Exemplo n.º 1
		protected override void CreateWindow()
			Root.Initialize( false, "Axiom Sample Browser" );
			var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
			var width = 800;
			var height = 600;
			miscParams.Add( "externalWindowInfo", this.GlWindowInfo );
			miscParams.Add( "externalGLContext", GLGraphicsContext );
			this.RenderWindow = Root.CreateRenderWindow( "AndroidMainWindow", width, height, true, miscParams );
Exemplo n.º 2
		public bool Setup( IGraphicsContext glContext, int width, int height )
			// instantiate the Root singleton
			engine = Root.Instance;

			// add event handlers for frame events
			engine.FrameStarted += OnFrameStarted;
			engine.FrameRenderingQueued += OnFrameRenderingQueued;
			engine.FrameEnded += OnFrameEnded;

			Root.Instance.Initialize( false, "Axiom Engine Demo Window" );

			NamedParameterList miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
			miscParams.Add( "externalWindowInfo", glContext );
			miscParams.Add( "externalWindow", true );
			window = Root.Instance.CreateRenderWindow( "Droid.Demo", width, height, true, miscParams );

			TechDemoListener rwl = new TechDemoListener( window );
			WindowEventMonitor.Instance.RegisterListener( window, rwl );



			this.viewport.BackgroundColor = ColorEx.SteelBlue;

			// set default mipmap level
			TextureManager.Instance.DefaultMipmapCount = 5;

			// Create any resource listeners (for loading screens)
			// Load resources

			ShowDebugOverlay( true );


			//input = SetupInput();

			// call the overridden CreateScene method
			return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
		public override RenderWindow CreateWindow( bool autoCreateWindow, GLES2RenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle )
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "\tGLSupport CreateWindow called" );

			RenderWindow window = null;
			if ( autoCreateWindow )
				var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
				bool fullscreen = true;
				int w = 800, h = 600;

				if ( Options.ContainsKey( "Display Frequency" ) )
					miscParams.Add( "displayFrequency", Options[ "Display Frequency" ] );
				window = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow( windowTitle, w, h, fullscreen, miscParams );

			return window;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override RenderWindow CreateWindow(bool autoCreateWindow, GLES2RenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle)
            LogManager.Instance.Write("\tGLSupport CreateWindow called");

            RenderWindow window = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                var  miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
                bool fullscreen = true;
                int  w = 800, h = 600;

                if (Options.ContainsKey("Display Frequency"))
                    miscParams.Add("displayFrequency", Options["Display Frequency"]);
                window = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow(windowTitle, w, h, fullscreen, miscParams);

Exemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		///		Create an Entity (instance of a discrete mesh).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name to be given to the entity (must be unique).</param>
		/// <param name="meshName">The name of the mesh to load.  Will be loaded if not already.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public virtual Entity CreateEntity( string name, string meshName )
			NamedParameterList param = new NamedParameterList();
			param.Add( "mesh", meshName );
			return (Entity)this.CreateMovableObject( name, EntityFactory.TypeName, param );
Exemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		///		Creates a billboard set which can be uses for particles, sprites, etc.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name"></param>
		/// <param name="poolSize"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public virtual BillboardSet CreateBillboardSet( string name, int poolSize )
			NamedParameterList param = new NamedParameterList();
			param.Add( "poolSize", poolSize.ToString() );
			return (BillboardSet)this.CreateMovableObject( name, BillboardSetFactory.TypeName, param );
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override RenderWindow CreateWindow(bool autoCreateWindow, GLRenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle)
            RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                int width = 640;
                int height = 480;
                int bpp = 32;
                bool fullscreen = false;

                ConfigOption optVM = ConfigOptions["Video Mode"];
                string vm = optVM.Value;
                int pos = vm.IndexOf('x');
                if (pos == -1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Video Mode provided");
                width = int.Parse(vm.Substring(0, vm.IndexOf("x")));
                height = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("x") + 1));

                fullscreen = (ConfigOptions["Full Screen"].Value == "Yes");

                NamedParameterList miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
                ConfigOption opt;

                opt = ConfigOptions["Color Depth"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("colorDepth", opt.Value);

                opt = ConfigOptions["VSync"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("vsync", opt.Value);
                    if (Wgl.IsExtensionSupported("wglSwapIntervalEXT"))
                        Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT(StringConverter.ParseBool(opt.Value) ? 1 : 0);

                opt = ConfigOptions["FSAA"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("fsaa", opt.Value);

