Exemplo n.º 1
        public void FrobeniusTest()
            double[,] a = Matrix.Magic(5);

            double expected = 74.330343736592520;
            double actual   = Norm.Frobenius(a);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 1e-12);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /*class Sat
         * {
         *  public entry Observation;
         *  public EntryNavigation Navigation;
         * }*/

        static void Main(string[] args)
            double GM     = 3.986005 * Math.Pow(10, 14);
            double omegaE = 7.2921151467 * Math.Pow(10, -5);
            var    pi     = Math.PI;

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            Rinex fisier = new Rinex();


            getPosition(fisier.ObservationFile, fisier.NavigationFile);

            // Conversie din Epoch in JulDate
            // Meeus, Jean (1991) Astronomical Algorithms, Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, p. 59--62
            double julday(DateTime date)
                double y = date.Year;
                double m = date.Month;
                double d = date.Day;
                double h = date.Hour + (double)date.Minute / 60 + (double)date.Second / 3600;

                //Jan and Feb are considered to be the 13th and 14th month of the preceding year
                if (m <= 2)
                    y -= 1;
                    m += 12;
                //Julian day number 0 assigned to the day starting at noon on Monday, January 1, 4713 BC
                return(Math.Floor(365.25 * (y + 4716)) + Math.Floor(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + d + h / 24 - 1537.5);

            //Conversie in GPS Time ( return double[2] = { week,  sec_of_week  }  )
            double[] gps_time(double julday)
                double a           = Math.Floor(julday + .5);
                double b           = a + 1537;
                double c           = Math.Floor((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
                double e           = Math.Floor(365.25 * c);
                double f           = Math.Floor((b - e) / 30.6001);
                double d           = b - e - Math.Floor(30.6001 * f) + (julday + .5) % 1;
                double day_of_week = (Math.Floor(julday + .5)) % 7;
                //GPS standard epoch, JD = 2,444,244.5 (January 6th, 1980, 00:00 UTC)
                double week = Math.Floor((julday - 2444244.5) / 7);
                // We add + 1 as the GPS week starts at Saturday midnight
                double sec_of_week = Math.Round(((d % 1) + day_of_week + 1) * 86400);

                return(new double[2] {
                    week, sec_of_week

            double check_t(double t)
                //halfWeek = 302400;
                if (t > 302400)
                    t -= 604800;
                if (t < -302400)
                    t += 604800;

            //Computation of satellite coordinates (X,Y,Z) at time t
            //Strang G, Borre K (1997) Linear algebra, geodesy, and GPS - pag 482-487
            double[] satPos(double t, EntryNavigation entry)
                double A  = entry.Group2.sqrtA * entry.Group2.sqrtA;
                double tk = check_t(t - entry.Group3.Toe);
                double n0 = Math.Sqrt(GM / Math.Pow(A, 3));
                double n  = n0 + entry.Group1.deltaN;
                double M  = entry.Group1.M0 + n * tk;

                M = (M + 2 * pi) % (2 * pi);
                double E = M;

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    double E_old = E;
                    E = M + entry.Group2.e * Math.Sin(E);
                    double dE = (E - E_old) % (2 * pi);
                    if (Math.Abs(dE) < 1.2E-12)
                E = (E + 2 * pi) % (2 * pi);
                double v   = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(entry.Group2.e, 2)) * Math.Sin(E), Math.Cos(E) - entry.Group2.e);
                double phi = v + entry.Group4.omega;

                phi = phi % (2 * pi);
                double u     = phi + entry.Group2.Cuc * Math.Cos(2 * phi) + entry.Group2.Cus * Math.Sin(2 * phi);
                double r     = A * (1 - entry.Group2.e * Math.Cos(E)) + entry.Group4.Crc * Math.Cos(2 * phi) + entry.Group1.Crs * Math.Sin(2 * phi);
                double i     = entry.Group4.i0 + entry.Group5.IDOT * tk + entry.Group3.Cic * Math.Cos(2 * phi) + entry.Group3.Cis * Math.Sin(2 * phi);
                double Omega = entry.Group3.OMEGA + (entry.Group4.OMEGADOT - omegaE) * tk - omegaE * entry.Group3.Toe;

