Exemplo n.º 1
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MySQLDataTable table1 = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                       , "select name from floor_paper_names");
            MySQLDataTable table2 = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                       , "select item_name from item_descriptions"
            MySQLDataTable table3 = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                       , "select paper_item_name,floor_name from floor_item_map"

            foreach (DataRow row in table2.Rows)
                DataRow[] rows = table1.Select("name='" + row["item_name"] + "'");
                if (rows.Length == 0)
                    rows = table3.Select("paper_item_name='" + row["item_name"] + "'");
                    if (rows.Length == 0)
                        listBox1.Items.Add("Item " + row["item_name"] + " does not map to a floor_paper_name and cannot be sold");
                        foreach (DataRow row2 in rows)
                            DataRow[] floor_rows = table1.Select("name='" + row2["floor_name"] + "'");
                            if (floor_rows.Length == 0)
                                listBox1.Items.Add("Item " + row["item_name"] + " Is mapped to floor_name " + row2["floor_name"] + " But that floor name does not exist.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        void SetupRelatedTableEditor(DataSet dataset, String Table1, String Table2)
            table_name1 = Table1;
            table_name2 = Table2;

            rel1   = MySQLDataTable.GetRelationName(table_name1, table_name2);
            table1 = dataset.Tables[table_name1];
            table2 = dataset.Tables[table_name2];
            // this might be 'current_' + ... instead of just '...'
            table3         = dataset.Tables[rel1];
            current_table3 = dataset.Tables["current_" + rel1];


            dataGridViewMaster1.DataSource = table1;
            //dataGridViewMaster1.DisplayMember = xperdex.classes.XDataTable.Name( table1 );
            //dataGridViewMaster1.ValueMember = table1.Columns[0].ColumnName;

            dataGridViewMaster2.DataSource = table2;
            //listBoxSessions.DisplayMember = xperdex.classes.XDataTable.Name( table2 );
            //listBoxSessions.ValueMember = table2.Columns[0].ColumnName;

            dataGridViewRelation1.DataSource = table3;
            //listBoxSessionMacroSessions.DisplayMember = Names.Name( table3 );
            //listBoxSessionMacroSessions.ValueMember = table3.Columns[0].ColumnName;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PackFacePrizeLevel(DataSet dataset)
            : base(dataset)
            //base( null, dataset, Names.schedule_prefix
            //, PackFacePrizeLevel.TableName
            //, dataset.Tables[PackTable.TableName]
            //, dataset.Tables[PrizeLevelNames.TableName], false )
            Columns.Add(ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey, XDataTable.DefaultAutoKeyType);
            //Columns.Add("face", typeof(int));

            String relation_name;

            dataset.Relations.Add(relation_name = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(TableName)
                                                  + "_is_"
                                                  + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(ColorInfoTable.TableName))
                                  , dataset.Tables[ColorInfoTable.TableName].Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                                  , this.Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
            ForeignKeyConstraint fkc = this.Constraints[relation_name] as ForeignKeyConstraint;

            if (fkc != null)
                fkc.DeleteRule = Rule.SetNull;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Load(DsnConnection dsn, ScheduleDataSet schedule, DateTime bingoday, int session, List <int> use_groups)
            MySQLDataTable win_table = new MySQLDataTable(dsn
                                                          , "select * from prize_validations where bingoday=" + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly(dsn, bingoday) + " and session_id=" + session

            if (win_table.Rows.Count == 0)
                Log.log("No prizes for this session today.");
                //	return;

                foreach (DataRow row in win_table.Rows)
                    Log.log("win record " + " Game:" + row["game_id"] + " card:" + row["card"].ToString() + " ball:" + row["ball_list"] + " unit:" + row["unit"]);

            this.use_groups = use_groups;
            this.schedule   = schedule;
            if (this.schedule == null)
                this.schedule = new ScheduleDataSet(dsn);

