Exemplo n.º 1
        //执行 sql 语句字符串,0 表示 执行成功
        public static bool ExecuteSql(string strSql)
            if (strSql == null || strSql.Length == 0)

            bool nRet = false;

            using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(string.Format(connstring, IP, User, Pass)))
                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(conn, strSql);
                    int ret = script.Execute();
                    nRet = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MyLog4Net.Container.Instance.Log.DebugWithDebugView("ExecuteSql ret err:" + ex);
                    nRet = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void PatchDatabase(string dbType, string host, uint port, string username, string password, string database)
            var updatesPath    = $"DatabaseSetupScripts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Updates{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{dbType}";
            var updatesFile    = $"{updatesPath}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}applied_updates.txt";
            var appliedUpdates = Array.Empty <string>();

            var containerUpdatesFile = $"/ace/Config/{dbType}_applied_updates.txt";

            if (IsRunningInContainer && File.Exists(containerUpdatesFile))
                File.Copy(containerUpdatesFile, updatesFile, true);

            if (File.Exists(updatesFile))
                appliedUpdates = File.ReadAllLines(updatesFile);

            Console.WriteLine($"Searching for {dbType} update SQL scripts .... ");
            foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo(updatesPath).GetFiles("*.sql").OrderBy(f => f.Name))
                if (appliedUpdates.Contains(file.Name))

                Console.Write($"Found {file.Name} .... ");
                var sqlDBFile  = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={host};port={port};user={username};password={password};database={database};DefaultCommandTimeout=120");
                var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                Console.Write($"Importing into {database} database on SQL server at {host}:{port} .... ");
                    script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                    var count = script.Execute();
                    //Console.Write($" {count} database records affected ....");
                    Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($" error!");
                    Console.WriteLine($" Unable to apply patch due to following exception: {ex}");
                File.AppendAllText(updatesFile, file.Name + Environment.NewLine);

            if (IsRunningInContainer && File.Exists(containerUpdatesFile))
                File.Copy(updatesFile, containerUpdatesFile, true);

            Console.WriteLine($"{dbType} update SQL scripts import complete!");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void AutoApplyWorldCustomizations()
            var content_folders_search_option = ConfigManager.Config.Offline.RecurseWorldCustomizationPaths ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;
            var content_folders = new List <string> {


            Console.WriteLine($"Searching for World Customization SQL scripts .... ");

            content_folders.ForEach(path =>
                var contentDI = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                if (contentDI.Exists)
                    Console.Write($"Searching for SQL files within {path} .... ");

                    foreach (var file in contentDI.GetFiles("*.sql", content_folders_search_option).OrderBy(f => f.FullName))
                        Console.Write($"Found {file.FullName} .... ");
                        var sqlDBFile  = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                        var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Host};port={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Port};user={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Username};password={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Password};database={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Database};DefaultCommandTimeout=120");
                        sqlDBFile      = sqlDBFile.Replace("ace_world", ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Database);
                        var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                        Console.Write($"Importing into World database on SQL server at {ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Host}:{ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Port} .... ");
                            script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                            var count = script.Execute();
                            //Console.Write($" {count} database records affected ....");
                            Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                        catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($" error!");
                            Console.WriteLine($" Unable to apply patch due to following exception: {ex}");

            Console.WriteLine($"World Customization SQL scripts import complete!");
        public bool InstallPlugin(string PluginPackagePath, ref string ErrorText)
            string exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
            if (Directory.Exists(exePath + "/tempDir/"))
                Directory.Delete(exePath + "/tempDir/", true);

            PluginDescription desc = new PluginDescription();
            string tempfolder = exePath + "/tempDir/";
            string zipFileName = Path.GetFullPath(PluginPackagePath);
            string DescPath = null;

            bool NoError = true;

            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip fastZip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                fastZip.ExtractZip(zipFileName, tempfolder, null);
                // find all included plugin descriptions and install the plugins
                List<string> osapdFiles = new List<string>();
                List<string> sqlFiles = new List<string>();

                string[] pluginFile = Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder, "*.osapd", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                string[] sqlFile = Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder, "*.sql", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                if (osapdFiles.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No plugin description files found.");
                    return false;

                if (osapdFiles.Count > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("More than one plugin description file found.");
                    return false;
                if (osapdFiles.Count == 1)

                    DescPath = osapdFiles[0];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DescPath))

                    //NoError = desc.VerifyInstall(ref ErrorText);

                    //uninstall previous plugin and delete the folder
                    if (UninstallPlugin(desc))

                        // get the plugin folder path
                        string pluginFolder = desc.Path;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginFolder))  //only extract valid plugins
                            string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder);

                            string ConnectionString = string.Format("Uid={0};Pwd={1};Server={2};Port={3};Database={4};allow user variables=true",
                                Common.DBUsername, Common.DBPassword, Common.DBConnection, Common.DBPort, Common.DBName);
                            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ConnectionString);
                            foreach (string s in sqlFile)

                                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(connection, File.ReadAllText(s));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    this.Log.Error("Error running sql script: " + s, ex);

                            System.IO.Directory.Move(tempfolder, exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder);

                            //Check if we are running a x64 bit architecture (This is a silly way to do it since I am not sure if every 64 bit machine has this directory...)
                            bool is64bit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;

                            //Do a check for any x64 assemblies, and prompt the user to install them if they are running a 64 bit machine
                            if (is64bit && (desc.x64Assemblies.Count > 0))
                                /* x64 assemblies generally have the same name as their x32 counterparts when referenced by the OSA app
                                 * however they are packaged as "filename.ext.x64" so we will replace the 32bit file which is installed by
                                 * default with the 64bit versioin with the same filename.ext

                                if (MessageBox.Show(
                                    "You are running an x64 architecture and this plugin has specific assemblies built for 64bit machines." +
                                    " It is highly recommended that you install the 64bit versions to ensure proper compatibility",
                                    "Install 64bit Assemblies?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                                    //Install the 64bit assemblies over the 32 bit ones...
                                    string[] x64files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder, "*.x64");

                                    foreach (string str in x64files)
                                        string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder + "/", System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str));
                                        //Copy it to the new destination overwriting the old file if it exists
                                        System.IO.File.Copy(str, destFile, true);

                            //Delete all the files with .x64 extensions since they aren't needed anymore
                            string[] delfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder, "*.x64");
                            foreach (string str in delfiles)

                            this.Log.Info("Sending message to service to load plugin.");

                        return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("catch: " + ex.Message);
                return false;
                if (Directory.Exists(exePath + "/tempDir/"))
                    deleteFolder(exePath + "/tempDir/");

                OSAEMethodManager.MethodQueueAdd("SERVICE-" + Common.ComputerName, "RELOAD PLUGINS", "", "", "Plugin Installer");
            return NoError;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void UpdateTo_0_3_0(ref Boolean foundError)
                String sqlString;

                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.3.0...");
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...please be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your system and data...");

