Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SendNotificationToUser(ApplicationUser user)
            var notification = new Notification();

            notification.Text = "You just Reset your password";

            NotificationApplicationUser userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();

            userNotification.NotificationId = notification.NotificationId;
            userNotification.UserId         = user.Id;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Create(Notification notification, string tenantNID, string houseOwnerNID)
            var NotificationApplicationUser = new NotificationApplicationUser {
                TenantNID      = tenantNID,
                HouseOwnerNID  = houseOwnerNID,
                NotificationId = notification.Id

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SendNotificationToUser(string text, string userId)
            var notification = new Notification();

            notification.Text = text;


            NotificationApplicationUser userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();

            userNotification.NotificationId = notification.NotificationId;
            userNotification.UserId         = userId;

        public void CreateByUserId(Notification notification, string userId)

            //TODO: Assign notification to users

            var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();

            userNotification.UserId         = userId;
            userNotification.NotificationId = notification.Id;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void SendNotificationToUser(UserProfile userProfile, Service service, Comment comment)
            Notification notification = new Notification
                Text = $"{userProfile.FirstName} {userProfile.LastName} left a review on {service.BusinessName} with a {comment.rating}.0 rating",


            NotificationApplicationUser userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();

            userNotification.NotificationId = notification.NotificationId;
            userNotification.UserId         = service.User.Id;

        public void CreateByUserList(Notification notification, List <ApplicationUser> users)

            //TODO: Assign notification to users

            foreach (var user in users)
                var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();
                userNotification.UserId         = user.Id;
                userNotification.NotificationId = notification.Id;
        public void CreateByGroupId(Notification notification, int groupId)

            //TODO: Assign notification to users
            var notificationGroups = _notificationGroupRepository.GetNotificationGroupFromPGroupId(groupId);

            foreach (var notificationGroup in notificationGroups)
                var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();
                userNotification.UserId         = notificationGroup.UserId;
                userNotification.NotificationId = notification.Id;

Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <IActionResult> Booking(BookingViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = _repositoryManager.UserProfile.GetUserProfile(model.UserId);

                if (model.ServiceId == null)

                var service = await _repositoryManager.Service.GetServiceById(model.ServiceId);

                if (service == null)

                var booking = _mapper.Map <Booking>(model);

                Notification notification = new Notification();
                notification.Text = $"{model.FirstName} {model.LastName} made a request to book your service, {service.BusinessName}";


                NotificationApplicationUser userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();
                userNotification.NotificationId = notification.NotificationId;
                userNotification.UserId         = service.User.Id;

                await _repositoryManager.saveAsync();

                await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("displayNotification", "");

                await _emailSender.sendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Listing Successfully Booked", $"Hello {model.FirstName}, we are glad to inform you that the service {service.BusinessName}, you requested to book has been successfully booked <br/> </br> You will be contacted with further details shortly.");

                await _emailSender.sendEmailAsync(service.User.Email, $"Your service {service.BusinessName} was just successfully booked!", "Hello, <br/> find attached below the details of the user that recently just booked your service. We hope you adhere to our User Policies while dealing with Users.");


Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Create(Notification notification)

            foreach (var u in _context.Persons.Where(x => x.IdentityUserId != notification.UserId).ToList())
                var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser
                    NotificationId = notification.Id,
                    UserId         = u.IdentityUserId,
                    IsRead         = false

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Create(Notification notification, int petId)

            //TODO: Assign notification to users
            var watchlists = _watchlistRepository.GetWatchlistFromPetId(petId);

            foreach (var watchlist in watchlists)
                var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();
                userNotification.ApplicationUserId = watchlist.UserId;
                userNotification.NotificationId    = notification.Id;


            _hubContext.Clients.All.InvokeAsync("displayNotification", "");
        //Create Notification
        public void Create(Notification notification, int petId)

            //TODO: Assign notification to users
            //Get all pet id whose status has currentle been changed
            var watchlists = _watchlistRepository.GetWatchlistFromPetId(petId);

            foreach (var watchlist in watchlists)
                //Assign notification notification to all user who has change the status of there pet list
                var userNotification = new NotificationApplicationUser();
                userNotification.ApplicationUserId = watchlist.UserId;
                userNotification.NotificationId    = notification.Id;
