/// <summary>
        /// Resolves and returns Package Sources to the client.
        /// Specified sources are passed in via the request object (<c>request.GetSources()</c>).
        /// Sources are returned using <c>request.YieldPackageSource(...)</c>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An object passed in from the PackageManagement that contains functions that can be used to interact with its Provider</param>
        public void ResolvePackageSources(NuGetRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");

            request.Debug(Resources.Messages.DebugInfoCallMethod, PackageProviderName, "ResolvePackageSources");

            var selectedSources = request.SelectedSources;

                foreach (var source in selectedSources)
                    request.Debug(Resources.Messages.YieldingPackageSource, PackageProviderName, source);
                    request.YieldPackageSource(source.Name, source.Location, source.Trusted, source.IsRegistered, source.IsValidated);
            catch (Exception e)

            request.Debug(Resources.Messages.DebugInfoReturnCall, PackageProviderName, "ResolvePackageSources");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">
        ///     An object passed in from the CORE that contains functions that can be used to interact with the
        ///     CORE and HOST
        /// </param>
        public void ResolvePackageSources(NuGetRequest request)
            // Nice-to-have put a debug message in that tells what's going on.
            request.Debug("Calling '{0}::ResolvePackageSources'", PackageProviderName);

            foreach (var source in request.SelectedSources)
                request.YieldPackageSource(source.Name, source.Location, source.Trusted, source.IsRegistered, source.IsValidated);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Removes/Unregisters a package source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name or location of a package source to remove.</param>
        /// <param name="request">
        ///     An object passed in from the CORE that contains functions that can be used to interact with the
        ///     CORE and HOST
        /// </param>
        public void RemovePackageSource(string name, NuGetRequest request)
            // Nice-to-have put a debug message in that tells what's going on.
            request.Debug("Calling '{0}::RemovePackageSource' '{1}'", PackageProviderName, name);

            var src = request.FindRegisteredSource(name);

            if (src == null)
                request.Warning(Constants.Messages.UnableToResolveSource, name);

            request.YieldPackageSource(src.Name, src.Location, src.Trusted, false, src.IsValidated);
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes/Unregisters a package source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name or location of a package source to remove.</param>
        /// <param name="request">An object passed in from the PackageManagement that contains functions that can be used to interact with its Provider</param>
        public void RemovePackageSource(string name, NuGetRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            request.Debug(Resources.Messages.DebugInfoCallMethod, PackageProviderName, "RemovePackageSource");

            var src = request.FindRegisteredSource(name);

            if (src == null)
                request.Warning(Constants.Messages.UnableToResolveSource, name);

            request.YieldPackageSource(src.Name, src.Location, src.Trusted, false, src.IsValidated);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when the user is adding (or updating) a package source
        /// If this PROVIDER doesn't support user-defined package sources, remove this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the package source. If this parameter is null or empty the PROVIDER should use the location as the name (if the PROVIDER actually stores names of package sources)</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location (ie, directory, URL, etc) of the package source. If this is null or empty, the PROVIDER should use the name as the location (if valid)</param>
        /// <param name="trusted">A boolean indicating that the user trusts this package source. Packages returned from this source should be marked as 'trusted'</param>
        /// <param name="request">An object passed in from the PackageManagement that contains functions that can be used to interact with its Provider</param>
        public void AddPackageSource(string name, string location, bool trusted, NuGetRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            try {
                request.Debug(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "AddPackageSource - ProviderName = '{0}', name='{1}', location='{2}', trusted='{3}'", PackageProviderName, name, location, trusted));

                // Error out if a user does not provide package source Name
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Constants.Parameters.Name, Constants.Messages.MissingRequiredParameter, Constants.Parameters.Name);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location))
                    request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Constants.Parameters.Location, Constants.Messages.MissingRequiredParameter, Constants.Parameters.Location);

                request.Debug(Resources.Messages.DebugInfoCallMethod, PackageProviderName, "GetOptionValue");
                // if this is supposed to be an update, there will be a dynamic parameter set for IsUpdatePackageSource
                var isUpdate = request.GetOptionValue(Constants.Parameters.IsUpdate).IsTrue();

                request.Debug(Resources.Messages.VariableCheck, "IsUpdate", isUpdate);

                // if your source supports credentials you get get them too:
                // string username =request.Username;
                // SecureString password = request.Password;
                // feel free to send back an error here if your provider requires credentials for package sources.