                // add changes to the database
                sqlString = "-- MySQL Workbench Synchronization \n" +
                            "-- Generated: 2016-05-09 12:39 \n" +
                            "-- Model: New Model \n" +
                            "-- Version: 1.0 \n" +
                            "-- Project: Name of the project \n" +
                            "-- Author: Duke \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponMount` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_RatingPlanet` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` ( \n" +
                              "`CompanionName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`CompanionAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "`GameAddition` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
                              "PRIMARY KEY (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`)) \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE; \n" +
                            "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS; \n" +
                            "SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Agricultural Medicines', '', 'Agri-Medicines', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Ai Relics', '', 'AI Relics', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Atmospheric Extractors', '', 'Atmospheric Processors', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Auto Fabricators', '', 'Auto-Fabricators', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Basic Narcotics', '', 'Narcotics', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Bio Reducing Lichen', '', 'Bioreducing Lichen', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Comercial Samples', '', 'Commercial Samples', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Drones', '', 'Limpet', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Encripted Data Storage', '', 'Encrypted Data Storage', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Hafnium178', '', 'Hafnium 178', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Hazardous Environment Suits', '', 'H.E. Suits', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Heliostatic Furnaces', '', 'Microbial Furnaces', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Marine Supplies', '', 'Marine Equipment', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Meta Alloys', '', 'Meta-Alloys', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Mu Tom Imager', '', 'Muon Imager', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Non Lethal Weapons', '', 'Non-Lethal Weapons', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('S A P8 Core Container', '', 'SAP 8 Core Container', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Skimer Components', '', 'Skimmer Components', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Terrain Enrichment Systems', '', 'Land Enrichment Systems', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Trinkets Of Fortune', '', 'Trinkets Of Hidden Fortune', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Unknown Artifact', '', 'Unknown Artefact', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Ancient Artefact', '', 'Ancient Artefact', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Experimental Chemicals', '', 'Experimental Chemicals', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Military Plans', '', 'Military Plans', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Prototype Tech', '', 'Prototype Tech', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Rebel Transmissions', '', 'Rebel Transmissions', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Technical Blueprints', '', 'Technical Blueprints', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('U S S Cargo Trade Data', '', 'Trade Data', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Commodity` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Wreckage Components', '', 'Salvageable Wreckage', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('grade1', '', 'Lightweight Alloy', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('grade2', '', 'Reinforced Alloy', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('grade3', '', 'Military Grade Composite', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('mirrored', '', 'Mirrored Surface Composite', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Armour` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('reactive', '', 'Reactive Surface Composite', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('advancedtorppylon', '', 'Torpedo Pylon', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('basicmissilerack', '', 'Missile Rack', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('beamlaser', '', 'Beam Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('beamlaser', 'heat', 'Retributor Beam Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cannon', '', 'Cannon', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('drunkmissilerack', '', 'Pack-Hound Missile Rack', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('dumbfiremissilerack', '', 'Missile Rack', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('minelauncher', '', 'Mine Launcher', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('minelauncher', 'impulse', 'Shock Mine Launcher', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('mininglaser', '', 'Mining Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('mininglaser', 'advanced', 'Mining Lance Beam Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('multicannon', '', 'Multi-Cannon', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('multicannon', 'strong', 'Enforcer Cannon', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('plasmaaccelerator', '', 'Plasma Accelerator', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('plasmaaccelerator', 'advanced', 'Advanced Plasma Accelerator', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('pulselaser', '', 'Pulse Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('pulselaser', 'disruptor', 'Pulse Disruptor Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('pulselaserburst', '', 'Burst Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('pulselaserburst', 'scatter', 'Cytoscrambler Burst Laser', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('railgun', '', 'Rail Gun', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('railgun', 'burst', 'Imperial Hammer Rail Gun', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('slugshot', '', 'Fragment Cannon', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Weapon` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('slugshot', 'range', 'Pacifier Frag-Cannon', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('advancedtorppylon', '', 'Seeker', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('basicmissilerack', '', 'Seeker', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('drunkmissilerack', '', 'Swarm', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_MissileType` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('dumbfiremissilerack', '', 'Dumbfire', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponMount` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponMount` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('fixed', '', 'Fixed', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponMount` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('gimbal', '', 'Gimballed', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponMount` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('turret', '', 'Turreted', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('tiny', '', '0', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('small', '', '1', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('medium', '', '2', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('large', '', '3', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponClass` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('huge', '', '4', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_advancedtorppylon_fixed_small', '', 'I', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_advancedtorppylon_fixed_medium', '', 'I', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_basicmissilerack_fixed_small', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_basicmissilerack_fixed_medium', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_fixed_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_fixed_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_fixed_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_gimbal_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_gimbal_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_gimbal_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_turret_small', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_turret_medium', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_beamlaser_turret_large', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_fixed_small', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_fixed_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_fixed_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_fixed_huge', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_gimbal_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_gimbal_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_gimbal_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_gimbal_huge', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_turret_small', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_turret_medium', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_cannon_turret_large', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_drunkmissilerack_fixed_medium', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_dumbfiremissilerack_fixed_small', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_dumbfiremissilerack_fixed_medium', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_minelauncher_fixed_small', '', 'I', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_minelauncher_fixed_medium', '', 'I', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_mininglaser_fixed_small', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_mininglaser_fixed_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_fixed_small', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_fixed_medium', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_gimbal_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_gimbal_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_turret_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_multicannon_turret_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_plasmaaccelerator_fixed_medium', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_plasmaaccelerator_fixed_large', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_plasmaaccelerator_fixed_huge', '', 'A', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_fixed_small', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_fixed_medium', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_fixed_large', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_gimbal_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_gimbal_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_gimbal_large', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_turret_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_turret_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaser_turret_large', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_fixed_small', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_fixed_medium', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_fixed_large', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_gimbal_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_gimbal_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_gimbal_large', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_turret_small', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_turret_medium', '', 'F', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_pulselaserburst_turret_large', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_railgun_fixed_small', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_railgun_fixed_medium', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_fixed_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_fixed_medium', '', 'A', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_fixed_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_gimbal_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_gimbal_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_gimbal_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_turret_small', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_turret_medium', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_WeaponRating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hpt_slugshot_turret_large', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('f', '', 'Focussed', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hi', '', 'High Impact', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('lh', '', 'Low Heat', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('oc', '', 'Overcharged', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_OldVariant` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('ss', '', 'Scatter Spray', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('chafflauncher', '', 'Chaff Launcher', 'I'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('electroniccountermeasure', '', 'Electronic Countermeasure', 'F'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('heatsinklauncher', '', 'Heat Sink Launcher', 'I'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_CounterMeasure` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('plasmapointdefence', '', 'Point Defence', 'I'); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cargoscanner', '', 'Cargo Scanner', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cloudscanner', '', 'Frame Shift Wake Scanner', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('crimescanner', '', 'Kill Warrant Scanner', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Utility` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('shieldbooster', '', 'Shield Booster', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('1', '', 'E', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('2', '', 'D', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('3', '', 'C', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('4', '', 'B', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Rating` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('5', '', 'A', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_RatingPlanet` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_RatingPlanet` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('1', '', 'H', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_RatingPlanet` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('2', '', 'G', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('engine', '', 'Thrusters', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('fueltank', '', 'Fuel Tank', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hyperdrive', '', 'Frame Shift Drive', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('lifesupport', '', 'Life Support', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('powerdistributor', '', 'Power Distributor', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('powerplant', '', 'Power Plant', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Standard` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('sensors', '', 'Sensors', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('buggybay', '', 'Planetary Vehicle Hangar', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cargorack', '', 'Cargo Rack', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('collection', '', 'Collector Limpet Controller', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('fsdinterdictor', '', 'Frame Shift Drive Interdictor', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('fuelscoop', '', 'Fuel Scoop', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('fueltransfer', '', 'Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hullreinforcement', '', 'Hull Reinforcement Package', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('prospector', '', 'Prospector Limpet Controller', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('refinery', '', 'Refinery', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('repairer', '', 'Auto Field-Maintenance Unit', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('resourcesiphon', '', 'Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('shieldcellbank', '', 'Shield Cell Bank', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('shieldgenerator', '', 'Shield Generator', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('shieldgenerator', 'fast', 'Bi-Weave Shield Generator', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('shieldgenerator', 'strong', 'Prismatic Shield Generator', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('detailedsurfacescanner', 'tiny', 'Detailed Surface Scanner', 'C'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('dockingcomputer', 'standard', 'Standard Docking Computer', 'E'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('stellarbodydiscoveryscanner', 'standard', 'Basic Discovery Scanner', 'E'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('stellarbodydiscoveryscanner', 'intermediate', 'Intermediate Discovery Scanner', 'D'); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Internal_Misc` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('stellarbodydiscoveryscanner', 'advanced', 'Advanced Discovery Scanner', 'C'); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Narcotics', '', 'Legal Drugs', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Slaves', '', 'Slavery', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('Waste', '', 'Waste', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Category` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('NonMarketable', '', '', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "-- Data for table `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` \n" +
                            "-- ----------------------------------------------------- \n" +
                            "START TRANSACTION; \n" +
                            "USE `elite_db`; \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('adder', '', 'Adder', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('anaconda', '', 'Anaconda', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('asp', '', 'Asp Explorer', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('asp_scout', '', 'Asp Scout', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cobramkiii', '', 'Cobra MkIII', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cobramkiv', '', 'Cobra MkIV', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('cutter', '', 'Imperial Cutter', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('diamondback', '', 'Diamondback Scout', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('diamondbackxl', '', 'Diamondback Explorer', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('eagle', '', 'Eagle', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('empire_courier', '', 'Imperial Courier', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('empire_eagle', '', 'Imperial Eagle', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('empire_fighter', '', 'Imperial Fighter', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('empire_trader', '', 'Imperial Clipper', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('federation_corvette', '', 'Federal Corvette', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('federation_dropship', '', 'Federal Dropship', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('federation_dropship_mkii', '', 'Federal Assault Ship', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('federation_gunship', '', 'Federal Gunship', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('federation_fighter', '', 'F63 Condor', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('ferdelance', '', 'Fer-de-Lance', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('hauler', '', 'Hauler', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('independant_trader', '', 'Keelback', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('orca', '', 'Orca', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('python', '', 'Python', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('sidewinder', '', 'Sidewinder', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('type6', '', 'Type-6 Transporter', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('type7', '', 'Type-7 Transporter', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('type9', '', 'Type-9 Heavy', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('viper', '', 'Viper MkIII', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('viper_mkiv', '', 'Viper MkIV', ''); \n" +
                            "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbDNMap_Ships` (`CompanionName`, `CompanionAddition`, `GameName`, `GameAddition`) VALUES ('vulture', '', 'Vulture', ''); \n" +
                            " \n" +
                            "COMMIT; \n" +
                            " \n";

