Exemplo n.º 1
        void StartGeneration()
            string rfsgName = resourceNameComboBox.Text;
            double freq     = (double)frequencyNumeric.Value;
            double power    = (double)powerLevelNumeric.Value;

                rfsgSession = new NIRfsg(rfsgName, true, false);
                rfsgHandle  = rfsgSession.GetInstrumentHandle().DangerousGetHandle();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string tdmsPath in tdmsFilePaths)
                    NIRfsgPlayback.ReadAndDownloadWaveformFromFile(rfsgHandle, tdmsPath, tdmsWaveformNames[i]);
                //Q: Is it acceptable to utilize mostly private class data and keep prototype empty? I suppose if I don't aniticpate any reuse I can leave it empty...
                string autoScript = ScriptGen();
                NIRfsgPlayback.SetScriptToGenerateSingleRfsg(rfsgHandle, autoScript);
                rfsgSession.RF.Configure(freq, power);
            catch (Exception uhOh)
                ShowError("Start Generation", uhOh);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Calls <see cref="NIRfsgPlayback.SetScriptToGenerateSingleRfsg(IntPtr, string)"/>, which will download the script contained in <paramref name="waveform"/> and apply
 /// all associated parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="rfsgHandle">The open RFSG session to configure.</param>
 /// <param name="waveform">Specifies the waveform and its associated script that is to be used for generation.</param>
 public static void ApplyWaveformAttributes(NIRfsg rfsgHandle, Waveform waveform)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(waveform.Script)) // default to continuous if no script in waveform
         ConfigureContinuousGeneration(rfsgHandle, waveform);
         IntPtr rfsgPtr = rfsgHandle.GetInstrumentHandle().DangerousGetHandle();
         NIRfsgPlayback.SetScriptToGenerateSingleRfsg(rfsgPtr, waveform.Script);
        public static void ConfigureContinuousGeneration(NIRfsg rfsgHandle, Waveform waveform, string waveformStartTriggerExport = "PXI_Trig0")
            //Configure the trigger to be generated on the first sample of each waveform generation,
            //denoted in the script below as "marker0"
            rfsgHandle.DeviceEvents.MarkerEvents[0].ExportedOutputTerminal = RfsgMarkerEventExportedOutputTerminal.FromString(waveformStartTriggerExport);

            //A software trigger is configured that is used in the script below to control generation of
            //the script. This ensures that a complete packet is always generated before aborting, and
            //allows all generation functions to share a single abort function.

            string script = $@"script REPEAT{waveform.WaveformName}
                                    repeat until ScriptTrigger0
                                        generate {waveform.WaveformName} marker0(0)
                                    end repeat
                                end script";

            //Get the instrument handle to utilize with the RFSGPlayback library
            IntPtr rfsgPtr = rfsgHandle.GetInstrumentHandle().DangerousGetHandle();

            //Download the newly created script for generation when "Initiate" is called
            NIRfsgPlayback.SetScriptToGenerateSingleRfsg(rfsgPtr, script);
        public static void ConfigureBurstedGeneration(NIRfsg rfsgHandle, Waveform waveform, WaveformTimingConfiguration waveTiming,
                                                      PAENConfiguration paenConfig, out double period, out double idleTime)
            IntPtr rfsgPtr = rfsgHandle.GetInstrumentHandle().DangerousGetHandle();

            rfsgHandle.Arb.GenerationMode = RfsgWaveformGenerationMode.Script;

            string scriptName = String.Format("{0}{1}", waveform.WaveformName, waveTiming.DutyCycle_Percent);

            if (waveTiming.DutyCycle_Percent <= 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DutyCycle_Percent", waveTiming.DutyCycle_Percent, "Duty cycle must be greater than 0 %");

            //Calculate various timining information
            double dutyCycle      = waveTiming.DutyCycle_Percent / 100;
            double totalBurstTime = waveTiming.PreBurstTime_s + waveform.BurstLength_s + waveTiming.PostBurstTime_s;

            idleTime = (totalBurstTime / dutyCycle) - totalBurstTime;
            period   = totalBurstTime + idleTime;

