Exemplo n.º 1
        public RubyGrammar()
            #region Terminals
              //String Literals with single and double-quote start/end symbols
              StringLiteral STRING = new StringLiteral("STRING", TermOptions.SpecialIgnoreCase);
              STRING.AddStartEnd("\"", ScanFlags.None);
              STRING.AddStartEnd("'", ScanFlags.None);
              Terminal HereDoc = new Terminal("HereDoc"); //-- implement me!
              Terminal RegExLiteral = new Terminal("RegExLiteral"); //-- implement me!
              IdentifierTerminal IDENTIFIER = new IdentifierTerminal("identifier", "_!?", "_$@");
              //                                                name     extraChars      extraFirstChars
              IDENTIFIER.DisplayName = "variable";
              //we need to isolate reserved words to avoid ambiguities in grammar
              IDENTIFIER.AddKeywords("do", "end", "def", "class",
                                       "if", "case", "return", "yield", "while", "until");  //and some others...
              Terminal Number = new NumberLiteral("Number");
              Terminal Comment = new CommentTerminal("Comment", "#", "\n");
              NonGrammarTerminals.Add(Comment); //add comment explicitly to this list as it is not reachable from Root

              //some conveniency variables
              Terminal Pipe = Symbol("|");
              Terminal dot = Symbol(".");
              Terminal comma = Symbol(",");

              #region NonTerminals
              //NT variables names match element names in original grammar
              NonTerminal PROGRAM = new NonTerminal("PROGRAM");
              NonTerminal COMPSTMT = new NonTerminal("COMPSTMT");
              NonTerminal STMT = new NonTerminal("STMT");
              NonTerminal BLOCK = new NonTerminal("BLOCK");
              NonTerminal EXPR = new NonTerminal("EXPR");
              //NonTerminal CALL = new NonTerminal("CALL");
              NonTerminal COMMAND = new NonTerminal("COMMAND");
              NonTerminal FUNCTION = new NonTerminal("FUNCTION");
              NonTerminal ARG = EXPR;// new NonTerminal("ARG");
              NonTerminal PRIMARY = new NonTerminal("PRIMARY", "operand");
              NonTerminal WHEN_ARGS = new NonTerminal("WHEN_ARGS");
              NonTerminal THEN = new NonTerminal("THEN");
              NonTerminal BLOCK_BEGIN = new NonTerminal("BLOCK_BEGIN");
              NonTerminal BLOCK_END = new NonTerminal("BLOCK_END");
              NonTerminal BLOCK_VAR = new NonTerminal("BLOCK_VAR");
            //      NonTerminal MLHS_ITEM = new NonTerminal("MLHS_ITEM");
              NonTerminal LHS = new NonTerminal("LHS");
              NonTerminal MRHS = new NonTerminal("MRHS");
            //      NonTerminal MLHS = MRHS; // new NonTerminal("MLHS");
              NonTerminal CALL_ARGS = new NonTerminal("CALL_ARGS");
              NonTerminal CALL_ARGS_P = new NonTerminal("CALL_ARGS_P");
              NonTerminal AMP_ARG = new NonTerminal("AMP_ARG");
              NonTerminal STAR_ARG = new NonTerminal("STAR_ARG");
              NonTerminal ARGS = new NonTerminal("ARGS");
              NonTerminal ARGDECL = new NonTerminal("ARGDECL");
              NonTerminal ARGLIST = new NonTerminal("ARGLIST");
            //      NonTerminal SINGLETON = new NonTerminal("SINGLETON");
              NonTerminal ASSOCS = new NonTerminal("ASSOCS");
              NonTerminal ASSOC = new NonTerminal("ASSOC");
            //      NonTerminal VARIABLE = new NonTerminal("VARIABLE");  --merged into IDENTIFIER
              NonTerminal LITERAL = new NonTerminal("LITERAL", "value");
              NonTerminal TERM = new NonTerminal("TERM");
              NonTerminal DO = new NonTerminal("DO");
            //      NonTerminal VARNAME = new NonTerminal("VARNAME");   // note 1
              NonTerminal GLOBAL = new NonTerminal("GLOBAL");
              NonTerminal RETURN_STMT = new NonTerminal("RETURN_STMT");
              NonTerminal YIELD_STMT = new NonTerminal("YIELD_STMT");
              NonTerminal DEFINEDQ_STMT = new NonTerminal("DEFINEDQ_STMT");
              NonTerminal FUNCTION_STMT = new NonTerminal("FUNCTION_STMT");
              NonTerminal IF_STMT = new NonTerminal("IF_STMT");
              NonTerminal UNLESS_STMT = new NonTerminal("UNLESS_STMT");
              NonTerminal WHILE_STMT = new NonTerminal("WHILE_STMT");
              NonTerminal UNTIL_STMT = new NonTerminal("UNTIL_STMT");
              NonTerminal CASE_STMT = new NonTerminal("CASE_STMT");
              NonTerminal FOR_STMT = new NonTerminal("FOR_STMT");
              NonTerminal BLOCK_STMT = new NonTerminal("BLOCK_STMT");
              NonTerminal CLASS_DEF = new NonTerminal("CLASS_DEF");
              NonTerminal BASE_REF = new NonTerminal("BASE_REF");
              NonTerminal MODULE = new NonTerminal("MODULE_STMT");
              NonTerminal DEFFUNC_STMT = new NonTerminal("DEFFUNC_STMT");
              NonTerminal DEFSING_STMT = new NonTerminal("DEFSING_STMT");
              NonTerminal SINGLETON = new NonTerminal("SINGLETON");
              NonTerminal END = new NonTerminal("end");