                Omega = (Omega + 2 * pi) % (2 * pi);
                double x1 = Math.Cos(u) * r;
                double y1 = Math.Sin(u) * r;
                double x  = x1 * Math.Cos(Omega) - y1 * Math.Cos(i) * Math.Sin(Omega);
                double y  = x1 * Math.Sin(Omega) + y1 * Math.Cos(i) * Math.Cos(Omega);
                double z  = y1 * Math.Sin(i);

                return(new double[3]
                    x, y, z

            //Returns rotated satellite ECEF coordinates due to Earth rotation during signal travel time
            //Strang G, Borre K (1997) Linear algebra, geodesy, and GPS. - pag 492
            double[] e_r_corr(double travelTime, double[] Xsat)
                double omegaTau = omegaE * travelTime;

                double[,] R3 = new double[3, 3] {
                    { Math.Cos(omegaTau), Math.Sin(omegaTau), 0 }, { -Math.Sin(omegaTau), Math.Cos(omegaTau), 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
                double[] XsatRot = { 0, 0, 0 };
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    XsatRot[0] += R3[0, i] * Xsat[i];
                    XsatRot[1] += R3[1, i] * Xsat[i];
                    XsatRot[2] += R3[2, i] * Xsat[i];
                return(new double[3]
                    XsatRot[0], XsatRot[1], XsatRot[2]

            //calculate geodetic coordinates
            double[] toGeod(double a, double finv, double x, double y, double z)
                double h     = 0;
                double tolsq = 1E-10;
                double maxIt = 10;
                double rtd   = 180 / pi;
                double esq;

                if (finv < 1E-20)
                    esq = 0;
                    esq = (2 - 1 / finv) / finv;
                double oneesq = 1 - esq;
                double P      = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2));
                double dlambda;

                if (P > 1e-20)
                    dlambda = Math.Atan2(y, x) * rtd;
                    dlambda = 0;
                if (dlambda < 0)
                    dlambda += 360;
                double r = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(P, 2) + Math.Pow(z, 2));
                double sinPhi;

                if (r > 1e-20)
                    sinPhi = z / r;
                    sinPhi = 0;
                double dPhi = Math.Asin(sinPhi);

                if (r < 1e-20)
                    h = 0;
                    return(new double[3]
                        dPhi, dlambda, h

                h = r - a * (1 - sinPhi * sinPhi / finv);
                for (int i = 0; i < maxIt; i++)
                    sinPhi = Math.Sin(dPhi);
                    double cosPhi = Math.Cos(dPhi);
                    double nPhi   = a / Math.Sqrt(1 - esq * sinPhi * sinPhi);
                    double dP     = P - (nPhi + h) * cosPhi;
                    double dZ     = z - (nPhi * oneesq + h) * sinPhi;
                    h    += sinPhi * dZ + cosPhi * dP;
                    dPhi += (cosPhi * dZ - sinPhi * dP) / (nPhi + h);
                    if (dP * dP + dZ * dZ < tolsq)
                dPhi *= rtd;
                return(new double[3]
                    dPhi, dlambda, h

            //Transformation of vector dx into topocentric coordinate system with origin at X.
            //D    vector length in units like the input
            //Az   azimuth from north positive clockwise, degrees
            //El   elevation angle, degrees
            double[] topocent(double[] x, double[] dx)
                double dtr = pi / 180;

                double[] data   = toGeod(6378137, 298.257223563, x[0], x[1], x[2]);
                double   phi    = data[0];
                double   lambda = data[1];
                double   c1     = Math.Cos(lambda * dtr);
                double   s1     = Math.Sin(lambda * dtr);
                double   cb     = Math.Cos(phi * dtr);
                double   sb     = Math.Sin(phi * dtr);

