Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetupBitwiseAndProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesC = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);

            var sharesD = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesE = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesF = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Quorum q = quorum.Clone() as Quorum;
                TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >();
                party.UnderTest = new BitwiseOperationProtocol(party, q,
                                                               MakeList(sharesA[i], sharesB[i], sharesC[i]),
                                                               MakeList(sharesD[i], sharesE[i], sharesF[i]),
                                                               new SharedBitAnd.ProtocolFactory(party, q));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void HandleMessage(int fromId, Msg msg)
            if (Stage == 0)
                if (SharesReceived == EvalGate.InputCount)
            else if (Stage == 1)
                Debug.Assert(msg.Type == MsgType.SubProtocolCompleted);
                var completedMsg = (SubProtocolCompletedMsg)msg;

            else if (Stage == 2)
                // we loopback any shares that go to me in a different quorum.
                Debug.Assert(msg is SubProtocolCompletedMsg);
                SubProtocolCompletedMsg completedMsg = (SubProtocolCompletedMsg)msg;
                foreach (var loopback in OutputLoopbacksNeeded)
                    ulong counterpartEvalId = ProtocolIdGenerator.GateEvalIdentifier(loopback.Value.Gate.TopologicalRank);
                    T     loopbackVal       = (T)completedMsg.Result[loopback.Key];

                    NetSimulator.Loopback(Me.Id, counterpartEvalId, new LoopbackMsg <T>(loopbackVal, loopback.Value.Port));
                IsCompleted = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void ReconstructDictionary(Quorum q, OutputGateAddress[] ordering, int qSize)
            List <BigZp> result = new List <BigZp>();

            foreach (OutputGateAddress outAddr in ordering)
                if (outAddr == null)
                BigZp[] shares = new BigZp[qSize];

                int j = 0;
                foreach (var id in q.Members)
                    Protocol <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > > p = (NetSimulator.GetParty(id) as TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > >).UnderTest;
                    if (p.Result.ContainsKey(outAddr))
                        shares[j++] = p.Result[outAddr].Value;
                result.Add(BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares), (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1, prime));

            Console.WriteLine("Result: " + string.Join(" ", result));
Exemplo n.º 4
         *  prime = prime20;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime30;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime40;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime50;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();

        public static void Main(int n)                                   // number of parties
            Debug.Assert(NumTheoryUtils.MillerRabin(prime, 5) == false); // must be a prime

            // Create an MPC network, add parties, and init them with random inputs
            NetSimulator.Init(seed);     //seed
            StaticRandom.Init(seed + 1); //seed + 1

            Quorum q = new Quorum(0, 0, n);



            Console.WriteLine(n + " parties initialized. Running simulation...\n");
            // run the simulator
            var elapsedTime = Timex.Run(() => NetSimulator.Run());

            // CheckMps(n);
            //ReconstructDictionary(q, network.LastGateForWire, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("Simulation finished.  Checking results...\n");

            Console.WriteLine("# parties    = " + n);
            Console.WriteLine("# msgs sent  = " + NetSimulator.SentMessageCount.ToString("0.##E+00"));
            Console.WriteLine("# bits sent  = " + (NetSimulator.SentByteCount * 8).ToString("0.##E+00"));
            Console.WriteLine("Rounds       = " + NetSimulator.RoundCount + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Key size     = " + NumTheoryUtils.GetBitLength2(prime) + " bits");
            Console.WriteLine("Seed         = " + seed + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time = " + elapsedTime.ToString("hh':'mm':'ss'.'fff") + "\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void CheckMps(int n)
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         MpsParty party = (MpsParty)NetSimulator.GetParty(i);
         Console.WriteLine("Party " + i + ": " + string.Join(" ", party.Results));
Exemplo n.º 6
         * public static void SetupSimpleCircuitEvaluation(Quorum quorum)
         * {
         *  int n = quorum.Size;
         *  var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;
         *  Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2
         *  network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
         *  IList<BigZp>[] shares = new IList<BigZp>[n];
         *  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         *      shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2*i), n, polyDeg);
         *  foreach (var id in quorum.Members)
         *  {
         *      Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>> inShares = new Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>();
         *      int i = 0;
         *      foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
         *      {
         *          inShares[inAddr] = new Share<BigZp>(shares[i][id]);
         *          i++;
         *      }
         *      TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>> party = new TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>>();
         *      party.UnderTest = new SecureGroupCircuitEvaluation(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, network.Circuit, inShares);
         *      NetSimulator.RegisterParty(party);
         *  }
         * }
        public static void SetupMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation(Quorum bigQuorum)
            int n = bigQuorum.Size;

            int qSize = n / 2;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1;

            var quorums = new List <Quorum>();

            quorums.Add(new Quorum(0, 0, qSize));
            quorums.Add(new Quorum(1, qSize, 2 * qSize));

            Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2

            network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
            //network = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(n);


