Exemplo n.º 1
    public object ComplexAsVariant(object v, int num)
        Console.WriteLine("v: " + v);
        Console.WriteLine("v null? " + (v == null));

        MyTuple2 mt2 = (MyTuple2)Convert.ChangeType(v, typeof(MyTuple2));

        Console.WriteLine("mt2.C[3].B " + mt2.C[3].B);
        Console.WriteLine("num: " + num);

Exemplo n.º 2
	public static void Main ()
		Bus bus = Bus.Session;

		string bus_name = "org.ndesk.test";
		ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath ("/org/ndesk/test");

		IDemoOne demo;

		if (bus.RequestName (bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner) {
			//create a new instance of the object to be exported
			demo = new Demo ();
			bus.Register (path, demo);

			//run the main loop
			while (true)
				bus.Iterate ();
		} else {
			//import a remote to a local proxy
			demo = bus.GetObject<IDemo> (bus_name, path);
			//demo = bus.GetObject<DemoProx> (bus_name, path);

		Console.WriteLine ();
		demo.SomeEvent += HandleSomeEventA;
		demo.FireOffSomeEvent ();

		Console.WriteLine ();
		demo.SomeEvent -= HandleSomeEventA;
		demo.FireOffSomeEvent ();

		Console.WriteLine ();
		demo.SomeEvent += delegate (string arg1, object arg2, double arg3, MyTuple mt) {Console.WriteLine ("SomeEvent handler: " + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + mt.A + ", " + mt.B);};
		demo.SomeEvent += delegate (string arg1, object arg2, double arg3, MyTuple mt) {Console.WriteLine ("SomeEvent handler two: " + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + mt.A + ", " + mt.B);};
		demo.FireOffSomeEvent ();

		Console.WriteLine ();

		Console.WriteLine (demo.GetSomeVariant ());

		Console.WriteLine ();

		demo.Say2 ("demo.Say2");
		((IDemoTwo)demo).Say2 ("((IDemoTwo)demo).Say2");

		demo.SayEnum (DemoEnum.Bar, DemoEnum.Foo);

		uint n;
		string ostr;
		demo.WithOutParameters (out n, "21", out ostr);
		Console.WriteLine ("n: " + n);
		Console.WriteLine ("ostr: " + ostr);

		uint[] a1, a2, a3;
		demo.WithOutParameters2 (out a1, out a2, out a3);
		Console.WriteLine ("oparam2: " + a2[1]);

		uint[] @contacts = new uint[] { 2 };
		IDictionary<uint,SimplePresence> presence;
		demo.GetPresences (contacts, out presence);
		Console.WriteLine ("pres: " + presence[2].Status);

		MyTuple2 cpx = new MyTuple2 ();
		cpx.A = "a";
		cpx.B = "b";
		cpx.C = new Dictionary<int,MyTuple> ();
		cpx.C[3] = new MyTuple("foo", "bar");
		object cpxRet = demo.ComplexAsVariant (cpx, 12);
		MyTuple2 mt2ret = (MyTuple2)Convert.ChangeType (cpxRet, typeof (MyTuple2));
		Console.WriteLine ("mt2ret.C[3].B " + mt2ret.C[3].B);

		IDemoOne[] objs = demo.GetObjArr ();
		foreach (IDemoOne obj in objs)
			obj.Say ("Some obj");

		Console.WriteLine("SomeProp: " + demo.SomeProp);
		demo.SomeProp = 321;

		DemoProx demoProx = demo as DemoProx;
		if (demoProx != null)
			demoProx.SayRepeatedly(5, "Repetition");

		demo.ThrowSomeException ();
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static void Main()
        Bus bus = Bus.Session;

        string     bus_name = "org.ndesk.test";
        ObjectPath path     = new ObjectPath("/org/ndesk/test");

        IDemoOne demo;

        if (bus.RequestName(bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner)
            //create a new instance of the object to be exported
            demo = new Demo();
            bus.Register(path, demo);

            //run the main loop
            while (true)
            //import a remote to a local proxy
            //demo = bus.GetObject<IDemo> (bus_name, path);
            demo = bus.GetObject <DemoProx> (bus_name, path);

        demo.SomeEvent += HandleSomeEventA;

        demo.SomeEvent -= HandleSomeEventA;

        demo.SomeEvent += delegate(string arg1, object arg2, double arg3, MyTuple mt) { Console.WriteLine("SomeEvent handler: " + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + mt.A + ", " + mt.B); };
        demo.SomeEvent += delegate(string arg1, object arg2, double arg3, MyTuple mt) { Console.WriteLine("SomeEvent handler two: " + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ", " + mt.A + ", " + mt.B); };





        demo.SayEnum(DemoEnum.Bar, DemoEnum.Foo);

        uint   n;
        string ostr;

        demo.WithOutParameters(out n, "21", out ostr);
        Console.WriteLine("n: " + n);
        Console.WriteLine("ostr: " + ostr);

        uint[] a1, a2, a3;
        demo.WithOutParameters2(out a1, out a2, out a3);
        Console.WriteLine("oparam2: " + a2[1]);

        uint[] @contacts = new uint[] { 2 };
        IDictionary <uint, SimplePresence> presence;

        demo.GetPresences(contacts, out presence);
        Console.WriteLine("pres: " + presence[2].Status);

        MyTuple2 cpx = new MyTuple2();

        cpx.A    = "a";
        cpx.B    = "b";
        cpx.C    = new Dictionary <int, MyTuple> ();
        cpx.C[3] = new MyTuple("foo", "bar");
        object   cpxRet = demo.ComplexAsVariant(cpx, 12);
        MyTuple2 mt2ret = (MyTuple2)Convert.ChangeType(cpxRet, typeof(MyTuple2));

        Console.WriteLine("mt2ret.C[3].B " + mt2ret.C[3].B);

         * IDemoOne[] objs = demo.GetObjArr ();
         * foreach (IDemoOne obj in objs)
         *      obj.Say ("Some obj");

        Console.WriteLine("SomeProp: " + demo.SomeProp);
        demo.SomeProp = 321;

        DemoProx demoProx = demo as DemoProx;

        if (demoProx != null)
            demoProx.SayRepeatedly(5, "Repetition");
