public void PulseFinger(Location hand, GloveFinger finger, float intensity = 0.8f, uint duration = 1000)
        int numDevices = _nd.getNumberOfDevices();

        int[] devices = new int[numDevices];

        //get Id's from service
        _resultValue = _nd.getDevicesId(devices);

        if (_resultValue >= 0)
            print("There is " + numDevices + " device(s)n");

            for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
                print("Hand: " + (Location)_nd.getDeviceLocation(devices[i]) + ", Target: " + hand);

                if ((Location)_nd.getDeviceLocation(devices[i]) == hand)
                    int numberActuators = _nd.getNumberOfActuators(devices[i]);

                    if (_resultValue > 0)
                        print("Start sending pulses to device with Id: " + devices[i] + "n");
                        int fingerIndex = (int)finger;

                        _resultValue = _nd.setActuatorPulse((Actuator)fingerIndex, intensity, duration, devices[i]);

                        if (_resultValue < 0)
                            print("Error sending pulse to Actuator: " + fingerIndex);
                            print("Pulse sent to Actuator: " + fingerIndex);
            print("Error getting devicesId: " + numDevices);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //instance of library
            NDAPI nd = new NDAPI();

            //variable to get result value
            int res = 0;

            //connect with service NDSvc
            res = nd.connectToServer();

            if (res == (int)Error.ND_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Service Unavailable");
                //get number of devices
                int numDevices = nd.getNumberOfDevices();

                if (numDevices < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + numDevices);//you could get the error from Error enum
                else if (numDevices == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("There is no devices connected\n");
                else //There is at least 1 Gloveone connected
                    int[] devices = new int[numDevices];

                    //get Id's from service
                    res = nd.getDevicesId(devices);

                    if (res >= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("There is " + numDevices + " device(s)\n");
                        //get number of Actuators of the first id
                        int numberActuators = nd.getNumberOfActuators(devices[0]);

                        if (res > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Start sending pulses to device with Id: " + devices[0] + "\n");

                            //sending a pulse of 1000 ms to all actuators with value of power: 0.8
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberActuators; i++)
                                res = nd.setActuatorPulse((Actuator)i, 0.8f, 1000, devices[0]);
                                if (res < 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Error sending pulse to Actuator: " + i);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Pulse sent to Actuator: " + i);
                            Console.WriteLine("Error getting actuators of device with Id: " + devices[0]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Error getting devicesId: " + numDevices);

