        public Norms SaveNorms(Norms norm)
            SqlServerConnection conn = new SqlServerConnection();

            norm.Id = conn.SqlServerUpdate("DECLARE @fac INT=" + norm.Facility.Id + " , @norm INT=" + norm.Item.Id + ", @val INT=" + norm.Value + ", @fem INT=" + norm.Female + ", @mal INT=" + norm.Male + ", @dis INT=" + norm.Disabled + "; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT nr_idnt FROM Norms WHERE nr_facility=@fac AND nr_norm=@norm) BEGIN INSERT INTO Norms(nr_facility, nr_norm, nr_available, nr_female, nr_male, nr_disabled) output INSERTED.nr_idnt VALUES (@fac, @norm, @val, @fem, @mal, @dis) END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE Norms SET nr_available=@val, nr_female=@fem, nr_male=@mal, nr_disabled=@dis output INSERTED.nr_idnt WHERE nr_facility=@fac AND nr_norm=@norm END");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public int AddNorms(dynamic requestData)
            string query = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestData);
            Norms  norms = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Norms>(query);


Exemplo n.º 3
        public int UpdateNorms(dynamic requestData)
            string      query       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestData);
            Norms       norms       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Norms>(query);
            EntityState statebefore = db.Entry(norms).State;

            db.Entry(norms).State = EntityState.Modified;

Exemplo n.º 4
 public async Task <IActionResult> PostPTV(Norms sss)
     //var norms = new Norms { CategoryesId = 2 };
     //await _context.Norms.AddAsync(norms);
     //await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
     //foreach (var item in await _context.PTV.ToListAsync())
     //    await _context.Norms_PTVs.AddAsync(new Norms_PTV { NormsId = norms.NormsId, PTVId = item.PTVId, NormsCount = 0, WarehouseNormsCount = 0 });
     //await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public List <Norms> GetNorms(Facility facility, Int64 type, Boolean includeZeros = false, Boolean filterServices = false)
            List <Norms> norms = new List <Norms>();

            string AdditionalQuery = " AND NOT (nt_norm=0 AND NULLIF(nr_available,0) IS NULL)";
            string ServicesQuery   = "";

            if (includeZeros)
                AdditionalQuery = "";
            if (filterServices)
                ServicesQuery = "AND nc_idnt IN (SELECT ns_category FROM NormsServices WHERE ns_level=" + facility.Category.Level.Id + ")";

            SqlServerConnection conn = new SqlServerConnection();
            SqlDataReader       dr   = conn.SqlServerConnect("SELECT nc_idnt, nc_category, ni_idnt, ni_item, nt_norm, ISNULL(nr_available,0) nt_avail, ISNULL(nr_female,0) nt_female, ISNULL(nr_male,0)_nt_male, ISNULL(nr_disabled,0) nt_disabled FROM NormsTiers INNER JOIN NormsItems ON nt_item=ni_idnt AND ni_type=" + type + " INNER JOIN NormsCategory ON ni_catg=nc_idnt " + ServicesQuery + " LEFT OUTER JOIN Norms ON nt_item=nr_norm AND nr_facility=" + facility.Id + " WHERE nt_tctg=" + facility.Category.Id + AdditionalQuery + " ORDER BY ni_catg, nt_item");

            if (dr.HasRows)
                while (dr.Read())
                    Norms norm = new Norms();
                    norm.Item.Category.Id   = Convert.ToInt64(dr[0]);
                    norm.Item.Category.Name = dr[1].ToString();
                    norm.Item.Id            = Convert.ToInt64(dr[2]);
                    norm.Item.Name          = dr[3].ToString();

                    norm.Norm  = Convert.ToInt64(dr[4]);
                    norm.Value = Convert.ToInt64(dr[5]);

                    norm.Female   = Convert.ToInt64(dr[6]);
                    norm.Male     = Convert.ToInt64(dr[7]);
                    norm.Disabled = Convert.ToInt64(dr[8]);

                    if (norm.Value > norm.Norm)
                        norm.Gaps = 0;
                        norm.Gaps = norm.Norm - norm.Value;


 public ProductInMenu(int Id, string Name, float Price, int dishId, float Norm, int Kids, int KidsB, bool B)
     if (!B)
         this.Id    = Id;
         this.Name  = Name;
         this.Price = Price;
         this.Norms = new Dictionary <int, float>();
         Norms.Add(dishId, Norm);
         this.SumNorms    = SetSumm();
         this.TotalOfKids = Math.Round((Kids + KidsB) * SumNorms, 2);
         this.Id          = Id;
         this.Name        = Name;
         this.Price       = Price;
         this.Norms       = new Dictionary <int, float>();
         this.SumNorms    = Math.Round((((14 * KidsB) / Price) / KidsB), 3);
         this.TotalOfKids = Math.Round(KidsB * SumNorms, 2);