public static void getpeername(int handle, out byte[] address)
            if (!_isInitialized)

            Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.CC3100SocketInfo socketInfo = _cc3100.GetSocketInfo(handle);
            UInt32 ipAddress = socketInfo.RemoteIPAddress;
            UInt16 ipPort    = socketInfo.RemoteIPPort;

            address = new byte[8];
            if (SystemInfo.IsBigEndian)
                address[0] = 0x00;  /* InterNetwork = 0x0002 */
                address[1] = 0x02;  /* InterNetwork = 0x0002 */
                address[0] = 0x02;  /* InterNetwork = 0x0002 */
                address[1] = 0x00;  /* InterNetwork = 0x0002 */
            address[2] = (byte)((ipPort >> 8) & 0xFF);
            address[3] = (byte)(ipPort & 0xFF);
            address[4] = (byte)((ipAddress >> 24) & 0xFF);
            address[5] = (byte)((ipAddress >> 16) & 0xFF);
            address[6] = (byte)((ipAddress >> 8) & 0xFF);
            address[7] = (byte)(ipAddress & 0xFF);
        public static void getsockopt(int handle, int level, int optname, byte[] optval)
            if (!_isInitialized)

            switch (level)
            case 0xffff:     /* SocketOptionLevel.Socket */
                /* filter for CC3100-specific optnames */
                switch (optname)
                case 0x001008:             /* SocketOptionName.Type */
                    Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.CC3100SocketInfo socketInfo = _cc3100.GetSocketInfo(handle);
                    optval[0] = (byte)(((Int32)socketInfo.SocketSocketType) & 0xFF);
                    optval[1] = (byte)((((Int32)socketInfo.SocketSocketType) >> 8) & 0xFF);
                    optval[2] = (byte)((((Int32)socketInfo.SocketSocketType) >> 16) & 0xFF);
                    optval[3] = (byte)((((Int32)socketInfo.SocketSocketType) >> 24) & 0xFF);

                case 0x400000:             /* map to SL_SO_SECMETHOD */
                    int retVal = _cc3100.sl_GetSockOpt(handle, 1 /* SL_SOL_SOCKET */, 25 /* SL_SO_SECMETHOD */, optval);
                    if (retVal < 0)
                        throw new CC3100SimpleLinkException(retVal);                 /* TODO: what is the correct exception? */

                case 0x400002:             /* trigger to upgrade to SSL/TLS (by closing an open socket and re-opening it in secure mode using the pre-specified security method/mask */
                    // bytes 0-7: ipaddress
                    // byte 8: sslProtocolOption
                    // byte 9: where we return the new handle (or 0xFF on error)

                    // close the socket

                    // re-open the socket
                    int newHandle = 0xFF;                 // default to "invalid handle"
                    int retVal    = _cc3100.sl_Socket(Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.SocketAddressFamily.IPv4, Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.SocketSocketType.Stream, Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.SocketProtocolType.Secure);
                    if (retVal >= 0)
                        newHandle = retVal;
                        // set SSL security protocol option(s)
                        setsockopt(handle, 0xffff /* SocketOptionLevel.Socket */, 0x400000 /* map to SL_SO_SECMETHOD */, new byte[] { optval[8] });
                        // parse ipAddress
                        UInt16 ipPort = (UInt16)(((UInt16)optval[2] << 8) +
                        UInt32 ipAddress = ((UInt32)optval[4] << 24) +
                                           ((UInt32)optval[5] << 16) +
                                           ((UInt32)optval[6] << 8) +
                        // re-open socket
                        retVal = _cc3100.sl_Connect(newHandle, Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100.SocketAddressFamily.IPv4, ipAddress, ipPort);
                        if (retVal >= 0 || retVal == -453 /* SL_ESECSNOVERIFY */)
                            optval[9] = (byte)newHandle;
                            //Debug.Print("SSL Socket Upgrade Failure; Error # " + retVal);

                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                throw new NotSupportedException();