Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        lastHitTime = 1f;
        animator    = GetComponent <Animator>();
        enemy       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        animator.SetBool("PlayerKicking", false);
        player         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
        formerStatus   = new bool[3];
        playerCollider = null;

        if (isSit)
            animator.SetBool("IsSit", true);

        if (audioE == null)
            audioE = GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();

        if (lineOfSight == 0)
            lineOfSight = 10.0f;

                //enemy.destination = player.position;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        // only while game is running, otherwise navmeshagent2d has no 3d agent.
        if (Application.isPlaying)
            // can't cache agent because reloading script sometimes clears cached
            NavMeshAgent2D agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

            // get path
            NavMeshPath2D path = agent.path;

            // color depends on status
            Color color = Color.white;
            switch (path.status)
            case NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete: color = Color.white; break;

            case NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid: color = Color.red; break;

            case NavMeshPathStatus.PathPartial: color = Color.yellow; break;

            // draw the path
            for (int i = 1; i < path.corners.Length; ++i)
                Debug.DrawLine(path.corners[i - 1], path.corners[i], color);

            // draw velocity
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (Vector3)agent.velocity, Color.blue, 0, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected virtual void Awake()
        navi         = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        player       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        stopMovement = false;


        actions = new EnemyActions(player, gameObject);

        baseSpeed          = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>().speed;
        weaknessMultiplier = 2;

        electricEffect = gameObject.transform.Find("ElectricEffect").gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        fireEffect     = gameObject.transform.Find("FireEffect").gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        freezeEffect   = gameObject.transform.Find("FrostEffect").gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        electricEffectEm         = electricEffect.emission;
        electricEffectEm.enabled = false;

        fireEffectEm         = fireEffect.emission;
        fireEffectEm.enabled = false;

        freezeEffectEm         = freezeEffect.emission;
        freezeEffectEm.enabled = false;
    // NavMeshAgent helper function that returns the nearest valid point for a
    // given destination. This is really useful for click & wsad movement
    // because the player may click into all kinds of unwalkable paths:
    //       ________
    //      |xxxxxxx|
    //      |x|   |x|
    // P   A|B| C |x|
    //      |x|___|x|
    //      |xxxxxxx|
    // if a player is at position P and tries to go to:
    // - A: the path is walkable, everything is fine
    // - C: C is on a NavMesh, but we can't get there directly. CalcualatePath
    //      will return A as the last walkable point
    // - B: B is not on a NavMesh, CalulatePath doesn't work here. We need to
    //   find the nearest point on a NavMesh first (might be A or C) and then
    //   calculate the nearest valid one (A)
    public static Vector2 NearestValidDestination(this NavMeshAgent2D agent, Vector2 destination)
        // can we calculate a path there? then return the closest valid point
        NavMeshPath2D path = new NavMeshPath2D();

        if (agent.CalculatePath(destination, path))
            return(path.corners[path.corners.Length - 1]);

        // otherwise find nearest navmesh position first. we use a radius of
        // speed*2 which works fine. afterwards we find the closest valid point.
        NavMeshHit hit;

        if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(new Vector3(destination.x, 0, destination.y), out hit, agent.speed * 2, NavMesh.AllAreas))
            Vector2 hitPosition2D = new Vector2(hit.position.x, hit.position.z);
            if (agent.CalculatePath(hitPosition2D, path))
                return(path.corners[path.corners.Length - 1]);

        // nothing worked, don't go anywhere.
Exemplo n.º 5
 void Start()
     agent    = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     animator = GetComponent <Animator>();
     animator.SetBool("IsDead", false);
Exemplo n.º 6
 virtual protected void Awake()
     mTrans           = transform;
     navMeshAgent2D   = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     animationManager = GetComponent <AnimationManager>();
     bodyRender       = GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void Awake()
     curHealth      = maxHealth;
     nav            = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     hitbox         = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     rb             = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     curAttackRange = attackRange;
Exemplo n.º 8
 void Start()
     _nav2D     = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     _audio     = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     _anim      = GetComponent <Animator>();
     _collider  = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>();
     _transform = GetComponent <Transform>();
Exemplo n.º 9
    void Start()
        agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

        currentPosition = transform.position;
        //redCells = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Target").ToList(); ; //gets all remaining red cells when spawned
Exemplo n.º 10
    void Start()
        RateOfFire = 1.0f / RateOfFire;
        Player     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
        Agent      = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

