Exemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator GetNumerical()
        while (true)
            //old server: https://gemini-program.herokuapp.com/api/suit/recent
            UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("");  //New server from Test Week 2019
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                string jsonString = www.downloadHandler.text;
                jsonString    = jsonString.Replace('[', ' ').Replace(']', ' ');
                numericalData = JsonUtility.FromJson <NumericalTelemetry>(jsonString);

                int numComponents = 10; //Number of components

                SuitDataPoints[] suitDataPoints = new SuitDataPoints[numComponents];

                setSuitData(numericalData, suitDataPoints);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10));
Exemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator GetNumerical()
        while (true)
            //UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("https://nasa-bhitt.c9users.io/api/suit/recent");
            UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("https://gemini-program.herokuapp.com/api/suit/recent");
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                string jsonString = www.downloadHandler.text;
                jsonString = jsonString.Replace('[', ' ').Replace(']', ' ');
                //NumericalTelemetry numericalData = JsonUtility.FromJson<NumericalTelemetry>(jsonString);
                numericalData = JsonUtility.FromJson <NumericalTelemetry>(jsonString);

                //if time life battery is erroneous when received from server
                if (numericalData.t_battery[0] == '-')
                    numericalData.t_battery = "00:00:00";

                //check for negative time value
                if (numericalData.t_battery[0] == '-')
                    numericalData.t_battery = "00:00:00";

                int numComponents = 15;

                DataPoints [] dataPoints = new DataPoints[numComponents];

                setDataPoints(numericalData, dataPoints);
                for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.Length; i++)
                    Debug.Log(dataPoints[1].name + " : " + dataPoints[1].value + " " + dataPoints[1].unit);
                    if (dataPoints[i].status == 3)
                        //NotificationService.Issue(dataPoints[i].name, "has failed", 0);
            //make a request every 10 seconds
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10));
Exemplo n.º 3
 //Sets Suit Telemetry
 public void setSuitData(NumericalTelemetry data, SuitDataPoints[] dataPoints)
     dataPoints[0] = new SuitDataPoints("Sub Pressure", data.p_sub, "psia", 2.0f, 4.0f);
     dataPoints[1] = new SuitDataPoints("Sub Temperature", data.t_sub, "\u00B0F", 4f, 6f);
     dataPoints[2] = new SuitDataPoints("Fan Tachometer", data.v_fan, "RPM", 10000f, 40000f);
     dataPoints[3] = new SuitDataPoints("EVA Time", data.t_eva, "hh:mm:ss", 0, 36000);
     dataPoints[4] = new SuitDataPoints("Oxygen Pressure", data.p_o2, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[5] = new SuitDataPoints("Battery Capacity", data.cap_battery, "amp-hr", 0f, 30f);
     dataPoints[6] = new SuitDataPoints("H2O Gas Pressure", data.p_h2o_g, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[7] = new SuitDataPoints("H2O Liquid Pressure", data.p_h2o_l, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[8] = new SuitDataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Pressure", data.p_sop, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[9] = new SuitDataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Flow Rate", data.rate_sop, "psi/min", 0.5f, 1.0f);
Exemplo n.º 4
 //Sets Suit Telemetry
 public void setSuitData(NumericalTelemetry data, SuitDataPoints[] dataPoints)
     dataPoints[0]  = new SuitDataPoints("Heart Beats Per Minute", data.heart_bpm, "bpm", 85f, 90f);
     dataPoints[1]  = new SuitDataPoints("Sub Pressure", data.p_sub, "psia", 2.0f, 4.0f);
     dataPoints[2]  = new SuitDataPoints("Internal Suit Pressure", data.p_suit, "psid", 2.0f, 4.0f);
     dataPoints[3]  = new SuitDataPoints("Sub Temperature", data.t_sub, "\u00B0F", 4f, 6f);
     dataPoints[4]  = new SuitDataPoints("Fan Tachometer", data.v_fan, "RPM", 10000f, 40000f);
     dataPoints[5]  = new SuitDataPoints("Oxygen Pressure", data.p_o2, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[6]  = new SuitDataPoints("Oxygen Rate", data.rate_o2, "psi/min", 0.5f, 1.0f);
     dataPoints[7]  = new SuitDataPoints("Battery Capacity", data.cap_battery, "amp-hr", 0f, 30f);
     dataPoints[8]  = new SuitDataPoints("H2O Gas Pressure", data.p_h2o_g, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[9]  = new SuitDataPoints("H2O Liquid Pressure", data.p_h2o_l, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[10] = new SuitDataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Pressure", data.p_sop, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[11] = new SuitDataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Flow Rate", data.rate_sop, "psi/min", 0.5f, 1.0f);
Exemplo n.º 5
    IEnumerator GetNumerical()
        while (true)
            UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("https://skylab-program.herokuapp.com/api/suit/recent");
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                string jsonString = www.downloadHandler.text;
                jsonString    = jsonString.Replace('[', ' ').Replace(']', ' ');
                numericalData = JsonUtility.FromJson <NumericalTelemetry>(jsonString);

                if (numericalData.t_battery[0] == '-')
                    numericalData.t_battery = "00:00:00";

                if (numericalData.t_oxygen[0] == '-')
                    numericalData.t_oxygen = "00:00:00";

                if (numericalData.t_water[0] == '-')
                    numericalData.t_water = "00:00:00";

                int numAr = 12; //Number of components

                SuitDataPoints[] suitDataPoints = new SuitDataPoints[numAr];

                setSuitData(numericalData, suitDataPoints);

                stdDev(tDataS, numAr);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void setDataPoints(NumericalTelemetry data, DataPoints [] dataPoints)
     dataPoints[0]  = new DataPoints("Heart Rate", data.heart_bpm, "bpm", 85f, 90f);
     dataPoints[1]  = new DataPoints("Internal Suit Pressure", data.p_suit, "psid", 2.0f, 4.0f);
     dataPoints[2]  = new DataPoints("Sub Pressure", data.p_sub, "psia", 2.0f, 4.0f);
     dataPoints[3]  = new DataPoints("Sub Temperature", data.t_sub, "\u00B0F", 4f, 6f);
     dataPoints[4]  = new DataPoints("Fan Tachometer", data.v_fan, "RPM", 10000f, 40000f);
     dataPoints[5]  = new DataPoints("Oxygen Pressure", data.p_o2, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[6]  = new DataPoints("Oxygen Rate", data.rate_o2, "psi/min", 0.5f, 1.0f);
     dataPoints[7]  = new DataPoints("Battery Capacity", data.cap_battery, "amp-hr", 0f, 30f);
     dataPoints[8]  = new DataPoints("H2O Gas Pressure", data.p_h2o_g, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[9]  = new DataPoints("H2O Liquid Pressure", data.p_h2o_l, "psia", 14f, 16f);
     dataPoints[10] = new DataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Pressure", data.p_sop, "psia", 750f, 950f);
     dataPoints[11] = new DataPoints("Secondary Oxygen Pack Flow Rate", data.rate_sop, "psi/min", 0.5f, 1.0f);
     dataPoints[12] = new DataPoints("Time Life Battery", data.t_battery, "hh:mm:ss", 0, 36000);
     dataPoints[13] = new DataPoints("Time Life Oxygen", data.t_oxygen, "hh:mm:ss", 0, 36000);
     dataPoints[14] = new DataPoints("Time Life Water", data.t_water, "hh:mm:ss", 0, 36000);
     //dataPoints[15] = new DataPoints("Last Update", data.create_date, "find out", 1, 1);