/// <summary>
        /// 获取详情
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        public void GetInfoDetail(string id, string type)
            NYAnswerBll nybll = new NYAnswerBll();
            detailModel model = new detailModel();

            if (type == "spider")//说明是抓取的数据(mysql中查找)
                spiderdata smodel = resbll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(id));
                model.title       = smodel.title;
                model.content     = smodel.content;
                model.code        = smodel.id.ToString();
                model.releaseTime = smodel.releaseTime.ToString();
                model.resource    = smodel.resource;
            else if (type == "cacv")//视频
                model = nybll.GetContent(string.Format(" 节目编号={0}", id));
            else if (type == "cacb")//图书
        /// <summary>
        /// kindName--几级导航之间按“:”分割
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kindName"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public resultList GetInfoList(string kindName, string pageSize = "10", string pageIndex = "1")
            resultList model    = new resultList();
            PagerArg   pagerArg = new PagerArg();

            pagerArg.PageSize      = Convert.ToInt32(pageSize);
            pagerArg.CurrentPageNo = Convert.ToInt32(pageIndex);
            if (kindName.Contains(":"))
                int count = kindName.Split(':').Count();
                if (count == 3)//说明查的是详细列表
                    List <resultData> rdlist = new List <resultData>();
                    string where = string.Format("  firstKind='{0}' and secondKind='{1}' and kindName='{2}' ", kindName.Split(':')[0], kindName.Split(':')[1], kindName.Split(':')[2]);
                    List <spiderDataLite> sdl = new List <spiderDataLite>();
                    pagerArg.TotalCount = resbll.GetRecordCount(where);
                    DataSet reDs = resbll.GetListByPage(where, " releaseTime desc ", pagerArg.CurrentPageNo - 1, pagerArg.PageSize, "");
                    if (reDs.Tables.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in reDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                            sdl.Add(new spiderDataLite()
                                content     = "",
                                id          = dr["id"].ToString(),
                                releaseTime = dr["releaseTime"].ToString(),
                                resource    = dr["resource"].ToString(),
                                title       = dr["title"].ToString(),
                        resultData rdModel = new resultData();
                        rdModel.kindName = kindName.Split(':')[2];
                        rdModel.rd       = sdl;
                        model.flag       = "1";
                        model.totalCount = pagerArg.TotalCount.ToString();
                        model.data       = rdlist;
                    List <string> kindList = new List <string>();
                    DataSet       ds       = resbll.GetSpiderKind(string.Format(" firstKind='{0}' and secondKind='{1}'", kindName.Split(':')[0], kindName.Split(':')[1]));
                    if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                        DataTable dtKind = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dtKind.Rows)
                    List <resultData> rdlist = new List <resultData>();

                    foreach (string item in kindList)
                        string where = string.Format("  firstKind='{0}' and secondKind='{1}' and kindName='{2}' limit 3", kindName.Split(':')[0], kindName.Split(':')[1], item);
                        List <spiderdata> list = resbll.GetModelList(where);

                        foreach (spiderdata item1 in list)
                            List <spiderDataLite> sdl     = new List <spiderDataLite>();
                            resultData            sdModel = new resultData();
                            string contentlite            = Agric.Common.Extention.NoHTML(item1.content);
                            if (contentlite.Length > 50)
                                contentlite = contentlite.Substring(0, 50);
                            sdl.Add(new spiderDataLite()
                                content     = contentlite,
                                id          = item1.id.ToString(),
                                releaseTime = item1.releaseTime.ToString(),
                                resource    = item1.resource,
                                title       = item1.title
                            sdModel.kindName = item;
                            sdModel.rd       = sdl;

                    #region 查询对应的图书视频
                    NYAnswerBll nybll = new NYAnswerBll();
                    string        where1       = string.Format(" 一级分类={0} and 二级分类={1}", kindName.Split(':')[0], kindName.Split(':')[1]);
                    List <string> cacbKindList = nybll.GetKind(where1, "cacb");
                    foreach (string item2 in cacbKindList)
                        List <spiderDataLite> sdl     = new List <spiderDataLite>();
                        resultData            sdModel = new resultData();
                        sdl.Add(new spiderDataLite()
                            content = "http://sxnbook.cnki.net/cacbweb/fm/" + item2 + ".jpg",
                            id      = item2,
                        sdModel.kindName = "图书推荐";
                        sdModel.rd       = sdl;
                    List <string> cacvKindList = nybll.GetKind(where1, "cacv");
                    string        codeStr      = "";
                    foreach (string item in cacvKindList)
                        codeStr += item + "+";
                    List <cacvlistModel> cacvList = nybll.GetCacvList(string.Format(" 节目编号={0}", codeStr.Substring(0, codeStr.Length - 1)));
                    foreach (cacvlistModel item3 in cacvList)
                        List <spiderDataLite> sdl     = new List <spiderDataLite>();
                        resultData            sdModel = new resultData();
                        sdl.Add(new spiderDataLite()
                            content = "http://cacv.cnki.net/Content/CACV/FM/" + item3.code.Substring(0, 8) + "/" + item3.code + ".jpg",
                            id      = item3.code,
                            title   = item3.title
                        sdModel.kindName = "视频观看";
                        sdModel.rd       = sdl;

                    model.flag       = "1";
                    model.totalCount = "0";
                    model.data       = rdlist;