Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AddBindingRedirects()
            var settings = ServiceLocator.GetInstanceSafe <Configuration.ISettings>();

            var behavior = new BindingRedirectBehavior(settings);

            if (!behavior.IsSkipped)
                NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                        await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                        if (IsBindingRedirectSupported && VSSolutionManager != null)
                            await RuntimeHelpers.AddBindingRedirectsAsync(VSSolutionManager,
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var fileName = VsProjectAdapter.UniqueName;

                        var level = behavior.FailOperations ?
                                    ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Error :


                        if (behavior.FailOperations)
        public void AddFrameworkReference(string name, string packageId)
            ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    // Add a reference to the project

                    NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddGacReference, name, ProjectName);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FailedToAddGacReference, packageId, name), e);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override async Task AddFileToProjectAsync(string path)
            if (ExcludeFile(path))

            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            // Get the project items for the folder path
            string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            string fullPath   = FileSystemUtility.GetFullPath(ProjectFullPath, path);


            VCProjectHelper.AddFileToProject(EnvDTEProject.Object, fullPath, folderPath);

            NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddedFileToProject, path, ProjectName);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method should be on the UI thread. The overrides should ensure that
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual async Task AddFileToProjectAsync(string path)

            if (ExcludeFile(path))

            // Get the project items for the folder path
            string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            string fullPath   = FileSystemUtility.GetFullPath(ProjectFullPath, path);

            var container = await EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetProjectItemsAsync(EnvDTEProject, folderPath, createIfNotExists : true);

            // Add the file to project or folder
            AddFileToContainer(fullPath, folderPath, container);

            NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddedFileToProject, path, ProjectName);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected virtual void AddFileToProject(string path)
            if (ExcludeFile(path))

            // Get the project items for the folder path
            string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
            string fullPath   = FileSystemUtility.GetFullPath(ProjectFullPath, path);

            ThreadHelper.Generic.Invoke(() =>
                EnvDTEProjectItems container = EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetProjectItems(EnvDTEProject, folderPath, createIfNotExists: true);
                // Add the file to project or folder
                AddFileToContainer(fullPath, folderPath, container);

            NuGetProjectContext.Log(MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddedFileToProject, path, ProjectName);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void AddReference(string referencePath)
            string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referencePath);

                var root = EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetFullPath(EnvDTEProject);
                EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetAssemblyReferences(EnvDTEProject).AddFromFile(PathUtility.GetAbsolutePath(root, referencePath));

                // Always create a refresh file. Vs does this for us in most cases, however for GACed binaries, it resorts to adding a web.config entry instead.
                // This may result in deployment issues. To work around ths, we'll always attempt to add a file to the bin.
                RefreshFileUtility.CreateRefreshFile(root, PathUtility.GetAbsolutePath(EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetFullPath(EnvDTEProject), referencePath), this);

                NuGetProjectContext.Log(MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddReference, name, ProjectName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FailedToAddReference, name), e);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void RemoveFile(string path)
            NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                var deleteProjectItem = await EnvDTEProjectUtility.DeleteProjectItemAsync(EnvDTEProject, path);
                if (deleteProjectItem)
                    string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath))
                        NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_RemovedFileFromFolder, Path.GetFileName(path), folderPath);
                        NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_RemovedFile, Path.GetFileName(path));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public virtual void AddExistingFile(string path)
            var fullPath = Path.Combine(ProjectFullPath, path);

            if (!File.Exists(fullPath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("PathToExistingFileNotPresent");

            // TODO
            var resolveFileConflict = NuGetProjectContext.ResolveFileConflict("");

            if (resolveFileConflict == FileConflictAction.Overwrite || resolveFileConflict == FileConflictAction.OverwriteAll)
                AddFileCore(path, null);
                AddFileCore(path, null);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override async Task AddReferenceAsync(string referencePath)
            await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referencePath);

                EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetAssemblyReferences(VsProjectAdapter.Project).AddFromFile(PathUtility.GetAbsolutePath(ProjectFullPath, referencePath));

