Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CheckAccuracy()
            Random rand = new Random(31415);

            float[] GetSample()
                var s = new float[3];

                s[0] = rand.Next(2);
                s[1] = rand.Next(2);
                s[2] = ((int)s[0]) ^ ((int)s[1]);

            float Normalize(float value)
                return(value * 2f - 1);

            const int inputCount  = 2;
            const int hiddenCount = 5;
            const int outputCount = 1;

            var referenceNetwork = new ReferenceFFNetwork(inputCount, hiddenCount, outputCount);
            var neatNetwork      = new Network(GetNeatNetworkConnections(referenceNetwork.GetWeights(), inputCount, hiddenCount, outputCount),
                                               inputCount + BiasCount,
                                               new DummyNeatChromosomeEncoder());

            var sample = GetSample();

            neatNetwork.Sensors[0] = Normalize(sample[0]);
            neatNetwork.Sensors[1] = Normalize(sample[1]);

            var err = MathF.Abs(Normalize(neatNetwork.Effectors[0]) - sample[2]);

            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var s = GetSample();
                neatNetwork.ActivateAndTrain(s, 0.1f);
                referenceNetwork.Train(new[] { s }, 0.1f);

            neatNetwork.Sensors[0] = Normalize(sample[0]);
            neatNetwork.Sensors[1] = Normalize(sample[1]);
            var referenceNetworkOutput = referenceNetwork.ComputeOutputs(sample.Take(2).ToArray());

            Assert.Equal(referenceNetworkOutput[0], neatNetwork.Effectors[0], 7);
            Assert.True(err > MathF.Abs(Normalize(neatNetwork.Effectors[0]) - sample[2]));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public double DoEvaluation(Network net, HardMaze env, int runcount = 1000)
            Session session = new Session(env,
                                          new FitnessHandler(env.compute_fitness),
                                          new NWSELib.EventHandler(doEventHandler),
                                          new InstinctActionHandler(HardMaze.createInstinctAction),
                                          new OptimaGestureHandler(env.GetOptimaGestureHandler),
                                          new TaskBeginHandler(env.TaskBeginHandler));

            (List <double> obs, List <double> gesture) = env.reset(net);
            double reward = 0.0;
            bool   end    = false;

            for (int time = 0; time < runcount; time++)
                List <double> inputs = new List <double>(obs);
                List <double> actions = net.Activate(inputs, time, session, reward);
                (obs, gesture, actions, reward, end) = env.action(net, actions);
                if (end)

            net.Fitness       = Session.fitnessHandler == null ? 0 : Session.fitnessHandler(net, session);
            net.TaskCompleted = end;

Exemplo n.º 3
 private void 主页ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (network == null || network.IsDisposed)
         network                 = new Network();
         network.MdiParent       = this;
         network.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
         network.Dock            = DockStyle.Fill;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CheckFeedforwardBp()
            const int inputCount  = 2;
            const int hiddenCount = 2;
            const int outputCount = 1;

            var referenceNetwork = new ReferenceFFNetwork(inputCount, hiddenCount, outputCount);
            var neatNetwork      = new Network(GetNeatNetworkConnections(referenceNetwork.GetWeights(), inputCount, hiddenCount, outputCount),
                                               inputCount + BiasCount,
                                               new DummyNeatChromosomeEncoder());

            var sampleNetworkOutput = referenceNetwork.ComputeOutputs(new[] { 0f, 1f });

            neatNetwork.Sensors[0] = 1f;
            neatNetwork.Sensors[1] = 0f;

            var neatNetworkOutputBeforeTraining = neatNetwork.Effectors.ToArray();

            //the sample network and the NEAT network are identical
            Assert.Equal(sampleNetworkOutput, neatNetworkOutputBeforeTraining);

            referenceNetwork.Train(new[] { new[] { 0f, 1f, 1f } }, 0.3f);
            neatNetwork.ActivateAndTrain(new[] { 1f, 0f, 1f }, 0.3f);

            //NEAT network effector values have not changed after training before Activate call
            Assert.Equal(neatNetworkOutputBeforeTraining, neatNetwork.Effectors.ToArray());

            sampleNetworkOutput = referenceNetwork.ComputeOutputs(new[] { 0f, 1f });