                var sqlScript = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript((MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection)Program.DBCon.Connection);
                sqlScript.Query = sqlString;

                sqlScript.Error += sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted += sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted += sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                m_MREvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


                sqlScript.Error -= sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted -= sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted -= sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                if (!m_MREvent.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)))
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                else if (m_gotScriptErrors)
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.3.0...<OK>");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while updating to v0.3.0", ex);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void UpdateTo_0_2_3(ref Boolean foundError)
            String sqlString;

            Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.2.3...");
            Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...please be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your system and data...");

            // insert settings for new columns
            EliteDBIO.InsertColumnDefinition(IBE.MTPriceAnalysis.tabPriceAnalysis.DB_GROUPNAME, "Station1_ColumnSettings", 0, 0, "False/NotSet/40/100/5");
            EliteDBIO.InsertColumnDefinition(IBE.MTPriceAnalysis.tabPriceAnalysis.DB_GROUPNAME, "Station2_ColumnSettings", 0, 0, "False/NotSet/40/100/5");


            // add changes to the database
            sqlString = "-- MySQL Workbench Synchronization                                          \n" +
                        "-- Generated: 2016-04-26 14:30                                              \n" +
                        "-- Model: New Model                                                         \n" +
                        "-- Version: 1.0                                                             \n" +
                        "-- Project: Name of the project                                             \n" +
                        "-- Author: Duke                                                             \n" +
                        "                                                                            \n" +
                        "SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0;                    \n" +
                        "                                                                            \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_S2S_StationData`                               \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Station_ID` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL FIRST;                    \n" +
                        "                                                                            \n" +
                        "SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE;                                                 \n" +
                        "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS;                             \n" +
                        "SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS;                                       \n";

            var sqlScript = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript((MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection)Program.DBCon.Connection);
            sqlScript.Query = sqlString;

            sqlScript.Error += sqlScript_Error;
            sqlScript.ScriptCompleted += sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
            sqlScript.StatementExecuted += sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

            m_MREvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


            sqlScript.Error -= sqlScript_Error;
            sqlScript.ScriptCompleted -= sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
            sqlScript.StatementExecuted -= sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

            if (!m_MREvent.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)))
                foundError = true;
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
            else if (m_gotScriptErrors)
                foundError = true;
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.2.3...<OK>");

            // forcing once
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void UpdateTo_0_2_0(ref Boolean foundError)
            String sqlString;

            Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.2.0...");
            Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...please be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your system and data...");

