Exemplo n.º 1
        // Sets the text of the edit part of the Combo
        void IValueProvider.SetValue(string str)
            // Ensure that the window and all its parents are enabled.

            // piggy-back on win32editbox proxy
            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo) && SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(cbInfo.hwndItem))
                WindowsEditBox editBox       = new WindowsEditBox(cbInfo.hwndItem, null, -1);
                IValueProvider valueProvider = (IValueProvider)editBox.GetPatternProvider(ValuePattern.Pattern);

                // try to set user-provided text

                // Let the parent know that the value has change, to allow the parent to do any processing it needs
                // to do on value change.
                IntPtr hwndParent = Misc.GetParent(_hwnd);
                if (hwndParent != IntPtr.Zero)
                    int    id     = Misc.GetWindowId(_hwnd);
                    IntPtr wParam = new IntPtr(NativeMethods.Util.MAKELONG(id, NativeMethods.CBN_EDITUPDATE));

                    Misc.ProxySendMessage(hwndParent, NativeMethods.WM_COMMAND, wParam, _hwnd);


            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.OperationCannotBePerformed));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Combo-specific events
        static private void RaiseEvents(IntPtr hwnd, int eventId, object idProp, int idObject, int idChild)
            // ------------------------------------------------------/////////////////////////////////////
            // Depending of the type of Combobox we will get different WinEvents
            // Simple: No events
            // DropDown: OBJ_STATECHANGE: for the dropbutton button (idChild == 2)
            // NOTE: that OBJECT_STATECHANGE will only be generated when user uses button to show the list
            // if user uses the button to hide the list, event will not be generated
            // DropDownList: OBJ_STATECHANGE (same as above)
            //             : OBJECT_VALUECHANGE - when using the keyboard to navigate between list children
            //                                  - no need to handle it here, ListBox proxy will take care of that
            // ------------------------------------------------------//////////////////////////////////////
            ProxySimple el = null;

            if (idProp is AutomationProperty && idProp == ExpandCollapsePattern.ExpandCollapseStateProperty)
                // expand/collapse events are handled in WindowsListBox with the ComboLBox hwnd.
                // so just return here so we don't fire extraneous events

            switch (idObject)
            case NativeMethods.OBJID_CLIENT:
                if (eventId == NativeMethods.EventObjectStateChange && idChild == 2)
                    // event came for combobutton
                    // We will be getting 2 OBJECT_STATECHANGED event
                    // one with button state pressed and another normal
                    // both indicate the same invoke event
                    // hence second event is a duplicate of the first one and we need to filter it out
                    NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

                    if (WindowsComboBox.GetComboInfo(hwnd, ref cbInfo) && Misc.IsBitSet(NativeMethods.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED, cbInfo.stateButton))
                        // The event could be for both the button and the combo
                        WindowsComboBox cb = (WindowsComboBox)Create(hwnd, 0);
                        cb.DispatchEvents(eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild);

                        el = cb.CreateComboButton();
                        el.DispatchEvents(eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild);
                el = (ProxySimple)Create(hwnd, 0);

            if (el != null)
                el.DispatchEvents(eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void RaiseEventsOnWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int eventId, object idProp, int idObject, int idChild)
            AutomationProperty automationProperty = idProp as AutomationProperty;
            ProxySimple        el = null;

            if ((eventId == NativeMethods.EventObjectShow || eventId == NativeMethods.EventObjectHide) &&
                (automationProperty != null && automationProperty == ExpandCollapsePattern.ExpandCollapseStateProperty))
                if (Misc.IsBitSet(Misc.GetWindowStyle(hwnd), NativeMethods.LBS_COMBOBOX))
                    // List portion of combo: We'll hit it in the case when user hovers over it
                    NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

                    if (WindowsComboBox.GetComboInfo(hwnd, ref cbInfo) && (cbInfo.hwndCombo != IntPtr.Zero))
                        WindowsComboBox cb = (WindowsComboBox)WindowsComboBox.Create(cbInfo.hwndCombo, 0);