              NonTerminal SYMBOL = new NonTerminal("SYMBOL");
              //Not in original grammar
              NonTerminal FNAME = new NonTerminal("FNAME");
              BLOCK_BEGIN.Rule = Symbol("do") | "{";
              BLOCK_END.Rule = Symbol("end") | "}";
              NonTerminal OPERATION = new NonTerminal("OPERATION");
              //      Terminal VARNAME = IDENTIFIER;
              NonTerminal AUG_ASGN = new NonTerminal("AUG_ASGN");
              NonTerminal BINOP = new NonTerminal("BINOP", "operator");
              NonTerminal UNOP = new NonTerminal("UNOP");
              NonTerminal DELIM = new NonTerminal("DELIM");


              #region Rules
              //Set grammar root
              this.Root = PROGRAM;

              //PROGRAM         : COMPSTMT
              PROGRAM.Rule = COMPSTMT; // +Grammar.Eof;
              //COMPSTMT        : STMT (TERM EXPR)* [TERM]
              COMPSTMT.Rule = NewLine.Q() + STMT.Plus(TERM) + TERM.Q();

              /* STMT   : CALL do [`|' [BLOCK_VAR] `|'] COMPSTMT end
                | undef FNAME
                | alias FNAME FNAME
                | STMT if EXPR
                | STMT while EXPR
                | STMT unless EXPR
                | STMT until EXPR
                | `BEGIN' `{' COMPSTMT `}'
                | `"end"' `{' COMPSTMT `}'
                | LHS `=' COMMAND [do [`|' [BLOCK_VAR] `|'] COMPSTMT end]
                | EXPR    */
              STMT.Rule =     FUNCTION
                      | COMMAND + BLOCK.Q()
                      | "undef" + FNAME | "alias" + FNAME + FNAME
                      | STMT + (Symbol("if")|"while"|"unless"|"until") + EXPR
                      | Symbol("BEGIN") + "{" + COMPSTMT + "}"
                     // | Symbol("end") + BLOCK_BEGIN + COMPSTMT + BLOCK_END    // don't quite get it
                   //   | LHS + "=" + COMMAND + BLOCK.Q()
                      | LHS + "=" + EXPR  //changed this
                      | LHS + AUG_ASGN + EXPR
                      | EXPR;
              BLOCK.Rule = "do" + WithQ(Pipe + BLOCK_VAR.Q() + Pipe) + COMPSTMT + "end";

              /* EXPR   : MLHS `=' MRHS
                | return CALL_ARGS
                | yield CALL_ARGS
                | EXPR and EXPR
                | EXPR or EXPR
                | not EXPR
                | COMMAND
                | `!' COMMAND
                | ARG   */
              //this one is completely changed, for better or worse...
              EXPR.Rule = //  MRHS + "=" + EXPR | //changed to EXPR
                     //  LHS + "=" + EXPR  //changed this
                    // | LHS + AUG_ASGN + EXPR
                      EXPR + BINOP + EXPR
                     | UNOP + EXPR
                     //| "(" + EXPR + ")"
                      | EXPR + "?" + EXPR + ":" + EXPR   //added this to cover "?" operator
                     | "defined?" + ARG
                     | PRIMARY
              ARG = EXPR;
              // CALL   : FUNCTION | COMMAND
             // CALL.Expression = FUNCTION | COMMAND; //expression embedded directly into STMT

              /* COMMAND         : OPERATION CALL_ARGS
                | PRIMARY `.' OPERATION CALL_ARGS
                | PRIMARY `::' OPERATION CALL_ARGS
                | super CALL_ARGS   */
              COMMAND.Rule =  OPERATION + CALL_ARGS
                         | PRIMARY + DELIM + OPERATION + CALL_ARGS
                         | "super" + CALL_ARGS;
              OPERATION.Rule =  IDENTIFIER;
              DELIM.Rule = dot | "::";

              /* FUNCTION   : OPERATION [`(' [CALL_ARGS] `)']
                | PRIMARY `.' OPERATION `(' [CALL_ARGS] `)'
                | PRIMARY `::' OPERATION `(' [CALL_ARGS] `)'
                | PRIMARY `.' OPERATION
                | PRIMARY `::' OPERATION
                | super `(' [CALL_ARGS] `)'
                | super  */
                   | PRIMARY + DELIM + OPERATION + CALL_ARGS_P.Q()
                   | "super" + CALL_ARGS_P;
              CALL_ARGS_P.Rule = "(" + CALL_ARGS.Q() + ")";
              /*  ARG   : LHS `=' ARG
                | LHS OP_ASGN ARG
                | ARG `..' ARG
                | ARG `...' ARG
                | ARG `+' ARG
                | ARG `-' ARG
                | ARG `*' ARG
                | ARG `/' ARG
                | ARG `%' ARG
                | ARG `**' ARG
                | `+' ARG
                | `-' ARG
                | ARG `|' ARG
                | ARG `^' ARG
                | ARG `&' ARG
                | ARG `<=>' ARG
                | ARG `>' ARG
                | ARG `>=' ARG
                | ARG `<' ARG
                | ARG `<=' ARG
                | ARG `==' ARG
                | ARG `===' ARG
                | ARG `!=' ARG
                | ARG `=~' ARG
                | ARG `!~' ARG
                | `!' ARG
                | `~' ARG
                | ARG `<<' ARG
                | ARG `>>' ARG
                | ARG `&&' ARG
                | ARG `||' ARG
                | defined? ARG
                | PRIMARY   */