                double[,] F      = new double[3, 3];
                F[0, 0]          = -s1;
                F[0, 1]          = -sb * c1;
                F[0, 2]          = cb * c1;
                F[1, 0]          = c1;
                F[1, 1]          = -sb * s1;
                F[1, 2]          = cb * s1;
                F[2, 0]          = 0;
                F[2, 1]          = cb;
                F[2, 2]          = sb;
                double[,] Ftrans = F.Transpose();
                double[] vect = { 0, 0, 0 };
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    vect[0] += Ftrans[0, i] * dx[i];
                    vect[1] += Ftrans[1, i] * dx[i];
                    vect[2] += Ftrans[2, i] * dx[i];
                double E      = vect[0];
                double N      = vect[1];
                double U      = vect[2];
                double horDis = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(E, 2) + Math.Pow(N, 2));
                double Az;
                double El;

                if (horDis < 1e-20)
                    Az = 0;
                    El = 90;
                    Az = Math.Atan2(E, N) / dtr;
                    El = Math.Atan2(U, horDis) / dtr;
                if (Az < 0)
                    Az += 360;
                double D = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dx[0], 2) + Math.Pow(dx[1], 2) + Math.Pow(dx[2], 2));

                return(new double[3]
                    Az, El, D

            // Calculation of tropospheric correction.
            // sinel    sin of elevation angle of satellite
            // hsta     height of station in km
            // p        atmospheric pressure in mb at height hp
            // tkel     surface temperature in degrees Kelvin at height htkel
            // hum      humidity in % at height hhum
            // hp       height of pressure measurement in km
            // htkel    height of temperature measurement in km
            // hhum     height of humidity measurement in km
            double tropo(double sinel, double hsta, double p, double tkel, double hum, double hp, double htkel, double hhum)
                double ae     = 6378137;
                double b0     = 7.839257e-5;
                double tlapse = -6.5;
                double tkhum  = tkel + tlapse * (hhum - htkel);
                double atkel  = 7.5 * (tkhum - 273.15) / (237.3 + tkhum - 273.15);
                double e0     = 0.0611 * hum * Math.Pow(10, atkel);
                double tksea  = tkel - tlapse * htkel;
                double em     = -978.77 / (2.8704e6 * tlapse * 1e-5);
                double tkelh  = tksea + tlapse * hhum;
                double e0sea  = e0 * Math.Pow((tksea / tkelh), 4 * em);
                double tkelp  = tksea + tlapse * hp;
                double psea   = p * Math.Pow((tksea / tkelp), em);

                if (sinel < 0)
                    sinel = 0;
                double tropo  = 0;
                bool   done   = false;
                double refsea = 77.624e-6 / tksea;
                double htop   = 1.1385e-5 / refsea;

                refsea *= psea;
                double Ref = refsea * Math.Pow((htop - hsta) / htop, 4);

                for (; ;)
                    double rtop = Math.Pow((ae + htop), 2) - Math.Pow(ae + hsta, 2) * (1 - Math.Pow(sinel, 2));
                    if (rtop < 0)
                        rtop = 0;
                    rtop = Math.Sqrt(rtop) - (ae + hsta) * sinel;
                    double   a  = -sinel / (htop - hsta);
                    double   b  = -b0 * (1 - Math.Pow(sinel, 2)) / (htop - hsta);
                    double[] rn = new double[10];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        rn[i] = Math.Pow(rtop, i + 2);
                    double[] alpha = { 2 * a, 2 * Math.Pow(a, 2) + 4 * b / 3, a *(Math.Pow(a, 2) + 3 * b), Math.Pow(a, 4) / 5 + 2.4 * Math.Pow(a, 2) * b + 1.2 * Math.Pow(b, 2), 2 * a * b * (Math.Pow(a, 2) + 3 * b) / 3, Math.Pow(b, 2) * (Math.Pow(a, 2) * 6 + 4 * b) * 1.428571e-1, 0, 0 };
                    if (Math.Pow(b, 2) > 1e-35)
                        alpha[6] = a * Math.Pow(b, 3) / 2;
                        alpha[7] = Math.Pow(b, 4) / 9;
                    double dr = rtop;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        dr += alpha[i] * rn[i];
                    tropo += dr * Ref * 1000;
                    if (done == true)
                    done   = true;
                    refsea = (371900e-6 / tksea - 12.92e-6) / tksea;
                    htop   = 1.1385e-5 * (1255 / tksea + 0.05) / refsea;
                    Ref    = refsea * e0sea * Math.Pow((htop - hsta) / htop, 4);

