Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void WithJustCore()
            // ... Initialization of SlimMessageBus

            // Define the recipie how to create our IMessageBus
            var busBuilder = new MessageBusBuilder()

            // Create the IMessageBus instance from the builder
            var bus = busBuilder

            // Set the provider to resolve our bus - this setup will work as a singleton.
            MessageBus.SetProvider(() => bus);

            // ... Somewhere in your domain layer

            var greeter = new NewUserHelloGreeter();

            // Register handler explicitly

            // Handlers will be executed synchronous.
            bus.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Bob"));
            bus.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Jane"));

            // .. OR

            MessageBus.Current.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Jennifer"));
            MessageBus.Current.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Tom"));

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void WithServiceLocator()
            // Mock: the ServiceLocator (start)
            var serviceLocatorMock         = new Mock <IServiceLocator>();
            var serviceLocatorProviderMock = new Mock <ServiceLocatorProvider>();

            serviceLocatorProviderMock.Setup(x => x()).Returns(serviceLocatorMock.Object);


            // Mock: the ServiceLocator (end)

            // Define the recipie how to create our IMessageBus
            var busBuilder = new MessageBusBuilder()
                             .ResolveHandlersFromServiceLocator() // Needs SlimMessageBus.ServiceLocator NuGet package

            // Mock: Every call to ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMessageBus>() resolves a new instance
            // The IMessageBus would be bound to the proper scope in your app (per Web Request, per Thread, per Unit Of Work, etc)
            serviceLocatorMock.Setup(x => x.GetInstance <IMessageBus>()).Returns(() =>
                // Create the IMessageBus instance from the builder
                var busInstance = busBuilder

            // Set the provider to resolve our bus - this will lookup the IMessageBus instance in the ServiceLocator.
            MessageBus.SetProvider(() => Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IMessageBus>());

            // Mock: The handlers are registered in the DI container
            var greeter = new NewUserHelloGreeter();

            serviceLocatorMock.Setup(x => x.GetAllInstances <IHandles <NewUserJoinedEvent> >()).Returns(new[] { greeter });

            // ... Initialization finished

            // Handlers will be executed synchronous.
            // Injected from your DI container or resolved from ServiceLocator
            IMessageBus bus = Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IMessageBus>();

            bus.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Bob"));
            bus.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Jane"));

            // OR

            MessageBus.Current.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Jennifer"));
            MessageBus.Current.Publish(new NewUserJoinedEvent("Tom"));