Exemplo n.º 1
        private EventDefinition CreateNewEvent(TypeDefinition targetType, EventDefinition yourEvent,
                                               NewMemberAttribute newEventAttr)
            if (newEventAttr.IsImplicit)
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("event", yourEvent);
                Log_creating_member("event", yourEvent);
            var newName        = newEventAttr.NewMemberName ?? yourEvent.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetType.GetEvent(newName);

            if (maybeDuplicate != null)
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_duplicate_member("event", yourEvent, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                Log_name_changed("event", yourEvent, prevName, newName);

            var targetEvent = CopyEvent(yourEvent, newName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new property in the target assembly, but doesn't set its accessors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">Type of the target.</param>
        /// <param name="yourProperty">Your property.</param>
        /// <param name="newPropAttr">The new property attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        private PropertyDefinition CreateNewProperty(TypeDefinition targetType, PropertyDefinition yourProperty,
                                                     NewMemberAttribute newPropAttr)
            if (newPropAttr.IsImplicit)
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("property", yourProperty);
                Log_creating_member("property", yourProperty);
            var newName        = newPropAttr.NewMemberName ?? yourProperty.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetType.GetProperty(newName, yourProperty.Parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType));

            if (maybeDuplicate != null)
                Log_duplicate_member("property", yourProperty, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_name_changed("property", yourProperty, prevName, newName);
            var targetProperty = CopyProperty(yourProperty, newName);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new field in the target assembly, for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDeclaringType">The target declaring type.</param>
        /// <param name="yourField">Your field.</param>
        /// <param name="attr">The action attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FieldDefinition CreateNewField(TypeDefinition targetDeclaringType, FieldDefinition yourField,
                                               NewMemberAttribute attr)
            if (attr.IsImplicit)
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("field", yourField);
                Log_creating_member("field", yourField);
            var newName        = attr.NewMemberName ?? yourField.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetDeclaringType.GetField(newName);

            if (maybeDuplicate != null)
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_duplicate_member("field", yourField, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                Log_name_changed("field", yourField, prevName, newName);
            var targetField = CopyField(yourField, newName);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new field in the target assembly, for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDeclaringType">The target declaring type.</param>
        /// <param name="yourField">Your field.</param>
        /// <param name="attr">The action attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NewMemberStatus CreateNewField(TypeDefinition targetDeclaringType, FieldDefinition yourField,
			NewMemberAttribute attr)
            if (attr.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("field", yourField);
            } else {
                Log_creating_member("field", yourField);
            var maybeDuplicate = targetDeclaringType.GetField(yourField.Name);
            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                Log_duplicate_member("field", yourField, maybeDuplicate);
                if ((DebugOptions & DebugFlags.CreationOverwrites) != 0) {
                    return NewMemberStatus.Continue;
                if (attr.IsImplicit) {
                    return NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem;
                throw Errors.Duplicate_member("type", yourField.FullName, maybeDuplicate.FullName);
            var targetField =
                new FieldDefinition(yourField.Name, yourField.Resolve().Attributes, FixTypeReference(yourField.FieldType)) {
                    InitialValue = yourField.InitialValue, //probably for string consts
                    Constant = yourField.Constant
            return NewMemberStatus.Continue;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new property in the target assembly, but doesn't set its accessors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">Type of the target.</param>
        /// <param name="yourProperty">Your property.</param>
        /// <param name="newPropAttr">The new property attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        private PropertyDefinition CreateNewProperty(TypeDefinition targetType, PropertyDefinition yourProperty,
			NewMemberAttribute newPropAttr)
            if (newPropAttr.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("property", yourProperty);
            } else {
                Log_creating_member("property", yourProperty);
            var newName = newPropAttr.NewMemberName ?? yourProperty.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetType.GetProperty(newName, yourProperty.Parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType));

            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                Log_duplicate_member("property", yourProperty, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_name_changed("property", yourProperty, prevName, newName);
            var targetProperty = CopyProperty(yourProperty, newName);
            return targetProperty;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new field in the target assembly, for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDeclaringType">The target declaring type.</param>
        /// <param name="yourField">Your field.</param>
        /// <param name="attr">The action attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FieldDefinition CreateNewField(TypeDefinition targetDeclaringType, FieldDefinition yourField,
			NewMemberAttribute attr)
            if (attr.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("field", yourField);
            } else {
                Log_creating_member("field", yourField);
            var newName = attr.NewMemberName ?? yourField.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetDeclaringType.GetField(newName);
            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_duplicate_member("field", yourField, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                Log_name_changed("field", yourField, prevName, newName);
            var targetField = CopyField(yourField, newName);
            return targetField;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private EventDefinition CreateNewEvent(TypeDefinition targetType, EventDefinition yourEvent,
			NewMemberAttribute newEventAttr)
            if (newEventAttr.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("event", yourEvent);
            } else {
                Log_creating_member("event", yourEvent);
            var newName = newEventAttr.NewMemberName ?? yourEvent.Name;
            var maybeDuplicate = targetType.GetEvent(newName);