            //backpropagation works fine
            Assert.Equal(sampleNetworkOutput, neatNetwork.Effectors.ToArray());
            Assert.NotEqual(neatNetworkOutputBeforeTraining, neatNetwork.Effectors.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ActivateTest_HiddenNotConnected_Expected_True()
            // Create network and leave hidden layer not connected
            Network net = new Network();

            Node inNode1    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 1);
            Node inNode2    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 2);
            Node hiddenNode = new Node(Node.ENodeType.HIDDEN, 3);
            Node outNode1   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 4);
            Node outNode2   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 5);

            net.AddNodes(new Node[] { inNode1, inNode2, hiddenNode, outNode1, outNode2 });

            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode1, outNode1, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode2, outNode2, false, 1.0f));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, net.Activate());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ActivateTest_OneOutputNotConnected_Expected_False()
            // Create network and leave one of the output nodes unconnected
            Network net = new Network();

            Node inNode1    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 1);
            Node inNode2    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 2);
            Node hiddenNode = new Node(Node.ENodeType.HIDDEN, 3);
            Node outNode1   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 4);
            Node outNode2   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 5);

            net.AddNodes(new Node[] { inNode1, inNode2, hiddenNode, outNode1, outNode2 });

            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode1, hiddenNode, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode2, hiddenNode, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(hiddenNode, outNode1, false, 1.0f));

            Assert.AreEqual(false, net.Activate());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ActivateTest_AllOutputsConnected_Expected_True()
            // Create network and make all outputs connected to the network
            Network net = new Network();

            Node inNode1    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 1);
            Node inNode2    = new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 2);
            Node hiddenNode = new Node(Node.ENodeType.HIDDEN, 3);
            Node outNode1   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 4);
            Node outNode2   = new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 5);

            net.AddNodes(new Node[] { inNode1, inNode2, hiddenNode, outNode1, outNode2 });

            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode1, hiddenNode, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(inNode2, hiddenNode, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(hiddenNode, outNode1, false, 1.0f));
            net.AddLink(new Link(hiddenNode, outNode2, false, 1.0f));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, net.Activate());
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void XorTest(Random r)
            Genome xorGene = new Genome(r);

            xorGene.AddNode(new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 1));
            xorGene.AddNode(new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 2));
            xorGene.AddNode(new Node(Node.ENodeType.SENSOR, 3));
            xorGene.AddNode(new Node(Node.ENodeType.OUTPUT, 4));

            xorGene.AddConnectionGene(1, 4, 0.0f);
            xorGene.AddConnectionGene(2, 4, 0.0f);
            xorGene.AddConnectionGene(3, 4, 0.0f);

            // Run simulation
            Simulation sim = new Simulation(r, xorGene, 150);

            sim.Parameters.AreConnectionWeightsCapped = false;
            sim.Parameters.MaxWeight           = 1.0f;
            sim.Parameters.WeightMutationPower = 2.5f;

            int    numberOfRuns  = 200;
            bool   solutionFound = false;
            Genome bestGenome    = null;

            float[] output     = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
            float[] bestOutput = new float[4];
            float[,] input =
                { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
                { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
                { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
                { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRuns; ++i)
                double epochBestFitness   = 0.0f;
                float  avgConnectionGenes = 0.0f;

                // Evaluate all genomes
                foreach (Genome gen in sim.Genomes)
                    Network network = gen.GetNetwork();
                    //network.ActivationFunction = new NeuralEvolution.ActivationFunctions.ReLU();
                    bool couldActivate = true;
                    for (int inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < 4; ++inputIdx)
                        float[] inputRow = new float[3];
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                            inputRow[k] = input[inputIdx, k];
                        if (!network.Activate())
                            couldActivate = false;

                        // Relax network
                        int networkDepth = network.GetMaxDepth();
                        for (int relax = 0; relax <= networkDepth; ++relax)