            // add changes to the database
            sqlString = "-- MySQL Workbench Synchronization                                                                                                                                            \n" +
                        "-- Generated: 2016-03-25 20:24                                                                                                                                                \n" +
                        "-- Model: New Model                                                                                                                                                           \n" +
                        "-- Version: 1.0                                                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "-- Project: Name of the project                                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "-- Author: Duke                                                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0;                                                                                                                      \n" +
                        "SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='TRADITIONAL,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';                                                                                                     \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbCommodityData`                                                                                                                                      \n" +
                        "DROP PRIMARY KEY,                                                                                                                                                             \n" +
                        "ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`),                                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "CHANGE COLUMN `id` `id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;                                                                                                                   \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_tbPriceHistory_tbSources1`;                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "DROP INDEX `fk_tbPriceHistory_tbSources1_idx`;                                                                                                                                \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "DROP COLUMN `Source_id`,                                                                                                                                                      \n" +
                        "CHANGE COLUMN `id` `id`  BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,                                                                                                                 \n" +
                        "CHANGE COLUMN `timestamp` `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL ,                                                                                                                     \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Sources_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER `SupplyLevel`;                                                                                                                 \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "ADD INDEX `fk_tbPriceHistory_tbSources1_idx` (`Sources_id` ASC);                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_tbPriceHistory_tbSources1`                                                                                         \n" +
                        "  FOREIGN KEY (`Sources_id`)                                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "  REFERENCES `elite_db`.`tbSource` (`id`)                                                                                                                                     \n" +
                        "  ON DELETE NO ACTION                                                                                                                                                         \n" +
                        "  ON UPDATE NO ACTION;                                                                                                                                                        \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "INSERT INTO `Elite_DB`.`tbInitValue` (`InitGroup`, `InitKey`, `InitValue`) VALUES ('Database', 'CollectPriceHistory', 'True');                                                \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "DELIMITER $$                                                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "USE `elite_db`$$                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "CREATE DEFINER = CURRENT_USER TRIGGER `elite_db`.`tbCommodityData_AFTER_INSERT` AFTER INSERT ON `tbCommodityData` FOR EACH ROW                                                \n" +
                        "BEGIN                                                                                                                                                                         \n" +
                        "	DECLARE isActive BOOLEAN;                                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    SELECT ((InitValue <> '0') and (InitValue <> 'False')) INTO isActive                                                                                                      \n" +
                        "    FROM tbInitValue                                                                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "    WHERE InitGroup = 'Database'                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    AND   InitKey   = 'CollectPriceHistory';                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    IF isActive THEN                                                                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "		INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                \n" +
                        "		(`station_id`, `commodity_id`, `Sell`, `Buy`, `Demand`, `DemandLevel`, `Supply`, `SupplyLevel`, `Sources_id`, `timestamp`)                                             \n" +
                        "		VALUES                                                                                                                                                                 \n" +
                        "		(NEW.`station_id`, NEW.`commodity_id`, NEW.`Sell`, NEW.`Buy`, NEW.`Demand`, NEW.`DemandLevel`, NEW.`Supply`, NEW.`SupplyLevel`, NEW.`Sources_id`, NEW.`timestamp`);	   \n" +
                        "	END IF;                                                                                                                                                                    \n" +
                        "END$$                                                                                                                                                                         \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "USE `elite_db`$$                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "CREATE DEFINER = CURRENT_USER TRIGGER `elite_db`.`tbCommodityData_AFTER_UPDATE` AFTER UPDATE ON `tbCommodityData` FOR EACH ROW                                                \n" +
                        "BEGIN                                                                                                                                                                         \n" +
                        "	DECLARE isActive BOOLEAN;                                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    SELECT ((InitValue <> '0') and (InitValue <> 'False')) INTO isActive                                                                                                      \n" +
                        "    FROM tbInitValue                                                                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "    WHERE InitGroup = 'Database'                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    AND   InitKey   = 'CollectPriceHistory';                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "    IF isActive THEN                                                                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "		IF (NEW.Sell <> OLD.Sell) OR (NEW.Buy <> OLD.Buy) OR (NEW.Sources_id <> OLD.Sources_id) OR                                                                             \n" +
                        "		   (TIMESTAMPDIFF(hour, OLD.timestamp, NEW.timestamp) > 24) THEN                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "			INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                            \n" +
                        "			(`station_id`, `commodity_id`, `Sell`, `Buy`, `Demand`, `DemandLevel`, `Supply`, `SupplyLevel`, `Sources_id`, `timestamp`)                                         \n" +
                        "			VALUES                                                                                                                                                             \n" +
                        "			(NEW.`station_id`, NEW.`commodity_id`, NEW.`Sell`, NEW.`Buy`, NEW.`Demand`, NEW.`DemandLevel`, NEW.`Supply`, NEW.`SupplyLevel`, NEW.`Sources_id`, NEW.`timestamp`);\n" +
                        "		END IF;                                                                                                                                                                \n" +
                        "	END IF;                                                                                                                                                                    \n" +
                        "END$$                                                                                                                                                                         \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "DELIMITER ;                                                                                                                                                                   \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "-- shift id-values to right, because we need 0 as undefined data                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "update tbSource set source = 'IBE' where id = 1;                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "update tbSource set source = 'EDDN' where id = 2;                                                                                                                             \n" +
                        "insert into tbSource(id, source) values (3, 'FILE');                                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "update tbCommodityData set Sources_id = 1;                                                                                                                                    \n" +
                        "update tbPriceHistory set Sources_id = 1;                                                                                                                                     \n" +
                        "delete from tbSource where id = 0;                                                                                                                                            \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "INSERT ignore INTO `Elite_DB`.`tbPriceHistory`                                                                                                                                \n" +
                        " (`station_id`, `commodity_id`, `Sell`, `Buy`, `Demand`, `DemandLevel`, `Supply`, `SupplyLevel`, `Sources_id`, `timestamp`)                                                   \n" +
                        " select `station_id`, `commodity_id`, `Sell`, `Buy`, `Demand`, `DemandLevel`, `Supply`, `SupplyLevel`, `Sources_id`, `timestamp` from tbcommoditydata;                        \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_S2S_StationData`                                                                                                                                 \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Sources_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Profit`;                                                                                                             \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_ByCommodity`                                                                                                                                     \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Sources_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Timestamp`;                                                                                                          \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_S2S_BestTrips`                                                                                                                                   \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `DistanceToRoute` DOUBLE NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `DistanceToStar_2`;                                                                                               \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_ByStation`                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "CHANGE COLUMN `Source` `Sources_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tmPA_AllCommodities`                                                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Buy_Sources_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Buy_Timestamp`,                                                                                                  \n" +
                        "ADD COLUMN `Sell_Sources_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Sell_Timestamp`;                                                                                                \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (                                                                                                                    \n" +
                        "  `Name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,                                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "  PRIMARY KEY (`Name`))                                                                                                                                                       \n" +
                        "ENGINE = InnoDB                                                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8;                                                                                                                                                 \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('E:D Market Connector [Windows]');                                                                                 \n" +
                        "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('EDAPI Trade Dangerous Plugin');                                                                                   \n" +
                        "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('E:D Market Connector [Mac OS]');                                                                                  \n" +
                        "INSERT INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('ED-IBE (API)');                                                                                                   \n" +
                        "                                                                                                                                                                              \n" +
                        "SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE;                                                                                                                                                   \n" +
                        "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS;                                                                                                                               \n" +
                        "SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS;                                                                                                                                         \n";

            var sqlScript = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript((MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection)Program.DBCon.Connection);
            sqlScript.Query = sqlString;

            sqlScript.Error += sqlScript_Error;
            sqlScript.ScriptCompleted += sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
            sqlScript.StatementExecuted += sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

            m_MREvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


            sqlScript.Error -= sqlScript_Error;
            sqlScript.ScriptCompleted -= sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
            sqlScript.StatementExecuted -= sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

            if (!m_MREvent.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)))
                foundError = true;
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
            else if (m_gotScriptErrors)
                foundError = true;
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.2.0...<OK>");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void UpdateTo_0_5_3(ref Boolean foundError)
                String sqlString;

                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.5.3...");
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...please be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your system and data...");

                // add changes to the database
                sqlString = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbEventType` (`id`, `eventtype`) VALUES (17, 'Scan');                                       \n" +
                            "           \n" +
                            "           \n" +
                            "           \n";

                var sqlScript = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript((MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection)Program.DBCon.Connection);
                sqlScript.Query = sqlString;

                sqlScript.Error += sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted += sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted += sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                m_MREvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


                sqlScript.Error -= sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted -= sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted -= sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                if (!m_MREvent.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 3)))
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                else if (m_gotScriptErrors)
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.5.3...<OK>");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while updating to v0.5.3", ex);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void UpdateTo_0_4_0(ref Boolean foundError)
                String sqlString;

                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.4.0...");
                Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...please be patient, this can take a few minutes depending on your system and data...");

