Exemplo n.º 1
    public void TransferToMatchScene()
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient == false)
            Debug.LogError("A non-master tried to move directly to match - ignoring");
        else if (ArePlayersConnected() == false)
            Debug.LogError("Tried to move to directly to match when not all characters are connected");
        else if (NetworkMatchSetup.HasAllMatchSetupInfo() == false)
            Debug.LogError("MatchSetup is not filled out enough to start a match");

        if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "_MATCH")
            Debug.Log("We're already in the _MATCH scene, so no need to transfer to it");
            Debug.Log("We as the master are moving us to the Match scene");
Exemplo n.º 2
    public IEnumerator CRDraftChr(int iPlayer, CharType.CHARTYPE chrDrafted)
        //Ensure the character actually exists
        Debug.Assert(chrDrafted < CharType.CHARTYPE.LENGTH);

        //Ensure this character hasn't already been drafted/banned
        Debug.Assert(arbChrsAvailableToDraft[(int)chrDrafted] == true);

        Debug.Log("Drafting " + chrDrafted + " for " + iPlayer);

        //Ensure the draft selection has been registered in the roomoptions (maybe someone else beat us to it, but that's fine)
        NetworkMatchSetup.SetCharacterSelection(iPlayer, arNumChrsDrafted[iPlayer], chrDrafted);

        //Then ensure that everything locally is tracked and displayed properly
        arDraftedChrs[iPlayer][arNumChrsDrafted[iPlayer]] = chrDrafted;

        arbChrsAvailableToDraft[(int)chrDrafted] = false;


        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

        Debug.Log("Finished 'waiting' for the draft to finish");
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void LoadLoggedLoadouts(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "lo");

        int iPlayer, iChr;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out iPlayer) == false || iPlayer < 0 || iPlayer >= Player.MAXPLAYERS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid player id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[2], out iChr) == false || iChr < 0 || iChr >= Player.MAXCHRS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid chr id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[2]);

        int[] arnSerializedLoadout = new int[arsSplitLogs.Length - 3];

        //Copy and translate all the logged strings into serialized ints in an array
        for (int i = 0; i < arnSerializedLoadout.Length; i++)
            if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[i + 3], out arnSerializedLoadout[i]) == false)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid serialized loadout entry to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[i + 3]);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetLoadout(iPlayer, iChr, LoadoutManager.UnserializeLoadout(arnSerializedLoadout));
Exemplo n.º 4
    public IEnumerator SetupMatch()
        while (NetworkMatchSetup.HasAllMatchSetupInfo() == false)
            //Spin until we have all the match setup info that we need to start the match
            yield return(null);

        while (NetworkMatchSender.Get() == null)
            //Spin until the needed networking objects have been spawned and given a chance to initialize
            // - in particular, the NetworkMatchSender needs to be ready in case we need to immediately send inputs
            //    as part of initializing the match (like for loading a log file)
            yield return(null);

        Debug.Log("Starting match initializations since we have enough information");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing the randomizer");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing players");

        //Initialize characters

        Debug.Log("After InitAllChrs");

        //Assign local input controllers for each player

        Debug.Log("After assigning local input controllers");


        Debug.Log("After initializing mana reserves");


        Debug.Log("After initializing positions");



        Debug.Log("After InitializePriorities");

        //Check if the LogManager wants to load in any starting inputs

        Debug.Log("After LoadStartingInputs");


        Debug.Log("Finished initializing the log file");
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void CleanupEditLoadout()
        //Save the generated loadout in the slot for the character we were editing
        NetworkMatchSetup.SetLoadout(idPlayer, loadoutselectActive.iChrSelectingFor, loadoutselectActive.loadoutCur);

        //Once the loadout editing is done, we can just destroy the loadout selector window, and clear out our reference to it
        loadoutselectActive = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void LogPositionCoords(int iPlayer)
        for (int iChr = 0; iChr < Player.MAXCHRS; iChr++)
            Position.Coords poscoords = NetworkMatchSetup.GetPositionCoords(iPlayer, iChr);

            WriteToMatchLogFile(string.Format("pc:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", iPlayer, iChr, Position.SerializeCoords(poscoords), poscoords));
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void LogCharacterSelections(int iPlayer)
        for (int iChr = 0; iChr < Player.MAXCHRS; iChr++)
            CharType.CHARTYPE chartype = NetworkMatchSetup.GetCharacterSelection(iPlayer, iChr);