                // create a default form to use for a rendering target
                //DefaultForm form = CreateDefaultForm( windowTitle, 0, 0, width, height, fullscreen );

                // create the window with the default form as the target
                autoWindow = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow(windowTitle, width, height, fullscreen, miscParams);

                // set the default form's renderwindow so it can access it internally
                //form.RenderWindow = autoWindow;

                // show the window

            return autoWindow;
		public override RenderWindow Initialize( bool autoCreateWindow, string windowTitle )
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "[D3D9] : Subsystem Initializing" );

			// Axiom specific
			WindowEventMonitor.Instance.MessagePump = Win32MessageHandling.MessagePump;

			// Init using current settings
			this._activeD3DDriver = this._driverList[ ConfigOptions[ "Rendering Device" ].Value ];
			if ( this._activeD3DDriver == null )
				throw new ArgumentException( "Problems finding requested Direct3D driver!" );

			driverVersion.Major = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Major;
			driverVersion.Minor = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Minor;
			driverVersion.Release = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MajorRevision;
			driverVersion.Build = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MinorRevision;

			// Create the device manager.
			this._deviceManager = new D3D9DeviceManager();

			// Create the texture manager for use by others        
			textureManager = new D3D9TextureManager();

			// Also create hardware buffer manager
			this._hardwareBufferManager = new D3D9HardwareBufferManager();

			// Create the GPU program manager    
			this._gpuProgramManager = new D3D9GpuProgramManager();

			// Create & register HLSL factory
			this._hlslProgramFactory = new D3D9HLSLProgramFactory();

			RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

			if ( autoCreateWindow )
				var fullScreen = ( ConfigOptions[ "Full Screen" ].Value == "Yes" );

				D3D9VideoMode videoMode = null;

				var vm = ConfigOptions[ "Video Mode" ].Value;
				var width = int.Parse( vm.Substring( 0, vm.IndexOf( "x" ) ) );
				var height = int.Parse( vm.Substring( vm.IndexOf( "x" ) + 1, vm.IndexOf( "@" ) - ( vm.IndexOf( "x" ) + 1 ) ) );
				var bpp = int.Parse( vm.Substring( vm.IndexOf( "@" ) + 1, vm.IndexOf( "-" ) - ( vm.IndexOf( "@" ) + 1 ) ) );

				foreach ( var currVideoMode in this._activeD3DDriver.VideoModeList )
					var temp = currVideoMode.Description;
					var colorDepth =
						int.Parse( temp.Substring( temp.IndexOf( "@" ) + 1, temp.IndexOf( "-" ) - ( temp.IndexOf( "@" ) + 1 ) ) );

					// In full screen we only want to allow supported resolutions, so temp and opt->second.currentValue need to 
					// match exactly, but in windowed mode we can allow for arbitrary window sized, so we only need
					// to match the colour values
					if ( fullScreen && ( temp == vm ) || !fullScreen && ( colorDepth == bpp ) )
						videoMode = currVideoMode;

				if ( videoMode == null )
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't find requested video mode." );

				// sRGB window option
				ConfigOption opt;
				if ( !ConfigOptions.TryGetValue( "sRGB Gamma Conversion", out opt ) )
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't find sRGB option!" );

				var hwGamma = opt.Value == "Yes";

				var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
				miscParams.Add( "title", windowTitle ); // Axiom only?
				miscParams.Add( "colorDepth", bpp );
				miscParams.Add( "FSAA", this._fsaaSamples );
				miscParams.Add( "FSAAHint", this._fsaaHint );
				miscParams.Add( "vsync", vSync );
				miscParams.Add( "vsyncInterval", vSyncInterval );
				miscParams.Add( "useNVPerfHUD", this._useNVPerfHUD );
				miscParams.Add( "gamma", hwGamma );
				miscParams.Add( "monitorIndex", this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterNumber );

				// create the render window
				autoWindow = CreateRenderWindow( windowTitle, width, height, fullScreen, miscParams );

				// If we have 16bit depth buffer enable w-buffering.
				Contract.Requires( autoWindow != null );
				wBuffer = ( autoWindow.ColorDepth == 16 );

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************************" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "*** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialized OK ***" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************************" );

			// call superclass method
			base.Initialize( autoCreateWindow, windowTitle );

			// Configure SharpDX
			DX.Configuration.ThrowOnShaderCompileError = true;