            //Computation of receiver position from pseudoranges using ordinary least-squares principle
            double[,] recpo_ls(record obsData, double time, RinexNavigation eph)
                //Console.WriteLine("+++++++++++++++++ | {0}", obsData.Epoch.TimeOfDay);
                //obs[] primul pseudorange de la toti satelitii dintr o epoca
                double[] pos = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                //double GDOP;
                double v_light = 299792458;
                double dtr     = pi / 180;
                int    n       = 0;

                int[] sat = new int[obsData.Satellites.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < obsData.Satellites.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < eph.Entries.Count; j++)
                        if (gps_time(julday(eph.Entries[j].Toc.AddHours(2)))[1] >= time && gps_time(julday(eph.Entries[j].Toc))[1] <= time && obsData.Satellites[i].Name == eph.Entries[j].Name)
                            sat.SetValue(i, n);
                if (n < 4)
                    return new double[1, 1]
                               { 0 }
                double[] El = new double[n];
                double[,] A           = new double[n, 4];
                double[,] omc         = new double[n, 1];
                double[,] satPosition = new double[n, 10];
                for (int iter = 0; iter < 6; iter++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        //cautare eph corespunzatoare sat din obs file
                        double travelTime;
                        double rho2;
                        for (int j = 0; j < eph.Entries.Count; j++)
                            if (gps_time(julday(eph.Entries[j].Toc.AddHours(2)))[1] >= time && gps_time(julday(eph.Entries[j].Toc))[1] <= time && obsData.Satellites[i].Name == eph.Entries[j].Name)
                                double txRaw = time - obsData.Satellites[sat[i]].Data[0] / v_light;
                                double dt    = check_t(txRaw - eph.Entries[j].Group3.Toe);
                                double tcorr = (eph.Entries[j].Group0.a2 * dt + eph.Entries[j].Group0.a1 * dt + eph.Entries[j].Group0.a0);
                                double txGAL = txRaw - tcorr;
                                dt    = check_t(txGAL - eph.Entries[j].Group3.Toe);
                                tcorr = (eph.Entries[j].Group0.a2 * dt + eph.Entries[j].Group0.a1 * dt + eph.Entries[j].Group0.a0);
                                txGAL = txRaw - tcorr;
                                double[] X = satPos(txGAL, eph.Entries[j]);
                                satPosition[i, 0] = X[0];
                                satPosition[i, 1] = X[1];
                                satPosition[i, 2] = X[2];
                                double[] rotX;
                                double   trop;
                                if (iter == 0)
                                    travelTime = 0.072;
                                    rotX       = X;
                                    trop       = 0;
                                    rho2              = Math.Pow(X[0] - pos[0], 2) + Math.Pow(X[1] - pos[1], 2) + Math.Pow(X[2] - pos[2], 2);
                                    travelTime        = Math.Sqrt(rho2) / v_light;
                                    rotX              = e_r_corr(travelTime, X);
                                    satPosition[i, 3] = rotX[0];
                                    satPosition[i, 4] = rotX[1];
                                    satPosition[i, 5] = rotX[2];
                                    rho2              = Math.Pow(rotX[0] - pos[0], 2) + Math.Pow(rotX[1] - pos[1], 2) + Math.Pow(rotX[2] - pos[2], 2);
                                    double el = topocent(new double[] { pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] }, new double[] { rotX[0] - pos[0], rotX[1] - pos[1], rotX[2] - pos[2] })[1];
                                    if (iter == 5)
                                        El[i] = el;
                                    trop = tropo(Math.Sin(el * dtr), 0.0, 1013.0, 293.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                                    satPosition[i, 9] = trop;
                                omc.SetValue(obsData.Satellites[sat[i]].Data[0] - Norm.Frobenius(new double[, ] {
                                    { rotX[0] - pos[0], rotX[1] - pos[1], rotX[2] - pos[2] }, { 0, 0, 0 }
                                }) - pos[3] + v_light * tcorr, i, 0);
                                //double val =  Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(rotX[0] - pos[0], 2) + Math.Pow(rotX[1] - pos[1], 2) + Math.Pow(rotX[2] - pos[2], 2)) - pos[4] + v_light * tcorr - trop;
                                //omc.SetValue(val, i, 0);
                                A.SetValue((-(rotX[0] - pos[0])) / obsData.Satellites[sat[i]].Data[0], i, 0);
                                A.SetValue((-(rotX[1] - pos[1])) / obsData.Satellites[sat[i]].Data[0], i, 1);
                                A.SetValue((-(rotX[2] - pos[2])) / obsData.Satellites[sat[i]].Data[0], i, 2);
                                A.SetValue(1, i, 3);
                                // Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} | {2} | {3}",A.GetValue(i,0),A.GetValue(i,1),A.GetValue(i,2),A.GetValue(i,3));
                    double[] x = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                    double[,] Ainv = A.PseudoInverse();
                    for (int i = 0; i < omc.Length; i++)
                        x[0] += Ainv[0, i] * omc[i, 0];
                        x[1] += Ainv[1, i] * omc[i, 0];
                        x[2] += Ainv[2, i] * omc[i, 0];
                        x[3] += Ainv[3, i] * omc[i, 0];
                    pos[0] += x[0];
                    pos[1] += x[1];
                    pos[2] += x[2];
                    pos[3] += x[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    satPosition[i, 6] = pos[0];
                    satPosition[i, 7] = pos[1];
                    satPosition[i, 8] = pos[2];
            //conversion of degrees to degrees, mins, secs
            double[] deg2dms(double deg)
                bool negArg = false;