                // check first that we're not clobbering an existing source, unless this is an update

                request.Debug(Resources.Messages.DebugInfoCallMethod, PackageProviderName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "FindRegisteredSource -name'{0}'", name));

                var src = request.FindRegisteredSource(name);

                if (src != null && !isUpdate)
                    // tell the user that there's one here already
                    request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, name, Constants.Messages.PackageSourceExists, name);

                // conversely, if it didn't find one, and it is an update, that's bad too:
                if (src == null && isUpdate)
                    // you can't find that package source? Tell that to the user
                    request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, name, Constants.Messages.UnableToResolveSource, name);

                // ok, we know that we're ok to save this source
                // next we check if the location is valid (if we support that kind of thing)

                var validated = false;

                if (!request.SkipValidate.Value)
                    // the user has not opted to skip validating the package source location, so check if the source is valid
                    validated = request.ValidateSourceLocation(location);

                    if (!validated)
                        request.WriteError(ErrorCategory.InvalidData, name, Constants.Messages.SourceLocationNotValid, location);

                    request.Verbose(Resources.Messages.SuccessfullyValidated, name);

                // it's good to check just before you actually write something to see if the user has cancelled the operation
                if (request.IsCanceled)

                // looking good -- store the package source.
                request.AddPackageSource(name, location, trusted, validated);

                // Yield the package source back to the caller.
                request.YieldPackageSource(name, location, trusted, true /*since we just registered it*/, validated);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is called when the user is adding (or updating) a package source
        ///     If this PROVIDER doesn't support user-defined package sources, remove this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        ///     The name of the package source. If this parameter is null or empty the PROVIDER should use the
        ///     location as the name (if the PROVIDER actually stores names of package sources)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="location">
        ///     The location (ie, directory, URL, etc) of the package source. If this is null or empty, the
        ///     PROVIDER should use the name as the location (if valid)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="trusted">
        ///     A boolean indicating that the user trusts this package source. Packages returned from this source
        ///     should be marked as 'trusted'
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="request">
        ///     An object passed in from the CORE that contains functions that can be used to interact with the
        ///     CORE and HOST
        /// </param>
        public void AddPackageSource(string name, string location, bool trusted, NuGetRequest request)
            // Nice-to-have put a debug message in that tells what's going on.
            request.Debug("Calling '{0}::AddPackageSource' '{1}','{2}','{3}'", PackageProviderName, name, location, trusted);

            // if they didn't pass in a name, use the location as a name. (if you support that kind of thing)
            name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? location : name;

            // let's make sure that they've given us everything we need.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Constants.Parameters.Name, Constants.Messages.MissingRequiredParameter, Constants.Parameters.Name);
                // we're done here.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Constants.Parameters.Location, Constants.Messages.MissingRequiredParameter, Constants.Parameters.Location);
                // we're done here.

            // if this is supposed to be an update, there will be a dynamic parameter set for IsUpdatePackageSource
            var isUpdate = request.GetOptionValue(Constants.Parameters.IsUpdate).IsTrue();

            // if your source supports credentials you get get them too:
            // string username =request.Username;
            // SecureString password = request.Password;
            // feel free to send back an error here if your provider requires credentials for package sources.

            // check first that we're not clobbering an existing source, unless this is an update

            var src = request.FindRegisteredSource(name);

            if (src != null && !isUpdate)
                // tell the user that there's one here already
                request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, name ?? location, Constants.Messages.PackageSourceExists, name ?? location);
                // we're done here.

            // conversely, if it didn't find one, and it is an update, that's bad too:
            if (src == null && isUpdate)
                // you can't find that package source? Tell that to the user
                request.Error(ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, name ?? location, Constants.Messages.UnableToResolveSource, name ?? location);
                // we're done here.

            // ok, we know that we're ok to save this source
            // next we check if the location is valid (if we support that kind of thing)

            var validated = false;

            if (!request.SkipValidate)
                // the user has not opted to skip validating the package source location, so check that it's valid (talk to the url, or check if it's a valid directory, etc)
                // todo: insert code to check if the source is valid

                validated = request.ValidateSourceLocation(location);

                if (!validated)
                    request.Error(ErrorCategory.InvalidData, name ?? location, Constants.Messages.SourceLocationNotValid, location);
                    // we're done here.

                // we passed validation!

            // it's good to check just before you actaully write something to see if the user has cancelled the operation
            if (request.IsCanceled)

            // looking good -- store the package source
            // todo: create the package source (and store it whereever you store it)

            request.Verbose("Storing package source {0}", name);

            // actually yielded by the implementation.
            request.AddPackageSource(name, location, trusted, validated);

            // and, before you go, Yield the package source back to the caller.
            if (!request.YieldPackageSource(name, location, trusted, true /*since we just registered it*/, validated))
                // always check the return value of a yield, since if it returns false, you don't keep returning data
                // this can happen if they have cancelled the operation.
            // all done!