			DX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = true;
			return autoWindow;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override RenderWindow CreateWindow(bool autoCreateWindow, GLRenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle)
            RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                int  width      = 640;
                int  height     = 480;
                int  bpp        = 32;
                bool fullscreen = false;

                ConfigOption optVM = ConfigOptions["Video Mode"];
                string       vm    = optVM.Value;
                int          pos   = vm.IndexOf('x');
                if (pos == -1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Video Mode provided");
                width  = int.Parse(vm.Substring(0, vm.IndexOf("x")));
                height = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("x") + 1));

                fullscreen = (ConfigOptions["Full Screen"].Value == "Yes");

                NamedParameterList miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
                ConfigOption       opt;

                opt = ConfigOptions["Color Depth"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("colorDepth", opt.Value);

                opt = ConfigOptions["VSync"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("vsync", opt.Value);
                    if (Wgl.IsExtensionSupported("wglSwapIntervalEXT"))
                        Wgl.wglSwapIntervalEXT(StringConverter.ParseBool(opt.Value) ? 1 : 0);

                opt = ConfigOptions["FSAA"];
                if (opt != null)
                    miscParams.Add("fsaa", opt.Value);

                // create a default form to use for a rendering target
                //DefaultForm form = CreateDefaultForm( windowTitle, 0, 0, width, height, fullscreen );

                // create the window with the default form as the target
                autoWindow = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow(windowTitle, width, height, fullscreen, miscParams);

                // set the default form's renderwindow so it can access it internally
                //form.RenderWindow = autoWindow;

                // show the window

Exemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		///		Create an Entity (instance of a discrete mesh).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name to be given to the entity (must be unique).</param>
		/// <param name="mesh">The mesh to use.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public virtual Entity CreateEntity( string name, Mesh mesh )
			var param = new NamedParameterList();
			param.Add( "mesh", mesh );
			return (Entity)CreateMovableObject( name, EntityFactory.TypeName, param );
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override RenderWindow Initialize(bool autoCreateWindow, string windowTitle)
            LogManager.Instance.Write("[D3D9] : Subsystem Initializing");

            // Axiom specific
            WindowEventMonitor.Instance.MessagePump = Win32MessageHandling.MessagePump;

            // Init using current settings
            this._activeD3DDriver = this._driverList[ConfigOptions["Rendering Device"].Value];
            if (this._activeD3DDriver == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Problems finding requested Direct3D driver!");

            driverVersion.Major   = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Major;
            driverVersion.Minor   = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Minor;
            driverVersion.Release = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MajorRevision;
            driverVersion.Build   = this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MinorRevision;

            // Create the device manager.
            this._deviceManager = new D3D9DeviceManager();

            // Create the texture manager for use by others
            textureManager = new D3D9TextureManager();

            // Also create hardware buffer manager
            this._hardwareBufferManager = new D3D9HardwareBufferManager();

            // Create the GPU program manager
            this._gpuProgramManager = new D3D9GpuProgramManager();

            // Create & register HLSL factory
            this._hlslProgramFactory = new D3D9HLSLProgramFactory();

            RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                var fullScreen = (ConfigOptions["Full Screen"].Value == "Yes");

                D3D9VideoMode videoMode = null;

                var vm     = ConfigOptions["Video Mode"].Value;
                var width  = int.Parse(vm.Substring(0, vm.IndexOf("x")));
                var height = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("x") + 1, vm.IndexOf("@") - (vm.IndexOf("x") + 1)));
                var bpp    = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("@") + 1, vm.IndexOf("-") - (vm.IndexOf("@") + 1)));

                foreach (var currVideoMode in this._activeD3DDriver.VideoModeList)
                    var temp       = currVideoMode.Description;
                    var colorDepth =
                        int.Parse(temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("@") + 1, temp.IndexOf("-") - (temp.IndexOf("@") + 1)));

                    // In full screen we only want to allow supported resolutions, so temp and opt->second.currentValue need to
                    // match exactly, but in windowed mode we can allow for arbitrary window sized, so we only need
                    // to match the colour values
                    if (fullScreen && (temp == vm) || !fullScreen && (colorDepth == bpp))
                        videoMode = currVideoMode;

                if (videoMode == null)
                    throw new AxiomException("Can't find requested video mode.");

