Exemplo n.º 1
    public void GPCallback(NluMgr.match_record record)
		// save the record
        if (record == null)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("NluPrompt.Callback() : record = null!");

        // make to upper case
        record.sim_command = record.sim_command.ToUpper();

        string text = "NLU : sim_command=<" + record.sim_command + ">";
        // subject 
        if (record.command_subject != null && record.command_subject != "")
            text += " : s=<" + record.command_subject + ">";
        // params
        foreach (NluMgr.sim_command_param param in record.parameters)
            text += " : p=<" + param.name + "," + param.value + ">";
        // missing params
        foreach (NluMgr.missing_sim_command_param param in record.missing_parameters)
            text += " : m=<" + param.name + ">";
        // readback
        if (record.readback != null && record.readback != "")
            text += " : r=<" + record.readback + ">";
        // feedback
        if (record.feedback != null && record.feedback != "")
            text += " : f=<" + record.feedback + ">";
		// save this one
		GoldenPathStrings[gpIdx].value = text;
		// kick off next one
		if ( ++gpIdx < GoldenPathStrings.Count )
        	NluMgr.GetInstance().Utterance(GoldenPathStrings[gpIdx].key, "nurse");
			// we're done, save the file
			Serializer<List<StringMap>> serializer = new Serializer<List<StringMap>>();
			// do the analysis
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void Callback(NluMgr.match_record record)
        if (record == null)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("NluPrompt.Callback() : record = null!");

        // make to upper case
        record.sim_command = record.sim_command.ToUpper();

        string text = "<NLU Command> <" + record.sim_command + ">";
        // subject 
        if (record.command_subject != null && record.command_subject != "")
            text += " : s=<" + record.command_subject + ">";
        // params
        foreach (NluMgr.sim_command_param param in record.parameters)
            text += " : p=<" + param.name + "," + param.value + ">";
        // missing params
        foreach (NluMgr.missing_sim_command_param param in record.missing_parameters)
            text += " : m=<" + param.name + ">";
        // readback
        if (record.readback != null && record.readback != "")
            text += " : r=<" + record.readback + ">";
        // feedback
        if (record.feedback != null && record.feedback != "")
            text += " : f=<" + record.feedback + ">";

        Error = "";
		InfoDialogMsg idm;
		idm = new InfoDialogMsg();
        idm.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
		idm.text = text;
		if ( record.input != null )
			idm = new InfoDialogMsg();
        	idm.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
			idm.text = "<NLU input> " + record.input;
		if ( record.readback != null && record.readback != "null")
			idm = new InfoDialogMsg();
        	idm.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
			idm.text = "<NLU readback> " + record.readback;
		if ( record.feedback != null && record.feedback != "null")
			// send to log
			idm = new InfoDialogMsg();
        	idm.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
			idm.text = "<NLU feedback> " + record.feedback;
			// pop up dialog
			QuickInfoMsg imsg = new QuickInfoMsg();
        	imsg.title = "NLU Feedback";
        	imsg.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
        	imsg.text = record.feedback;
        	imsg.h = 200;
        	imsg.timeout = 4.0f;

		// I really hate doing this but for now it is the best way to handle our only command with parameters
		if (record.sim_command.Contains("IV:BLOOD") || record.sim_command.Contains("IV:CRYSTAL"))
		else if (record.sim_command == "BAD:COMMAND")
            Brain.GetInstance().PlayAudio("BAD:COMMAND:" + (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4));
        else if (record.command_subject != null)
            // has command subject
            if (ExecuteCommand(record.sim_command, record.command_subject.ToLower()) == false)
                Debug("ExecuteCommand(CMD:" + record.sim_command + ",SUBJECT:" + record.command_subject + ") Failed : debug=" + text + " : Error=" + Error);
            // no command subject, find someone to do this...
            if (ExecuteCommand(record.sim_command) == false)
                Debug("ExecuteCommand(CMD:" + record.sim_command + ", No SUBJECT) Failed : debug=" + text + " : Error=" + Error);

