Exemplo n.º 1
        private static string GenerateNvimUIEventArgs(
            IEnumerable <NvimUIEvent> uiEvents) =>
        string.Join("", uiEvents.Where(uiEvent => uiEvent.Parameters.Any())
                    .Select(uiEvent =>
            var eventName = StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(uiEvent.Name, true);
  public class {eventName}EventArgs : EventArgs
      string.Join("", uiEvent.Parameters.Select(param => {
        var type = NvimTypesMap.GetCSharpType(param.Type);
        var paramName = StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(param.Name, true);
        return $"    public {type} {paramName} {{ get; set; }}\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the types and attributes of plugin export parameters
        /// to be enumerated and simultaneously validated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeVisitors">
        /// A dictionary of handlers for the parameter types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="attributeVisitors">
        /// A dictionary of handlers for the parameter attributes.
        /// </param>
        protected void VisitParameters(
            IReadOnlyDictionary <Type, Action <int> > typeVisitors,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <Type, Action <int, object> > attributeVisitors)
            foreach (var param in Method.GetParameters()
                     .Select((param, index) =>
                Index = index,
                Type = param.ParameterType,
                Attributes = param.GetCustomAttributes()
                var isValidAPIType    = NvimTypesMap.IsValidType(param.Type);
                var isValidPluginType =
                    typeVisitors.TryGetValue(param.Type, out var visitor);
                if (!isValidAPIType && !isValidPluginType)
                    throw new Exception(
                              $"Plugin export has invalid parameter type \"{param.Type.Name}\"");

                if (visitor != null
                    // If there is not a visitor for the specific type,
                    // try to use the "object" visitor as a default
                    || typeVisitors.TryGetValue(typeof(object), out visitor))

                foreach (var attribute in param.Attributes)
                    if (attributeVisitors.TryGetValue(attribute.GetType(),
                                                      out var attributeVisitor))
                        attributeVisitor(param.Index, attribute);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static string GenerateNvimUIEventCalls(
            IEnumerable <NvimUIEvent> uiEvents) =>
        string.Join("", uiEvents.Select(uiEvent =>
            var camelCaseName = StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(uiEvent.Name, true);
            var eventArgs     = uiEvent.Parameters.Any()
          ? $@"new {camelCaseName}EventArgs
              string.Join(",\n", uiEvent.Parameters.Select((param, index) =>
                var name = StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(param.Name, true);
                var type = NvimTypesMap.GetCSharpType(param.Type);
                return $@"            {name} = ({type}) args[{index}]";
          : "EventArgs.Empty";
      case ""{uiEvent.Name}"":
          {camelCaseName}?.Invoke(this, {eventArgs});
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void TestCSharpTypeConversion(string nvimType, string csharpType)
     Assert.AreEqual(csharpType, NvimTypesMap.GetCSharpType(nvimType));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void TestNvimTypeValidation(Type type, bool shouldBeValid)
     Assert.AreEqual(shouldBeValid, NvimTypesMap.IsValidType(type));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static string GenerateNvimMethods(
            IEnumerable <NvimFunction> functions, string prefixToRemove,
            bool isVirtualMethod) =>
        string.Join("", functions.Select(function =>
            if (!function.Name.StartsWith(prefixToRemove))
                throw new Exception(
                    $"Function {function.Name} does not "
                    + $"have expected prefix \"{prefixToRemove}\"");

            FunctionDoc doc = null;
            _functionDocs?.TryGetValue(function.Name, out doc);
            var camelCaseName =
                    function.Name.Substring(prefixToRemove.Length), true);
            var sendAccess       = function.Method ? "_api." : string.Empty;
            var returnType       = NvimTypesMap.GetCSharpType(function.ReturnType);
            var genericTypeParam =
                returnType == "void" ? string.Empty : $"<{returnType}>";
            var parameters =
                (isVirtualMethod ? function.Parameters.Skip(1) : function.Parameters)
                .Select(param =>
                // Prefix every parameter name with the verbatim identifier `@`
                // to prevent them from being interpreted as keywords.
                // In the future, it might be worth considering adding a list
                // of all C# keywords and only adding the prefix to parameter
                // names that are in the list.
                Name = "@" + StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(param.Name, false)

          GetDocElement("summary", doc?.Summary).Concat(
              .Where(param =>
                function.Parameters.Any(p => p.Name == param.Name)
                && (!isVirtualMethod
                    || param.Name != function.Parameters.First().Name))
              .SelectMany(param =>
                GetDocElement("param", param.Description,
                    StringUtil.ConvertToCamelCase(param.Name, false)}"""))
            ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>()).Concat(
            GetDocElement("returns", doc?.Return)).Concat(
            GetDocElement("remarks", doc?.Notes)).Select(docLine => $@"
    /// {docLine}"))}
    public Task{genericTypeParam} {camelCaseName}({string.Join(", ",
          parameters.Select(param =>
            $"{NvimTypesMap.GetCSharpType(param.Type)} {param.Name}"))}) =>
      {sendAccess}SendAndReceive{genericTypeParam}(new NvimRequest
        Method = ""{function.Name}"",
        Arguments = GetRequestArguments(
          {string.Join(", ",
            (isVirtualMethod ? new[] {"_msgPackExtObj"} : Enumerable.Empty<string>())
            .Concat(parameters.Select(param => param.Name)))})