            MessageBox.Show("Failed to update this method.");
            //ReloadSessionGames( schedule.GetSession( bingoday, 1 ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SessionGameGroupGameOrder(DsnConnection odbc, DataSet dataset)
            : base(odbc, dataset
                   , dataset.Tables[SessionTable.TableName] as XDataTable
                   , new MySQLRelationMap(new object[] {
            dataset.Tables[SessionTable.TableName] as XDataTable
            , MySQLRelationMap.MapOp.SaveRelationPoint
            , MySQLRelationMap.MapOp.FollowTo
            , PackGroupTable.TableName
            , MySQLRelationMap.MapOp.InvokNameChangeEvent
            , MySQLRelationMap.MapOp.FollowTo
            , GameTable.TableName
            , MySQLRelationMap.MapOp.InvokNameChangeEvent
                   //, ".session_has_game_group.\\game_group_in_session$/game_group_has_game.\\game_in_game_group$"
                   , false
                   , false
                   , new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("game_number", typeof(int))
                                        , new DataColumn("ball_timer", typeof(int))
                                        , new DataColumn("overlap_prior", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("progressive", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("bonanza", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("wild", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("double_wild", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("blind", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn("single_hotball", typeof(bool))
                                        , new DataColumn(ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey, XDataTable.DefaultAutoKeyType) }
            foreach (string name in DataColumns)
                this.Columns[name].AllowDBNull  = false;
                this.Columns[name].DefaultValue = 0;
            if (dataset != null)
                DataTable child;
                dataset.Relations.Add(SessionGameGroupGameOrder.color_name = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(SessionGameGroupGameOrder.TableName))
                                                                             + "_is_"
                                                                             + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(ColorInfoTable.TableName))
                                      , dataset.Tables[ColorInfoTable.TableName].Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                                      , (child = dataset.Tables[SessionGameGroupGameOrder.TableName]).Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                ForeignKeyConstraint fkc = child.Constraints[color_name] as ForeignKeyConstraint;
                if (fkc != null)
                    fkc.DeleteRule = Rule.SetNull;

            number_column = NumberColumn;
            AddingRow    += new OnNewRow(initrow);
            FixupRow     += new OnFixupRow(SessionGameGroupGameOrder_FixupRow);

            //base.Fill(null, NumberColumn+",overlap_prior");

            ColumnChanged += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(SessionGameGroupGameOrder_ColumnChanged);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Whatever game events are loaded in the dataset, load the balls for them.
 /// </summary>
 public void LoadEventBalls()
     if (Rows.Count == 0)
         MySQLDataTable parent = this.DataSet.Tables[GameEventDataTable.TableName] as MySQLDataTable;
         foreach (DataRow row in parent.Rows)
             Fill(GameEventDataTable.PrimaryKey + "=" + row[parent.PrimaryKeyName] + " and ((uncalled is null) or (uncalled=0))", "bingo_game_ball_id");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Whatever()
     imageList.LargeImageList = Local.imageList1;
     for (int n = 0; n < imageList.Items.Count; n++)
         imageList.Items[n].Name = imageList.Items[n].Text;
     SessionList.DataSource    = Local.session_info;
     SessionList.DisplayMember = MySQLDataTable.Name(Local.session_info);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public PackTable(DataSet dataSet)
            : base(Names.schedule_prefix, TableName)
            DataColumn dc;

            dc = Columns.Add("max_sell", typeof(int));
            dc = Columns.Add(ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey, XDataTable.DefaultAutoKeyType);
            dc = Columns.Add("onsize", typeof(int));
            dc = Columns.Add("jumping_jackpot", typeof(bool));
            // this is actually prize_level_id
            //dc = Columns.Add( PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey, XDataTable.DefaultAutoKeyType );
            dc              = Columns.Add("width", typeof(int));
            dc              = Columns.Add("height", typeof(int));
            dc              = Columns.Add("face_width", typeof(int));
            dc.AllowDBNull  = false; dc.DefaultValue = 5;
            dc              = Columns.Add("face_height", typeof(int));
            dc.AllowDBNull  = false; dc.DefaultValue = 5;
            dc              = Columns.Add("pages", typeof(int));
            dc              = Columns.Add("multiplier", typeof(int));
            dc.DefaultValue = 1;
            dc.AllowDBNull  = false;

            dc             = Columns.Add("_3_number", typeof(bool));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = false;
            dc             = Columns.Add("double_action", typeof(bool));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = false;
            dc             = Columns.Add("upickem", typeof(bool));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = false;
            dc             = Columns.Add("face_size", typeof(int));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = 25;
            dc             = Columns.Add("even_count_bonus", typeof(bool));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = false;
            dc             = Columns.Add("odd_count_bonus", typeof(bool));
            dc.AllowDBNull = false; dc.DefaultValue = false;