                // add changes to the database
                sqlString = "-- MySQL Workbench Synchronization \n" +
                            "-- Generated: 2016-10-05 21:13 \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "ALTER TABLE `elite_db`.`tbInitValue`                                                                                \n" +   
                            "CHANGE COLUMN `InitValue` `InitValue` VARCHAR(10000) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;                                            \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbOutfittingBase` (                                                          \n" +
                            "  `id` INT(11) NOT NULL,                                                                                            \n" +
                            "  `symbol` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,                                                                                    \n" +
                            "  `category` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,                                                                                  \n" +
                            "  `name` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,                                                                                      \n" +
                            "  `mount` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                            \n" +
                            "  `guidance` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                         \n" +
                            "  `ship` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                             \n" +
                            "  `class` CHAR(1) NOT NULL,                                                                                         \n" +
                            "  `rating` CHAR(1) NOT NULL,                                                                                        \n" +
                            "  `entitlement` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                      \n" +
                            "  PRIMARY KEY (`id`))                                                                                               \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB                                                                                                     \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8;                                                                                       \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbCommodityBase` (                                                           \n" +
                            "  `id` INT(11) NOT NULL,                                                                                            \n" +
                            "  `category` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                         \n" +
                            "  `name` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                             \n" +
                            "  `average` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                              \n" +
                            "  PRIMARY KEY (`id`))                                                                                               \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB                                                                                                     \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8;                                                                                       \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbShipyardBase` (                                                            \n" +
                            "  `id` INT(11) NOT NULL,                                                                                            \n" +
                            "  `symbol` VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,                                                                                    \n" +
                            "  `name` VARCHAR(80) NULL DEFAULT NULL,                                                                             \n" +
                            "  PRIMARY KEY (`id`))                                                                                               \n" +
                            "ENGINE = InnoDB                                                                                                     \n" +
                            "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8;                                                                                       \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_weaponrating` ;                                                            \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_weaponmount` ;                                                             \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_weaponclass` ;                                                             \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_weapon` ;                                                                  \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_utility` ;                                                                 \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_standard` ;                                                                \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_ships` ;                                                                   \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_ratingplanet` ;                                                            \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_rating` ;                                                                  \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_oldvariant` ;                                                              \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_missiletype` ;                                                             \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_internal_misc` ;                                                           \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_internal` ;                                                                \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_countermeasure` ;                                                          \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_category` ;                                                                \n" +
                            "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `elite_db`.`tbdnmap_armour` ;                                                                  \n" +
                            "                                                                                                                    \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('E:D Market Connector [Windows]');                \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('EDAPI Trade Dangerous Plugin');                  \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('E:D Market Connector [Mac OS]');                 \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('ED-IBE (API)');                                  \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('EVA [iPad]');                                    \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('EVA [iPhone]');                                  \n" +
                            "INSERT IGNORE INTO `elite_db`.`tbTrustedSenders` (`Name`) VALUES ('EVA [Android]');                                 \n";

                var sqlScript = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript((MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection)Program.DBCon.Connection);
                sqlScript.Query = sqlString;

                sqlScript.Error += sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted += sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted += sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                m_MREvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);


                sqlScript.Error -= sqlScript_Error;
                sqlScript.ScriptCompleted -= sqlScript_ScriptCompleted;
                sqlScript.StatementExecuted -= sqlScript_StatementExecuted;

                if (!m_MREvent.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)))
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                else if (m_gotScriptErrors)
                    foundError = true;
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAppendLast("finished with errors !");
                    Program.SplashScreen.InfoAdd("...updating structure of database to v0.4.0...<OK>");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while updating to v0.4.0", ex);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void DoOutOfBoxSetup(string configFile)
            var exeLocation     = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var configJsExample = Path.Combine(exeLocation, "Config.js.example");
            var exampleFile     = new FileInfo(configJsExample);

            if (!exampleFile.Exists)
                log.Error("config.js.example Configuration file is missing.  Please copy the file config.js.example to config.js and edit it to match your needs before running ACE.");
                throw new Exception("missing config.js configuration file");
                if (!IsRunningInContainer)
                    Console.WriteLine("config.js Configuration file is missing,  cloning from example file.");
                    File.Copy(configJsExample, configFile, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("config.js Configuration file is missing, ACEmulator is running in a container,  cloning from docker file.");
                    var configJsDocker = Path.Combine(exeLocation, "Config.js.docker");
                    File.Copy(configJsDocker, configFile, true);

            var fileText = File.ReadAllText(configFile);
            var config   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MasterConfiguration>(new JsMinifier().Minify(fileText));

            Console.WriteLine("Performing setup for ACEmulator...");
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to ACEmulator! To configure your world for first use, please follow the instructions below. Press enter at each prompt to accept default values.");

            Console.Write($"Enter the name for your World (default: \"{config.Server.WorldName}\"): ");
            var variable = Console.ReadLine();

            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_WORLD_NAME");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.Server.WorldName = variable.Trim();

            Console.WriteLine("The next two entries should use defaults, unless you have specific network environments...");
            Console.Write($"Enter the Host address for your World (default: \"{config.Server.Network.Host}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.Server.Network.Host = variable.Trim();

            Console.Write($"Enter the Port for your World (default: \"{config.Server.Network.Port}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.Server.Network.Port = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());


            Console.Write($"Enter the directory location for your DAT files (default: \"{config.Server.DatFilesDirectory}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_DAT_FILES_DIRECTORY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                var path = Path.GetFullPath(variable.Trim());
                if (!Path.EndsInDirectorySeparator(path))
                    path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                //path = path.Replace($"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}");

                config.Server.DatFilesDirectory = path;

            Console.WriteLine("Next we will configure your SQL server connections. You will need to know your database name, username and password for each.");
            Console.WriteLine("Default names for the databases are recommended, and it is also recommended you not use root for login to database. The password must not be blank.");
            Console.WriteLine("It is also recommended the SQL server be hosted on the same machine as this server, so defaults for Host and Port would be ideal as well.");
            Console.WriteLine("As before, pressing enter will use default value.");

            Console.Write($"Enter the database name for your authentication database (default: \"{config.MySql.Authentication.Database}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_AUTH_DATABASE_NAME");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.MySql.Authentication.Database = variable.Trim();

            Console.Write($"Enter the database name for your shard database (default: \"{config.MySql.Shard.Database}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_SHARD_DATABASE_NAME");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.MySql.Shard.Database = variable.Trim();

            Console.Write($"Enter the database name for your world database (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Database}\"): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_WORLD_DATABASE_NAME");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                config.MySql.World.Database = variable.Trim();

            Console.Write("Typically, all three databases will be on the same SQL server, is this how you want to proceed? (Y/n) ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = "n";
            if (!variable.Equals("n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !variable.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Console.Write($"Enter the Host address for your SQL server (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Host}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Host = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.Shard.Host          = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.World.Host          = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the Port for your SQL server (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Port}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Port = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());
                    config.MySql.Shard.Port          = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());
                    config.MySql.World.Port          = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());
                Console.Write($"Enter the Host address for your authentication database (default: \"{config.MySql.Authentication.Host}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_AUTH_DATABASE_HOST");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Host = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the Port for your authentication database (default: \"{config.MySql.Authentication.Port}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_AUTH_DATABASE_PORT");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Port = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());

                Console.Write($"Enter the Host address for your shard database (default: \"{config.MySql.Shard.Host}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_SHARD_DATABASE_HOST");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Shard.Host = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the Port for your shard database (default: \"{config.MySql.Shard.Port}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_SHARD_DATABASE_PORT");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Shard.Port = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());