            IList <BigZp>[] shares = new IList <BigZp> [n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2 * i), qSize, polyDeg);

            Dictionary <Gate, Quorum> gqmapping = new Dictionary <Gate, Quorum>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder.Count; i++)
                gqmapping[network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder[i]] = quorums[i];

            foreach (var id in bigQuorum.Members)
                Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > inShares = new Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> >();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
                    inShares[inAddr] = new Share <BigZp>(shares[i][id % 4]);

                TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > >();
                Quorum[] quorumsClone = quorums.Select(a => a.Clone() as Quorum).ToArray();

                party.UnderTest =
                    new SecureMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation <Share <BigZp> >(party, quorumsClone[id / qSize], quorumsClone,
                                                                            ProtocolIdGenerator.GenericIdentifier(0), network.Circuit, inShares, new BigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(prime), gqmapping, prime);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void SetupBitwiseRandomGeneration(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >();
                party.UnderTest = new RandomBitwiseGenProtocol(party, quorum, prime, 15);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void SetupRandomBitGenProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp> > party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp> >();
                party.UnderTest = new RandomBitGenProtocol(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, prime);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void Reshare(BigZp secret)
            Debug.Assert(Prime == secret.Prime);

            IList <BigZp> coeffs = null;

            var shares = BigShamirSharing.Share(secret, FinalShareCount, NewPolyDeg, out coeffs);

            MG[] witnesses  = null;
            MG   commitment = null;

            if (PolyCommit != null)
                commitment = BigShamirSharing.GenerateCommitment(FinalShareCount, coeffs.ToArray(), Prime, ref witnesses, (Quorums[TO] as ByzantineQuorum).PolyCommit);

                // fake random generation round
                for (int i = 0; i < Quorums[TO].Size; i++)
                    NetSimulator.FakeMulticast(Quorums[TO].Size, secret.Size);
                // fake commitment and challenge response
                NetSimulator.FakeMulticast(Quorums[TO].Size, secret.Size);
                NetSimulator.FakeMulticast(Quorums[TO].Size, secret.Size);
                witnesses = new MG[FinalShareCount];

            QuorumBroadcast(new CommitMsg(commitment), TO);

            // create the share messages
            if (PolyCommit != null)
                Debug.Assert(PolyCommit.VerifyEval(commitment, new BigZp(Prime, 2), shares[1], witnesses[1]));
            Debug.Assert(BigShamirSharing.Recombine(shares, NewPolyDeg, Prime) == secret);

            int numSent = 0;

            //int delay = (PolyCommit != null) ? 1 : 0;
            foreach (var toMember in Quorums[TO].Members)
                for (int i = 0; i < FinalSharesPerParty; i++)
                    Send(toMember, new ShareWitnessMsg <BigZp>(shares[numSent], witnesses[numSent]));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void SetupCompareAndSwap(Quorum quorum)
            int n       = quorum.Size;
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 440), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 450), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp>[]> party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp>[]>();
                party.UnderTest = new CompareAndSwapProtocol(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, new Share <BigZp>(sharesA[i]), new Share <BigZp>(sharesB[i]));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void Reconstruct(Quorum q)
            BigZp[] shares = new BigZp[q.Size];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var id in q.Members)
                shares[i++] = (NetSimulator.GetParty(id) as TestParty <Share <BigZp> >).UnderTest.Result.Value;

            var val = BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares), (int)Math.Ceiling(q.Size / 3.0) - 1, prime);

            Console.WriteLine("Output: " + val);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void SetupLessThan(Quorum quorum)
            int n       = quorum.Size;
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 700), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 549), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp> > party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp> >();
                party.UnderTest = new ShareLessThanProtocol(party, quorum, new Share <BigZp>(sharesA[i]), new Share <BigZp>(sharesB[i]));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void SetupMps2(int n)
            List <BigZp> inputs = new List <BigZp>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                inputs.Add(new BigZp(prime, StaticRandom.Next(prime)));

            //      Console.WriteLine("Inputs: " + string.Join(" ", inputs));

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                NetSimulator.RegisterParty(new MpsParty(n, inputs[i]));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void SetupLeastSignificantBit(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            var input   = new BigZp(prime, 2);
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var shares = BigShamirSharing.Share(input, n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp> > party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp> >();
                party.UnderTest = new LeastSignificantBitProtocol(party, quorum, new Share <BigZp>(shares[i]));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void SetupReconstructionProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n       = quorum.Size;
            var input   = new BigZp(prime, 20);
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var shares = BigShamirSharing.Share(input, n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <BigZp>      party = new TestParty <BigZp>();
                ReconstructionProtocol rp    = new ReconstructionProtocol(party, quorum, new Share <BigZp>(shares[i]));
                party.UnderTest = rp;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void SetupBitCompositionProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesC = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp> > party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp> >();
                party.UnderTest = new BitCompositionProtocol(party, quorum,
                                                             MakeList(sharesA[i], sharesB[i], sharesC[i]), prime);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void SetupPrefixOrProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n       = quorum.Size;
            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesC = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesD = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >();
                party.UnderTest = new PrefixOperationProtocol(party, quorum,
                                                              MakeList(sharesA[i], sharesB[i], sharesC[i], sharesD[i]),
                                                              new SharedBitOr.ProtocolFactory(party, quorum));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void ReconstructTuple(Quorum q)
            BigZp[] shares1 = new BigZp[q.Size];
            BigZp[] shares2 = new BigZp[q.Size];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var id in q.Members)
                var result = (NetSimulator.GetParty(id) as TestParty <Tuple <Share <BigZp>, Share <BigZp> > >).UnderTest.Result;
                shares1[i] = result.Item1.Value;
                shares2[i] = result.Item2.Value;