            // relate color_info as pack_is_color
                DataTable child;
                String    relation_name;
                dataSet.Relations.Add(relation_name = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(PackTable.TableName))
                                                      + "_is_"
                                                      + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(ColorInfoTable.TableName))
                                      , dataSet.Tables[ColorInfoTable.TableName].Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                                      , (child = dataSet.Tables[PackTable.TableName]).Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                ForeignKeyConstraint fkc = child.Constraints[relation_name] as ForeignKeyConstraint;
                if (fkc != null)
                    fkc.DeleteRule = Rule.SetNull;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void SessionPackEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            comboBox1.DataSource    = Local.schedule.sessions;
            comboBox1.DisplayMember = xperdex.classes.MySQLDataTable.Name(Local.schedule.sessions);
            listBox2.DataSource    = Local.schedule.current_session_packs;
            listBox2.DisplayMember = MySQLDataTable.Name(Local.schedule.current_session_packs);

            listBox1.DataSource    = Local.schedule.packs;
            listBox1.DisplayMember = MySQLDataTable.Name(Local.schedule.packs);
Exemplo n.º 10
        static Local()
            points           = new MySQLDataTable(new DsnConnection(Local.output_dsn));
            points.TableName = "rate_rank_points2";
            DataColumn dc = points.Columns.Add("rate_rank_point_id", typeof(int));

            dc.AutoIncrement = true;
            points.Columns.Add("away_count", typeof(int));
            points.Columns.Add("points", typeof(int));
Exemplo n.º 11
            internal static void UpdateTables(DateTime bingoday, int session)
                MySQLDataTable prize_validations;

                prize_validations = new MySQLDataTable(dsn_public
                                                       , "select * from prize_validations where cast( bingoday as date)=cast(" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDate(bingoday) + " as date) and session=" + session + " group by string_numbers");
                DataRow[] rows = prize_validations.Select(null, "game");
                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    //DataRow[] check;
Exemplo n.º 12
        void ApplyChanges()
            //if( pack[PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey].GetType() == typeof( Int32 ) )
            //    if( Convert.ToInt32( pack[PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey] ) == 0 )
            //        pack[PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey] = DBNull.Value;


            if (FaceButtons != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < FaceButtons.Length; i++)
                    if (FaceButtons[i].PrizeLevelId != DBNull.Value)
                        DataRow[] Facedr = schedule.pack_face_prize_level.Select("pack_id = '" + this.pack["pack_id"] + "' AND  face = " + FaceButtons[i].Face);
                        if (Facedr.Length == 0)
                            DataRow NewFace = schedule.pack_face_prize_level.NewRow();
                            NewFace["pack_id"]        = this.pack["pack_id"];
                            NewFace["face"]           = FaceButtons[i].Face;
                            NewFace["prize_level_id"] = FaceButtons[i].PrizeLevelId;
                            NewFace["color_id"]       = FaceButtons[i].FaceColorId;
                            Facedr[0]["prize_level_id"]          = FaceButtons[i].PrizeLevelId;
                            Facedr[0][ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey] = FaceButtons[i].FaceColorId;

                DataRow[] ExcedFacedr = schedule.pack_face_prize_level.Select("pack_id = '" + this.pack["pack_id"] + "' AND  face >= " + FaceButtons.Length);
                foreach (DataRow dr in ExcedFacedr)
            MySQLDataTable tmp = this.pack.Table as MySQLDataTable;

            if (tmp != null)
                // call mysql sync...
Exemplo n.º 13
        static Local()
            input_db = StaticDsnConnection.dsn;
#if this_was_moved___
            points           = new MySQLDataTable(new DsnConnection(Local.output_dsn));
            points.TableName = "rate_rank_points2";
            DataColumn dc = points.Columns.Add("rate_rank_point_id", typeof(int));
            points.PrimaryKey    = new DataColumn[] { dc };
            dc.AutoIncrement     = true;
            dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
            points.Columns.Add("away_count", typeof(int));
            points.Columns.Add("points", typeof(int));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public GameEventDataSet(DsnConnection database)
     games      = new GameEventDataTable(this, database);
     game_balls = new GameEventBallsDataTable(this, database);
     if (!use_alt_game_processed)
         games_processed     = new GameEventBallsProcessedDataTable(this, database);
         alt_games_processed = null;
         GamesProcessed      = games_processed;
         games_processed     = null;
         alt_games_processed = new GameEventBallsProcessedAltDataTable(this, database);
         GamesProcessed      = alt_games_processed;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public MyTextBox(String table_member_name, String Column)
            String current_member_name = "current_" + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(table_member_name));

