protected override void LoadExample() { base.DefaultGridOrigin = new NPointF(30, 30); base.DefaultGridCellSize = new NSizeF(70, 70); base.DefaultGridSpacing = new NSizeF(50, 10); // begin view init view.BeginInit(); // init view view.Grid.Visible = false; NSizeF handlesSize = new NSizeF(5, 5); view.TrackersAppearance.RotatedBoundsHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.RotatorHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.PinHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.GeometryBasePointHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.GeometryMidPointHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.ShapeControlPointHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.ShapeStartPlugHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; view.TrackersAppearance.ShapeEndPlugHandlesStyle.Size = handlesSize; // init document document.BeginInit(); InitDocument(); document.EndInit(); // init form controls InitFormControls(); // end view init view.EndInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a random size in [minSize, maxSize] range /// </summary> /// <param name="minSize"></param> /// <param name="maxSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected NSizeF GetRandomSize(NSizeF minSize, NSizeF maxSize) { float width = (float)(Random.Next(100) * Math.Abs(maxSize.Width - minSize.Width) / 100.0f + Math.Min(maxSize.Width, minSize.Width)); float height = (float)(Random.Next(100) * Math.Abs(maxSize.Height - minSize.Height) / 100.0f + Math.Min(maxSize.Height, minSize.Height)); return(new NSizeF(width, height)); }
private void UpdatePortGeneralPropertiesControls(NPort port) { // can only disconnect the port if it is connected to any plugs disconnectPortButton.Enabled = (port.Plugs.Count != 0); // update port offset NSizeF offset = port.Offset; portOffsetXNumeric.Value = (decimal)offset.Width; portOffsetYNumeric.Value = (decimal)offset.Height; // populate the combo with available anchors INDiagramElementContainer searchRoot = port.GetRootForReferenceProperty("AnchorUniqueId"); NFilter filter = port.GetFilterForReferenceProperty("AnchorUniqueId"); NNodeList anchors = searchRoot.Descendants(null, -1); anchors.Insert(0, searchRoot); anchors = anchors.Filter(filter); anchorIdComboBox.Items.Clear(); anchorIdComboBox.Items.AddRange((object[])(anchors.ToArray(typeof(object)))); // select the currently chosen anchor for (int i = 0; i < anchorIdComboBox.Items.Count; i++) { Guid elemendGuid = (anchorIdComboBox.Items[i].Tag as INDiagramElement).UniqueId; if (elemendGuid.Equals(port.AnchorUniqueId)) { anchorIdComboBox.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } }
protected void NDrawingView1_AsyncCustomCommand(object sender, EventArgs e) { NCallbackCustomCommandArgs args = e as NCallbackCustomCommandArgs; NCallbackCommand command = args.Command; string value = command.Arguments["value"].ToString(); NNodeList decorators = NDrawingView1.Document.ActiveLayer.Descendants(DecoratorFilter, -1); int i, count = decorators.Count; switch (command.Name) { case "background": ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape background = (ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape), value); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]).Background.Shape = background; } m_bClientSideRedrawRequired = true; break; case "symbol": ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape symbol = (ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape), value); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]).Symbol.Shape = symbol; } m_bClientSideRedrawRequired = true; break; case "position": NContentAlignment alignment; NSizeF offset; if (value == "Left") { alignment = new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.TopLeft); offset = new NSizeF(11, 11); } else { alignment = new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.TopRight); offset = new NSizeF(-11, 11); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NToggleDecorator decorator = (NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]; decorator.Alignment = alignment; decorator.Offset = offset; } m_bClientSideRedrawRequired = true; break; } }
protected string GetXMLText(int number, string initial, string weight) { string str = number.ToString(); NSizeF size = new NSizeF(10, 15); str += "<br/><font size='14'><b>" + initial + "</b></font><br/>"; str += weight; return(str); }
protected NRectangleF GetElementBounds(int column, int row) { NSizeF size = new NSizeF(45, 80); NPointF origin = new NPointF(45, 45); float x = origin.X + (column - 1) * size.Width; float y = origin.Y + (row - 1) * size.Height; return(new NRectangleF(x, y, size.Width, size.Height)); }
void INCustomRequestCallback.OnCustomRequestCallback(NAspNetThinWebControl control, NRequestContext context, string argument) { NThinDiagramControl diagramControl = (NThinDiagramControl)control; NNodeList decorators = diagramControl.Document.ActiveLayer.Descendants(ShowHideSubtreeDecoratorFilter, -1); int i, count = decorators.Count; string[] data = argument.Split('='); string name = data[0]; string value = data[1]; switch (name) { case "background": ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape background = (ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToggleDecoratorBackgroundShape), value); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]).Background.Shape = background; } break; case "symbol": ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape symbol = (ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToggleDecoratorSymbolShape), value); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ((NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]).Symbol.Shape = symbol; } break; case "position": NContentAlignment alignment; NSizeF offset; if (value == "Left") { alignment = new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.TopLeft); offset = new NSizeF(11, 11); } else { alignment = new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.TopRight); offset = new NSizeF(-11, 11); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NToggleDecorator decorator = (NToggleDecorator)decorators[i]; decorator.Alignment = alignment; decorator.Offset = offset; } break; } control.UpdateView(); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public NDiagramExampleUC() { InitializeComponent(); view = null; document = null; eventHandlingPauseCounter = 0; defaultGridOrigin = new NPointF(15, 15); defaultGridCellSize = new NSizeF(100, 100); defaultGridSpacing = new NSizeF(20, 20); }