            var val1 = BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares1), (int)Math.Ceiling(q.Size / 3.0) - 1, prime);
            var val2 = BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares2), (int)Math.Ceiling(q.Size / 3.0) - 1, prime);

            Console.WriteLine(val1 + " " + val2);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void SetupMps(int n)
            List <BigZp> inputs = new List <BigZp>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                inputs.Add(new BigZp(prime, StaticRandom.Next(prime)));

 *          Console.WriteLine("Inputs: " + string.Join(" ", inputs));
 *          var sorted = inputs.Select(zp => zp.Value).ToList();
 *          sorted.Sort();
 *          Console.WriteLine("Expected Output: " + string.Join(" ", sorted));
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                NetSimulator.RegisterParty(new MpsParty(n, inputs[i]));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void ReconstructBitwise(Quorum q, int bitCount)
            List <BigZp> result = new List <BigZp>();

            for (int i = bitCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                BigZp[] shares = new BigZp[q.Size];

                int j = 0;
                foreach (var id in q.Members)
                    shares[j++] = (NetSimulator.GetParty(id) as TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >).UnderTest.Result[i].Value;
                result.Add(BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares), (int)Math.Ceiling(q.Size / 3.0) - 1, prime));

            foreach (var bit in result)
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void SendShareStage()
            List <Protocol> reshareProtocols = new List <Protocol>();

            OutputLoopbacksNeeded = new Dictionary <ulong, InputGateAddress>();

            for (int i = 0; i < EvalGate.OutputCount; i++)
                // figure out where this share is going to
                InputGateAddress counterpartGateAddr;
                if (Circuit.OutputConnectionCounterparties.TryGetValue(EvalGate.GetLocalOutputAddress(i), out counterpartGateAddr))
                    var counterpartGate   = counterpartGateAddr.Gate;
                    var counterpartQuorum = GateQuorumMapping[counterpartGate];

                    bool needReshare;
                    bool needLoopback;

                    if (counterpartQuorum == EvalQuorum)
                        needLoopback = true;
                        needReshare  = false;
                    else if (counterpartQuorum.HasMember(Me.Id))
                        needLoopback = true;
                        needReshare  = true;
                        needLoopback = false;
                        needReshare  = true;

                    if (needLoopback && !needReshare)
                        // loop a message back to the other protocol
                        ulong counterpartEvalId = ProtocolIdGenerator.GateEvalIdentifier(counterpartGate.TopologicalRank);
                        NetSimulator.Loopback(Me.Id, counterpartEvalId, new LoopbackMsg <T>(OutputShares[i], counterpartGateAddr.Port));

                    if (needReshare)
                        Protocol reshareProtocol = ProtocolFactory.GetResharingProtocol(Me, EvalQuorum, counterpartQuorum, OutputShares[i],
                                                                                        counterpartGate.TopologicalRank, counterpartGateAddr.Port);
                        if (needLoopback)
                            OutputLoopbacksNeeded[reshareProtocol.ProtocolId] = counterpartGateAddr;
                    // this was a circuit output
                    Result[EvalGate.GetLocalOutputAddress(i)] = OutputShares[i];

            Stage = 2;

            if (reshareProtocols.Count > 0)
                IsCompleted = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // no quorums all primes:

            MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 1;
            MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_SIZE  = 8;

             * prime = prime10;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime20;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime30;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime40;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime50;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_SIZE = 16;
             * prime = prime10;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime20;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime30;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime40;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * prime = prime50;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_SIZE = 32;
             * prime = prime10;
             * Main(32);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * // with log n quorums of size 8
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 4;
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_SIZE = 8;
             * prime = prime30;
             * Main(16);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 8;
             * prime = prime30;
             * Main(32);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 16;
             * prime = prime30;
             * Main(64);
             * MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 1;
             * prime = prime160;
             * Main(8);
             * NetSimulator.Reset();

            MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_COUNT = 8;
            MultiPartyShufflingProtocol.EVALUATION_QUORUM_SIZE  = 8;

            prime = prime10;

            prime = prime20;

            prime = prime30;

            prime = prime40;

            prime = prime50;