        // NLU response
        if ((record.feedback != null && record.feedback != "") || (record.readback != null && record.readback != ""))
            // put up quickinfo with feedback
            QuickInfoMsg msg = new QuickInfoMsg();
            if (record.feedback != null && record.readback != null)
                response_title = msg.title = "READBACK/FEEDBACK";
                response = msg.text = "SIM_COMMAND <" + record.sim_command + "> : CMD_SUBJECT <" + record.command_subject + "> : READBACK <" + record.readback + "> : FEEDBACK <" + record.feedback + "> : ERROR <" + Error + ">";
            else if (record.feedback != null)
                response_title = msg.title = "FEEDBACK";
                response = msg.text = "SIM_COMMAND <" + record.sim_command + "> : CMD_SUBJECT <" + record.command_subject + "> : FEEDBACK <" + record.feedback + "> : ERROR <" + Error + ">";
            else if (record.readback != null)
                response_title = msg.title = "READBACK";
                response = msg.text = "SIM_COMMAND <" + record.sim_command + "> : CMD_SUBJECT <" + record.command_subject + "> : READBACK <" + record.readback + "> : ERROR <" + Error + ">";
            msg.w = 600;
            msg.h = 200;
            msg.timeout = 0.0f;

        //InfoDialogLoader idl = InfoDialogLoader.GetInstance();
        //if (idl != null)
        //    InfoDialogMsg msg = new InfoDialogMsg();
        //    msg.command = DialogMsg.Cmd.open;
        //    msg.text = response;
        //    idl.PutMessage(msg);

        if (++cnt > 3)
            cnt = 0;
        data = commands[cnt];
    public void GPCallback(NluMgr.match_record record)
        // make to upper case
        record.sim_command = record.sim_command.ToUpper();

        string text = "NLU : sim_command=<" + record.sim_command + ">";
        // subject 
        if (record.command_subject != null && record.command_subject != "")
            text += " : s=<" + record.command_subject + ">";
        // params
        foreach (NluMgr.sim_command_param param in record.parameters)
            text += " : p=<" + param.name + "," + param.value + ">";
        // missing params
        foreach (NluMgr.missing_sim_command_param param in record.missing_parameters)
            text += " : m=<" + param.name + ">";
        // readback
        if (record.readback != null && record.readback != "")
            text += " : r=<" + record.readback + ">";
        // feedback
        if (record.feedback != null && record.feedback != "")
            text += " : f=<" + record.feedback + ">";
		// save this one
		if ( record.input != currCV.CV.Variations[currVariationIdx] )
			currCV.NLUResults.Add(text + " : input=<" + record.input + "> doesn't match Variation");
			currCV.NLUResults.Add(text + " : input=<" + record.input + ">");
		// get next result
		currCV = NextResult();
		// kick off next one
		if ( currCV != null )
        	NluMgr.GetInstance().Utterance(currCV.CV.Variations[currVariationIdx], "nurse");
			// we're done, save the file
			Serializer<List<CommandVariationResult>> serializer = new Serializer<List<CommandVariationResult>>();
Exemplo n.º 4
	public void OrderFluids(NluMgr.match_record record)
		int bloodDrip=0;
		int bloodPressure=0;
		int bloodRapid=0;
		int salineDrip=0;
		int salinePressure=0;
		int salineRapid=0;
		// figure out what to do based on the record
		if ( record.sim_command.Contains("IV:BLOOD") )
			int units=0;
			// get params
			string param = record.GetParameter("bloodvolume");
			if ( param != null )
				units = Convert.ToInt32(param);
			// set to bloodDrip for now
			bloodDrip = units;				
		else if ( record.sim_command.Contains("IV:CRYSTAL") )
			int units=0;
			// get params
			string param = record.GetParameter("volume");
			if ( param != null )
				units = Convert.ToInt32(param);
			// set to bloodDrip for now
			salineDrip = units;				
		// do the order
		Patient patient = ObjectManager.GetInstance().GetBaseObject("Patient") as Patient;
		if ( patient != null )