Exemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadCommands(int selectedIndex)
            if (doneRewritingScene)
                doneLoadingSceneParams = false;


                commandGroupBox.Text = "Commands - Scene " + (sceneListBox.SelectedIndex + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commandCount; i++)
                    NewerCommand currentCommand = thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[i];
                    string[]     commandName    =
                        "Play SFX " + currentCommand.param2 + " after " + currentCommand.param1 + " frames",
                        "Play Looping Sound " + currentCommand.param3 + " after " + currentCommand.param2 + " frames on handle " + currentCommand.param1,
                        "Stop Looping Sound after " + currentCommand.param2 + " frames on handle " + currentCommand.param1 + ", fading for " + currentCommand.param3 + " frames"
                    commandListBox.Items.Add(commandName[currentCommand.commandID - 1]);
                widescreenCheckBox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].widescreenFlag);
                filenameTextBox.Text       = thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].filename;

                commandListBox.SelectedIndex = ((thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commandCount == 0) ? -1 : selectedIndex);

                doneLoadingSceneParams = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void moveDownCommandButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (commandListBox.SelectedIndex < ((int)thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commandCount - 1))
         NewerCommand commandToMove = thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex];
         thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands.Insert(commandListBox.SelectedIndex + 1, commandToMove);
         LoadCommands(commandListBox.SelectedIndex + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void addCommandButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AddCommand   a            = new AddCommand();
            DialogResult dialogresult = a.ShowDialog();

            if (dialogresult == DialogResult.OK)
                NewerCommand newCommand = new NewerCommand();
                newCommand.commandID = a.commandID;
                LoadCommands((int)thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commandCount - 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void LoadParams()
            if (doneRewritingCommand)
                doneLoadingParams = false;

                NewerCommand currentCommand = thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex];

                param1NumUpDown.Value   = currentCommand.param1;
                param2NumUpDown.Value   = currentCommand.param2;
                param2NumUpDown.Visible = Convert.ToBoolean(currentCommand.commandID != 1);
                param3NumUpDown.Value   = ((currentCommand.commandID == 1) ? currentCommand.param2 : currentCommand.param3);

                param1Label.Text = (currentCommand.commandID > 1) ? "Handle ID:" : "Delay:";
                param2Label.Text = (currentCommand.commandID > 1) ? "Delay:" : "";
                param3Label.Text = (currentCommand.commandID < 3) ? "Sound ID:" : "Fade Frame Count:";

                doneLoadingParams = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void paramNumUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (doneLoadingParams)
                doneRewritingCommand = false;

                NewerCommand currentCommand = thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex];
                thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex].param1 = (uint)param1NumUpDown.Value;
                thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex].param2 = (currentCommand.commandID == 1) ? (uint)param3NumUpDown.Value : (uint)param2NumUpDown.Value;
                thisCutscene.scenes[sceneListBox.SelectedIndex].commands[commandListBox.SelectedIndex].param3 = (uint)param3NumUpDown.Value;

                string[] commandName =
                    "Play SFX " + currentCommand.param2 + " after " + currentCommand.param1 + " frames",
                    "Play Looping Sound " + currentCommand.param3 + " after " + currentCommand.param2 + " frames on handle " + currentCommand.param1,
                    "Stop Looping Sound after " + currentCommand.param2 + " frames on handle " + currentCommand.param1 + ", fading for " + currentCommand.param3 + " frames"
                commandListBox.Items[commandListBox.SelectedIndex] = commandName[currentCommand.commandID - 1];

                doneRewritingCommand = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void loadFile(string path, ref List <byte> rawdata)
            sceneCount = new uint();
            scenes     = new List <NewerScene>();
            rawdata    = new List <byte>();

            //Reads the Cutscene file, this little part was done by Lory some months ago for one of my older projects, i reused it for this tool as it works good. Thanks to him !
            FileStream rawSave = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);

                BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(rawSave);
                byte         b         = binReader.ReadByte();
                while (b != null)
                    b = binReader.ReadByte();
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                Console.WriteLine("reached end of stream");

            //make it a string and an int for future things

            //make it a string and an int for future things
            char[] rawstring = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rawdata.ToArray(), 0, rawdata.ToArray().Length).ToCharArray();
            uint[] rawint    = new uint[rawdata.ToArray().Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < rawdata.ToArray().Length - 1; i++)
                rawint[i] = Convert.ToUInt32(rawdata[i].ToString());

            //Checks the header
            if (rawstring[0] != 'N' || rawstring[1] != 'W' || rawstring[2] != 'c' || rawstring[3] != 's')
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid CS File", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                //Here the fun starts (or not)

                int currentOffset = 4;

                this.sceneCount = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);

                List <uint> sceneOffsets = new List <uint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.sceneCount; i++)
                    sceneOffsets.Add(getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata));
                foreach (uint sceneOffset in sceneOffsets)
                    currentOffset = (int)sceneOffset;
                    NewerScene thisScene = new NewerScene();
                    thisScene.filename       = getNextString(getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata), rawdata);
                    thisScene.widescreenFlag = rawdata[currentOffset++];
                    currentOffset           += 3;
                    thisScene.commandCount   = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);

                    for (int i = 0; i < thisScene.commandCount; i++)
                        NewerCommand thisCommand = new NewerCommand();
                        thisCommand.commandID = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);
                        thisCommand.param1    = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);
                        thisCommand.param2    = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);
                        if (thisCommand.commandID > 1)
                            thisCommand.param3 = getNextInt32(ref currentOffset, rawdata);