                        if (!cb.IsSimpleCombo())
                            el = cb;

            if (el != null)
                el.DispatchEvents(eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Returns a Proxy element corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
        internal override ProxySimple ElementProviderFromPoint(int x, int y)
            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo))
                // check for button
                if (Misc.MapWindowPoints(_hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, ref cbInfo.rcButton, 2))
                    if (Misc.PtInRect(ref cbInfo.rcButton, x, y))
                        return(new WindowsComboButton(_hwnd, this, (int)ComboChildren.Button));

                // check for list
                if (SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(cbInfo.hwndList))
                    NativeMethods.Win32Rect rcList = NativeMethods.Win32Rect.Empty;

                    if (Misc.GetWindowRect(cbInfo.hwndList, ref rcList) &&
                        Misc.PtInRect(ref rcList, x, y))
                        ProxySimple el = CreateListBox(cbInfo.hwndList);

                        return(((WindowsListBox)el).ElementProviderFromPoint(x, y));

Exemplo n.º 5
 // create list portion of combo box
 private ProxySimple CreateListBox()
     NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);
     if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo) && (IntPtr.Zero != cbInfo.hwndList))
         return(new WindowsListBox(cbInfo.hwndList, this, (int)ComboChildren.List, true));
    protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
        var info = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO();

        info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(info);
        NativeMethods.GetComboBoxInfo(this.Handle, ref info);
        listBoxHelper = new NativeMethods.ListBoxHelper(info.hwndList);
    private void Control_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var info = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO();

        info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(info);
        NativeMethods.GetComboBoxInfo(this.Control.Handle, ref info);
        listBoxHelper = new NativeMethods.ListBoxHelper(info.hwndList);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // create combo button
        private ProxySimple CreateComboButton()
            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo) && cbInfo.stateButton != NativeMethods.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
                return(new WindowsComboButton(_hwnd, this, (int)ComboChildren.Button));

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void SetCueBanner(ToolStripComboBox tb, string strText)
                NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbi = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO();
                cbi.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cbi);

                NativeMethods.GetComboBoxInfo(tb.ComboBox.Handle, ref cbi);

                SetCueBanner(cbi.hwndEdit, strText);
            catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
Exemplo n.º 10
        // expand the list portion
        static internal void Expand(IntPtr hwnd)
            IntPtr hwndFocused = Misc.GetFocusedWindow();

            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);
            GetComboInfo(hwnd, ref cbInfo);

            // if the combobox does not already have focus, set the focus.
            if (hwndFocused != hwnd && hwndFocused != cbInfo.hwndCombo && hwndFocused != cbInfo.hwndItem && hwndFocused != cbInfo.hwndList)
            Misc.ProxySendMessage(hwnd, NativeMethods.CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 11
        internal static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild)
            bool          parentedByCombo = false;
            ProxyFragment parent          = null;
            int           item            = 0;

                int style = Misc.GetWindowStyle(hwnd);
                // If can not get windows style the hwnd is bad so do not create a proxy for it.
                if (style == 0)

                if (Misc.IsBitSet(style, NativeMethods.LBS_COMBOBOX))
                    // List portion of combo box
                    NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

                    if (WindowsComboBox.GetComboInfo(hwnd, ref cbInfo) && (cbInfo.hwndCombo != IntPtr.Zero))
                        parent          = (ProxyFragment)WindowsComboBox.Create(cbInfo.hwndCombo, 0);
                        parentedByCombo = true;
                        item            = (int)WindowsComboBox.ComboChildren.List;
            catch (ElementNotAvailableException)

            WindowsListBox listbox = new WindowsListBox(hwnd, parent, item, parentedByCombo);

            if (idChild == 0)
                return(listbox.CreateListboxItem(idChild - 1));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private bool IsInsideOfCombo()
            IntPtr hwndParent = NativeMethodsSetLastError.GetAncestor(_hwnd, NativeMethods.GA_PARENT);

            if (hwndParent == IntPtr.Zero)

            // Test for combo
            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (WindowsComboBox.GetComboInfo(hwndParent, ref cbInfo) && cbInfo.hwndItem == _hwnd)

Exemplo n.º 13
        // Wrapper on top of Win32's GetComboInfo
        static internal bool GetComboInfo(IntPtr hwnd, ref NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo)
            bool result = Misc.GetComboBoxInfo(hwnd, ref cbInfo);

            if (result)
                // some combo boxes do not have an edit portion
                // instead they return combo hwnd in the item
                // to make our life easier  set hwndItem to IntPtr.Zero
                if (cbInfo.hwndItem == cbInfo.hwndCombo)
                    cbInfo.hwndItem = IntPtr.Zero;