                Console.Write($"Enter the Host address for your world database (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Host}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_WORLD_DATABASE_HOST");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.World.Host = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the Port for your world database (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Port}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_WORLD_DATABASE_PORT");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.World.Port = Convert.ToUInt32(variable.Trim());

            Console.Write("Typically, all three databases will be on the using the same SQL server credentials, is this how you want to proceed? (Y/n) ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = "y";
            if (!variable.Equals("n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !variable.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Console.Write($"Enter the username for your SQL server (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Username}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MYSQL_USER");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Username = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.Shard.Username          = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.World.Username          = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the password for your SQL server (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Password}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    variable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MYSQL_PASSWORD");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Password = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.Shard.Password          = variable.Trim();
                    config.MySql.World.Password          = variable.Trim();
                Console.Write($"Enter the username for your authentication database (default: \"{config.MySql.Authentication.Username}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Username = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the password for your authentication database (default: \"{config.MySql.Authentication.Password}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Authentication.Password = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the username for your shard database (default: \"{config.MySql.Shard.Username}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Shard.Username = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the password for your shard database (default: \"{config.MySql.Shard.Password}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.Shard.Password = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the username for your world database (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Username}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.World.Username = variable.Trim();

                Console.Write($"Enter the password for your world database (default: \"{config.MySql.World.Password}\"): ");
                variable = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variable))
                    config.MySql.World.Password = variable.Trim();

            Console.WriteLine("commiting configuration to memory...");
            using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(configFile))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                serializer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                //serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
                //serializer.DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore;
                serializer.Serialize(file, config);

            Console.Write("Do you want to ACEmulator to attempt to initilize your SQL databases? This will erase any existing ACEmulator specific databases that may already exist on the server (Y/n): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Convert.ToBoolean(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_INITIALIZE_DATABASES")) ? "y" : "n";
            if (!variable.Equals("n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !variable.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                Console.Write($"Waiting for connection to SQL server at {config.MySql.World.Host}:{config.MySql.World.Port} .... ");
                for (; ;)
                        using (var sqlTestConnection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={config.MySql.World.Host};port={config.MySql.World.Port};user={config.MySql.World.Username};password={config.MySql.World.Password}"))

                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                Console.WriteLine(" connected!");

                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    Console.Write("Clearing out temporary ace% database .... ");
                    var sqlDBFile      = "DROP DATABASE `ace%`;";
                    var sqlConnectInfo = $"server={config.MySql.World.Host};port={config.MySql.World.Port};user={config.MySql.World.Username};password={config.MySql.World.Password}";
                    var sqlConnect     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(sqlConnectInfo);
                    var script         = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                    Console.Write($"Importing into SQL server at {config.MySql.World.Host}:{config.MySql.World.Port} .... ");
                        script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                        var count = script.Execute();
                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                    Console.WriteLine(" done!");

                Console.WriteLine("Searching for base SQL scripts .... ");
                foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo($"DatabaseSetupScripts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Base").GetFiles("*.sql"))
                    Console.Write($"Found {file.Name} .... ");
                    var sqlDBFile      = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                    var sqlConnectInfo = $"server={config.MySql.World.Host};port={config.MySql.World.Port};user={config.MySql.World.Username};password={config.MySql.World.Password}";
                    switch (file.Name)
                    case "AuthenticationBase":
                        sqlConnectInfo = $"server={config.MySql.Authentication.Host};port={config.MySql.Authentication.Port};user={config.MySql.Authentication.Username};password={config.MySql.Authentication.Password}";

                    case "ShardBase":
                        sqlConnectInfo = $"server={config.MySql.Shard.Host};port={config.MySql.Shard.Port};user={config.MySql.Shard.Username};password={config.MySql.Shard.Password}";
                    var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(sqlConnectInfo);
                    var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                    Console.Write($"Importing into SQL server at {config.MySql.World.Host}:{config.MySql.World.Port} .... ");
                        script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                        var count = script.Execute();
                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                    Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                Console.WriteLine("Base SQL scripts import complete!");

                Console.WriteLine("Searching for Update SQL scripts .... ");

                Console.WriteLine("Searching for Authentication update SQL scripts .... ");
                foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo($"DatabaseSetupScripts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Updates{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Authentication").GetFiles("*.sql"))
                    Console.Write($"Found {file.Name} .... ");
                    var sqlDBFile  = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                    var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={config.MySql.Authentication.Host};port={config.MySql.Authentication.Port};user={config.MySql.Authentication.Username};password={config.MySql.Authentication.Password};database={config.MySql.Authentication.Database}");
                    var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                    Console.Write($"Importing into {config.MySql.Authentication.Database} database on SQL server at {config.MySql.Authentication.Host}:{config.MySql.Authentication.Port} .... ");
                        script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                        var count = script.Execute();
                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                    Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                Console.WriteLine("Authentication update SQL scripts import complete!");

                Console.WriteLine("Searching for Shard update SQL scripts .... ");
                foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo($"DatabaseSetupScripts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Updates{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Shard").GetFiles("*.sql"))
                    Console.Write($"Found {file.Name} .... ");
                    var sqlDBFile  = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                    var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={config.MySql.Shard.Host};port={config.MySql.Shard.Port};user={config.MySql.Shard.Username};password={config.MySql.Shard.Password};database={config.MySql.Shard.Database}");
                    var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                    Console.Write($"Importing into {config.MySql.Shard.Database} database on SQL server at {config.MySql.Shard.Host}:{config.MySql.Shard.Port} .... ");
                        script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                        var count = script.Execute();
                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                    Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                Console.WriteLine("Shard update SQL scripts import complete!");

                Console.WriteLine("Searching for World update SQL scripts .... ");
                foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo($"DatabaseSetupScripts{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Updates{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}World").GetFiles("*.sql"))
                    Console.Write($"Found {file.Name} .... ");
                    var sqlDBFile  = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
                    var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={config.MySql.World.Host};port={config.MySql.World.Port};user={config.MySql.World.Username};password={config.MySql.World.Password};database={config.MySql.World.Database}");
                    var script     = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, sqlDBFile);

                    Console.Write($"Importing into {config.MySql.World.Database} database on SQL server at {config.MySql.World.Host}:{config.MySql.World.Port} .... ");
                        script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                        var count = script.Execute();
                    catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                    Console.WriteLine(" complete!");
                Console.WriteLine("World update SQL scripts import complete!");

            Console.Write("Do you want to download the latest world database and import it? (Y/n): ");
            variable = Console.ReadLine();
            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                variable = Convert.ToBoolean(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ACE_SQL_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_WORLD_RELEASE")) ? "y" : "n";
            if (!variable.Equals("n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !variable.Equals("no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                if (IsRunningInContainer)
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
                    Console.WriteLine("This process will take a while, depending on many factors, and may look stuck while reading and importing the world database, please be patient! ");
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");

                Console.Write("Looking up latest release from ACEmulator/ACE-World-16PY-Patches .... ");

                // webrequest code provided by OptimShi
                var url     = "https://api.github.com/repos/ACEmulator/ACE-World-16PY-Patches/releases";
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                request.UserAgent = "Mozilla//5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko//20100101 Firefox//72.0";
                request.UserAgent = "ACE.Server";

                var response = request.GetResponse();
                var reader   = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var html     = reader.ReadToEnd();

                dynamic json       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(html);
                string  tag        = json[0].tag_name;
                string  dbURL      = json[0].assets[0].browser_download_url;
                string  dbFileName = json[0].assets[0].name;
                // webrequest code provided by OptimShi

