Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnStop()

            if (_mtu != _origMtu)
                using (var cfg = NetworkAdapter.CreateInstance(_iface))
                    Logger.Debug("Restoring the MTU of '{0}' to {1}.", _iface, _origMtu.HasValue ? _origMtu.ToString() : "<null>");
                    cfg.MTU = _origMtu;

            _remoteEp = null;
            _localIp  = null;
            _iface    = null;
            _mtu      = null;
            _origMtu  = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnSetProperty(string property, Variant value)
            if (property == "MTU")
                uint mtu = 0;

                if (value.GetVariantType() == Variant.VariantType.BitStream)
                    var bs = (BitwiseStream)value;
                    bs.SeekBits(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    ulong bits;
                    int   len = bs.ReadBits(out bits, 32);
                    mtu = Endian.Little.GetUInt32(bits, len);
                else if (value.GetVariantType() == Variant.VariantType.ByteString)
                    byte[] buf = (byte[])value;
                    int    len = Math.Min(buf.Length * 8, 32);
                    mtu = Endian.Little.GetUInt32(buf, len);
                    throw new SoftException("Can't set MTU, 'value' is an unsupported type.");

                if (MaxMTU >= mtu && mtu >= MinMTU)
                    using (var cfg = NetworkAdapter.CreateInstance(_iface))
                            cfg.MTU = mtu;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            string msg = ex.Message;
                            if (ex is TypeInitializationException || ex is TargetInvocationException)
                                msg = ex.InnerException.Message;

                            string err = "Failed to change MTU of '{0}' to {1}. {2}".Fmt(_iface, mtu, msg);
                            var se = new SoftException(err, ex);
                            throw new SoftException(se);

                        _mtu = cfg.MTU;

                        if (!_mtu.HasValue || _mtu.Value != mtu)
                            string err = "Failed to change MTU of '{0}' to {1}. The change did not take effect.".Fmt(_iface, mtu);
                            throw new SoftException(err);
                            Logger.Debug("Changed MTU of '{0}' to {1}.", _iface, mtu);
                    Logger.Debug("Not setting MTU of '{0}', value is out of range.", _iface);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnStart()

            IPEndPoint ep;
            IPAddress  local;
            string     iface;
            uint?      mtu;

                ep = ResolveHost();

                if (!AddressFamilySupported(ep.AddressFamily))
                    throw new PeachException(string.Format("The resolved IP '{0}' for host '{1}' is not compatible with the {2} publisher.", ep, Host, _type));

                local = Interface;
                if (Interface == null)
                    local = GetLocalIp(ep);

                if (local.IsIPv6LinkLocal && local.ScopeId == 0)
                    local = GetScopeId(local);
                    Logger.Trace("Resolved link-local interface IP for {0} socket to {1}.", _type, local);

                    iface = GetInterfaceName(local);
                    if (iface == null)
                        throw new PeachException("Could not resolve interface name for local IP '{0}'.".Fmt(local));

                    using (var cfg = NetworkAdapter.CreateInstance(iface))
                        mtu = cfg.MTU;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = ex.Message;
                    if (ex is TypeInitializationException || ex is TargetInvocationException)
                        msg = ex.InnerException.Message;

                    iface = local.ToString();
                    mtu   = null;
                    Logger.Debug("Could not query the MTU of '{0}'. {1}", iface, msg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("Unable to start {0} publisher for {1}:{2}. {3}.", _type, Host, Port, ex.Message);
                throw new SoftException(ex);

            _remoteEp = ep;
            _localIp  = local;
            _iface    = iface;
            _mtu      = mtu;
            _origMtu  = mtu;