            WriteToMatchLogFile(string.Format("cs:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", iPlayer, iChr, (int)chartype, CharType.GetChrName(chartype)));
    public void UpdateDropdownOptions()
        LibView.SetDropdownOptions(dropdown, CharType.GetAllChrNames());

        //Ensure the default-selected option for this dropdown is mirroring the default in the matchsetup
        dropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify((int)NetworkMatchSetup.GetCharacterSelection(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr));

Exemplo n.º 9
    public void LoadLoggedRandomizationSeed(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "rs");

        int nRandomizationSeed;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out nRandomizationSeed) == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid randomization seed to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
    public void OnChrSelectChange()
        Debug.Assert(0 <= idChr && idChr < 3);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetCharacterSelection(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr, (CharType.CHARTYPE)dropdown.value);

        //Now that our character has been reselected, we need to load in a starting loadout for that character
        NetworkMatchSetup.SetLoadout(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr,
                                     LoadoutManager.LoadSavedLoadoutForChr(NetworkMatchSetup.GetCharacterSelection(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr), 0));

        Debug.LogFormat("Changed chr to {0} with a starting loadout of {1}", NetworkMatchSetup.GetCharacterSelection(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr),
                        NetworkMatchSetup.GetLoadout(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, idChr));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void AssignLocalInputController(Player plyr)
     //If the player isn't controlled locally, just set the plyr's controller to null since it's not our job to control them
     if (NetworkMatchSetup.IsLocallyOwned(plyr.id) == false)
         //Otherwise, this character is controlled by this local client - figure out which input type they'll need and add it
Exemplo n.º 12
    public void EditChrLoadout(int iChrToEdit)
        if (loadoutselectActive != null)
            Debug.LogError("Can't edit another loadout, since we're already editing one");

        //Spawn the loadout selector
        loadoutselectActive = GameObject.Instantiate(pfLoadoutSelector, this.transform.parent).GetComponent <LoadoutSelector>();

        loadoutselectActive.BeginSelection(idPlayer, iChrToEdit, CleanupEditLoadout, NetworkMatchSetup.GetLoadout(idPlayer, iChrToEdit));
Exemplo n.º 13
    void InitAllChrs()
        for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers; i++)
            arChrs[i]          = new Chr[Player.MAXCHRS];
            arPlayers[i].nChrs = Player.MAXCHRS;

            for (int j = 0; j < arPlayers[i].nChrs; j++)
                InitChr(NetworkMatchSetup.GetCharacterSelection(i, j),
                        arPlayers[i], j,
                        NetworkMatchSetup.GetLoadout(i, j));
Exemplo n.º 14
    //Figure out what type of draft action we were waiting on (foreign/local) and react appropriately to completing it
    public void EndWaitingOnDraftInput()
        //Check what type of input we're waiting on
        if (NetworkMatchSetup.IsLocallyOwned(draftactionWaitingOn.iPlayer))
            //Let anyone (UI effects probably) know that the current player has finished their selection

        //Clear the action we were waiting on
        draftactionWaitingOn = null;
Exemplo n.º 15
    public void LogLoadouts(int iPlayer)
        for (int iChr = 0; iChr < Player.MAXCHRS; iChr++)
            LoadoutManager.Loadout loadout = NetworkMatchSetup.GetLoadout(iPlayer, iChr);

            string sLoadout = string.Format("lo:{0}:{1}", iPlayer, iChr);

            int[] arnSerializedLoadout = LoadoutManager.SerializeLoadout(loadout);

            sLoadout += LibConversions.ArToStr(arnSerializedLoadout);

            sLoadout += "\n" + loadout;

Exemplo n.º 16
    public void FinishSelections()
        //Only allow manual selections when the local player is human
        Debug.Assert(ContTurns.Get().GetNextActingChr().plyrOwner.inputController.GetInputType() == LocalInputType.InputType.HUMAN,
                     "Error - can only submit skills for locally-owned >human<'s characters");

                     "Error - can only submit skills for >locally-owned< human's characters");

        //By this point, we have built up our local selectionsInProgress skill selection into a valid selection of targets,
        // so let's pass a reference into the Skill Engine's matchinputToFillOut so it can be submitted
        ContSkillEngine.Get().matchinputToFillOut = selectionsInProgress;