            /*  ARG.Expression = LHS + "=" + EXPR  //changed this
                     | LHS + AUG_ASGN + EXPR
                     | ARG + BINOP + ARG  //moved to EXPR
                     | UNOP + ARG
                     | "defined?" + ARG
                     | PRIMARY
                     ; */
              AUG_ASGN.Rule = Symbol("+=") | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&&=" | "||=";

              BINOP.Rule = Symbol("..") | "..." | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "|" | "^" | "&"
                         | "<=>" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "=~" | "!~" | "<<" | ">>" | "&&" | "||"
                         | "and" | "or";  //added these two here
              UNOP.Rule = Symbol("+") | "-" | "!" | "~";
               /*PRIMARY:    */
              /*        `(' COMPSTMT `)'
                | LITERAL
                | VARIABLE
                | PRIMARY `::' IDENTIFIER
                | `::' IDENTIFIER
                | PRIMARY `[' [ARGS] `]'
                | `[' [ARGS [`,']] `]'
                | `{' [(ARGS|ASSOCS) [`,']] `}'
                | return [`(' [CALL_ARGS] `)']
                | yield [`(' [CALL_ARGS] `)']
                | defined? `(' ARG `)'
                | FUNCTION
                | FUNCTION `{' [`|' [BLOCK_VAR] `|'] COMPSTMT `}'
                | if EXPR THEN
                  (elsif EXPR THEN COMPSTMT)*
                  [else COMPSTMT]
                | unless EXPR THEN
                  [else COMPSTMT]
                | while EXPR DO COMPSTMT end
                | until EXPR DO COMPSTMT end
                | case COMPSTMT
                  (when WHEN_ARGS THEN COMPSTMT)+
                  [else COMPSTMT]
                | for BLOCK_VAR in EXPR DO
                | begin
                  [rescue [ARGS] DO COMPSTMT]+
                  [else COMPSTMT]
                  [ensure COMPSTMT]
                | class IDENTIFIER [`<' IDENTIFIER]
                | module IDENTIFIER
                | def FNAME ARGDECL
                | def SINGLETON (`.'|`::') FNAME ARGDECL
                  end */
              PRIMARY.Rule =
               // "(" + COMPSTMT + ")" |   //-- removed this to fix ambiguity
            | LHS  //note 1.
            | "[" + WithQ(ARGS + comma.Q()) + "]"
            | "{" + WithQ( (ARGS|ASSOC) + comma.Q() ) + "}"
             // LHS.Expression = VARIABLE | PRIMARY + "[" + ARGS.Q() + "]" | PRIMARY + "." + IDENTIFIER;

              RETURN_STMT.Rule = "return" + EXPR;// CALL_ARGS_P.Q(); //changed this
              YIELD_STMT.Rule = "yield" + CALL_ARGS_P.Q();
              DEFINEDQ_STMT.Rule = Symbol("defined?") + "(" + ARG + ")";
              FUNCTION_STMT.Rule = FUNCTION + WithQ("{" + WithQ("|" + BLOCK_VAR.Q() + "|") + COMPSTMT + "}");
              IF_STMT.Rule = "if" + EXPR + THEN + COMPSTMT + WithStar("elsif" + EXPR + THEN + COMPSTMT) + WithQ("else" + COMPSTMT) + END;
              UNLESS_STMT.Rule = "unless" + EXPR + THEN + COMPSTMT + "else" + COMPSTMT + END;
              WHILE_STMT.Rule = "while" + EXPR + DO + COMPSTMT + END;
              UNTIL_STMT.Rule = "until" + EXPR + DO + COMPSTMT + END;
              CASE_STMT.Rule = "case" + COMPSTMT + WithPlus("when" + WHEN_ARGS + THEN + COMPSTMT)
                                 + WithQ("else" + COMPSTMT) + END;
              FOR_STMT.Rule = "for" + BLOCK_VAR + "in" + EXPR + DO + COMPSTMT + END;
              BLOCK_STMT.Rule = "begin" + COMPSTMT + WithPlus("rescue" + ARGS.Q() + DO + COMPSTMT)
                                 + WithQ("else" + COMPSTMT) + WithQ("ensure" + COMPSTMT) + END;
              CLASS_DEF.Rule = "class" + IDENTIFIER + BASE_REF.Q() + COMPSTMT + END;
              BASE_REF.Rule = "<" + IDENTIFIER;
              MODULE.Rule = "module" + IDENTIFIER + COMPSTMT + END;
              DEFFUNC_STMT.Rule = "def" + FNAME + ARGDECL.Q() + COMPSTMT + END;
              DEFSING_STMT.Rule = "def" + SINGLETON + (dot|"::") + FNAME + ARGDECL.Q() + COMPSTMT + END;
              END.Rule = "end"; // TERM.Q() + "end";
              //  SINGLETON : VARIABLE | `(' EXPR `)'
              SINGLETON.Rule = IDENTIFIER | "(" + EXPR + ")";
              // WHEN_ARGS       : ARGS [`,' `*' ARG]  | `*' ARG
              WHEN_ARGS.Rule = ARGS + WithQ(comma + "*" + ARG) | "*" + ARG;
              // THEN   : TERM | then | TERM then
              THEN.Rule = TERM | "then" | TERM + "then";
              // DO     : TERM | do | TERM do
              DO.Rule = TERM | "do" | TERM + "do";
              //  BLOCK_VAR       : LHS | MLHS
            //      BLOCK_VAR.Expression = LHS | MLHS;   // -- ambiguous, changing to the following:
              BLOCK_VAR.Rule = IDENTIFIER | "(" + IDENTIFIER.Plus(comma) + ")";
              //  MLHS  : MLHS_ITEM `,' [MLHS_ITEM (`,' MLHS_ITEM)*] [`*' [LHS]]  | `*' LHS
            //      MLHS.Expression = MLHS_ITEM.Plus(",") + WithQ("*" + LHS.Q()) | "*" + LHS;  --ambiguous
              //MLHS.Expression = PRIMARY.Plus(",") + WithQ("*" + LHS.Q()) | "*" + LHS;
              //  MLHS_ITEM  : LHS | '(' MLHS ')'
              //MLHS_ITEM.Expression = LHS | "(" + MLHS + ")";  //--ambiguous!!! using PRIMARY
              //MLHS_ITEM = PRIMARY;