                // Always create a refresh file. Vs does this for us in most cases, however for GACed binaries, it resorts to adding a web.config entry instead.
                // This may result in deployment issues. To work around ths, we'll always attempt to add a file to the bin.
                RefreshFileUtility.CreateRefreshFile(ProjectFullPath, PathUtility.GetAbsolutePath(ProjectFullPath, referencePath), this);

                NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Added reference '{name}' to project:'{ProjectName}' ");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FailedToAddReference, name), e);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private Task AddFileCoreAsync(string path, Action addFile)
            // Do not try to add file to project, if the path is null or empty.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

            var fileExistsInProject = FileExistsInProject(path);

            // If the file exists on disk but not in the project then skip it.
            // One exception is the 'packages.config' file, in which case we want to include
            // it into the project.
            // Other exceptions are 'web.config' and 'app.config'
            var fileName         = Path.GetFileName(path);
            var lockFileFullPath = PackagesConfigLockFileUtility.GetPackagesLockFilePath(ProjectFullPath, GetPropertyValue("NuGetLockFilePath")?.ToString(), ProjectName);

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(ProjectFullPath, path)) &&
                !fileExistsInProject &&
                !fileName.Equals(ProjectManagement.Constants.PackageReferenceFile) &&
                !fileName.Equals("packages." + ProjectName + ".config") &&
                !fileName.Equals(EnvDTEProjectInfoUtility.WebConfig) &&
                !fileName.Equals(EnvDTEProjectInfoUtility.AppConfig) &&
                NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Warning, Strings.Warning_FileAlreadyExists, path);
                EnvDTEProjectUtility.EnsureCheckedOutIfExists(VsProjectAdapter.Project, ProjectFullPath, path);
                if (!fileExistsInProject)

Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void RemoveReference(string name)
            // Remove the reference via DTE.

            // For GACed binaries, VS would not clear the refresh files for us since it assumes the reference exists in web.config.
            // We'll clean up any remaining .refresh files.
            var refreshFilePath     = Path.Combine("bin", Path.GetFileName(name) + ".refresh");
            var root                = EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetFullPath(EnvDTEProject);
            var refreshFileFullPath = FileSystemUtility.GetFullPath(root, refreshFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(refreshFileFullPath))
                    FileSystemUtility.DeleteFile(refreshFileFullPath, NuGetProjectContext);
                catch (Exception e)
                    NuGetProjectContext.Log(MessageLevel.Warning, e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override async Task RemoveReferenceAsync(string name)
            await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            // Remove the reference via DTE.

            // For GACed binaries, VS would not clear the refresh files for us since it assumes the reference exists in web.config.
            // We'll clean up any remaining .refresh files.
            var refreshFilePath     = Path.Combine("bin", Path.GetFileName(name) + ".refresh");
            var refreshFileFullPath = FileSystemUtility.GetFullPath(ProjectFullPath, refreshFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(refreshFileFullPath))
                    FileSystemUtility.DeleteFile(refreshFileFullPath, NuGetProjectContext);
                catch (Exception e)
                    NuGetProjectContext.Log(ProjectManagement.MessageLevel.Warning, e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public virtual void AddReference(string referencePath)
            if (referencePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(referencePath));

            var name               = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referencePath);
            var projectName        = string.Empty;
            var projectFullPath    = string.Empty;
            var assemblyFullPath   = string.Empty;
            var dteProjectFullName = string.Empty;
            var dteOriginalPath    = string.Empty;

            var resolvedToPackage = false;

                // Perform all DTE operations on the UI thread
                NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                    await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    // Read DTE properties from the UI thread
                    projectFullPath    = ProjectFullPath;
                    projectName        = ProjectName;
                    dteProjectFullName = EnvDTEProject.FullName;

                    // Get the full path to the reference
                    assemblyFullPath = Path.Combine(projectFullPath, referencePath);

                    // Add a reference to the project
                    var references = EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetReferences(EnvDTEProject);

                    dynamic reference = references.Add(assemblyFullPath);

                    if (reference != null)
                        dteOriginalPath = GetReferencePath(reference);