        LastBulletTimer = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void Awake()
     stateMachine = new StateMachine <Crawler>(this);
     nav2D    = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     anim     = GetComponent <Animator>();
     _trigger = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     _RB      = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
Exemplo n.º 12
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
         Vector3        w = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
         NavMeshAgent2D g = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
         GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>().destination = w;
Exemplo n.º 13
 void Awake()
     animator    = GetComponent <Animator>();
     enemy       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     player      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
     enemy.speed = speed;
     if (audioE == null)
         audioE = GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();
Exemplo n.º 14
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

        player    = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
        playerPos = player.GetComponent <Transform>();

Exemplo n.º 15
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        private void Start()
            Debug.Assert(ParentTilemapGroup != null);

            _currentCapacity = DefaultRoombaCapacity;

            navMeshAgent2D            = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
            _doodadsBackgroundTilemap = ParentTilemapGroup.Tilemaps.First(tilemap => tilemap.name == "DoodadsBackground");
            _doodadsForegroundTilemap = ParentTilemapGroup.Tilemaps.First(tilemap => tilemap.name == "DoodadsForeground");

            Debug.Assert(_doodadsBackgroundTilemap != null);
            Debug.Assert(_doodadsForegroundTilemap != null);
Exemplo n.º 16
 void Awake()
     animator    = GetComponent <Animator>();
     lastHitTime = 1f;
     enemy       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     player      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
     enemy.speed = speed;
     if (audioE == null)
         audioE = GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();
Exemplo n.º 17
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        timer        = new QuickTimer();
        pointers     = new List <Vector3>();
        maxIdleDelay = useOnlyMinIdle ? minIdleDelay : Random.Range(minIdleDelay, maxIdleDelay);
        m_nav        = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

        m_animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();

        //Initialize player reference
        var players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");

        if (players.Length > 1)
            print("Error, more than one Player!");
        else if (players.Length < 1)
            print("Error, no Player!");
            player = players[0];

        //Initialize goals if necessary
        if (goals.Count == 0 || goals[0] == null)
            var goalList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EnemyWaypoint");
            goals = new List <GameObject>(goalList);

        alertSprite    = transform.Find("AlertSprite").gameObject;
        alert_animator = alertSprite.GetComponent <Animator>();

        vision = GetComponentInChildren <VisionCone>();
        vision.viewDistance = maxVisionDistance;
        vision.fov          = visionConeAngle * 2;

        Vector3 hearingCircleScale = transform.Find("VisionCircle").localScale;

        hearingCircleScale.x = 2f * maxHearingDistance;
        hearingCircleScale.y = 2f * maxHearingDistance;
        transform.Find("VisionCircle").localScale = hearingCircleScale;

        this.originalSpeed = m_nav.speed;
Exemplo n.º 18
    void Start()
        rigidbody    = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        transform    = this.GetComponent <Transform>();
        navMeshAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();

        singleValue      = MoodValueMAX / 3;
        MoodValueCurrent = MoodValueInit;

        GameObject gb = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MoodValue");

        MoodValueIcons = gb.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>();


        //bulletSpawnPoint = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()[1];
        enemys = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

        source = transform.position;
Exemplo n.º 19
    void Start()
        bulletSpawnPoint = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>()[1];

        player       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        navMeshAgent = this.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        prop         = (GameObject)Resources.Load(path);
        camerashake  = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraShake>();
        door         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Door");
        changeColor  = Camera.main.GetComponent <ChangeColor>();

        vspeed = 0;
        hspeed = speed;

        xdelta = 2;
        ydelta = 0;

        source = transform.position;
Exemplo n.º 20
    // Initiates all variables.
    void Start()
        targetKamikaze    = player.transform;
        sceneController   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SceneController").GetComponent("SceneController") as SceneController;
        isLock            = false;
        isShooting        = false;
        randomDestination = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, destinations.childCount);
        nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        fixedDestinations = new Transform[destinations.childCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < destinations.childCount; i++)
            fixedDestinations[i]          = destinations.GetChild(i);
            fixedDestinations[i].position = new Vector3((fixedDestinations[i].position.x * 2) + 200,
                                                        (fixedDestinations[i].position.y * 3) + 75, 0);