              /* LHS    : VARIABLE
                | PRIMARY `[' [ARGS] `]'
                | PRIMARY `.' IDENTIFIER  */
             // LHS.Expression = IDENTIFIER | PRIMARY + "[" + ARGS.Q() + "]" | PRIMARY + dot + IDENTIFIER;
              LHS.Rule = OPERATION
                     | PRIMARY + "[" + ARGS.Q() + "]"
                     | "(" + EXPR + ")";
              //   MRHS : ARGS [`,' `*' ARG] | `*' ARG
              MRHS.Rule = ARGS + WithQ(comma + "*" + ARG) | "*" + ARG;
              /* CALL_ARGS   : ARGS
                | ARGS [`,' ASSOCS] [`,' `*' ARG] [`,' `&' ARG]
                | ASSOCS [`,' `*' ARG] [`,' `&' ARG]
                | `*' ARG [`,' `&' ARG]
                | `&' ARG
                | COMMAND    */
              CALL_ARGS.Rule = // ARGS |  //removed this - it is covered by next expression
                             ARGS + WithQ(comma + ASSOCS) + STAR_ARG.Q() + AMP_ARG.Q()
                           | ASSOCS + STAR_ARG.Q() + AMP_ARG.Q()
                           | "*" + ARG + AMP_ARG.Q()
                           | "&" + ARG
                           | COMMAND;
              AMP_ARG.Rule = comma + "&" + ARG;
              STAR_ARG.Rule = comma + "*" + ARG;
              //  ARGS            : ARG (`,' ARG)*
              ARGS.Rule = ARG.Plus(comma);
              // ARGDECL         : `(' ARGLIST `)'  | ARGLIST TERM
              ARGDECL.Rule = "(" + ARGLIST + ")" | ARGLIST + TERM;
              /*   ARGLIST         : IDENTIFIER(`,'IDENTIFIER)*[`,'`*'[IDENTIFIER]][`,'`&'IDENTIFIER]
                | `*'IDENTIFIER[`,'`&'IDENTIFIER]
                | [`&'IDENTIFIER]    */
              ARGLIST.Rule = IDENTIFIER.Plus(comma) + WithQ(comma + "*" + IDENTIFIER.Q()) + WithQ(comma + "&" + IDENTIFIER)
                           | "*" + IDENTIFIER + WithQ(comma + "&" + IDENTIFIER)
                           | "&" + IDENTIFIER;
              // ASSOCS : ASSOC (`,' ASSOC)*
              ASSOCS.Rule = ASSOC.Plus(comma);
              //ASSOC : ARG `=>' ARG
              ASSOC.Rule = ARG + "=>" + ARG;
              //  VARIABLE : VARNAME | nil | self    -- variable is merged into IDENTIFIER
              //VARIABLE.Expression = IDENTIFIER | "nil" | "self";
              // LITERAL : numeric | SYMBOL | STRING | STRING2 | HERE_DOC | REGEXP
              LITERAL.Rule = Number | SYMBOL | STRING | HereDoc | RegExLiteral;
              SYMBOL.Rule = Symbol(":") + IDENTIFIER; // (FNAME | VARNAME); //note 1.
              /*  FNAME           : IDENTIFIER | `..' | `|' | `^' | `&'
                | `<=>' | `==' | `===' | `=~'
                | `>' | `>=' | `<' | `<='
                | `+' | `-' | `*' | `/' | `%' | `**'
                | `<<' | `>>' | `~'
                | `+@' | `-@' | `[]' | `[]='  */
              FNAME.Rule = IDENTIFIER | ".." | "|" | "^" | "&" | "<=>" | "==" | "===" | "=~"
                | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<="  | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**"
                | "<<" | ">>" | "~" | "+@" | "-@" | "[]" | "[]=";
              // TERM : `;' | `\n'
              TERM.Rule = NewLine | ";";  //NewLine is produced by token filter

