Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Subclasses may override this method to provide custom logic in order to create description string for <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/> which did not contain matching properties.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="namedGroup">The <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/>.</param>
            /// <returns>Current implementation returns <see cref="NamedParameterGroup.Description"/> of given <paramref name="namedGroup"/>, or empty string, if the <see cref="NamedParameterGroup.Description"/> is <c>null</c>.</returns>
            protected virtual String CreateFreeFormParameterGroupDescription(
                NamedParameterGroup namedGroup
                var desc = namedGroup.Description;

                return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(desc) ? "" : $"  {desc}");
Exemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Subclasses may override this with custom logic on how to construct detailed parameter description string for one whole <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="groupInfo">Group info dictionary created by <see cref="CreateGroupInfo"/></param>
            /// <param name="namedGroup">The <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/>.</param>
            /// <returns>Current implementation calls <see cref="CreatePropertyBasedParametersDescription"/> if the <paramref name="groupInfo"/> contains value for <see cref="NamedParameterGroup.Name"/> of <paramref name="namedGroup"/>; otherwise returns result of <see cref="CreateFreeFormParameterGroupDescription"/>.</returns>
            protected virtual String CreateGroupParameterString(
                TGroupInfoDictionary groupInfo,
                NamedParameterGroup namedGroup
{( groupInfo.TryGetValue( namedGroup.Name, out var props ) ?
      this.CreatePropertyBasedParametersDescription( namedGroup, props ) :
      this.CreateFreeFormParameterGroupDescription( namedGroup )
Exemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// Subclasses may override this with custom logic on how to construct detailed parameter description string for all properties related to single <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="namedGroup">The <see cref="NamedParameterGroup"/>.</param>
            /// <param name="props">Information about required (first element) and optional (second element) parameters.</param>
            /// <returns>Current implementation sorts the parameters according to <see cref="NamedParameterGroup.RequiredParametersComparer"/> and <see cref="NamedParameterGroup.OptionalParametersComparer"/> comparers of <paramref name="namedGroup"/>, and then constructs one line for each parameter, checking for property type and <see cref="RequiredAttribute"/> and <see cref="DescriptionAttribute"/> possibly applied on property.</returns>
            protected virtual String CreatePropertyBasedParametersDescription(
                NamedParameterGroup namedGroup,
                TGroupInfoValues props
                var reqCount      = props.Item1.Count;
                var allParameters = props.Item1
                                    .OrderBy(p => p, namedGroup.RequiredParametersComparer)
                                    .Concat(props.Item2.OrderBy(p => p, namedGroup.OptionalParametersComparer))
                                    .Select(p =>
                    var desc = p.Item1.GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();
                    var req  = p.Item1.GetCustomAttribute <RequiredAttribute>();
                    var v    = desc?.ValueName;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                        var propertyType = p.Item1.PropertyType;
                        if (Equals(propertyType, typeof(Boolean)) || Equals(propertyType, typeof(Boolean? )))
                            v = "true|false";
                        else if (propertyType.
                            v = Enum.GetValues(propertyType).Cast <Object>().JoinToString("|");
                    return(p.Item2, $"<{( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v ) ? "value" : v )}>", desc?.Description, req?.Conditional ?? false);
                var maxLength = allParameters.Max(t => t.Item1.Length + t.Item2.Length + 3);

                return(allParameters.JoinToString("\n", (p, idx) => $@"{( idx < reqCount ? ( ( p.Item4 ? "+" : "*" ) + " " ) : "  " )}{( p.Item1 + " " + p.Item2 ).PadRight( maxLength, ' ' )}{p.Item3}"));