public static Dictionary <string, NetPropertyDataModel> CreatePropertiesDictionary(this DeviceInformation info)
     if (info != null)
     return(new Dictionary <string, NetPropertyDataModel>());
        public static NetPropertiesUpdateDataModel CreatePropertiesUpdateData(this DeviceInformationUpdate updateInfo)
            NetPropertiesUpdateDataModel dm = new NetPropertiesUpdateDataModel()
                Id = updateInfo.Id,
                ServiceProperties = NetPropertyHelpers.CreatePropertiesDictionary(updateInfo.Properties),

        public void DiscoverSerialDevicesAsync()
            Task.Run(async() => {
                try {
                    DeviceInformationCollection infos = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(this.AQSForUSB);
                    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                    List <SerialDeviceInfo> devices = new List <SerialDeviceInfo>();

                    // TODO - SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(deviceId). Except do not know if same ID as from DeviceInformation
                    foreach (DeviceInformation info in infos)

                        try {
                            // Device picks up Baud, Parity, Data and Stop bits when
                            // set in the Arduino (see code sample). When left to
                            // default in Arduino it does not show
                            using (SerialDevice dev = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(info.Id)) {
                                if (dev != null)
                                    UsbDisplay display      = new UsbDisplay(dev.UsbVendorId, dev.UsbProductId);
                                    SerialDeviceInfo device = new SerialDeviceInfo()
                                        Id         = info.Id,
                                        IsDefault  = info.IsDefault,
                                        IsEnabled  = info.IsEnabled,
                                        Display    = info.Name,
                                        Properties = NetPropertyHelpers.CreatePropertiesDictionary(info.Properties),
                                        // Ignore pairing
                                        // Ignore enclosure location
                                        // Ignore Kind
                                        PortName                  = dev.PortName,
                                        Baud                      = dev.BaudRate,
                                        DataBits                  = dev.DataBits,
                                        StopBits                  = dev.StopBits.Convert(),
                                        Parity                    = dev.Parity.Convert(),
                                        ReadTimeout               = dev.ReadTimeout,
                                        WriteTimeout              = dev.WriteTimeout,
                                        DSR_DataSetReadyState     = dev.DataSetReadyState,
                                        BytesReceivedOnLastInput  = dev.BytesReceived,
                                        TX_BreakSignalEnabled     = dev.BreakSignalState,
                                        CTS_IsClearToSendEnabled  = dev.ClearToSendState,
                                        DTR_IsDataTerminalReady   = dev.IsDataTerminalReadyEnabled,
                                        CD_CarrierDetectLineState = dev.CarrierDetectState,
                                        CTS_ClearToSendLineState  = dev.ClearToSendState,
                                        USB_VendorId              = dev.UsbVendorId,
                                        USB_ProductId             = dev.UsbProductId,
                                        USB_VendorIdDisplay       = display.Vendor,
                                        USB_ProductIdDisplay      = display.Product,
                                        //USB_ProductIdDisplay = string.Format("0x{0:X}", dev.UsbProductId),
                                        //USB_VendorIdDisplay = string.Format("0x{0:X}", dev.UsbVendorId),
                                        RTS_IsRequesttoSendEnabled = dev.IsRequestToSendEnabled,
                                        FlowHandshake = dev.Handshake.Convert(),


                                    #region USB code does not seem to work
                                    ////UsbDevice u = await UsbDevice.FromIdAsync(info.Id);
                                    ////string uaqs = UsbDevice.GetDeviceSelector(dev.UsbVendorId, dev.UsbProductId);
                                    ////string uaqs = UsbDevice.GetDeviceSelector(0x2341, 0x43);
                                    //UInt32 ven = 0x2341;
                                    //UInt32 prod = 0x43;
                                    //string uaqs = UsbDevice.GetDeviceSelector(ven, prod);
                                    //this.log.Error(7, () => string.Format("AQS:{0}", uaqs));
                                    //var uDevs = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(uaqs);
                                    //if (uDevs.Count > 0) {
                                    //    this.log.Error(7, () => string.Format("USB ID:{0}", uDevs[0].Id));

                                    //    UsbDevice u = await UsbDevice.FromIdAsync(uDevs[0].Id);
                                    //    this.DumpUsbDevice(u);
                                    //else {
                                    //    this.log.Error(88, "NO USB DEVICE");

                                    // Only bother to add if no exception on connection for more info
                                    this.log.Error(9999, () => string.Format("Failed to retrieve :{0}", info.Name));
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            this.log.Exception(2222, "", e);
                    } // For each

                    this.log.Info("DoDiscovery", () => string.Format("**** Number Devices {0} *****", infos.Count));
                    this.log.Info("DoDiscovery", () => string.Format("**** Elapsed MS {0} *****", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
                    this.DiscoveredDevices?.Invoke(this, devices);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    this.log.Exception(1111, "", e);
                    // TODO Add fields
                    this.OnError.Invoke(this, new SerialUsbError());