              //error handling
              EXPR.ErrorRule = SyntaxError;
              DEFFUNC_STMT.ErrorRule = "def" + SyntaxError + COMPSTMT + END;

              #region misc: Operators, TokenFilters, etc
              //Register operators - not sure if precedence is assigned correctly
              RegisterOperators(100, Associativity.Right, "**");
              RegisterOperators( 90, "<<", ">>");
              RegisterOperators( 80, "*", "/", "%");
              RegisterOperators( 70, "+", "-");
              RegisterOperators( 60, "&", "&&", "and");
              RegisterOperators( 50, "|", "||", "or", "^");
              RegisterOperators( 40, ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "?");
              RegisterOperators( 30, "<=>" , "==" , "===" , "!=" , "=~" , "!~");
              RegisterOperators( 20, "..", "...");

              RegisterPunctuation("(", ")", "," );

              CodeOutlineFilter filter = new CodeOutlineFilter(false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PythonGrammar()
            #region Declare Terminals
              ConstantTerminal Constants = new ConstantTerminal("Constants");
              Constants.Add("True", true);
              Constants.Add("False", false);
              IdentifierTerminal Identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("Identifier");
              Terminal Comment = new CommentTerminal("Comment", "#", "\n");

              Terminal comma = Symbol(",", "comma");
              //commaQ is optional trailing comma in lists; it causes several conflicts in this grammar
              // so we get rid of it (by assigning it Empty value)
              //NonTerminal commaQ = comma.Q();  //this causes several conflicts
              NonTerminal commaQ = Empty;
              Terminal dot = Symbol(".", "dot");
              Terminal LBr   = Symbol("[");
              Terminal RBr   = Symbol("]");
              Terminal bQuote   = Symbol("`");
              Terminal ellipsis   = Symbol("...");
              Terminal colon = Symbol(":");
              Terminal NAME = Identifier;
              Terminal NEWLINE = Grammar.NewLine;
              Terminal INDENT = Grammar.Indent;
              Terminal DEDENT = Grammar.Dedent;
              Terminal semicolon = Symbol(";");
              Terminal EOF = Grammar.Eof;
              Terminal NUMBER = TerminalFactory.CreatePythonNumber("NUMBER");

              #region Declare NonTerminals
              StringLiteral STRING = TerminalFactory.CreatePythonString("String");
              NonTerminal single_input = new NonTerminal("single_input");
              NonTerminal file_input = new NonTerminal("file_input");
              NonTerminal eval_input = new NonTerminal("eval_input");
              NonTerminal decorator = new NonTerminal("decorator");
              NonTerminal funcdef = new NonTerminal("funcdef");
              NonTerminal parameters = new NonTerminal("parameters");
              NonTerminal varargslist = new NonTerminal("varargslist");
              NonTerminal vararg = new NonTerminal("vararg");
              NonTerminal fpdef = new NonTerminal("fpdef");
              NonTerminal fpdef_ext = new NonTerminal("fpdef_ext");
              NonTerminal fplist = new NonTerminal("fplist");
              NonTerminal stmt = new NonTerminal("stmt");
              NonTerminal simple_stmt = new NonTerminal("simple_stmt");
              NonTerminal small_stmt = new NonTerminal("small_stmt");
              NonTerminal expr_stmt = new NonTerminal("expr_stmt");
              NonTerminal yield_or_testlist = new NonTerminal("yield_or_testlist");
              NonTerminal augassign = new NonTerminal("augassign");
              NonTerminal print_stmt = new NonTerminal("print_stmt");
              NonTerminal del_stmt = new NonTerminal("del_stmt");
              NonTerminal pass_stmt = new NonTerminal("pass_stmt");
              NonTerminal flow_stmt = new NonTerminal("flow_stmt");
              NonTerminal break_stmt = new NonTerminal("break_stmt");
              NonTerminal continue_stmt = new NonTerminal("continue_stmt");
              NonTerminal return_stmt = new NonTerminal("return_stmt");
              NonTerminal yield_stmt = new NonTerminal("yield_stmt");
              NonTerminal raise_stmt = new NonTerminal("raise_stmt");
              NonTerminal import_stmt = new NonTerminal("import_stmt");
              NonTerminal import_name = new NonTerminal("import_name");
              NonTerminal import_from = new NonTerminal("import_from");
              NonTerminal import_as_name = new NonTerminal("import_as_name");
              NonTerminal dotted_as_name = new NonTerminal("dotted_as_name");
              NonTerminal import_as_names = new NonTerminal("import_as_names");
              NonTerminal dotted_as_names = new NonTerminal("dotted_as_names");
              NonTerminal dotted_name = new NonTerminal("dotted_name");
              NonTerminal global_stmt = new NonTerminal("global_stmt");
              NonTerminal exec_stmt = new NonTerminal("exec_stmt");
              NonTerminal assert_stmt = new NonTerminal("assert_stmt");
              NonTerminal compound_stmt = new NonTerminal("compound_stmt");
              NonTerminal if_stmt = new NonTerminal("if_stmt");
              NonTerminal else_clause = new NonTerminal("else_clause");
              NonTerminal while_stmt = new NonTerminal("while_stmt");
              NonTerminal for_stmt = new NonTerminal("for_stmt");
              NonTerminal try_stmt = new NonTerminal("try_stmt");
              NonTerminal finally_block = new NonTerminal("finally_block");
              NonTerminal with_stmt = new NonTerminal("with_stmt");
              NonTerminal with_var = new NonTerminal("with_var");
              NonTerminal except_clause = new NonTerminal("except_clause");
              NonTerminal suite = new NonTerminal("suite");
              NonTerminal testlist_safe = new NonTerminal("testlist_safe");
              NonTerminal old_test = new NonTerminal("old_test");
              NonTerminal old_lambdef = new NonTerminal("old_lambdef");
              NonTerminal test = new NonTerminal("test");
              NonTerminal testlist = new NonTerminal("testlist");
              NonTerminal testlist1 = new NonTerminal("testlist1");
              NonTerminal or_test = new NonTerminal("or_test");
              NonTerminal and_test = new NonTerminal("and_test");
              NonTerminal not_test = new NonTerminal("not_test");
              NonTerminal comparison = new NonTerminal("comparison");
              NonTerminal comp_op = new NonTerminal("comp_op");
              NonTerminal expr = new NonTerminal("expr");
              NonTerminal xor_expr = new NonTerminal("xor_expr");
              NonTerminal and_expr = new NonTerminal("and_expr");
              NonTerminal shift_expr = new NonTerminal("shift_expr");
              NonTerminal arith_expr = new NonTerminal("arith_expr");
              NonTerminal shift_op = new NonTerminal("shift_op");
              NonTerminal sum_op = new NonTerminal("sum_op");
              NonTerminal mul_op = new NonTerminal("mul_op");

