static void Test_NavEdge_Compare() { var cmp = new NavEdgeEqualityComparer(); var edge = new NavEdge(new Vector3(10f, 20f, 30f), new Vector3(20f, 20f, 20f)); var edge_identical = new NavEdge(edge.m_StartPos, edge.m_EndPos); var edge_reverse = new NavEdge(edge.m_EndPos, edge.m_StartPos); Debug.Assert(cmp.Equals(edge, edge), "compare to self."); Debug.Assert(cmp.Equals(edge, edge_identical), "compare to identical."); Debug.Assert(cmp.Equals(edge, edge_reverse), "compare to mirrored."); var edge_list = new HashSet <NavEdge>(cmp); edge_list.Add(edge); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Add(edge) == false, "Add failed to find duplicate"); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Remove(edge) == true, "Remove failed to find edge"); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Count == 0, "Must be empty now."); AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot(edge_list, edge); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Count == 1, "AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot should add edge to empty set."); AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot(edge_list, edge_identical); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Count == 0, "AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot should remove identical edge."); AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot(edge_list, edge); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Count == 1, "AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot failed to add edge"); AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot(edge_list, edge_reverse); Debug.Assert(edge_list.Count == 0, "AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot failed to find edge"); Debug.Log("Test complete: NavEdge"); }
// Don't want inner edges (which match another existing edge). static void AddIfUniqueAndRemoveIfNot(HashSet <NavEdge> set, NavEdge edge) { bool had_edge = set.Remove(edge); if (!had_edge) { set.Add(edge); } }
public bool addEdge(int para_node1ID, int para_node2ID, NavEdge para_edgeData) { bool successFlag = edges.addEdge(para_node1ID,para_node2ID,para_edgeData); if(successFlag) { // Automaticaly place internal neighbour references. vertices.addNeighbourReferences(para_node1ID,para_node2ID); } return successFlag; }
public bool addEdge(int para_node1ID, int para_node2ID, NavEdge para_edgeData) { bool successFlag = false; producePotentialEdgeKeys(para_node1ID,para_node2ID); if(( ! edges.ContainsKey(tmpEdgeKeys[0])) &&( ! edges.ContainsKey(tmpEdgeKeys[1]))) { edges.Add(createEdgeKey(para_node1ID,para_node2ID),para_edgeData); successFlag = true; } return successFlag; }
protected override void OnStartRunning() { NavMeshTriangulation triangulation = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation(); // Build Graph from NavMesh for (var i = 0; i < triangulation.indices.Length - 1; i++) { Vector3 from; Vector3 to; // If we are on the 3rd indice we close the tri instead of continuing to the next indice if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0 && i != 0) { from = triangulation.vertices[triangulation.indices[i]]; to = triangulation.vertices[triangulation.indices[i - 2]]; } else { from = triangulation.vertices[triangulation.indices[i]]; to = triangulation.vertices[triangulation.indices[i + 1]]; } if (!_graph.ContainsKey(from)) { _graph.Add(from, new NavNode { Index = triangulation.indices[i], Location = from, Edges = new HashSet <NavEdge> { new NavEdge(from, to, Vector3.Distance(from, to), Vector3.Distance(from, to), i) } }); } else { var node = _graph[from]; var navEdge = new NavEdge(from, to, Vector3.Distance(from, to), Vector3.Distance(from, to), i); if (!node.Edges.Contains(navEdge)) { node.Edges.Add(navEdge); } } if (!_graph.ContainsKey(to)) { _graph.Add(to, new NavNode { Index = triangulation.indices[i + 1], Location = to, Edges = new HashSet <NavEdge> { new NavEdge(to, from, Vector3.Distance(from, to), Vector3.Distance(from, to), i) } }); } else { var node = _graph[to]; var navEdge = new NavEdge(to, from, Vector3.Distance(from, to), Vector3.Distance(from, to), i); if (!node.Edges.Contains(navEdge)) { node.Edges.Add(navEdge); } } } }