                if (deg < 0)
                    negArg = true;
                    deg    = -deg;
                double intDeg  = Math.Floor(deg);
                double Decimal = deg - intDeg;
                double minPart = Decimal * 60;
                double min     = Math.Floor(minPart);
                double secPart = minPart - min;
                double sec     = secPart * 60;

                if (sec == 60)
                    sec = 0;
                if (min == 60)
                    min = 0;
                if (negArg == true)
                    intDeg = -intDeg;
                return(new double[3]
                    intDeg, min, sec

            void cart2geo(double x, double y, double z)
                double a      = 6378137;
                double f      = 1 / 298.257223563;
                double lambda = Math.Atan2(y, x);
                double ex2    = (2 - f) * f / Math.Pow(1 - f, 2);
                double c      = a * Math.Sqrt(1 + ex2);
                double phi    = Math.Atan(z / ((Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) * (1 - (2 - f)) * f)));
                double h      = 0.1;
                double oldH   = 0;
                double N;

                while (Math.Abs(h - oldH) > 1e-13)
                    oldH = h;
                    N    = c / Math.Sqrt(1 + ex2 * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(phi), 2));
                    phi  = Math.Atan(z / ((Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) * (1 - (2 - f) * f * N / (N + h)))));
                    h    = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)) / Math.Cos(phi) - N;
                double[] phiRes    = deg2dms(phi * 180 / pi);
                double[] lambdaRes = deg2dms(lambda * 180 / pi);
                Console.WriteLine("lat : {0}° {1}' {2}\"", phiRes[0], phiRes[1], phiRes[2]);
                Console.WriteLine("long : {0}° {1}' {2}\"", lambdaRes[0], lambdaRes[1], lambdaRes[2]);

            void getPosition(RinexObservation Obsfile, RinexNavigation eph)
                int noOfEpochs = Obsfile.Entries.Count;

                double[,] Pos = new double[4, noOfEpochs];
                double[,] pos;
                foreach (record ObsData in Obsfile.Entries)
                    double timeOfWeek = gps_time(julday(ObsData.Epoch))[1];
                    pos = recpo_ls(ObsData, timeOfWeek, eph);
                    if (pos[0, 0] != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < pos.GetLength(0); i++)
                            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"D:\GNSS\test.txt"))
                                sw.Write("{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} | {6} | {7} | {8} | {9} \n", pos[i, 0].ToString(), pos[i, 1].ToString(), pos[i, 2].ToString(), pos[i, 3].ToString(), pos[i, 4].ToString(), pos[i, 5].ToString(), pos[i, 6].ToString(), pos[i, 7].ToString(), pos[i, 8].ToString(), pos[i, 9].ToString());
                        // 0 , 1 , 2 - satellite position
                        // 3 , 4 , 5 - rotated satellite ECEF coordinates due to Earth rotation during signal travel time
                        // 6 , 7 , 8 - receiver position (corrected)
                        // 9         - tropo correction