                        // If path != fullPath, we need to set CopyLocal thru msbuild by setting Private
                        // to true.
                        // This happens if the assembly appears in any of the search paths that VS uses to
                        // locate assembly references.
                        // Most commonly, it happens if this assembly is in the GAC or in the output path.
                        // The path may be null or for some project system it can be "".
                        resolvedToPackage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dteOriginalPath) && IsSamePath(dteOriginalPath, assemblyFullPath);

                        if (resolvedToPackage)
                            // Set reference properties (if needed)

                if (!resolvedToPackage)
                    // This should be done off the UI thread

                    // Get the msbuild project for this project
                    var buildProject = EnvDTEProjectUtility.AsMicrosoftBuildEvaluationProject(dteProjectFullName);

                    if (buildProject != null)
                        // Get the assembly name of the reference we are trying to add
                        var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyFullPath);

                        // Try to find the item for the assembly name
                        var item = (from assemblyReferenceNode in buildProject.GetAssemblyReferences()
                                    where AssemblyNamesMatch(assemblyName, assemblyReferenceNode.Item2)
                                    select assemblyReferenceNode.Item1).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (item != null)
                            // Add the <HintPath> metadata item as a relative path
                            var projectPath  = PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(projectFullPath);
                            var relativePath = PathUtility.GetRelativePath(projectPath, referencePath);

                            item.SetMetadataValue("HintPath", relativePath);

                            // Set <Private> to true
                            item.SetMetadataValue("Private", "True");


                            // Change to the UI thread to save
                            NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                                await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                                // Save the project after we've modified it.
                        // The reference cannot be changed by modifying the project file.
                        // This could be a failure, however that could be a breaking
                        // change if there is a non-msbuild project system relying on this
                        // to skip references.
                        // Log a warning to let the user know that their reference may have failed.
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FailedToAddReference, name), e);

                $"Added reference '{name}' to project:'{projectName}'. Was the Reference Resolved To Package (resolvedToPackage):'{resolvedToPackage}', " +
                "where Reference Path from DTE(dteOriginalPath):'{dteOriginalPath}' and Reference Path from package reference(assemblyFullPath):'{assemblyFullPath}'.");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public virtual async Task AddReferenceAsync(string referencePath)
            if (referencePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(referencePath));

            var name               = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referencePath);
            var projectName        = string.Empty;
            var projectFullPath    = string.Empty;
            var assemblyFullPath   = string.Empty;
            var dteProjectFullName = string.Empty;
            var dteOriginalPath    = string.Empty;

            var resolvedToPackage = false;

                // Perform all DTE operations on the UI thread
                await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(async delegate
                    await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                    // Read DTE properties from the UI thread
                    projectFullPath    = ProjectFullPath;
                    projectName        = ProjectName;
                    dteProjectFullName = VsProjectAdapter.FullName;

                    // Get the full path to the reference
                    assemblyFullPath = Path.Combine(projectFullPath, referencePath);

                    // Add a reference to the project
                    dynamic reference;
                        // First try the References3.AddFiles API, as that will incur fewer
                        // design-time builds.
                        References3.AddFiles(new[] { assemblyFullPath }, out var referencesArray);
                        var references = (VSLangProj.Reference[])referencesArray;
                        reference      = references[0];
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (e is InvalidCastException)
                            // We've encountered a project system that doesn't implement References3, or
                            // there's some sort of setup issue such that we can't find the library with
                            // the References3 type. Send a report about this.
                            TelemetryActivity.EmitTelemetryEvent(new TelemetryEvent("References3InvalidCastException"));

                        // If that didn't work, fall back to References.Add.
                        reference = References.Add(assemblyFullPath);

                    if (reference != null)
                        dteOriginalPath = GetReferencePath(reference);

                        // If path != fullPath, we need to set CopyLocal thru msbuild by setting Private
                        // to true.
                        // This happens if the assembly appears in any of the search paths that VS uses to
                        // locate assembly references.
                        // Most commonly, it happens if this assembly is in the GAC or in the output path.
                        // The path may be null or for some project system it can be "".
                        resolvedToPackage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dteOriginalPath) && IsSamePath(dteOriginalPath, assemblyFullPath);