        Vector3 w = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(fixedDestinations[randomDestination].position);

        nav.destination = w;
        destinationSet  = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
    private void Start()
        idleTimer = new QuickTimer();

        m_nav = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        goals = new List <GameObject>();
        foreach (GameObject g in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Treasure"))
        m_animator = GetComponent <Animator>();

        coinLocations = new List <Transform>();

        GameObject gm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager");

        gameManager = gm != null?gm.GetComponent <GameProgressTracker>() : null;

        if (gameManager != null)
            if (gameManager.canReturn)
                GameObject pos = GameObject.Find("ReturnPosition");
                GameObject g = GameObject.Find("Exit");
                g.GetComponent <doorController>().enabled = true;

        a_source = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        this.originalSpeed = m_nav.speed;
Exemplo n.º 22
    void Start()
        speaker          = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        FOV              = GetComponentInChildren <SpiritView>().gameObject;
        nav              = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
        rig              = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        emotions         = GetComponent <AnimationManager>();
        displayInventory = GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
        //inventory.text = "hi";
        // fill with terminals, for navigation between them
        terminalList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("terminal");

        //sets initial random target terminal for spirits
        int i = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, terminals.Count);

        previousPosition = i;
        idleDest         = terminals[i].transform.position;

        spiritState = SpiritState.Idle;

        ogTerminalWaitTime = terminalWaitTime;
        goldInventory      = UnityEngine.Random.Range(4, 7);
Exemplo n.º 23
 // NavMeshAgent's ResetPath() function clears the path, but doesn't clear
 // the velocity immediately. This is a nightmare for finite state machines
 // because we often reset a path, then switch to casting, which would then
 // receive a movement event because velocity still isn't 0 until a few
 // frames later.
 // We need a function that truly stops all movement.
 public static void ResetMovement(this NavMeshAgent2D agent)
     agent.velocity = Vector2.zero;
 void Start()
     agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     //waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Destination");
     GoToNextPoint(); //goes to first destination in planned path
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected override void Awake()
     navigationAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
Exemplo n.º 26
 void Start()
     _nav             = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     startPosition    = transform.position;
     timeTillNextMove = Random.Range(timerMin, timerMax);
Exemplo n.º 27
    IEnumerator FadeAndDie()
        GameObject[] allObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject>();
        float        alpha      = 1f;

        // make player invisible, and stop moving
        GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        Vector3    pos    = player.transform.position;

        player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled       = false;
        player.GetComponent <CharacterController> ().enabled = false;
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity         = Vector2.zero;
        //player.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>().enabled = false;

        // spawn dying prefab
        GameObject dyingPlayer = Instantiate(dyingPrefab);

        dyingPlayer.transform.position = pos;
        dyingPlayer.transform.parent   = player.transform;
        dyingPlayer.GetComponent <EnemyAI>().isDead = true;
        dyingPlayer.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("IsEnemyDead", true);

        // spawn dead text
        GameOverText.text = "GAME OVER";

        // slowly fade in text
        // slowly fade out all other objects
        while (alpha > -1f)
            foreach (GameObject go in allObjects)
                if (go == null)
                if (go.gameObject.tag == "Player")

                NavMeshAgent2D e = go.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
                if (e)

                SpriteRenderer sr = go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                if (sr)
                    Color c = sr.color;
                    c.a      = Mathf.Max(0f, alpha);
                    sr.color = c;
            alpha -= Time.deltaTime * 0.3f;
            //player.transform.position = pos;
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        startedDying      = false;
        GameOverText.text = "";
Exemplo n.º 28
 void Start()
     nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
Exemplo n.º 29
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     navMesh = GetComponentInParent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     anim    = GetComponent <FDAnimation>();
Exemplo n.º 30
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     agent    = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent2D>();
     animator = GetComponent <Animator>();