                // sRGB window option
                ConfigOption opt;
                if (!ConfigOptions.TryGetValue("sRGB Gamma Conversion", out opt))
                    throw new AxiomException("Can't find sRGB option!");

                var hwGamma = opt.Value == "Yes";

                var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
                miscParams.Add("title", windowTitle); // Axiom only?
                miscParams.Add("colorDepth", bpp);
                miscParams.Add("FSAA", this._fsaaSamples);
                miscParams.Add("FSAAHint", this._fsaaHint);
                miscParams.Add("vsync", vSync);
                miscParams.Add("vsyncInterval", vSyncInterval);
                miscParams.Add("useNVPerfHUD", this._useNVPerfHUD);
                miscParams.Add("gamma", hwGamma);
                miscParams.Add("monitorIndex", this._activeD3DDriver.AdapterNumber);

                // create the render window
                autoWindow = CreateRenderWindow(windowTitle, width, height, fullScreen, miscParams);

                // If we have 16bit depth buffer enable w-buffering.
                Contract.Requires(autoWindow != null);
                wBuffer = (autoWindow.ColorDepth == 16);

            LogManager.Instance.Write("*** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialized OK ***");

            // call superclass method
            base.Initialize(autoCreateWindow, windowTitle);

            // Configure SharpDX
            DX.Configuration.ThrowOnShaderCompileError = true;

            DX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize the rendering engine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="autoCreateWindow">If true, a default window is created to serve as a rendering target.</param>
		/// <param name="windowTitle">Text to display on the window caption if not fullscreen.</param>
		/// <returns>A RenderWindow implementation specific to this RenderSystem.</returns>
		/// <remarks>All subclasses should call this method from within thier own intialize methods.</remarks>
		public override RenderWindow Initialize(bool autoCreateWindow, string windowTitle)
			LogManager.Instance.Write("[XNA] : Subsystem Initializing");

			WindowEventMonitor.Instance.MessagePump = Win32MessageHandling.MessagePump;
			_activeDriver = XnaHelper.GetDriverInfo()[ConfigOptions["Rendering Device"].Value];
			if (_activeDriver == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Problems finding requested Xna driver!");

			RenderWindow renderWindow = null;

			// register the HLSL program manager
			//HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory(new HLSLProgramFactory());

			StateManager = new StateManagement();
			if (autoCreateWindow)
				var width = (int)XnaRenderWindow.DrawingSurface.ActualWidth;
				var height = (int)XnaRenderWindow.DrawingSurface.ActualHeight;
				var width = 800;
				var height = 600;
				var bpp = 32;
				var fullScreen = false;

				var optVM = ConfigOptions["Video Mode"];
				var vm = optVM.Value;
				width = int.Parse(vm.Substring(0, vm.IndexOf("x")));
				height = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("x") + 1, vm.IndexOf("@") - (vm.IndexOf("x") + 1)));
				bpp = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("@") + 1, vm.IndexOf("-") - (vm.IndexOf("@") + 1)));

#if !(XBOX || XBOX360)
				fullScreen = (ConfigOptions["Full Screen"].Value == "Yes");

				var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
				miscParams.Add("title", windowTitle);
				miscParams.Add("colorDepth", bpp);
				//miscParams.Add( "FSAA", this._fsaaType );
				miscParams.Add("FSAAQuality", _fsaaQuality);
				miscParams.Add("vsync", _vSync);
				miscParams.Add("useNVPerfHUD", _useNVPerfHUD);

				// create the render window
				renderWindow = CreateRenderWindow("Main Window", width, height, fullScreen, miscParams);

			new XnaMaterialManager();

			LogManager.Instance.Write("[XNA] : Subsystem Initialized successfully.");
			return renderWindow;
        public override RenderWindow Initialize(bool autoCreateWindow, string windowTitle)
            LogManager.Instance.Write("[D3D9] : Subsystem Initializing");

            // Axiom specific
            WindowEventMonitor.Instance.MessagePump = Win32MessageHandling.MessagePump;

            // Init using current settings
            _activeD3DDriver = D3DHelper.GetDriverInfo(_pD3D)[ConfigOptions["Rendering Device"].Value];
            if (_activeD3DDriver == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Problems finding requested Direct3D driver!");

            driverVersion.Major = _activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Major;
            driverVersion.Minor = _activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.Minor;
            driverVersion.Release = _activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MajorRevision;
            driverVersion.Build = _activeD3DDriver.AdapterIdentifier.DriverVersion.MinorRevision;

            // Create the device manager.
            _deviceManager = new D3D9DeviceManager();

            // Create the texture manager for use by others        
            textureManager = new D3DTextureManager();