                        output[inputIdx] = network.Output[0].Activation;


                    float errorsum = (float)(Math.Abs(output[0]) + Math.Abs(1.0 - output[1]) + Math.Abs(1.0 - output[2]) + Math.Abs(output[3]));
                    if (!couldActivate)
                        errorsum = 4;
                    gen.Fitness = Math.Pow((4.0 - errorsum), 2);
                    gen.Error   = errorsum;

                    if (gen.Fitness > epochBestFitness)
                        bestOutput[0]    = output[0]; bestOutput[1] = output[1]; bestOutput[2] = output[2]; bestOutput[3] = output[3];
                        epochBestFitness = gen.Fitness;

                    avgConnectionGenes += gen.ConnectionGenes.Count;

                    if ((output[0] < 0.5f) && (output[1] >= 0.5f) && (output[2] >= 0.5f) && (output[3] < 0.5f))
                        bestOutput[0] = output[0]; bestOutput[1] = output[1]; bestOutput[2] = output[2]; bestOutput[3] = output[3];
                        bestGenome    = gen;
                        solutionFound = true;

                avgConnectionGenes /= sim.Genomes.Count;

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Epoch {0} | best: {1} | best output: [{2}, {3}, {4}, {5}] | avg genes: {6} | species: {7}", i, epochBestFitness, bestOutput[0], bestOutput[1], bestOutput[2], bestOutput[3], avgConnectionGenes, sim.Species.Count));

                // We found a solution so we can exit already
                if (solutionFound)

                // Advance to the next step of simulation

            if (solutionFound)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Solution found: [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", bestOutput[0], bestOutput[1], bestOutput[2], bestOutput[3]));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Solution network nodes count: {0} | connections count: {1}", bestGenome.Nodes.Count, bestGenome.ConnectionGenes.Count));
                Console.WriteLine("Solution NOT found!");
Exemplo n.º 9
        //     cart_and_pole() was take directly from the pole simulator written
        //     by Richard Sutton and Charles Anderson.
        private static int Go_cart(Network net, int max_steps, int thresh, Random rnd)
            float x,                            /* cart position, meters */
                  x_dot,                        /* cart velocity */
                  theta,                        /* pole angle, radians */
                  theta_dot;                    /* pole angular velocity */
            int steps = 0, y;

            float[] input = new float[5];              //Input loading array

            float out1;
            float out2;

            float twelve_degrees = 0.2094384f;

            /* if (random_start) {
             * x = (lrand48()%4800)/1000.0 - 2.4;
             * x_dot = (lrand48()%2000)/1000.0 - 1;
             * theta = (lrand48()%400)/1000.0 - .2;
             * theta_dot = (lrand48()%3000)/1000.0 - 1.5;
             * }
             * else */
            //x = x_dot = theta = theta_dot = 0.0f;

            x         = (rnd.Next(0, 4800) / 1000.0f - 2.4f);
            x_dot     = (rnd.Next(0, 2000) / 1000.0f - 1.0f);
            theta     = (rnd.Next(0, 400) / 1000.0f - 0.2f);
            theta_dot = (rnd.Next(0, 3000) / 1000.0f - 1.5f);

            /*--- Iterate through the action-learn loop. ---*/
            while (steps++ < max_steps)
                /*-- setup the input layer based on the four iputs --*/
                input[0] = 1.0f;                  //Bias
                input[1] = (x + 2.4f) / 4.8f;
                input[2] = (x_dot + 0.75f) / 1.5f;
                input[3] = (theta + twelve_degrees) / 0.41f;
                input[4] = (theta_dot + 1.0f) / 2.0f;

                // Activate the net
                // If it loops, exit returning only fitness of 1 step
                if (!(net.Activate()))

                /*-- Decide which way to push via which output unit is greater --*/
                List <Node> outputs = net.Output;
                out1 = outputs[0].Activation;
                out2 = outputs[1].Activation;
                if (out1 > out2)
                    y = 0;
                    y = 1;

                /*--- Apply action to the simulated cart-pole ---*/
                Cart_pole(y, ref x, ref x_dot, ref theta, ref theta_dot);

                /*--- Check for failure.  If so, return steps ---*/
                if (x < -2.4 || x > 2.4 || theta < -twelve_degrees || theta > twelve_degrees)