        //Clean up the selection process (clears out the stored selections structure, sends notifications, etc.)
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void LoadLoggedInputTypes(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "it");

        int inputtype0, inputtype1;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out inputtype0) == false || inputtype0 < 0)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid input type to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[2], out inputtype1) == false || inputtype1 < 0)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid input type to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[2]);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetInputType(0, (LocalInputType.InputType)inputtype0);
        NetworkMatchSetup.SetInputType(1, (LocalInputType.InputType)inputtype1);
Exemplo n.º 18
    public void LoadLoggedPlayerOwners(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "po");

        int playerowner0, playerowner1;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out playerowner0) == false || playerowner0 < 0)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid player owner to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[2], out playerowner1) == false || playerowner1 < 0)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid player owner to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[2]);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetPlayerOwner(0, playerowner0);
        NetworkMatchSetup.SetPlayerOwner(1, playerowner1);
Exemplo n.º 19
    public void Start()
        lstLoadoutSelected = new List <LoadoutManager.Loadout>();

        //Initially save the selected loadouts as just being the default loadout for the default character in that position
        for (int i = 0; i < arDropdownCharSelect.Length; i++)
            //Initially set the selected char to the default for that player+slot combo
            NetworkMatchSetup.SetCharacterSelection(idPlayer, i, CHRSELECTIONSDEFAULT[idPlayer, i]);

            //Set the loadout to be the default loadout for the selected player
            NetworkMatchSetup.SetLoadout(idPlayer, i, LoadoutManager.LoadSavedLoadoutForChr(CHRSELECTIONSDEFAULT[idPlayer, i], 0));

            //Set the default position of that character
            NetworkMatchSetup.SetPositionCoords(idPlayer, i, POSITIONSDEFAULT[idPlayer, i]);

            //Ensure our character selection dropdown is initialized
Exemplo n.º 20
    public void OnDraftableChrClicked(CharType.CHARTYPE chrClicked)
        //Check if we've been told by the master to choose a character to draft/ban
        if (draftactionWaitingOn == null)
            Debug.Log("We aren't waiting on any input right now");

        //Check if it's even our turn to draft
        if (NetworkMatchSetup.IsLocallyOwned(draftactionWaitingOn.iPlayer) == false)
            Debug.LogError("Can't draft/ban since it's not your turn");

        //Check if this character is available to draft/ban
        if (IsCharAvailable(chrClicked) == false)
            Debug.LogError("Can't draft/ban an unavailable character");

        Debug.Log("Current step of draft is " + GetNextDraftPhaseStep().draftactionType);

        //At this point, it's valid to pick/ban the character so send along the appropriate signal to the Master
        if (GetNextDraftPhaseStep().draftactionType == DraftAction.DRAFTACTIONTYPE.BAN)
            Debug.Log("Sending ban of " + chrClicked);
        else if (GetNextDraftPhaseStep().draftactionType == DraftAction.DRAFTACTIONTYPE.DRAFT)
            Debug.Log("Sending draft of " + chrClicked);
Exemplo n.º 21
    public void LoadLoggedCharacterSelections(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "cs");

        int iPlayer, iChr, nchrSelection;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out iPlayer) == false || iPlayer < 0 || iPlayer >= Player.MAXPLAYERS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid player id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[2], out iChr) == false || iChr < 0 || iChr >= Player.MAXCHRS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid chr id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[2]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[3], out nchrSelection) == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid serialized character selections to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[3]);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetCharacterSelection(iPlayer, iChr, (CharType.CHARTYPE)nchrSelection);
Exemplo n.º 22
    public void WaitForDraftInput()
        //If we're already waiting, then we don't need to do anything further
        if (draftactionWaitingOn != null)

        //Raise the flag that we're waiting for input
        draftactionWaitingOn = GetNextDraftPhaseStep();

        //Check what type of input we're waiting on
        if (NetworkMatchSetup.IsLocallyOwned(draftactionWaitingOn.iPlayer))
            //Prompt the local player to select input
            //Let anyone (UI effects probably) know that we're waiting for another player to make a selection
Exemplo n.º 23
    public void LoadLoggedPositionCoords(string[] arsSplitLogs)
        Debug.Assert(arsSplitLogs[0] == "pc");

        int iPlayer, iChr, nSerializedCoords;