            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                var prevName = newName;
                Log_duplicate_member("event", yourEvent, maybeDuplicate);
                newName = GetNameAfterCollision(newName);
                Log_name_changed("event", yourEvent, prevName, newName);

            var targetEvent = CopyEvent(yourEvent, newName);
            return targetEvent;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new method in the target assembly, for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetDeclaringType">The type declaring the method in the target assembly.</param>
        /// <param name="yourMethod">Your method, which describes the method to create..</param>
        /// <param name="actionAttribute">The action attribute ordering creation.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        private NewMemberStatus CreateNewMethod(TypeDefinition targetDeclaringType, MethodDefinition yourMethod,
			NewMemberAttribute actionAttribute)
            if (actionAttribute.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("method", yourMethod);
            } else {
                Log_creating_member("method", yourMethod);

            var maybeDuplicate = targetDeclaringType.GetMethodsLike(yourMethod).FirstOrDefault();
            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                Log_duplicate_member("method", yourMethod, maybeDuplicate);
                if ((DebugOptions & DebugFlags.CreationOverwrites) != 0) {
                    //this only okay for controlled testing code.
                    return NewMemberStatus.Continue;
                if (actionAttribute.IsImplicit) {
                    return NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem;
                throw Errors.Duplicate_member("type", yourMethod.FullName, maybeDuplicate.FullName);

            var targetMethod = new MethodDefinition(yourMethod.Name, yourMethod.Attributes,
                yourMethod.ReturnType) {
                    ImplAttributes = yourMethod.ImplAttributes,
                    SemanticsAttributes = yourMethod.SemanticsAttributes,
                    CallingConvention = yourMethod.CallingConvention,
                    //all the Attributes and Conventions take care of most of the IsX/HasY properties, except for a few.
                    //this can be seen by looking at the Cecil code, where you can see which fields MethodDefinition has.
                    HasThis = yourMethod.HasThis,
                    ExplicitThis = yourMethod.ExplicitThis,
                    NoInlining = yourMethod.NoInlining,
                    NoOptimization = yourMethod.NoOptimization,
                    ReturnType = yourMethod.ReturnType //<---- this is temporary (setting it again to emphasize)

            targetMethod.SecurityDeclarations.AddRange(yourMethod.SecurityDeclarations.Select(x => new SecurityDeclaration(x.Action, x.GetBlob())));


            //First we add the parameters to the method so its signature is correct.
            //Note that we do not fix the types at this stage.
            //This is because FixType calls can end up looking for the method we're adding right now
            //if any of the parameter types are MVars. The signature has to be similar to yourMethod's signature
            //if FixType is to find this definition.
            //this may seem needlessly complicated and rather risky, and I thought so too, but there really isn't any way around it
            //or at least, I'm not clever enough to come up with one that doesn't introduce more problems
            //(believe me, I've tried all sorts of things)
            foreach (var yourParam in yourMethod.Parameters) {
                targetMethod.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(yourParam.ParameterType));

            //Note we're not adding any constraints yet because doing that involves FixType calls
            //also, the T : S constraint involves 2 MVars, so unless we add all the MVars first, FixType calls could never be resolved.

            var genList = new List<GenericParameter>();
            foreach (var yourTypeParam in yourMethod.GenericParameters) {
                var targetTypeParam = new GenericParameter(yourTypeParam.Name, targetMethod) {
                    Attributes = yourTypeParam.Attributes //includes non-type constraints

            //NOW we're adding constraints, when the signature is stable and when all MVars have been declared.
            for (int i = 0; i < targetMethod.GenericParameters.Count; i++) {
                foreach (var constraint in yourMethod.GenericParameters[i].Constraints) {

            // note that we don't add the parameters to the method directly, at least not at first.
            //this is because we're making FixType calls, and again, they can end up looking up targetMethod
            //changing the signature will just end up with FixType not finding it.
            var parList = new List<ParameterDefinition>();
            foreach (var yourParam in yourMethod.Parameters) {
                var targetParamType = FixTypeReference(yourParam.ParameterType);
                var targetParam = new ParameterDefinition(yourParam.Name, yourParam.Attributes, targetParamType) {
                    Constant = yourParam.Constant,
            //we reset the parameters after we're done with that in as near an atomic operation as possible, and without any FixType calls.

            //we also fix this guy:
            targetMethod.ReturnType = FixTypeReference(yourMethod.ReturnType);

            //note that YOU DO NOT do targetMethod.Parameters.AddRangE(yourMethod.Parameters)
            //ParameterDefinitions are mutable!  and doing this can mutate them...
            return NewMemberStatus.Continue;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new property in the target assembly, but doesn't set its accessors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetType">Type of the target.</param>
        /// <param name="yourProperty">Your property.</param>
        /// <param name="newPropAttr">The new property attribute.</param>
        /// <exception cref="PatchDeclerationException">Thrown if this member collides with another member, and the error cannot be resolved.</exception>
        private NewMemberStatus CreateNewProperty(TypeDefinition targetType, PropertyDefinition yourProperty,
			NewMemberAttribute newPropAttr)
            if (newPropAttr.IsImplicit) {
                Log_implicitly_creating_member("property", yourProperty);

            } else {
                Log_creating_member("property", yourProperty);
            var maybeDuplicate = targetType.GetProperty(yourProperty.Name,
                yourProperty.Parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType));
            if (maybeDuplicate != null) {
                Log_duplicate_member("property", yourProperty, maybeDuplicate);
                if ((DebugOptions & DebugFlags.CreationOverwrites) != 0) {
                    return NewMemberStatus.Continue;
                if (newPropAttr.IsImplicit) {
                    return NewMemberStatus.InvalidItem;
                throw Errors.Duplicate_member("property", yourProperty.FullName, maybeDuplicate.FullName);
            var targetPropertyType = FixTypeReference(yourProperty.PropertyType);
            var targetProperty = new PropertyDefinition(yourProperty.Name,
                targetPropertyType) {
                    HasThis = yourProperty.HasThis,
                    Constant =  yourProperty.Constant,
                    HasDefault = yourProperty.HasDefault
            foreach (var param in yourProperty.Parameters) {
                targetProperty.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition(param.Name, param.Attributes,
            return NewMemberStatus.Continue;