Exemplo n.º 1
        public static object[] Main(string operation, string entity, object[] args)
            bool   success = true;
            string message = "";

            object[] results = { -1 };

            //NeoVersionedAppUser AppVAU = NeoVersionedAppUser.New("NPC.dApps.NeoDraw.Main", 1, 1, 1, NeoEntityModel.GetInvokingAddressScriptHash());
            //NeoVersionedAppUser AppVAU = NeoVersionedAppUser.New("NPC.dApps.NeoDraw.Main", 1, 1, 1, ExecutionEngine.ExecutingScriptHash);
            NeoVersionedAppUser AppVAU = NeoVersionedAppUser.New("NPC.dApps.NeoDraw.Main", 1, 1, 1, "7074acf3f06dd3f456e11053ebf61c5b04b07ebc".AsByteArray()); // DEBUG ONLY

            if (NeoTrace.TESTING)
                NeoVersionedAppUser.LogExt("AppVAU", AppVAU);

            //byte[] ownerScriptHash = NeoEntityModel.GetInvokingAddressScriptHash();
            //if (NeoTrace.INFO) NeoTrace.Trace("ownerScriptHash", ownerScriptHash);
            //NeoVersionedAppUser.SetUserScriptHash(AppVAU, ownerScriptHash);
            //if (NeoTrace.INFO) NeoVersionedAppUser.LogExt("AppVAU", AppVAU);

            NeoDrawEntityType entityType = NeoDrawEntityType.UnknownEntityType;

            if (NeoTrace.SPLASH)
            if (NeoTrace.SPLASH)
                NeoTrace.Trace(SmartContractName + " ********************");
            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("operation", operation);
            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("entity", entity);
            if (entity == "user")
                entityType = NeoDrawEntityType.User;
            else if (entity == "point")
                entityType = NeoDrawEntityType.Point;
                message = "unknown entity type '" + entity + "'";
                if (NeoTrace.ERROR)
                    NeoTrace.Trace("**ERROR** entity", message);
                entityType = NeoDrawEntityType.UnknownEntityType;
                success    = false;
            if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                NeoTrace.Trace("entityType", (BigInteger)((int)entityType));

            if (success)
                if (operation == "add")
                    if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.User)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("add", "user");
                        results = UserAdd(AppVAU, args);
                    else if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.Point)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("add", "point");
                        results = PointAdd(AppVAU, args);
                else if (operation == "delete")
                    if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.User)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("delete", "user");
                        results = UserDelete(AppVAU, args);
                    else if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.Point)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("delete", "point");
                        results = PointDeleteLast(AppVAU, args);
                else if (operation == "get")
                    if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.User)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("get", "user");
                        results = UserGetSingle(AppVAU, args);
                    else if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.Point)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("get", "point");
                        results = PointGetSingle(AppVAU, args);
                else if (operation == "getall")
                    if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.User)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("getall", "user");
                        results = UserGetAll(AppVAU, args);
                    else if (entityType == NeoDrawEntityType.Point)
                        if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("getall", "point");
                        results = PointGetAll(AppVAU, args);
                    if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("Unknown operation", operation);
                    message = "unknown operation '" + operation + "'";
                    if (NeoTrace.ERROR)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("**ERROR** operation", message);
                    success = false;

            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("Main.results", results);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static object[] PointAdd(NeoVersionedAppUser AppVAU, object[] args)
            object[] results = { -1 };

            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoVersionedAppUser.LogExt("PointAdd.AppVAU", AppVAU);

            byte[] encodedUsername = (byte[])args[0];
            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("PointAdd.encodedUsername", encodedUsername);
            BigInteger x = (BigInteger)(args[1]);

            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("PointAdd.x", x);
            BigInteger y = (BigInteger)(args[2]);

            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("PointAdd.y", y);

            UserCredentials uc = FindUser(AppVAU, encodedUsername);

            if (UserCredentials.IsMissing(uc))
                if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                    UserCredentials.LogExt("PointAdd.user missing", uc);
                if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                    UserCredentials.LogExt("PointAdd.user exists", uc);

                UserPoint  up    = UserPoint.New(x, y);
                BigInteger index = NeoCounter.TakeNextNumber(AppVAU, encodedUsername, NeoCounters.UserPointsCounter);
                if (NeoTrace.INFO)
                    NeoTrace.Trace("PointAdd.index", index);
                UserPoint.PutElement(up, AppVAU, encodedUsername, (int)index);

                results = new object[] { index };

            if (NeoTrace.ARGSRESULTS)
                NeoTrace.Trace("PointAdd.results", results);

Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void LogExt(string label, NeoCounter e)
     NeoTrace.Trace(label, e._currentNumber, e._state);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Log/trace methods
 public static void Log(string label, UserPoint e)
     NeoTrace.Trace(label, e._x, e._y);
 // Log/trace methods
 public static void Log(string label, UserCredentials e)
     NeoTrace.Trace(label, e._encodedUsername, e._encodedPassword);
        public static object ProcessOperation(NPCNEP5Base tokenBase, string operation, object[] args)
            object result = false;

            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                NeoTrace.Trace("operation", operation);

            if (operation == "deploy")
                result = deploy(tokenBase);
            else if (operation == "ping")
                result = ping();

            else if (operation == "name")
                result = name(tokenBase);
            else if (operation == "symbol")
                result = symbol(tokenBase);
            else if (operation == "decimals")
                result = decimals(tokenBase);
            else if (operation == "totalSupply")
                result = totalSupply(tokenBase);
            else if (operation == "balanceOf")
                byte[] account = (byte[])args[0];
                if (NeoTrace.TESTING && account[0] == 0x0) // DEBUGGING
                    account = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                    if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("DEBUGGING:from", account);
                result = balanceOf(account);
            else if (operation == "transfer")
                if (args.Length == 3)
                    // https://github.com/neo-project/examples-csharp/blob/master/ICO_Template/ICO_Template.cs#L59
                    byte[]     from   = (byte[])args[0];
                    byte[]     to     = (byte[])args[1];
                    BigInteger amount = (BigInteger)args[2];
                    if (NeoTrace.TESTING && from[0] == 0x0) // DEBUGGING
                        from = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                        if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("DEBUGGING:from", from);
                    result = transfer(from, to, amount);
            else if (operation == "allowance")
                byte[] from = (byte[])args[0];
                byte[] to   = (byte[])args[1];
                if (NeoTrace.TESTING && from[0] == 0x0) // DEBUGGING
                    from = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                    if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("DEBUGGING:from", from);
                result = allowance(from, to); // optional
            else if (operation == "transferFrom")
                byte[]     originator = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                byte[]     from       = (byte[])args[0];
                byte[]     to         = (byte[])args[1];
                BigInteger amount     = (BigInteger)args[2];
                if (NeoTrace.TESTING && originator[0] == 0x0) // DEBUGGING
                    originator = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                    if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("DEBUGGING:originator", originator);
                result = transferFrom(originator, from, to, amount); // optional
            else if (operation == "approve")
                byte[]     originator = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                byte[]     to         = (byte[])args[0];
                BigInteger amount     = (BigInteger)args[1];
                if (NeoTrace.TESTING && originator[0] == 0x0) // DEBUGGING
                    originator = OwnerAccountScriptHash;
                    if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                        NeoTrace.Trace("DEBUGGING:originator", originator);
                result = approve(originator, to, amount); // optional

            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                NeoTrace.Trace("result", result);

        public static bool transfer(byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger amount)
            bool result = false;

            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                NeoTrace.Trace("transfer():entered", from, to, amount);

            // https://github.com/neo-project/examples-csharp/blob/master/ICO_Template/ICO_Template.cs#L146

            if (amount > 0)
                if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                    NeoTrace.Trace("transfer():amount > 0");
                //if (Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Services.Neo.Runtime.CheckWitness(from))
                    if (from == to)
                        if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("transfer():from == to");
                        result = true;
                        if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                            NeoTrace.Trace("transfer():from != to");
                        NPCNEP5LedgerEntry fromLedgerEntry = NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Get(from);
                        if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Log("transfer().fromLedgerEntry", fromLedgerEntry);
                        BigInteger fromBalance = NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.GetBalance(fromLedgerEntry);
                        if (fromBalance >= amount)
                            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                                NeoTrace.Trace("transfer():fromBalance >= amount");
                            //NPCEnvironment env = NPCEnvironment.New();
                            //BigInteger timestamp = NPCEnvironment.GetBlockTimestamp(env);

                            //uint h = Blockchain.GetHeight();
                            //Header header = Blockchain.GetHeader(h);
                            //BigInteger timestamp = header.Timestamp;
                            //Block block = Blockchain.GetBlock(h); // NEO Debugger: not implemented
                            //BigInteger timestamp = block.Timestamp;

                            BigInteger timestamp = 0;

                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Set(fromLedgerEntry, timestamp, 0 - amount, fromBalance - amount);
                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Put(fromLedgerEntry, from);
                            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                                NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Log("transfer().fromLedgerEntry", fromLedgerEntry);

                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry toLedgerEntry = NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Get(to);
                            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                                NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Log("transfer().toLedgerEntry", toLedgerEntry);
                            BigInteger toBalance = NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.GetBalance(toLedgerEntry);

                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Set(toLedgerEntry, timestamp, 0 + amount, toBalance + amount);
                            NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Put(toLedgerEntry, to);
                            if (NeoTrace.VERBOSE)
                                NPCNEP5LedgerEntry.Log("transfer().toLedgerEntry", toLedgerEntry);

                            Transfer(from, to, amount);
                            result = true;