                        if (resolvedToPackage)
                            // Set reference properties (if needed)

                if (!resolvedToPackage)
                    // This should be done off the UI thread

                    // Get the msbuild project for this project
                    var buildProject = EnvDTEProjectUtility.AsMSBuildEvaluationProject(dteProjectFullName);

                    if (buildProject != null)
                        // Get the assembly name of the reference we are trying to add
                        var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyFullPath);

                        // Try to find the item for the assembly name
                        var item = (from assemblyReferenceNode in buildProject.GetAssemblyReferences()
                                    where AssemblyNamesMatch(assemblyName, assemblyReferenceNode.Item2)
                                    select assemblyReferenceNode.Item1).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (item != null)
                            // Add the <HintPath> metadata item as a relative path
                            var projectPath  = PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(projectFullPath);
                            var relativePath = PathUtility.GetRelativePath(projectPath, referencePath);

                            item.SetMetadataValue("HintPath", relativePath);

                            // Set <Private> to true
                            item.SetMetadataValue("Private", "True");


                            // Change to the UI thread to save
                            NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                                await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                                // Save the project after we've modified it.
                                await SaveProjectAsync();
                        // The reference cannot be changed by modifying the project file.
                        // This could be a failure, however that could be a breaking
                        // change if there is a non-msbuild project system relying on this
                        // to skip references.
                        // Log a warning to let the user know that their reference may have failed.
Exemplo n.º 15
        public virtual void AddReference(string referencePath)
            if (referencePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("referencePath");

            string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referencePath);

                // Get the full path to the reference
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(ProjectFullPath, referencePath);

                string assemblyPath = fullPath;
                bool   usedTempFile = false;

                // There is a bug in Visual Studio whereby if the fullPath contains a comma,
                // then calling Project.Object.References.Add() on it will throw a COM exception.
                // To work around it, we copy the assembly into temp folder and add reference to the copied assembly
                if (fullPath.Contains(","))
                    string tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileName(fullPath));
                    File.Copy(fullPath, tempFile, true);
                    assemblyPath = tempFile;
                    usedTempFile = true;

                // Add a reference to the project
                dynamic reference = EnvDTEProjectUtility.GetReferences(EnvDTEProject).Add(assemblyPath);

                // if we copied the assembly to temp folder earlier, delete it now since we no longer need it.
                if (usedTempFile)
                        // don't care if we fail to delete a temp file

                if (reference != null)
                    var path = GetReferencePath(reference);

                    // If path != fullPath, we need to set CopyLocal thru msbuild by setting Private
                    // to true.
                    // This happens if the assembly appears in any of the search paths that VS uses to
                    // locate assembly references.
                    // Most commonly, it happens if this assembly is in the GAC or in the output path.
                    if (path != null && !path.Equals(fullPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Get the msbuild project for this project
                        MicrosoftBuildEvaluationProject buildProject = EnvDTEProjectUtility.AsMicrosoftBuildEvaluationProject(EnvDTEProject);

                        if (buildProject != null)
                            // Get the assembly name of the reference we are trying to add
                            AssemblyName assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(fullPath);

                            // Try to find the item for the assembly name
                            MicrosoftBuildEvaluationProjectItem item = (from assemblyReferenceNode in buildProject.GetAssemblyReferences()
                                                                        where AssemblyNamesMatch(assemblyName, assemblyReferenceNode.Item2)
                                                                        select assemblyReferenceNode.Item1).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (item != null)
                                // Add the <HintPath> metadata item as a relative path
                                item.SetMetadataValue("HintPath", referencePath);

                                // Set <Private> to true
                                item.SetMetadataValue("Private", "True");

                                // Save the project after we've modified it.

                NuGetProjectContext.Log(MessageLevel.Debug, Strings.Debug_AddReference, name, ProjectName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FailedToAddReference, name), e);