            #region codeVechi

            /*// 6 Jan 1980 00:00:00
             * //Constante
             * double GM = 3.986005 * Math.Pow(10, 14);
             * double omegaE = 7.292115 * Math.Pow(10, -5);
             * //var pi = Math.PI;
             * double[] CalculateSatPosition(EntryNavigation entry)
             * {
             *  var totalDaysFrom1980 = (entry.Toc - reper).TotalDays;
             *  var dayOfWeek = totalDaysFrom1980 % 7;
             *  var secondsInTheWeek = dayOfWeek * 86400;
             *  // Time from current ephemeris epoch
             *  double tk = secondsInTheWeek - entry.Group3.Toe;
             *  if (tk > 302400)
             *      tk -= 604800;
             *  else if (tk < -302400)
             *      tk += 604800;
             *  //Console.WriteLine(tk);
             *  //Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(tk));
             *  //EccentricAnomally
             *  // Computed mean motion
             *  double a = Math.Pow(entry.Group2.sqrtA, 2);
             *  double n0 = Math.Sqrt(GM / Math.Pow(a, 3));
             *  // Corrected mean motion
             *  double n = n0 + entry.Group1.deltaN;
             *  // Mean anomally
             *  double Mk = entry.Group1.M0 + n * tk;
             *  // Solve Kepler's Equation for Eccentric Anomally
             *  double Ek = Mk;
             *  for (; ; )
             *  {
             *      double temp = Ek;
             *      Ek = Mk + entry.Group2.e * Math.Sin(Ek);
             *      if (Math.Abs(Ek - temp) < 1e-10) break;
             *  }
             *  // return Ek
             *  //True anomally
             *  double vk = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(1 - entry.Group2.e * entry.Group2.e) * Math.Sin(Ek), Math.Cos(Ek) - entry.Group2.e);
             *  // Argument of lattitude
             *  double AOL = vk * entry.Group4.omega;
             *  // Second Harmonic Perturbation
             *  double duk = entry.Group2.Cus * Math.Sin(2 * AOL) + entry.Group2.Cuc * Math.Cos(2 * AOL); // Argument of lattitude correction
             *  double drk = entry.Group1.Crs * Math.Sin(2 * AOL) + entry.Group4.Crc * Math.Cos(2 * AOL); // Radius Correction
             *  double dik = entry.Group3.Cis * Math.Sin(2 * AOL) + entry.Group3.Cic * Math.Cos(2 * AOL); // Inclination Correction
             *  // Corrected Argument of lattitude , Radius & Inclination
             *  double uk = AOL + duk;
             *  double rk = a * (1 - entry.Group2.e * Math.Cos(Ek)) + drk;
             *  double ik = entry.Group4.i0 + dik + entry.Group5.IDOT * tk;
             *  // Position in orbital plane
             *  double x_kp = rk * Math.Cos(uk);
             *  double y_kp = rk * Math.Sin(uk);
             *  // Corrected longitude of ascending mode
             *  double OmegaK = entry.Group3.OMEGA + (entry.Group4.OMEGADOT - omegaE) * tk - omegaE * entry.Group3.Toe;
             *  // Earth fixed coordinates
             *  double x = x_kp * Math.Cos(OmegaK) - y_kp * Math.Cos(ik) * Math.Sin(OmegaK);
             *  double y = x_kp * Math.Sin(OmegaK) - y_kp * Math.Cos(ik) * Math.Cos(OmegaK);
             *  double z = y_kp * Math.Sin(ik);
             *  return new double[3]
             *  {
             *      x, y, z
             *  };
             * }
             * static double CalculateTi(double[] sat, double pseudorange)
             * {
             *  return (Math.Pow(sat[0], 2) + Math.Pow(sat[1], 2) + Math.Pow(sat[2], 2)) - Math.Pow(pseudorange, 2);