        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[1], out iPlayer) == false || iPlayer < 0 || iPlayer >= Player.MAXPLAYERS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid player id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[1]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[2], out iChr) == false || iChr < 0 || iChr >= Player.MAXCHRS)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid chr id to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[2]);
        if (int.TryParse(arsSplitLogs[3], out nSerializedCoords) == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error! {0} was not a valid serialized coordinates to be loaded", arsSplitLogs[3]);

        NetworkMatchSetup.SetPositionCoords(iPlayer, iChr, Position.UnserializeCoords(nSerializedCoords));
 public void OnOwnerSelectChange()
     NetworkMatchSetup.SetPlayerOwner(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, dropdown.value + 1); //Offset by one since our internalplayer ids start at 0
Exemplo n.º 25
 public void LogInputTypes()
     WriteToMatchLogFile(string.Format("it:{0}:{1}", (int)NetworkMatchSetup.GetInputType(0), (int)NetworkMatchSetup.GetInputType(1)));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void LogPlayerOwners()
     WriteToMatchLogFile(string.Format("po:{0}:{1}", NetworkMatchSetup.GetPlayerOwner(0), NetworkMatchSetup.GetPlayerOwner(1)));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void LogRandomizationSeed()
     WriteToMatchLogFile(string.Format("rs:{0}", NetworkMatchSetup.GetRandomizationSeed().ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 28
    //The main loop that will process the effects of the game.  If it needs inputs, it will flag what
    //  it's waiting on and pull input from the network buffer to decide what action should be taken
    public IEnumerator CRMatchLoop()
        //Do any animation processing that needs to be done before the match processing actually starts
        yield return(StartCoroutine(CRPrepMatch()));

        //Initially decide if we want to do any fast forwarding from early loaded input

        //Do any initial processing for beginning of match effects
        yield return(ProcessStackUntilInputNeeded());

        //Keep processing effects while the match isn't finished
        while (!IsMatchOver())
            // At this point, we should have an input field that's been set up that needs to be filled out
            Debug.Assert(matchinputToFillOut != null);

            bool bNeedsLocalInput = false;

            //If we need input, let's check if we already have input waiting in our buffer for that input
            if (NetworkMatchReceiver.Get().IsCurMatchInputReady() == false)
                // Now that input is needed by some player, check if we locally control that player
                if (NetworkMatchSetup.IsLocallyOwned(matchinputToFillOut.iPlayerActing))
                    bNeedsLocalInput = true;
                    //Let the match input prepare to start gathering manual input
                    //If we don't locally control the player who needs to decide an input
                    DebugDisplay.Get().SetDebugText("Waiting for foreign input");

                //Wait until we have input waiting for us in the network buffer
                while (NetworkMatchReceiver.Get().IsCurMatchInputReady() == false)
                    //Keep spinning until we get the input we're waiting on

                    DebugDisplay.Get().SetDebugText("Waiting for input");
                    yield return(null);

                //Do any cleanup that we need to do if we were waiting on input
                //TODO - figure out what needs to be done and under what circumstances - careful of potentially changing local input controllers
                if (bNeedsLocalInput == true)
                    //Have the match input let the local input controller know that we're done with gathering input

            //Check if we should be master forwarding through our inputs if we have a bunch stacked up waiting to be processed (like from loading a log file or reconnecting)

            //At this point, we have an input in the buffer that we are able to process
            MatchInput matchinput = NetworkMatchReceiver.Get().GetCurMatchInput();

            //Make a record of which input we're going to be processing in our logs

            //Clear out the matchinput we prompting to be filled out
            matchinputToFillOut = null;

            //Process that match input by deferring to its execute method
            yield return(matchinput.Execute());

            //The execute method should have pushed new executables/clauses onto the stack, so we can process them
            // Pass control over to the stack-processing loop until it needs player input to continue the simulation
            yield return(ProcessStackUntilInputNeeded());

            //Since we're done processing all the effects that may need access to the most recent input, we can advance to the next needed input

        //Do any animation process that needs to be done before we leave the match scene
        yield return(StartCoroutine(CRCleanUpMatch()));

        //Do any fill wrap-up for the match
 public void OnInputSelectChange()
     NetworkMatchSetup.SetInputType(plyrselectorParent.idPlayer, (LocalInputType.InputType)dropdown.value);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void InitRandomization()
     //Attempt to set the randomization seed (we'll only succeed if we're the master, but we should still try)
     NetworkMatchSetup.SetRandomizationSeed(Random.Range(0, 1000000));