                Console.WriteLine($"Found {tag} !");

                Console.Write($"Downloading {dbFileName} .... ");
                using (var client = new WebClient())
                    client.DownloadFile(dbURL, dbFileName);
                Console.WriteLine("download complete!");

                Console.Write($"Extracting {dbFileName} .... ");
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(dbFileName, ".", true);
                Console.WriteLine("extraction complete!");
                Console.Write($"Deleting {dbFileName} .... ");

                var sqlFile = dbFileName.Substring(0, dbFileName.Length - 4);
                Console.Write($"Importing {sqlFile} into SQL server at {config.MySql.World.Host}:{config.MySql.World.Port} (This will take a while, please be patient) .... ");
                using (var sr = File.OpenText(sqlFile))
                    var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={config.MySql.World.Host};port={config.MySql.World.Port};user={config.MySql.World.Username};password={config.MySql.World.Password}");

                    var line            = string.Empty;
                    var completeSQLline = string.Empty;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        //do minimal amount of work here
                        if (line.EndsWith(";"))
                            completeSQLline += line + Environment.NewLine;

                            var script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, completeSQLline);
                                script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                                var count = script.Execute();
                            catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                            completeSQLline = string.Empty;
                            completeSQLline += line + Environment.NewLine;
                Console.WriteLine(" complete!");

                Console.Write($"Deleting {sqlFile} .... ");

            Console.WriteLine("exiting setup for ACEmulator.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public bool InstallPlugin(string PluginPackagePath, ref string ErrorText)
            string exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);

            if (Directory.Exists(exePath + "/tempDir/"))
                Directory.Delete(exePath + "/tempDir/", true);

            PluginDescription desc        = new PluginDescription();
            string            tempfolder  = exePath + "/tempDir/";
            string            zipFileName = Path.GetFullPath(PluginPackagePath);
            string            DescPath    = null;

            bool NoError = true;

            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip fastZip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                fastZip.ExtractZip(zipFileName, tempfolder, null);
                // find all included plugin descriptions and install the plugins
                List <string> osapdFiles = new List <string>();
                List <string> sqlFiles   = new List <string>();

                string[] pluginFile = Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder, "*.osapd", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                string[] sqlFile = Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder, "*.sql", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                if (osapdFiles.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No plugin description files found.");

                if (osapdFiles.Count > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("More than one plugin description file found.");
                if (osapdFiles.Count == 1)
                    DescPath = osapdFiles[0];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DescPath))

                    //NoError = desc.VerifyInstall(ref ErrorText);

                    //uninstall previous plugin and delete the folder
                    if (UninstallPlugin(desc))
                        // get the plugin folder path
                        string pluginFolder = desc.Path;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginFolder))  //only extract valid plugins
                            string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(tempfolder);

                            string ConnectionString = string.Format("Uid={0};Pwd={1};Server={2};Port={3};Database={4};allow user variables=true",
                                                                    Common.DBUsername, Common.DBPassword, Common.DBConnection, Common.DBPort, Common.DBName);
                            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ConnectionString);
                            foreach (string s in sqlFile)
                                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(connection, File.ReadAllText(s));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    this.Log.Error("Error running sql script: " + s, ex);

                            System.IO.Directory.Move(tempfolder, exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder);

                            //Check if we are running a x64 bit architecture (This is a silly way to do it since I am not sure if every 64 bit machine has this directory...)
                            bool is64bit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;

                            //Do a check for any x64 assemblies, and prompt the user to install them if they are running a 64 bit machine
                            if (is64bit && (desc.x64Assemblies.Count > 0))
                                /* x64 assemblies generally have the same name as their x32 counterparts when referenced by the OSA app
                                 * however they are packaged as "filename.ext.x64" so we will replace the 32bit file which is installed by
                                 * default with the 64bit versioin with the same filename.ext

                                if (MessageBox.Show(
                                        "You are running an x64 architecture and this plugin has specific assemblies built for 64bit machines." +
                                        " It is highly recommended that you install the 64bit versions to ensure proper compatibility",
                                        "Install 64bit Assemblies?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                                    //Install the 64bit assemblies over the 32 bit ones...
                                    string[] x64files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder, "*.x64");

                                    foreach (string str in x64files)
                                        string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder + "/", System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str));
                                        //Copy it to the new destination overwriting the old file if it exists
                                        System.IO.File.Copy(str, destFile, true);

                            //Delete all the files with .x64 extensions since they aren't needed anymore
                            string[] delfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(exePath + "/Plugins/" + pluginFolder, "*.x64");
                            foreach (string str in delfiles)

                            this.Log.Info("Sending message to service to load plugin.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("catch: " + ex.Message);
            if (Directory.Exists(exePath + "/tempDir/"))
                deleteFolder(exePath + "/tempDir/");

            OSAEMethodManager.MethodQueueAdd("SERVICE-" + Common.ComputerName, "RELOAD PLUGINS", "", "", "Plugin Installer");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void UpdateToLatestWorldDatabase(string dbURL, string dbFileName)

            if (IsRunningInContainer)
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine("This process will take a while, depending on many factors, and may look stuck while reading and importing the world database, please be patient! ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

            Console.Write($"Downloading {dbFileName} .... ");
            using (var client = new WebClient())
                    client.DownloadFile(dbURL, dbFileName);
                    Console.Write($"Download for {dbFileName} failed!");
            Console.WriteLine("download complete!");

            Console.Write($"Extracting {dbFileName} .... ");
            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(dbFileName, ".", true);
            Console.WriteLine("extraction complete!");
            Console.Write($"Deleting {dbFileName} .... ");

            var sqlFile = dbFileName.Substring(0, dbFileName.Length - 4);

            Console.Write($"Importing {sqlFile} into SQL server at {ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Host}:{ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Port} (This will take a while, please be patient) .... ");
            using (var sr = File.OpenText(sqlFile))
                var sqlConnect = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($"server={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Host};port={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Port};user={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Username};password={ConfigManager.Config.MySql.World.Password};DefaultCommandTimeout=120");

                var line            = string.Empty;
                var completeSQLline = string.Empty;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    //do minimal amount of work here
                    if (line.EndsWith(";"))
                        completeSQLline += line + Environment.NewLine;

                        var script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(sqlConnect, completeSQLline);
                            script.StatementExecuted += new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStatementExecutedEventHandler(OnStatementExecutedOutputDot);
                            var count = script.Execute();
                        catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException)
                        completeSQLline = string.Empty;
                        completeSQLline += line + Environment.NewLine;
            Console.WriteLine(" complete!");

            Console.Write($"Deleting {sqlFile} .... ");
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string   serverType = ServerTypeDrop.SelectedValue;
            DbServer serverTypeParsed;

            if (!Enum.TryParse <DbServer>(serverType, out serverTypeParsed))
                Errors.Items.Add("Please, choose the type of database engine you wish to use.");

