Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/> using experiment configuration settings
    /// from the provided json object model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="configElem">Experiment config in json form.</param>
    /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
    public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(JsonElement configElem)
        // Read the customEvaluationSchemeConfig section.
            out Func <double, double> fn,
            out ParamSamplingInfo paramSamplingInfo,
            out double gradientMseWeight);

        // Create an evaluation scheme object for the generative sinewave task; using the evaluation scheme
        // config read from json.
        var evalScheme = new GenerativeFnRegressionEvaluationScheme(fn, paramSamplingInfo, gradientMseWeight);

        // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme,
        // and assign some default settings (these can be overridden by config).
        var experiment = new NeatExperiment <double>(evalScheme, this.Id)
            IsAcyclic           = false,
            CyclesPerActivation = 1,
            ActivationFnName    = ActivationFunctionId.LeakyReLU.ToString()

        // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
        NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configElem);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/> using experiment configuration settings
        /// from the provided json object model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configElem">Experiment config in json form.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(JsonElement configElem)
            // Read the customEvaluationSchemeConfig section.
                out int preyInitMoves,
                out float preySpeed,
                out float sensorRange,
                out int maxTimesteps,
                out int trialsPerEvaluation);

            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the prey capture task.
            var evalScheme = new PreyCaptureEvaluationScheme(
                preyInitMoves, preySpeed,
                sensorRange, maxTimesteps, trialsPerEvaluation);

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme,
            // and assign some default settings (these can be overridden by config).
            var experiment = new NeatExperiment <double>(evalScheme, this.Id)
                IsAcyclic           = false,
                CyclesPerActivation = 1,
                ActivationFnName    = ActivationFunctionId.LeakyReLU.ToString()

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configElem);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonConfig">Experiment config in json format.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(string jsonConfig)
            // Parse the json config string.
            JObject configJobj = JObject.Parse(jsonConfig);

            // Read the customEvaluationSchemeConfig section.
                out Func <double, double> fn,
                out ParamSamplingInfo paramSamplingInfo,
                out double gradientMseWeight);

            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the generative sinewave task; using the evaluation scheme
            // config read from json.
            var evalScheme = new GenerativeFnRegressionEvaluationScheme(fn, paramSamplingInfo, gradientMseWeight);

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the configured evaluation scheme.
            var experiment = NeatExperiment <double> .CreateCyclic(
                "Generative Function Regression",

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configJobj);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configElem">Experiment config in json form.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment<double> CreateExperiment(JsonElement configElem)
            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the binary 11-multiplexer task.
            var evalScheme = new BinaryElevenMultiplexerEvaluationScheme();

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme,
            // and assign some default settings (these can be overridden by config).
            var experiment = new NeatExperiment<double>(evalScheme, this.Id)
                IsAcyclic = true,
                ActivationFnName = ActivationFunctionId.LeakyReLU.ToString()

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader<double>.Read(experiment, configElem);
            return experiment;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configElem">Experiment config in json form.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(JsonElement configElem)
            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the Single Pole Balancing task.
            var evalScheme = new CartSinglePoleEvaluationScheme();

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme,
            // and assign some default settings (these can be overridden by config).
            var experiment = new NeatExperiment <double>("Cart and Pole Balancing (Single Pole)", evalScheme)
                IsAcyclic        = true,
                ActivationFnName = ActivationFunctionId.LogisticSteep.ToString()

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configElem);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configElem">Experiment config in json form.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(JsonElement configElem)
            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the XOR task.
            var evalScheme = new XorEvaluationScheme();

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme,
            // and assign some default settings (these can be overridden by config).
            var experiment = new NeatExperiment <double>("XOR (Exclusive OR)", evalScheme)
                IsAcyclic        = true,
                ActivationFnName = __DefaultActivationFunctionName.ToString()

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configElem);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonConfig">Experiment config in json format.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(string jsonConfig)
            // Parse the json config string.
            JObject configJobj = JsonUtils.Parse(jsonConfig);

            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the Single Pole Balancing task.
            var evalScheme = new CartDoublePoleEvaluationScheme();

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme.
            var experiment = NeatExperiment <double> .CreateAcyclic(
                "Cart and Pole Balancing (Double Pole)",

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            if (configJobj != null)
                NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configJobj);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonConfig">Experiment config in json format.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of <see cref="INeatExperiment{T}"/>.</returns>
        public INeatExperiment <double> CreateExperiment(string jsonConfig)
            // Parse the json config string.
            JObject configJobj = JsonUtils.Parse(jsonConfig);

            // Create an evaluation scheme object for the binary 11-multiplexer task.
            var evalScheme = new BinaryElevenMultiplexerEvaluationScheme();

            // Create a NeatExperiment object with the evaluation scheme.
            var experiment = NeatExperiment <double> .CreateAcyclic(
                "Binary 11-multiplexer",

