Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RegisterNewNamedTypeRuntimeTypeHandle(MetadataReader metadataReader, TypeDefinitionHandle typeDefHandle, RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle, IntPtr nonGcStaticFields, IntPtr gcStaticFields)
            NamedTypeMetadataDescription description = new NamedTypeMetadataDescription()
                MetadataReader = metadataReader,
                TypeDefinition = typeDefHandle

            TypeLoaderLogger.WriteLine("Register new type with eetype = " + runtimeTypeHandle.ToIntPtr().LowLevelToString() + " nonGcStaticFields " + nonGcStaticFields.LowLevelToString() + " gcStaticFields " + gcStaticFields.LowLevelToString());
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _metadataToRuntimeTypeHandleHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(description);

            result.VersionNumber     = _namedTypeLookupLiveVersion + 1;
            result.RuntimeTypeHandle = runtimeTypeHandle;
            result.GcStaticFields    = gcStaticFields;
            result.NonGcStaticFields = nonGcStaticFields;
                result.RuntimeTypeHandleHashcode = (int)runtimeTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()->HashCode;

            NamedTypeLookupResult rthToMetadataResult = _runtimeTypeHandleToMetadataHashtable.AddOrGetExisting(result);

            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(rthToMetadataResult, result))
                rthToMetadataResult.TypeDefinition    = typeDefHandle;
                rthToMetadataResult.MetadataReader    = metadataReader;
                rthToMetadataResult.GcStaticFields    = gcStaticFields;
                rthToMetadataResult.NonGcStaticFields = nonGcStaticFields;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the metadata handle for a TypeDef if the pay-for-policy enabled this type as browsable. This is used to obtain name and other information for types
        /// obtained via typeof() or Object.GetType(). This can include generic types (Foo<>) (not to be confused with generic instances of Foo<>).
        /// Preconditions:
        ///    runtimeTypeHandle is a typedef (not a constructed type such as an array or generic instance.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runtimeTypeHandle">Runtime handle of the type in question</param>
        /// <param name="metadataReader">Metadata reader located for the type</param>
        /// <param name="typeDefHandle">TypeDef handle for the type</param>
        public unsafe bool TryGetMetadataForNamedType(RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle, out QTypeDefinition qTypeDefinition)
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _runtimeTypeHandleToMetadataHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(runtimeTypeHandle);

            qTypeDefinition = result.QualifiedTypeDefinition;
            return(qTypeDefinition.Reader != null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the metadata handle for a TypeDef if the pay-for-policy enabled this type as browsable. This is used to obtain name and other information for types
        /// obtained via typeof() or Object.GetType(). This can include generic types (Foo<>) (not to be confused with generic instances of Foo<>).
        /// Preconditions:
        ///    runtimeTypeHandle is a typedef (not a constructed type such as an array or generic instance.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runtimeTypeHandle">Runtime handle of the type in question</param>
        /// <param name="metadataReader">Metadata reader located for the type</param>
        /// <param name="typeDefHandle">TypeDef handle for the type</param>
        public unsafe bool TryGetMetadataForNamedType(RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle, out MetadataReader metadataReader, out TypeDefinitionHandle typeDefHandle)
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _runtimeTypeHandleToMetadataHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(runtimeTypeHandle);

            metadataReader = result.MetadataReader;
            typeDefHandle  = result.TypeDefinition;
            return(metadataReader != null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the RuntimeTypeHandle for the named type described in metadata. This is used to implement the Create and Invoke
        /// apis for types.
        /// Preconditions:
        ///    metadataReader + typeDefHandle  - a valid metadata reader + typeDefinitionHandle where "metadataReader" is one
        ///                                      of the metadata readers returned by ExecutionEnvironment.MetadataReaders.
        /// Note: Although this method has a "bool" return value like the other mapping table accessors, the Project N pay-for-play design
        /// guarantees that any type enabled for metadata also has a RuntimeTypeHandle underneath.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataReader">Metadata reader for module containing the type</param>
        /// <param name="typeDefHandle">TypeDef handle for the type to look up</param>
        /// <param name="runtimeTypeHandle">Runtime type handle (EEType) for the given type</param>
        public unsafe bool TryGetNamedTypeForMetadata(QTypeDefinition qTypeDefinition, out RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle)
            runtimeTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle);
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _metadataToRuntimeTypeHandleHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(qTypeDefinition);

            if (result.VersionNumber <= _namedTypeLookupLiveVersion)
                runtimeTypeHandle = result.RuntimeTypeHandle;

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the RuntimeTypeHandle for the named type described in metadata. This is used to implement the Create and Invoke
        /// apis for types.
        /// Preconditions:
        ///    metadataReader + typeDefHandle  - a valid metadata reader + typeDefinitionHandle where "metadataReader" is one
        ///                                      of the metadata readers returned by ExecutionEnvironment.MetadataReaders.
        /// Note: Although this method has a "bool" return value like the other mapping table accessors, the Project N pay-for-play design
        /// guarantees that any type enabled for metadata also has a RuntimeTypeHandle underneath.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataReader">Metadata reader for module containing the type</param>
        /// <param name="typeDefHandle">TypeDef handle for the type to look up</param>
        /// <param name="runtimeTypeHandle">Runtime type handle (EEType) for the given type</param>
        public unsafe bool TryGetNamedTypeForMetadata(MetadataReader metadataReader, TypeDefinitionHandle typeDefHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle)
            NamedTypeMetadataDescription description = new NamedTypeMetadataDescription()
                MetadataReader = metadataReader,
                TypeDefinition = typeDefHandle

            runtimeTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle);
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _metadataToRuntimeTypeHandleHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(description);

            if (result.VersionNumber <= _namedTypeLookupLiveVersion)
                runtimeTypeHandle = result.RuntimeTypeHandle;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void RegisterNewNamedTypeRuntimeTypeHandle(QTypeDefinition qTypeDefinition, RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle, IntPtr nonGcStaticFields, IntPtr gcStaticFields)
            TypeLoaderLogger.WriteLine("Register new type with MethodTable = " + runtimeTypeHandle.ToIntPtr().LowLevelToString() + " nonGcStaticFields " + nonGcStaticFields.LowLevelToString() + " gcStaticFields " + gcStaticFields.LowLevelToString());
            NamedTypeLookupResult result = _metadataToRuntimeTypeHandleHashtable.GetOrCreateValue(qTypeDefinition);

            result.VersionNumber     = _namedTypeLookupLiveVersion + 1;
            result.RuntimeTypeHandle = runtimeTypeHandle;
            result.GcStaticFields    = gcStaticFields;
            result.NonGcStaticFields = nonGcStaticFields;
                result.RuntimeTypeHandleHashcode = (int)runtimeTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()->HashCode;

            NamedTypeLookupResult rthToMetadataResult = _runtimeTypeHandleToMetadataHashtable.AddOrGetExisting(result);

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(rthToMetadataResult, result))
                rthToMetadataResult.QualifiedTypeDefinition = qTypeDefinition;
                rthToMetadataResult.GcStaticFields          = gcStaticFields;
                rthToMetadataResult.NonGcStaticFields       = nonGcStaticFields;