Exemplo n.º 1
        partial void routeButton_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
            if (MapRoute != null)
                MapRoute = null;

            // START: Daimler Fleetboard
            NMAGeoCoordinates start = new NMAGeoCoordinates(48.7244153, 9.1161991);
            // END: Biergarten
            NMAGeoCoordinates end = new NMAGeoCoordinates(48.701356, 9.1393803);

            // Create an NSMutableArray to add two stops
            NSObject[] stops = new NSObject[] { start, end };

            NMARoutingMode routingMode = new NMARoutingMode(NMARoutingType.Fastest, NMATransportMode.Car, NMARoutingOption.Highway);

            // Initialize the NMACoreRouter
            if (Router == null)
                Router = new NMACoreRouter();
            // Trigger the route calculation
            Router.CalculateRouteWithStops(stops, routingMode, OnCalculateRouteCompletion);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public VehicleMapMarker(NMAGeoCoordinates coordinates, string vehicleName) : base(coordinates)
            VehicleImageContext imageContext = GenerateMarkerImageWithText(vehicleName);

            Icon = NMAImage.ImageWithUIImage(imageContext.image);
            // place the blue dot of the marker image on the correct location on the map
            AnchorOffset = imageContext.anchorOffset;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ConfigureMapView()
            MapView.CopyrightLogoPosition = NMALayoutPosition.BottomLeft;

            NMAGeoCoordinates geoCoordCenter = new NMAGeoCoordinates(50.9605737, 7.7703383);

            MapView.SetGeoCenter(geoCoordCenter, NMAMapAnimation.None);

            MapView.ZoomLevel           = 5;
            MapView.WeakGestureDelegate = this;

            NMAClusterLayer cl = new NMAClusterLayer();

            cl.AddMarker(new VehicleMapMarker(new NMAGeoCoordinates(50.9605738, 7.7703383), "Testvehicle 1"));
            cl.AddMarker(new VehicleMapMarker(new NMAGeoCoordinates(49.8022486, 8.6021228), "Testvehicle 2"));
            cl.AddMarker(new VehicleMapMarker(new NMAGeoCoordinates(48.712405, 9.3061532), "Testvehicle 3"));