NavMeshLink CreateNavLink(Transform parent, NavLinkGenerator gen, NavEdge edge, Vector3 mid, Vector3 fwd) { RaycastHit phys_hit; RaycastHit ignored; NavMeshHit nav_hit; var ground_found = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.75f); var ground_missing = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.35f); var navmesh_found = Color.Lerp(Color.cyan, Color.white, 0.75f); var navmesh_missing = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.65f); var traverse_clear =; var traverse_hit =; for (int i = 0; i < gen.m_Steps; ++i) { float scale = (float)i / (float)gen.m_Steps; var top = mid + (fwd * gen.m_MaxHorizontalJump * scale); var down = top + (Vector3.down * gen.m_MaxVerticalFall); bool hit = Physics.Linecast(top, down, out phys_hit, gen.m_PhysicsMask.value, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); //~ Debug.DrawLine(mid, top, hit ? ground_found : ground_missing, k_DrawDuration); //~ Debug.DrawLine(top, down, hit ? ground_found : ground_missing, k_DrawDuration); if (hit) { var max_distance = gen.m_MaxVerticalFall - phys_hit.distance; hit = NavMesh.SamplePosition(phys_hit.point, out nav_hit, max_distance, (int)gen.m_NavMask); // Only place downward links (to avoid back and forth double placement). hit = hit && (nav_hit.position.y <= mid.y); // Only accept 90 wedge in front of normal (prevent links // that other edges are already handling). hit = hit && Vector3.Dot(nav_hit.position - mid, edge.m_Normal) > Mathf.Cos(gen.m_MaxAngleFromEdgeNormal); bool is_original_edge = edge.IsPointOnEdge(nav_hit.position); hit &= !is_original_edge; // don't count self //~ Debug.DrawLine(phys_hit.point, nav_hit.position, hit ? navmesh_found : navmesh_missing, k_DrawDuration); if (hit) { var height_offset = Vector3.up * gen.m_AgentHeight; var transit_start = mid + height_offset; var transit_end = nav_hit.position + height_offset; // Raycast both ways to ensure we're not inside a collider. hit = Physics.Linecast(transit_start, transit_end, out ignored, gen.m_PhysicsMask.value, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) || Physics.Linecast(transit_end, transit_start, out ignored, gen.m_PhysicsMask.value, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); //~ Debug.DrawLine(transit_start, transit_end, hit ? traverse_clear : traverse_hit, k_DrawDuration); if (hit) { // Agent can't jump through here. continue; } var height_delta = mid.y - nav_hit.position.y; Debug.Assert(height_delta >= 0, "Not handling negative delta."); var prefab = gen.m_JumpLinkPrefab; if (height_delta > gen.m_MaxVerticalJump) { prefab = gen.m_FallLinkPrefab; } var t = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab, parent.gameObject.scene) as Transform; Debug.Assert(t != null, $"Failed to instantiate {prefab}"); t.SetParent(parent); t.SetPositionAndRotation(mid, edge.m_Away); var link = t.GetComponent <NavMeshLink>(); // Push endpoint out into the navmesh to ensure good // connection. Necessary to prevent invalid links. var inset = 0.05f; link.startPoint = link.transform.InverseTransformPoint(mid - fwd * inset); link.endPoint = link.transform.InverseTransformPoint(nav_hit.position) + (Vector3.forward * inset); link.width = edge.m_Length; link.UpdateLink(); Debug.Log("Created NavLink", link); Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(link.gameObject, "Create NavMeshLink"); if (m_AttachDebugToLinks) { // Attach a component that has the information we // used to decide how to create this navlink. Much // easier to go back and inspect it like this than // to try to examine the output as you generate // navlinks. Mostly useful for debugging // NavLinkGenerator. var reason = link.gameObject.AddComponent <NavLinkCreationReason>(); reason.gen = gen; reason.fwd = fwd; reason.mid = mid; = top; reason.down = down; reason.transit_start = transit_start; reason.transit_end = transit_end; reason.nav_hit_position = nav_hit.position; reason.phys_hit_point = phys_hit.point; } return(link); } } } return(null); }