            // initial testing of the database connection before we attempt to create the main schema
            IBaseDriver drv = null;

            switch (serverTypeParsed)
            case DbServer.MySql:
                drv = new BaseDriverMySql(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);

            case DbServer.MsSql:
                drv = new BaseDriverMsSql(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);

            catch (Exception ex)

            if (UsernameTextBox.Text == "")
                Errors.Items.Add("Please, insert the initial user's name");

            if (PasswordTextBox.Text.Length < 7)
                Errors.Items.Add("The password must be at least 7 characters long.");

            if (PasswordTextBox.Text != RetypePasswordTextBox.Text)
                Errors.Items.Add("The passwords do not match.");

                System.Net.Mail.MailAddress address = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(MailTextBox.Text);
            catch (FormatException fe)

            // run the schema dump script
            switch (serverTypeParsed)
            case DbServer.MySql:
                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);
                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(connection);
                    string scriptText = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(CC.MYSQL_SCHEMA_FILE_PATH));
                    script.Query = scriptText;
                    script.Query = scriptText;
                catch (Exception esql1)

            case DbServer.MsSql:
                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);
                    string query = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(CC.MSSQL_SCHEMA_FILE_PATH));
                    Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server sqlServer = new Server(new ServerConnection(conn));

                    SqlMembershipProvider mssqlProvider = new SqlMembershipProvider();
                catch (Exception esql2)

            var configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            var section       = (ConnectionStringsSection)configuration.GetSection("connectionStrings");

            System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider membership = null;

            string username = UsernameTextBox.Text;
            string password = PasswordTextBox.Text;
            string mail     = MailTextBox.Text;

            MembershipCreateStatus status;

            // rewrite the connection in the database and reload the connstring section, also set the defaultProvidder for the membership tag
            switch (serverTypeParsed)
            case DbServer.MySql:
                section.ConnectionStrings["MySqlServer"].ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;
                configuration.AppSettings.Settings["ServerType"].Value    = "MySql";

                // remove the readonly attribute of the connection string variable of the connfiguration

                var settingsMy = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"];
                var fiMy       = typeof(ConfigurationElement).GetField("_bReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                fiMy.SetValue(settingsMy, false);
                settingsMy.ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;

                membership = Membership.Providers["MySqlMembershipProvider"];

                membership.CreateUser(username, password, mail, "Dummy question", "Dummy answer", true, 1, out status);

            case DbServer.MsSql:
                section.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"].ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;
                configuration.AppSettings.Settings["ServerType"].Value    = "MsSql";

                // remove the readonly attribute of the connection string variable of the connfiguration
                var settings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"];
                var fi       = typeof(ConfigurationElement).GetField("_bReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                fi.SetValue(settings, false);
                settings.ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;

                membership = Membership.Providers["MsSqlMembershipProvider"];

                // generate a ProviderUserKey
                Random rand = new Random();
                Guid   key  = new Guid(rand.Next(), 2, 3, new byte[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 });
                ((SqlMembershipProvider)membership).CreateUser(username, password, mail, "Dummy question", "Dummy answer", true, key, out status);

            int            totalUsers;
            MembershipUser user      = membership.FindUsersByName(username, 0, 1, out totalUsers)[username];
            SystemDriver   sysDriver = new SystemDriver(drv);

            sysDriver.SetUserRights((user.ProviderUserKey), null, 11110);

            // Set FirstRun to false. This cannot be done by the first configuration object - it wil
            // not like the configuration file since it has been modified by SetDefaultMembershipProvider
            // in the meantime.
            var config2 = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");

            config2.AppSettings.Settings["FirstRun"].Value = "False";
            System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FirstRun"] = "False";

Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string serverType = ServerTypeDrop.SelectedValue;
            DbServer serverTypeParsed;
            if (!Enum.TryParse<DbServer>(serverType, out serverTypeParsed))
                Errors.Items.Add("Please, choose the type of database engine you wish to use.");

            // initial testing of the database connection before we attempt to create the main schema
            IBaseDriver drv = null;
            switch (serverTypeParsed)
                case DbServer.MySql:
                    drv = new BaseDriverMySql(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);
                case DbServer.MsSql:
                    drv = new BaseDriverMsSql(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);

            catch (Exception ex)

            if (UsernameTextBox.Text == "")
                Errors.Items.Add("Please, insert the initial user's name");

            if (PasswordTextBox.Text.Length < 7)
                Errors.Items.Add("The password must be at least 7 characters long.");

            if (PasswordTextBox.Text != RetypePasswordTextBox.Text)
                Errors.Items.Add("The passwords do not match.");

                System.Net.Mail.MailAddress address = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(MailTextBox.Text);
            catch (FormatException fe)

            // run the schema dump script
            switch (serverTypeParsed)
                case DbServer.MySql:
                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);
                        MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript script = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlScript(connection);
                        string scriptText = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(CC.MYSQL_SCHEMA_FILE_PATH));
                        script.Query = scriptText;
                        script.Query = scriptText;
                    catch (Exception esql1)

                case DbServer.MsSql:
                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SystemConnstringTextBox.Text);

                        string query = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(CC.MSSQL_SCHEMA_FILE_PATH));
                        Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server sqlServer = new Server(new ServerConnection(conn));

                        SqlMembershipProvider mssqlProvider = new SqlMembershipProvider();

                    catch (Exception esql2)

            var configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            var section = (ConnectionStringsSection)configuration.GetSection("connectionStrings");

            System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider membership = null;

            string username = UsernameTextBox.Text;
            string password = PasswordTextBox.Text;
            string mail = MailTextBox.Text;

            MembershipCreateStatus status;

            // rewrite the connection in the database and reload the connstring section, also set the defaultProvidder for the membership tag
            switch (serverTypeParsed)
                case DbServer.MySql:
                    section.ConnectionStrings["MySqlServer"].ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;
                    configuration.AppSettings.Settings["ServerType"].Value = "MySql";

                    // remove the readonly attribute of the connection string variable of the connfiguration

                    var settingsMy = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"];
                    var fiMy = typeof( ConfigurationElement ).GetField( "_bReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
                    fiMy.SetValue(settingsMy, false);
                    settingsMy.ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;

                    membership = Membership.Providers["MySqlMembershipProvider"];

                    membership.CreateUser(username, password, mail, "Dummy question", "Dummy answer", true, 1, out status);

                case DbServer.MsSql:
                    section.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"].ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;
                    configuration.AppSettings.Settings["ServerType"].Value = "MsSql";

                    // remove the readonly attribute of the connection string variable of the connfiguration
                    var settings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MsSqlServer"];
                    var fi = typeof( ConfigurationElement ).GetField( "_bReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
                    fi.SetValue(settings, false);
                    settings.ConnectionString = SystemConnstringTextBox.Text;

                    membership = Membership.Providers["MsSqlMembershipProvider"];

                    // generate a ProviderUserKey
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    Guid key = new Guid(rand.Next(), 2, 3, new byte[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 });
                    ((SqlMembershipProvider)membership).CreateUser(username, password, mail, "Dummy question", "Dummy answer", true, key, out status);

            int totalUsers;
            MembershipUser user = membership.FindUsersByName(username, 0, 1, out totalUsers)[username];
            SystemDriver sysDriver = new SystemDriver(drv);
            sysDriver.SetUserRights((user.ProviderUserKey), null, 11110);

            // Set FirstRun to false. This cannot be done by the first configuration object - it wil
            // not like the configuration file since it has been modified by SetDefaultMembershipProvider
            // in the meantime.
            var config2 = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            config2.AppSettings.Settings["FirstRun"].Value = "False";
            System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FirstRun"] = "False";