              NonTerminal term = new NonTerminal("term");
              NonTerminal factor = new NonTerminal("factor");
              NonTerminal power = new NonTerminal("power");
              NonTerminal atom = new NonTerminal("atom");
              NonTerminal listmaker = new NonTerminal("listmaker");
              NonTerminal testlist_gexp = new NonTerminal("testlist_gexp");
              NonTerminal lambdef = new NonTerminal("lambdef");
              NonTerminal trailer = new NonTerminal("trailer");
              NonTerminal subscriptlist = new NonTerminal("subscriptlist");
              NonTerminal subscript = new NonTerminal("subscript");
              NonTerminal sliceop = new NonTerminal("sliceop");
              NonTerminal exprlist = new NonTerminal("exprlist");
              NonTerminal dictmaker = new NonTerminal("dictmaker");
              NonTerminal dict_elem = new NonTerminal("dict_elem");
              NonTerminal classdef = new NonTerminal("classdef");
              NonTerminal arglist = new NonTerminal("arglist");
              NonTerminal argument = new NonTerminal("argument");
              NonTerminal list_iter = new NonTerminal("list_iter");
              NonTerminal list_for = new NonTerminal("list_for");
              NonTerminal list_if = new NonTerminal("list_if");
              NonTerminal gen_iter = new NonTerminal("gen_iter");
              NonTerminal gen_for = new NonTerminal("gen_for");
              NonTerminal gen_if = new NonTerminal("gen_if");
              NonTerminal encoding_decl = new NonTerminal("encoding_decl");
              NonTerminal yield_expr = new NonTerminal("yield_expr");

              #region RULES
              // The commented rules before each statement are original grammar rules
              //  copied from the grammar file.
              //Set grammar root
              base.Root = file_input;
              //file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
              file_input.Rule = NEWLINE.Q() + stmt.Star();// +EOF; //EOF is added by default as a lookahead

              //single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
              single_input.Rule = NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt + NEWLINE;
              //eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
              eval_input.Rule = NEWLINE.Q() + WithStar(testlist + NEWLINE); // +EOF;  //changed this

              //decorators: decorator+
              //decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
              decorator.Rule = "@" + dotted_name + WithQ("(" + arglist.Q() + ")") + NEWLINE;
              //funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
              funcdef.Rule = decorator.Star() + "def" + NAME + parameters + ":" + suite;
              // parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
              parameters.Rule = "(" + varargslist.Q() + ")";

              /* varargslist: ((fpdef ['=' test] ',')*
              ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME) |
                fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [','])  */
              fpdef_ext.Rule = fpdef + WithQ("=" + test);
            /*      varargslist.Expression = WithStar(fpdef_ext + comma) +
                    WithQ("*" + NAME + WithQ (comma + "**" + NAME) | "**" + NAME) |
                    fpdef_ext.Plus(comma) + commaQ; */  // ambiguous
              varargslist.Rule = vararg.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              vararg.Rule = fpdef_ext | "*" + NAME | "**" + NAME; // added this to grammar
              // fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
              fpdef.Rule = NAME | "(" + fplist + ")";
              //fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
              fplist.Rule = fpdef.Plus(comma) + commaQ;