            // Also create hardware buffer manager
            _hardwareBufferManager = new D3DHardwareBufferManager();

            // Create the GPU program manager    
            _gpuProgramManager = new D3DGpuProgramManager();

            _hlslProgramFactory = new HLSLProgramFactory();

            RenderWindow renderWindow = null;

            if (autoCreateWindow)
                var fullScreen = (ConfigOptions["Full Screen"].Value == "Yes");

                var optVm = ConfigOptions["Video Mode"];
                var vm = optVm.Value;
                var width = int.Parse(vm.Substring(0, vm.IndexOf("x")));
                var height = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("x") + 1, vm.IndexOf("@") - (vm.IndexOf("x") + 1)));
                var bpp = int.Parse(vm.Substring(vm.IndexOf("@") + 1, vm.IndexOf("-") - (vm.IndexOf("@") + 1)));

                // sRGB window option
                ConfigOption opt;
                var hwGamma = ConfigOptions.TryGetValue("sRGB Gamma Conversion", out opt) && (opt.Value == "Yes");

                var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
                miscParams.Add("title", windowTitle); // Axiom only?
                miscParams.Add("colorDepth", bpp);
                miscParams.Add("FSAA", _fsaaSamples);
                miscParams.Add("FSAAHint", _fsaaHint);
                miscParams.Add("vsync", vSync);
                miscParams.Add("vsyncInterval", vSyncInterval);
                miscParams.Add("useNVPerfHUD", _useNVPerfHUD);
                miscParams.Add("gamma", hwGamma);
                miscParams.Add("monitorIndex", _activeD3DDriver.AdapterNumber);

                // create the render window
                renderWindow = CreateRenderWindow("Main Window", width, height, fullScreen, miscParams);

                // If we have 16bit depth buffer enable w-buffering.
                Debug.Assert(renderWindow != null);
                wBuffer = (renderWindow.ColorDepth == 16);

            LogManager.Instance.Write("*** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialized OK ***");

            // call superclass method
            base.Initialize( autoCreateWindow, windowTitle );

            // Configure SlimDX
            SlimDX.Configuration.ThrowOnError = true;
            SlimDX.Configuration.AddResultWatch(ResultCode.DeviceLost, ResultWatchFlags.AlwaysIgnore);
            SlimDX.Configuration.AddResultWatch(ResultCode.WasStillDrawing, ResultWatchFlags.AlwaysIgnore);

            SlimDX.Configuration.DetectDoubleDispose = false;
            SlimDX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = true;
            SlimDX.Configuration.DetectDoubleDispose = false;
            SlimDX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = false;

            return renderWindow;
Exemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="autoCreateWindow"></param>
		/// <param name="renderSystem"></param>
		/// <param name="windowTitle"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override RenderWindow CreateWindow( bool autoCreateWindow, GLRenderSystem renderSystem, string windowTitle )
			RenderWindow autoWindow = null;

			if ( autoCreateWindow )
				int width = 800;
				int height = 600;
				int bpp = 32;
				bool fullScreen = false;

				ConfigOption optVM = ConfigOptions[ "Video Mode" ];
				string vm = optVM.Value;
				int pos = vm.IndexOf( 'x' );
				if ( pos == -1 )
					throw new Exception( "Invalid Video Mode provided" );
				width = int.Parse( vm.Substring( 0, vm.IndexOf( "x" ) ) );
				height = int.Parse( vm.Substring( vm.IndexOf( "x" ) + 1 ) );

				fullScreen = ( ConfigOptions[ "Full Screen" ].Value == "Yes" );

				var miscParams = new NamedParameterList();
				ConfigOption opt;

				opt = ConfigOptions[ "Color Depth" ];
				if ( opt != null && opt.Value != null && opt.Value.Length > 0 )
					miscParams.Add( "colorDepth", opt.Value );

				opt = ConfigOptions[ "VSync" ];
				if ( opt != null && opt.Value != null && opt.Value.Length > 0 )
					miscParams.Add( "vsync", opt.Value );
					//TODO : renderSystem.WaitForVerticalBlank = (bool)opt.Value;

				opt = ConfigOptions[ "FSAA" ];
				if ( opt != null && opt.Value != null && opt.Value.Length > 0 )
					miscParams.Add( "fsaa", opt.Value );

				miscParams.Add( "title", windowTitle );

				// create the window with the default form as the target
				autoWindow = renderSystem.CreateRenderWindow( windowTitle, width, height, fullScreen, miscParams );

			return autoWindow;