             * }
             * var sat1 = CalculateSatPosition(fisier.NavigationFile.Entries[84]); var pseudo1 = fisier.ObservationFile.Entries[60].Satellites[0].Data[0];
             * var sat2 = CalculateSatPosition(fisier.NavigationFile.Entries[83]); var pseudo2 = fisier.ObservationFile.Entries[60].Satellites[1].Data[0];
             * var sat3 = CalculateSatPosition(fisier.NavigationFile.Entries[82]); var pseudo3 = fisier.ObservationFile.Entries[60].Satellites[2].Data[0];
             * var sat4 = CalculateSatPosition(fisier.NavigationFile.Entries[81]); var pseudo4 = fisier.ObservationFile.Entries[60].Satellites[3].Data[0];
             * var sat5 = CalculateSatPosition(fisier.NavigationFile.Entries[90]); var pseudo5 = fisier.ObservationFile.Entries[60].Satellites[5].Data[0];
             * Matrix<double> B = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[,]
             * {
             *  { CalculateTi(sat2, pseudo2) - CalculateTi(sat1, pseudo1) },
             *  { CalculateTi(sat3, pseudo3) - CalculateTi(sat1, pseudo1) },
             *  { CalculateTi(sat4, pseudo4) - CalculateTi(sat1, pseudo1) },
             *  { CalculateTi(sat5, pseudo5) - CalculateTi(sat1, pseudo1) }
             * });
             * Matrix<double> A = DenseMatrix.OfArray(new double[,]
             * {
             *  { sat2[0] - sat1[0], sat2[1] - sat1[1], sat2[2] - sat1[2], pseudo1 - pseudo2 },
             *  { sat3[0] - sat1[0], sat3[1] - sat1[1], sat3[2] - sat1[2], pseudo1 - pseudo3  },
             *  { sat4[0] - sat1[0], sat4[1] - sat1[1], sat4[2] - sat1[2], pseudo1 - pseudo4  },
             *  { sat5[0] - sat1[0], sat5[1] - sat1[1], sat5[2] - sat1[2], pseudo1 - pseudo5  }
             * });
             * Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(sat2[0] - sat1[0]));
             * var X = B.Transpose().Multiply(0.5).Multiply(A.Inverse());
             * Console.WriteLine(A.Inverse());
             * Console.WriteLine(B.Transpose());
             * Console.WriteLine(B.Transpose().Multiply(0.5));
             * Console.WriteLine(X);
             * Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(X[0, 0]));
             * Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(X[0, 1]));
             * Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(X[0, 2]));
             * Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToDecimal(X[0, 3])); // 59316429.1916321
             * Console.WriteLine();
             * Console.WriteLine(ecef2lla(X[0, 0], X[0, 1], X[0, 2])[0]);
             * Console.WriteLine(ecef2lla(X[0, 0], X[0, 1], X[0, 2])[1]);
             * Console.WriteLine(ecef2lla(X[0, 0], X[0, 1], X[0, 2])[2]);
             * }
             * // Exemplu din documentatie
             * /*double[] sat1 = new double[3] { 28573624.909, 176258.719, 475886.493 }; double pseudo1 = 25573786.094;
             * double[] sat2 = new double[3] { 20534972.474, 3620869.695, 20821515.054 }; double pseudo2 = 23269991.712;
             * double[] sat3 = new double[3] { 13834909.426, 9331764.237, 24705373.313 }; double pseudo3 = 23527045.278;
             * double[] sat4 = new double[3] { -18325015.195, 12831313.778, 20831862.073 }; double pseudo4 = 29205487.559;
             * double[] sat5 = new double[3] { -11441576.697, 19817392.158, 15998439.113 }; double pseudo5 = 26129807.790;
             * Console.WriteLine(CalculateTi(sat1, pseudo1, 0));
             * Console.WriteLine("159654526737584.50");*/