            //Convert all time based values to sample based values
            long preBurstSamp, postBurstSamp, idleSamp, enableSamples, disableSamples;

            preBurstSamp   = TimeToSamples(waveTiming.PreBurstTime_s, waveform.SampleRate);
            postBurstSamp  = TimeToSamples(waveTiming.PostBurstTime_s, waveform.SampleRate);
            idleSamp       = TimeToSamples(idleTime, waveform.SampleRate);
            enableSamples  = TimeToSamples(paenConfig.CommandEnableTime_s, waveform.SampleRate);
            disableSamples = TimeToSamples(paenConfig.CommandDisableTime_s, waveform.SampleRate);

            //RFSG enforces a minimum wait time of 8 samples, so ensure that the minimum pre/post burst time
            // and idle time are at least 8 samples long
            if (preBurstSamp < 8)
                preBurstSamp = 8;
            if (postBurstSamp < 8)
                postBurstSamp = 8;
            if (idleSamp < 8)
                idleSamp = 8;

            //Initialize the script StringBuilder with the first line of the script (name)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder($"script {scriptName}");


            #region Script Building
            //If we have a static PA Enable mode, ensure that we trigger at the beginning of the script prior to looping.
            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode == PAENMode.Static)
                sb.AppendLine("wait 8 marker1(7)");

            //Configure for endless repeating
            sb.AppendLine("Repeat until scriptTrigger0");

            //Configure the idle time prior to each packet generation
            sb.Append($"wait {idleSamp}");

            //If PAEN Mode is dynamic we need to trigger the PA to enable
            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode == PAENMode.Dynamic)
                //PA Enable is triggered at or before the last sample of the wait period
                long PAEnableTriggerLoc = idleSamp - enableSamples - 1;
                sb.Append($" marker1({PAEnableTriggerLoc})");


            //Configure waiting for the pre-burst time
            sb.AppendLine($"wait {preBurstSamp}");

            //Configure generation of the selected waveform but only for the burst length; send a trigger at the beginning of each burst
            sb.Append($"generate {waveform.WaveformName} subset({waveform.BurstStartLocations[0]},{waveform.BurstStopLocations[0]}) marker0(0)");

            //Check to see if the command time is longer than the post-burst time, which determines when the PA disable command needs sent
            bool LongCommand = waveTiming.PostBurstTime_s <= paenConfig.CommandDisableTime_s;

            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode == PAENMode.Dynamic && LongCommand)
                //Trigger is placed a number of samples from the end of the burst corresponding with
                //how much longer than the post burst time it is
                long PADisableTriggerLoc = waveform.BurstStopLocations[0] - (disableSamples - postBurstSamp) - 1;
                sb.Append($" marker1({PADisableTriggerLoc})");

            //Configure waiting for the post-burst time
            sb.Append($"wait {postBurstSamp}");

            //If the ommand time is shorter than the post-burst time, the disable trigger must be sent
            //during the post-burst time
            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode == PAENMode.Dynamic && !LongCommand)
                long PADisableTriggerLoc = postBurstSamp - disableSamples - 1;
                sb.Append($" marker1({PADisableTriggerLoc})");
            //Close out the script
            sb.AppendLine("end repeat");

            //If we have a static PA Enable mode, ensure that we trigger at the end of the script prior to concluding.
            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode == PAENMode.Static)
                sb.AppendLine("wait 10 marker1(0)");

            sb.AppendLine("end script");

            //Download the generation script to the generator for later initiation
            NIRfsgPlayback.SetScriptToGenerateSingleRfsg(rfsgPtr, sb.ToString());

            //Configure the triggering for PA enable if selected
            if (paenConfig.PAEnableMode != PAENMode.Disabled)
                rfsgHandle.DeviceEvents.MarkerEvents[1].ExportedOutputTerminal = RfsgMarkerEventExportedOutputTerminal.FromString(
                rfsgHandle.DeviceEvents.MarkerEvents[1].OutputBehaviour = paenConfig.PAEnableTriggerMode;

                //Configure scriptTrigger0 for software triggering. This way, when it is time to abort we can stop
                //the loop and trigger the appropriate off command if PAEN mode is Static

            //Configure the trigger to be generated on the first sample of each waveform generation,
            //denoted in the script below as "marker0"
            rfsgHandle.DeviceEvents.MarkerEvents[0].ExportedOutputTerminal =