Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ButtonChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte newPalette = byte.Parse(TextBoxPalette.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            if (foundPalettes.Contains(newPalette) || !MenuItemBoundPalette.Checked)
                //Write the palette byte
                write.WriteByte(newPalette, sHeaderOffset + 2);

                //Adjust the palette reg
                byte a = CalculatePalReg(newPalette);
                if (a != 0xFF)
                    write.WriteByte(a, sHeaderOffset + 12);
                //generate a list of palettes in a string
                string palettes = foundPalettes[0].ToString("X");

                for (int i = 1; i < foundPalettes.Count; i++)
                    palettes += ", " + foundPalettes[i].ToString("X");

                //Yep, there is no palette "9000!" but here's a list of actual palettes:
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Palette selected is not a valid palette for the current ROM.\n\nValid Palettes:\n" + palettes, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                TextBoxPalette.Text = sPaletteIndex.ToString("X2");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void NumericUpDownPalette_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Navigating)
                int  INDEX   = int.Parse(IndexText.Text);
                byte P_INDEX = (byte)NumericUpDownPalette.Value;

                Write.WriteByte(P_INDEX, MiniPaletteIndex + INDEX);

                // Read palette pointer
                int paletteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(MiniPalettes + 8 * P_INDEX);

                // Fix both MINI frames
                EditBox.Sprites[4].Palette = new SpritePalette(SpritePalette.PaletteType.Color16, Read.ReadBytes(paletteOffset, 32));
                EditBox.Sprites[5].Palette = EditBox.Sprites[4].Palette;

                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bM1, EditBox.Sprites[4]);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bM2, EditBox.Sprites[5]);

                PictureboxA1.Image = bM1;
                PictureboxA2.Image = bM2;

                if (EditBox.CurrentIndex == 4 || EditBox.CurrentIndex == 5)