              //stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
              stmt.Rule = simple_stmt | compound_stmt;
              //simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
              simple_stmt.Rule = small_stmt.Plus(semicolon) + semicolon.Q() + NEWLINE;
              /* small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
             import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt)   */
              small_stmt.Rule = expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
                   import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt;
              /* expr_stmt: testlist (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
                     ('=' (yield_expr|testlist))*)    */
              //Note!: the following is a less strict expression, it allows augassign to appear multiple times
              //  in non-first position; the after-parse analysis should catch this
              expr_stmt.Rule = testlist + WithStar( (augassign|"=") + yield_or_testlist);
              yield_or_testlist.Rule = yield_expr | testlist;
              /* augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
            '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=') */
              augassign.Rule = Symbol("+=") | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" |
                  "<<=" | ">>=" | "**=" | "//=";
              //# For normal assignments, additional restrictions enforced by the interpreter
              /*  print_stmt: 'print' ( [ test (',' test)* [','] ] |
                      '>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )     */
              print_stmt.Rule = "print" + (Empty | testlist | ">>" + testlist);  //modified slightly using testlist
              //del_stmt: 'del' exprlist
              del_stmt.Rule = "del" + exprlist;
              //pass_stmt: 'pass'
              pass_stmt.Rule = "pass";
              //flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt
              flow_stmt.Rule = break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt;
              //break_stmt: 'break'
              break_stmt.Rule = "break";
              // continue_stmt: 'continue'
              continue_stmt.Rule = "continue";
              // return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
              return_stmt.Rule = "return" + testlist.Q();
              // yield_stmt: yield_expr
              yield_stmt.Rule = yield_expr;
              // raise_stmt: 'raise' [test [',' test [',' test]]]
              raise_stmt.Rule = "raise" + WithQ( test + WithQ("," + test + WithQ("," + test)));
              // import_stmt: import_name | import_from
              import_stmt.Rule = import_name | import_from;
              // import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names
              import_name.Rule = "import" + dotted_as_names;
              // import_from: ('from' ('.'* dotted_name | '.'+)
              //        'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names))
              // import_from.Expression = Symbol("from") + (dot.Star() + dotted_name | dot.Plus()) +   //ambiguious
              import_from.Rule = Symbol("from") + dot.Star() + (dotted_name | dot) +
                    "import" + (Symbol("*") | "(" + import_as_names + ")" | import_as_names);
              // import_as_name: NAME ['as' NAME]
              import_as_name.Rule = NAME + WithQ("as" + NAME);
              // dotted_as_name: dotted_name ['as' NAME]
              dotted_as_name.Rule = dotted_name + WithQ("as" + NAME);
              // import_as_names: import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']
              import_as_names.Rule = import_as_name.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              // dotted_as_names: dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*
              dotted_as_names.Rule = dotted_as_name.Plus(comma);
              // dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)*
              dotted_name.Rule = NAME.Plus(dot);
              // global_stmt: 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
              global_stmt.Rule = "global" + NAME.Plus(comma);
              // exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
              exec_stmt.Rule = "exec" + expr + WithQ("in" + test.Plus(comma));
              // assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
              assert_stmt.Rule = "assert" + test.Plus(comma);

              // compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef
              compound_stmt.Rule = if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef;
              // if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
              if_stmt.Rule = "if" + test + ":" + suite +
                    WithStar("elif" + test + ":" + suite) + else_clause.Q();
              else_clause.Rule = "else" + colon + suite;
              // while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
              while_stmt.Rule = "while" + test + ":" + suite + else_clause.Q();
              // for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
              for_stmt.Rule = "for" + exprlist + "in" + testlist + ":" + suite + else_clause.Q();
            /* try_stmt: ('try' ':' suite
               ((except_clause ':' suite)+
            ['else' ':' suite]
            ['finally' ':' suite] |
               'finally' ':' suite))   */
              try_stmt.Rule = "try" + colon + suite +
            (  (except_clause + ":" + suite)+ else_clause.Q() + finally_block.Q() | finally_block   );
              finally_block.Rule = "finally" + colon + suite;
              // with_stmt: 'with' test [ with_var ] ':' suite
              with_stmt.Rule = "with" + test + with_var.Q() + ":" + suite;
              // with_var: 'as' expr
              with_var.Rule = "as" + expr;
              // NB compile.c makes sure that the default except clause is last
              // except_clause: 'except' [test [('as' | ',') test]]
              except_clause.Rule = "except" + WithQ(test + WithQ( (Symbol("as") | ",") + test));
              // suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
              suite.Rule = simple_stmt | NEWLINE  + INDENT + stmt.Plus() + DEDENT;

              //# Backward compatibility cruft to support:
              //# [ x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ]
              //# even while also allowing:
              //# lambda x: 5 if x else 2
              //# (But not a mix of the two)

              // testlist_safe: old_test [(',' old_test)+ [',']]
              testlist_safe.Rule = old_test.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              // old_test: or_test | old_lambdef
              old_test.Rule = or_test | old_lambdef;
              // old_lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' old_test
              old_lambdef.Rule = "lambda" + varargslist.Q() + ":" + old_test;