                // Possible that Combo is hosted by ComboboxEx32
                // hence GetComboBoxInfo did not provide us with edit.
                // We should try to detect it ourselves
                if (cbInfo.hwndItem == IntPtr.Zero && IsComboEx(NativeMethodsSetLastError.GetAncestor(hwnd, NativeMethods.GA_PARENT)))
                    cbInfo.hwndItem = Misc.FindWindowEx(hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, "EDIT", null);
                    if (cbInfo.hwndItem != IntPtr.Zero)
                        result = Misc.GetWindowRect(cbInfo.hwndItem, ref cbInfo.rcItem);
                        if (result)
                            result = Misc.MapWindowPoints(_hwndDesktop, hwnd, ref cbInfo.rcItem, 2);

                        if (!result)
                            cbInfo.rcItem = NativeMethods.Win32Rect.Empty;

Exemplo n.º 14
        internal override void AdviseEventRemoved(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationProperty [] aidProps)
            // remove combo-related events
            base.AdviseEventRemoved(eventId, aidProps);

            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo))
                // remove edit and list specific events that got remapped into combo's events
                if (eventId == AutomationElement.AutomationPropertyChangedEvent)
                    // ComboBoxEx32 controls with the style CBS_DROPDOWNLIST are still editable.
                    if (cbInfo.hwndItem != IntPtr.Zero && IsEditableCombo())
                        // un-subscribe from edit-specific notifications
                        // ValueAsString, ValueAsObject, IsReadOnly
                        // create array containing events from which user wants to unsubscribe
                        WinEventTracker.EvtIdProperty [] editPortionEvents;
                        int counter;

                        CreateEditPortionEvents(out editPortionEvents, out counter, aidProps);
                        if (counter > 0)
                            WinEventTracker.RemoveToNotificationList(cbInfo.hwndItem, editPortionEvents, null, counter);

                // Need to also remove the advise from the list portions of the combobox.
                if (cbInfo.hwndList != IntPtr.Zero)
                    WindowsListBox listbox = new WindowsListBox(cbInfo.hwndList, this, 0, true);
                    listbox.AdviseEventRemoved(eventId, aidProps);
Exemplo n.º 15
        // override the default implementation so we can handle the WinEvents that are send to the edit
        // portion of ComboBox (Combo proxy will hide edit portion from the user, but will take care of all
        // the features/functionality that Edit presents) and some(show, hide) events that are send to the List portion of combo
        // In both cases this events will be presented to the user as Combo's LE events
        internal override void AdviseEventAdded(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationProperty [] aidProps)
            // call the base class implementation first to add combo-specific things and register combo specific callback
            base.AdviseEventAdded(eventId, aidProps);

            NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo = new NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO(NativeMethods.comboboxInfoSize);

            if (GetComboInfo(_hwnd, ref cbInfo))
                if (eventId == AutomationElement.AutomationPropertyChangedEvent)
                    // ComboBoxEx32 controls with the style CBS_DROPDOWNLIST are still editable.
                    if (cbInfo.hwndItem != IntPtr.Zero && IsEditableCombo())
                        // subscribe to edit-specific notifications, that would be presented as combo le event
                        // ValueAsString, ValueAsObject, IsReadOnly
                        // create array containing events that user is interested in
                        WinEventTracker.EvtIdProperty [] editPortionEvents;
                        int counter;

                        CreateEditPortionEvents(out editPortionEvents, out counter, aidProps);
                        if (counter > 0)
                            WinEventTracker.AddToNotificationList(cbInfo.hwndItem, new WinEventTracker.ProxyRaiseEvents(EditPortionEvents), editPortionEvents, counter);

                // Need to also advise the list portions of the combobox so that it can raise events.
                if (cbInfo.hwndList != IntPtr.Zero)
                    WindowsListBox listbox = new WindowsListBox(cbInfo.hwndList, this, 0, true);
                    listbox.AdviseEventAdded(eventId, aidProps);
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal static extern bool GetComboBoxInfo(IntPtr hwnd, [In, Out] ref NativeMethods.COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo);