private async Task RegisterUserAsync(string route) { if (SelectedLocation == null) { MessagingCenter.Send <Application, DisplayAlertMessage>(Application.Current, "ShowAlert", new DisplayAlertMessage { Title = "Warning", Message = "Place of residence must be selected!", Cancel = "OK" }); return; } if (!ValidateForm()) { return; } try { IsBusy = true; Narucioci narucilac = new Narucioci { Ime = Firstname.Value, Prezime = Lastname.Value, Username = Username.Value, BlokId = SelectedLocation.BlokID, DatumKreiranja = DateTime.Now, BadgeId = 1 }; narucilac.LozinkaSalt = UIHelper.GenerateSalt(); narucilac.LozinkaHash = UIHelper.GenerateHash(narucilac.LozinkaSalt, Password.Value); await BaseClient.Client.RegisterAsync(narucilac); IsBusy = false; MessagingCenter.Send <Application, DisplayAlertMessage>(Application.Current, "ShowAlert", new DisplayAlertMessage { Title = "Successful registration", Message = "Thanks for using Foods and Goods service.", Cancel = "OK" }); GlobalSettings.LogiraniNarucilac = new Narucioci_Result { Ime = Firstname.Value, Prezime = Lastname.Value, Username = Username.Value, BlokID = SelectedLocation.BlokID, DatumKreiranja = DateTime.Now }; await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ViewConditions()); } catch (Exception ex) { IsBusy = false; MessagingCenter.Send <Application, DisplayAlertMessage>(Application.Current, "ShowAlert", new DisplayAlertMessage { Title = "Error", Message = "Registration failed!", Cancel = "OK" }); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <Narucioci> > Register([FromBody] Narucioci obj) { if (obj == null) { return(BadRequest()); } context.Narucioci.Add(obj); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(obj)); }
public static Narucioci_Result GetNaruciociResultInstance(Narucioci obj) { return(obj == null ? null : new Narucioci_Result { KorisnikID = obj.KorisnikId, BadgeID = obj.BadgeId, DatumKreiranja = obj.DatumKreiranja, ImageUrl = obj.ImageUrl, LozinkaHash = obj.LozinkaHash, LozinkaSalt = obj.LozinkaSalt, Username = obj.Username, Ime = obj.Ime, Password = obj.Password, //obrisati ovo - no use Prezime = obj.Prezime, Adresa = obj.Adresa, BlokID = obj.BlokId, Blok = Blokovi_Result.GetBlokoviResultInstance(obj.Blok), Email = obj.Email, Telefon = obj.Telefon, }); }