/// <summary> /// Initializer constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="form">main application form</param> public NDiagramExampleUC(NMainForm form) : base(form) { InitializeComponent(); view = form.View; document = form.Document; eventHandlingPauseCounter = 0; defaultGridOrigin = new NPointF(15, 15); defaultGridCellSize = new NSizeF(100, 100); defaultGridSpacing = new NSizeF(20, 20); }
private void AddRandomShape() { Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BasicShapes)); NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document); NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)values.GetValue(Random.Next(values.Length))); NSizeF size = new NSizeF(Random.Next(10) + 30, Random.Next(10) + 30); shape.Bounds = new NRectangleF(base.GetRandomPoint(view.Viewport), size); shape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.GreenYellow); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); }
protected void AddElement(NDrawingDocument document, NChemicalElement ce) { string str = ce.number.ToString(); NSizeF size = new NSizeF(10, 15); str += "<br/><font size='14'><b>" + ce.symbol + "</b></font><br/>"; str += ce.weight; NShape element = null; element = new NRectangleShape(GetElementBounds(ce.col, ce.row)); element.Text = str; element.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(true, null, ce.tooltip); element.Style.FillStyle = ce.fillStyle; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(element); }
protected void AddElement(NDrawingDocument document, NChemicalElement ce) { string str = ce.number.ToString(); NSizeF size = new NSizeF(10, 15); str += "<br/><font size='14'><b>" + ce.symbol + "</b></font><br/>"; str += ce.weight; CursorType ct = CursorType.Default; if (ce.fillStyle == fsNonMetals) { ct = CursorType.Hand; } else if (ce.fillStyle == fsMetals) { ct = CursorType.Cross; } else if (ce.fillStyle == fsMatalloids) { ct = CursorType.SizeAll; } else if (ce.fillStyle == fsGases) { ct = CursorType.VSplit; } else if (ce.fillStyle == feMoccasin) { ct = CursorType.HSplit; } else if (ce.fillStyle == feGold) { ct = CursorType.Help; } else if (ce.fillStyle == feCentralGroup) { ct = CursorType.WaitCursor; } NShape element = null; element = new NRectangleShape(GetElementBounds(ce.col, ce.row)); element.Text = str; element.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(true, null, null, ct); element.Style.FillStyle = ce.fillStyle; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(element); }
protected void AddElement(NDrawingDocument document, NChemicalElement ce) { string str = ce.number.ToString(); NSizeF size = new NSizeF(10, 15); str += "<br/><font size='14'><b>" + ce.symbol + "</b></font><br/>"; str += ce.weight; NShape element = null; element = new NRectangleShape(GetElementBounds(ce.col, ce.row)); element.Text = str; string url = string.Format("{0}+chemical+element", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ce.symbol.Replace("*", string.Empty))); element.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(true, null, null, CursorType.Default, url); element.Style.FillStyle = ce.fillStyle; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(element); }
protected override void LoadExample() { m_NodeSize = new NSizeF(25, 25); m_Layout = new NSpringLayout(); // begin view init view.BeginInit(); view.Grid.Visible = false; view.HorizontalRuler.Visible = false; view.VerticalRuler.Visible = false; // init document document.BeginInit(); InitDocument(); document.EndInit(); // end view init view.EndInit(); }
private void LayoutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get the shapes to layout NNodeList shapes = document.ActiveLayer.Children(NFilters.Shape2D); // create a layout context NLayoutContext layoutContext = new NLayoutContext(); layoutContext.GraphAdapter = new NShapeGraphAdapter(); layoutContext.BodyAdapter = new NShapeBodyAdapter(document); layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(document); if (m_Layout != null) { // update the desired size NSizeF desiredSize = m_Layout.GetDesiredLayoutSize(shapes, layoutContext); NRectangleF desiredLayoutArea = new NRectangleF(layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter.GetLayoutArea().Location, desiredSize); m_DesiredSizeShape.Bounds = desiredLayoutArea; // layout the shapes m_Layout.Layout(shapes, layoutContext); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="origin"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="spacing"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NRectangleF GetGridCell(int row, int col, NPointF origin, NSizeF size, NSizeF spacing) { return(new NRectangleF(origin.X + col * (size.Width + spacing.Width), origin.Y + row * (size.Height + spacing.Height), size.Width, size.Height)); }
public NMyDataObject(string shapeType, NSizeF shapeSize) { this.shapeType = shapeType; this.shapeSize = shapeSize; }