Exemplo n.º 1
        void method5()
            // <Snippet5>
            NorthwindThroughSprocs db = new NorthwindThroughSprocs("...");
            // Use a method call (stored procedure wrapper) instead of
            // a LINQ query against the database.
            var custQuery =

            foreach (Customer custObj in custQuery)
                // Deferred loading of custObj.Orders uses the override
                // LoadOrders. There is no dynamic SQL.
                foreach (Order ord in custObj.Orders)
                    // Make some changes to customers/orders.
                    // Overrides for Customer are called during the execution
                    // of the following.
            // </Snippet5>
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // <Snippet3>
            NorthwindThroughSprocs db = new NorthwindThroughSprocs("");
            var custQuery             =
                from cust in db.Customers
                where cust.City == "London"
                select cust;

            foreach (Customer custObj in custQuery)
                // deferred loading of cust.Orders uses the override LoadOrders.
                foreach (Order ord in custObj.Orders)
                    // ...
                    // Make some changes to customers/orders.
                    // Overrides for Customer are called during the execution of the
                    // following:
            // </Snippet3>