            // Read standard neat experiment json config and use it configure the experiment.
            if (configJobj != null)
                NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, configJobj);

    public void Read()
        JsonDocument jdoc = JsonDocument.Parse(
    ""description"":""bar description"",



        ""strategyName"": ""absolute"",
        ""complexityCeiling"": 10,
        ""minSimplifcationGenerations"": 10


        // Create a mock evaluation scheme.
        var evalScheme = new Mock <IBlackBoxEvaluationScheme <double> >();

        // Init a default settings object.
        var experiment = new NeatExperiment <double>(
            evalScheme.Object, "foo-experiment");

        // Read json properties into the experiment object.
        NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, jdoc.RootElement);

        // Assert the expected values.
        Assert.Equal("bar description", experiment.Description);
        Assert.Equal(111, experiment.CyclesPerActivation);
        Assert.Equal("bar-activation-fn", experiment.ActivationFnName);

        var eaSettings = experiment.NeatEvolutionAlgorithmSettings;

        Assert.Equal(1111, eaSettings.SpeciesCount);
        Assert.Equal(0.11, eaSettings.ElitismProportion);
        Assert.Equal(0.22, eaSettings.SelectionProportion);
        Assert.Equal(0.39, eaSettings.OffspringAsexualProportion);
        Assert.Equal(0.61, eaSettings.OffspringSexualProportion);
        Assert.Equal(0.55, eaSettings.InterspeciesMatingProportion);
        Assert.Equal(2222, eaSettings.StatisticsMovingAverageHistoryLength);

        var asexualSettings = experiment.ReproductionAsexualSettings;

        Assert.Equal(0.11, asexualSettings.ConnectionWeightMutationProbability);
        Assert.Equal(0.22, asexualSettings.AddNodeMutationProbability);
        Assert.Equal(0.33, asexualSettings.AddConnectionMutationProbability);
        Assert.Equal(0.34, asexualSettings.DeleteConnectionMutationProbability);

        var sexualSettings = experiment.ReproductionSexualSettings;

        Assert.Equal(0.11, sexualSettings.SecondaryParentGeneProbability);

        Assert.Equal(222, experiment.PopulationSize);
        Assert.Equal(0.33, experiment.InitialInterconnectionsProportion);
        Assert.Equal(4.44, experiment.ConnectionWeightScale);

        var complexityRegulationStrategy = experiment.ComplexityRegulationStrategy;

        Assert.Equal("AbsoluteComplexityRegulationStrategy", complexityRegulationStrategy.GetType().Name);

        Assert.Equal(6, experiment.DegreeOfParallelism);
        public void Read()
            JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(
    'description':'bar description',



        'strategyName': 'absolute',
        'complexityCeiling': 10,
        'minSimplifcationGenerations': 10


            // Create a mock evaluation scheme.
            var evalScheme = new Mock <IBlackBoxEvaluationScheme <double> >();

            // Init a default settings object.
            var experiment = NeatExperiment <double> .CreateAcyclic(

            // Read json properties into the experiment object.
            NeatExperimentJsonReader <double> .Read(experiment, jobj);

            // Assert the expected values.
            Assert.AreEqual("bar description", experiment.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, experiment.IsAcyclic);
            Assert.AreEqual(111, experiment.CyclesPerActivation);
            Assert.AreEqual("bar-activation-fn", experiment.ActivationFnName);

            var eaSettings = experiment.NeatEvolutionAlgorithmSettings;

            Assert.AreEqual(1111, eaSettings.SpeciesCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.11, eaSettings.ElitismProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.22, eaSettings.SelectionProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.33, eaSettings.OffspringAsexualProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.44, eaSettings.OffspringSexualProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.55, eaSettings.InterspeciesMatingProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(2222, eaSettings.StatisticsMovingAverageHistoryLength);

            var asexualSettings = experiment.ReproductionAsexualSettings;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.11, asexualSettings.ConnectionWeightMutationProbability);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.22, asexualSettings.AddNodeMutationProbability);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.33, asexualSettings.AddConnectionMutationProbability);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.44, asexualSettings.DeleteConnectionMutationProbability);

            var sexualSettings = experiment.ReproductionSexualSettings;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.11, sexualSettings.SecondaryParentGeneProbability);

            Assert.AreEqual(222, experiment.PopulationSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.33, experiment.InitialInterconnectionsProportion);
            Assert.AreEqual(4.44, experiment.ConnectionWeightScale);

            var complexityRegulationStrategy = experiment.ComplexityRegulationStrategy;

            Assert.AreEqual("AbsoluteComplexityRegulationStrategy", complexityRegulationStrategy.GetType().Name);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, experiment.DegreeOfParallelism);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, experiment.EnableHardwareAcceleratedNeuralNets);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, experiment.EnableHardwareAcceleratedActivationFunctions);