", comp.DisplayElement);

                foreach (Coding prop in loincPropertyVals)
                    // return all of them
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString(prop.Code)),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(prop.Display))
                    param.Add("property", tuples);

                foreach (Coding tty in termTypeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        //new Tuple<string, Base>("code", new FhirString(tty.Version)),
                        //new Tuple<string, Base>("value", new FhirString(FhirRxNorm.GetTermType(tty.Version))),
                        //new Tuple<string, Base>("description", new FhirString(tty.Display))
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("use", new Coding {
                            Display = FhirRxNorm.GetTermType(tty.Version), System = FhirRxNorm.URI, Code = tty.Version
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(tty.Display))
                    param.Add("termType", tuples);

                foreach (Coding desig in designationCodeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("use", new Coding {
                            Display = desig.System, System = FhirSnomed.URI, Code = FhirSnomed.GetDesignationTypeId(desig.System)
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(desig.Display))
                    param.Add("designation", tuples);

                foreach (Coding prop in propertyCodeVals)
                    if ((prop.Code == "inactive" && displayInactive) ||
                        (prop.Code == "sufficientlyDefined" && displaySufficientlyDefined) ||
                        (prop.Code == "moduleId" && displayModuleId))
                        List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                            new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString(prop.Code)),
                            new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(prop.Display))
                        param.Add("property", tuples);

                if (displayNf || displayNfTerse)
                    string nf = FhirSnomed.GetNormalFormDisplay(codeVal, displayNf);
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString(displayNf ? "normalForm" : "normalFormTerse")),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(nf))
                    param.Add("property", tuples);

                foreach (Coding subst in substanceCodeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("use", new Coding {
                            Display = subst.System
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subst.Code))
                        tuples.Add(new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString(subst.Code)));
                    tuples.Add(new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(subst.Display)));
                    param.Add("substance", tuples);

                foreach (Coding parent in parentCodeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString("Parent")),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(parent.Code)),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("description", new FhirString(parent.Display))
                    param.Add("property", tuples);

                foreach (Coding child in childCodeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new FhirString("Child")),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("value", new FhirString(child.Code)),
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("description", new FhirString(child.Display))
                    param.Add("property", tuples);

                foreach (Coding attrib in attributeCodeVals)
                    List <Tuple <string, Base> > tuples = new List <Tuple <string, Base> >
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("code", new Code {
                            Value = attrib.Code
                        new Tuple <string, Base>("valueCode", new Code {
                            Value = attrib.Display
                    param.Add("property", tuples);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void FillValues(TerminologyOperation termOp, string version, string code, string filter, string vsIdentifier, int offsetNo, int countNo)

            this.valueSet   = new ValueSet();
            this.codeSystem = new CodeSystem();

            this.valueSet.Id   = this.vsId;
            this.codeSystem.Id = "NZMT";

            this.codeSystem.CaseSensitive = false;
            this.codeSystem.Content       = CodeSystem.CodeSystemContentMode.NotPresent;
            this.codeSystem.Experimental  = false;
            this.codeSystem.Compositional = false;
            this.codeSystem.VersionNeeded = false;

            // Code System properties
            this.codeSystem.Property.Add(new CodeSystem.PropertyComponent {
                Code = "substance", Description = "The Generic Substance (Medicinal Product) & ingredient data relating to this Code.", Type = CodeSystem.PropertyType.Code

            // there is no Value Set that contains the whole of NZMT
            //this.codeSystem.ValueSet = "";

            this.valueSet.Url   = this.vsURL;
            this.codeSystem.Url = NzMt.URI;

            this.valueSet.Title   = this.vsTitle;
            this.codeSystem.Title = NzMt.TITLE;

            this.valueSet.Name   = this.valueSet.Id;
            this.codeSystem.Name = this.codeSystem.Id;

            this.valueSet.Description   = new Markdown(this.vsDescription);
            this.codeSystem.Description = new Markdown(NzMt.DESCRIPTION);

            this.valueSet.Version   = NzMt.CURRENT_VERSION;
            this.codeSystem.Version = NzMt.CURRENT_VERSION;

            this.valueSet.Experimental = true;

            this.valueSet.Status   = PublicationStatus.Active;
            this.codeSystem.Status = PublicationStatus.Active;

            this.valueSet.Date   = Hl7.Fhir.Model.Date.Today().Value;
            this.codeSystem.Date = Hl7.Fhir.Model.Date.Today().Value;

            this.valueSet.Publisher   = "Patients First Ltd";
            this.codeSystem.Publisher = "";

            this.valueSet.Copyright   = new Markdown("© 2010+ New Zealand Crown Copyright");
            this.codeSystem.Copyright = new Markdown("© 2010+ New Zealand Crown Copyright");

            ContactPoint cp = new ContactPoint {
                System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Email, Value = "*****@*****.**"
            ContactDetail cd = new ContactDetail();


            ValueSet.ConceptSetComponent cs = new ValueSet.ConceptSetComponent();
            ValueSet.ExpansionComponent  es = new ValueSet.ExpansionComponent();

            cs.System  = this.codeSystem.Url;
            cs.Version = this.codeSystem.Version;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vsIdentifier))
                cs.Filter.Add(new ValueSet.FilterComponent {
                    Property = "TermType", Op = FilterOperator.Equal, Value = vsIdentifier

            string codeCode       = string.Empty;
            string codeDisplay    = string.Empty;
            string codeDefinition = string.Empty;

            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) || version == cs.Version) && termOp != TerminologyOperation.define_cs)
                if (termOp != TerminologyOperation.define_vs)
                    List <Coding> codeVals = new List <Coding>();

                    if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.lookup || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code)
                        codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetNzmtCombinedByCode(code);
                        if (codeVals.Count > 0 || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code)
                            // create filter as need to subsequently check that it belongs in the passed Value Set
                            filter = codeVals[0].Display;

                    if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.expand || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code)
                        if (vsId.StartsWith("NZULM-PT-"))
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetNZULMPrescribingTerms(filter, vsId.Replace("NZULM-PT-", "").ToLower());
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-CTPP")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetContaineredTradeProductPackByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-MP")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-MPP")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductPackByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-MPUU")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetMedicinalProductUnitOfUseByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-TP")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-TPP")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductPackByTerm(filter);
                        else if (vsId == "NZULM-TPUU")
                            codeVals = NzUlmSearch.GetTradeProductUnitOfUseByTerm(filter);
                            throw new Exception(TerminologyValueSet.UNFOUND_VALUESET);

                    // filtering performed at DB Layer, so add all returned concepts
                    foreach (Coding codeVal in codeVals)
                        ValueSet.DesignationComponent desig = new ValueSet.DesignationComponent {
                            ElementId = "NZULM", Value = codeVal.Version
                        cs.Concept.Add(new ValueSet.ConceptReferenceComponent {
                            Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display
                        es.Contains.Add(new ValueSet.ContainsComponent {
                            Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display, System = cs.System
                        this.codeSystem.Concept.Add(new CodeSystem.ConceptDefinitionComponent {
                            Code = codeVal.Code, Display = codeVal.Display, Definition = codeVal.Version, ElementId = codeVal.ElementId

                    if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.expand || termOp == TerminologyOperation.validate_code)
                        this.valueSet = TerminologyValueSet.AddExpansion(this.valueSet, es, offsetNo, countNo);
                    else if (termOp == TerminologyOperation.define_vs)
                        this.valueSet.Compose = new ValueSet.ComposeComponent();
                    this.valueSet.Compose = new ValueSet.ComposeComponent();