              // test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
              test.Rule = or_test + WithQ("if" + or_test + "else" + test) | lambdef;
              // or_test: and_test ('or' and_test)*
              or_test.Rule = and_test + WithStar("or" + and_test);
              // and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
              and_test.Rule = not_test + WithStar("and" + not_test);
              // not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
              not_test.Rule = "not" + not_test | comparison;
              // comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
              comparison.Rule = expr + WithStar(comp_op + expr);
              // comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
              comp_op.Rule = Symbol("<")|">"|"=="|">="|"<="|"<>"|"!="|"in"|
                           Symbol("not") + "in"|"is"|Symbol("is") + "not";
              // expr: xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
              expr.Rule = xor_expr.Plus(Symbol("|"));
              // xor_expr: and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
              xor_expr.Rule = and_expr.Plus(Symbol("^"));
              // and_expr: shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
              and_expr.Rule = shift_expr.Plus(Symbol("&"));
              // shift_expr: arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
              shift_expr.Rule = arith_expr.Plus(shift_op); //
              shift_op.Rule = Symbol("<<")|">>";
              // arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
              arith_expr.Rule = term.Plus(sum_op);
              sum_op.Rule = Symbol("+") | "-";
              // term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
              term.Rule = factor.Plus(mul_op);
              mul_op.Rule = Symbol("*")|"/"|"%"|"//";
              // factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
              factor.Rule = (Symbol("+")|"-"|"~") + factor | power;
              // power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
              power.Rule = atom + trailer.Star() + WithQ("**" + factor);
              /* atom: ('(' [yield_expr|testlist_gexp] ')' |
              '[' [listmaker] ']' |
              '{' [dictmaker] '}' |
              '`' testlist1 '`' |
              NAME | NUMBER | STRING+)  */
              atom.Rule = "(" + WithQ(yield_expr|testlist_gexp) + ")" |
             "[" + listmaker.Q() + "]" |
             "{" + dictmaker.Q() + "}" |
             "`" + testlist1 + "`" |
             NAME | NUMBER | STRING; //.Plus();  //removed "+" - seems strange at least
              // listmaker: test ( list_for | (',' test)* [','] )
              //  listmaker.Expression = test + ( list_for | WithStar("," + test) + commaQ ); // ambigouous
            //      listmaker.Expression = test + list_for.Q() | testlist;                             // modified version
              listmaker.Rule = test + list_for.Q() + testlist.Q() + commaQ;                             // modified version
              // testlist_gexp: test ( gen_for | (',' test)* [','] )
              //   testlist_gexp.Expression = test + ( gen_for | test.Star(comma) + commaQ ); // ambiguous
              testlist_gexp.Rule = test + gen_for | test.Plus(comma) + commaQ;          // modified version
              // lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
              lambdef.Rule = "lambda" + varargslist.Q() + ":" + test;
              // trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
              trailer.Rule = "(" + arglist.Q() + ")" | "[" + subscriptlist + "]" | "." + NAME;
              // subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
              subscriptlist.Rule = subscript.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              // subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
              subscript.Rule = "..." | test | test.Q() + ":" + test.Q() + sliceop.Q();
              // sliceop: ':' [test]
              sliceop.Rule = ":" + test.Q();
              // exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
              exprlist.Rule = expr.Plus(comma)  + commaQ;
              // testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
              testlist.Rule = test.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              // dictmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']
              dictmaker.Rule = dict_elem.Plus(comma) + commaQ;
              dict_elem.Rule = test + ":" + test;

              // classdef: 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
              classdef.Rule = "class" + NAME + WithQ("(" + testlist.Q() + ")") + ":" + suite;

              // arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']| '*' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test)
              arglist.Rule = WithStar(argument + comma) +
               (argument + commaQ | "*" + test + WithQ(comma + "**" + test) | "**" + test);

              // argument: test [gen_for] | test '=' test  # Really [keyword '='] test
              argument.Rule = test + gen_for.Q() | test + "=" + test;  //# Really [keyword "="] test

              // list_iter: list_for | list_if
              list_iter.Rule = list_for | list_if;
              // list_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [list_iter]
              list_for.Rule = "for" + exprlist + "in" + testlist_safe + list_iter.Q();
              // list_if: 'if' old_test [list_iter]
              list_if.Rule = "if" + old_test + list_iter.Q();

              // gen_iter: gen_for | gen_if
              gen_iter.Rule = gen_for | gen_if;
              // gen_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test [gen_iter]
              gen_for.Rule = "for" + exprlist + "in" + or_test + gen_iter.Q();
              // gen_if: 'if' old_test [gen_iter]
              gen_if.Rule = "if" + old_test + gen_iter.Q();

              // testlist1: test (',' test)*
              testlist1.Rule = test.Plus(comma);

              // # not used in grammar, but may appear in "node" passed from Parser to Compiler
              // encoding_decl: NAME
              encoding_decl.Rule = NAME;

              // yield_expr: 'yield' [testlist]
              yield_expr.Rule = "yield" + testlist.Q();

              RegisterPunctuation( "(", ")", ",", ":" );

              TokenFilters.Add(new CodeOutlineFilter(true));

              id.AddKeywords("and", "del", "from", "not", "while", "as", "elif", "global", "or", "with",
                                  "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "yield", "break", "except", "import", "print",
                                  "class", "exec", "in", "raise", "continue", "finally", "is", "return",
                                  "def", "for", "lambda", "try");