            fieldname = table_member_name;
            Type t = typeof(OpenSkieScheduler3.ScheduleDataSet);
            Type d = typeof(ScheduleCurrents);

            fieldCurrentRow = t.GetProperty(current_member_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public);
            if (fieldCurrentRow == null)
                field_in_schedule = false;
                fieldCurrentRow   = d.GetProperty(current_member_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public);
                field_in_schedule = true;
            fieldTable = t.GetField(table_member_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public);
            if (fieldTable == null)
                field_table_in_schedule = false;
                fieldTable = d.GetField(table_member_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public);
                field_table_in_schedule = true;

            column = Column;

            if (fieldTable != null)
                DataTable Table = (field_table_in_schedule ? fieldTable.GetValue(ControlList.schedule) : fieldTable.GetValue(ControlList.data)) as DataTable;
                if (Table != null)
                    Table.ColumnChanging += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(Table_ColumnChanged);
            this.TextChanged += new EventHandler(MyTextBox_TextChanged);
            this.LostFocus   += new EventHandler(MyTextBox_LostFocus);

Exemplo n.º 16
            public void FillUnprocessed(int max_games)
                // shouldn't have any null parent ID

                if (this.DataSet != null)
                    MySQLDataTable parent = this.DataSet.Tables[GameEventDataTable.TableName] as MySQLDataTable;
                    foreach (DataRow row in parent.Rows)
                    parent.Fill("Select " + GameEventDataTable.PrimaryKey + ",bingoday,session,game,ballset,processed,closed_at from " + parent.FullTableName
                                + " left join " + this.FullTableName + " using (" + parent.PrimaryKeyName + ")"
                                + " where (processed=0 or processed is null) and (closed_at is not null and closed_at<>0) and bingoday>=20091130"
                                + " order by bingoday,session,game"
                                + ((max_games > 0)?(" limit " + max_games):"")
                                , 0);

                    bool added = false;
                    foreach (DataRow row in parent.Rows)
                        if (row["processed"] == DBNull.Value)
                            DataRow newrow = this.NewRow();
                            newrow[parent.PrimaryKeyName] = row[parent.PrimaryKeyName];
                            newrow["processed"]           = 0;
                            added = true;
                            Fill(GameEventDataTable.PrimaryKey + "=" + row[parent.PrimaryKeyName]);
                    if (added)
                    // oh I had the full select which could one-pass auto-expand this table to be the unprocessed list
                    // but now we can get the balls
Exemplo n.º 17
        void LoadMisc(BingoSessionEvent session, String misc_dept, String misc_item)
            MySQLDataTable specials = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                         , "select transnum,sum(quantity) as count,bingoday from misc_trans join misc_item using(item_id) join misc_dept using(dept_id)"
                                                         + " where misc_item.name='" + misc_item + "' and misc_dept.name='" + misc_dept + "'"
                                                         + " and misc_trans.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date)"
                                                         + " and misc_trans.session=" + session.session.session
                                                         + " and misc_trans.void=0"
                                                         + " group by transnum"
            PlayerTransaction transaction = null;

            foreach (DataRow row in specials.Rows)
                GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]), ref transaction);
Exemplo n.º 18
        DataTable LoadPrices(DateTime day, int session)
            bool weekend;

            DayOfWeek day_type = day.DayOfWeek;
            int       day_num  = ((int)day_type) + 1;

            if (day_type == DayOfWeek.Saturday || day_type == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                weekend = true;
                weekend = false;

            DataTable _prize_data = new MySQLDataTable(dsn, "select a.amount,b.amount,d.new_amount,e.new_amount,f.new_amount,g.new_amount,g.new_amount,i.new_amount,if(isnull(i.new_amount),if(isnull(g.new_amount),if(isnull(h.new_amount),if(isnull(b.amount),if(isnull(f.new_amount),if(isnull(d.new_amount),if(isnull(e.new_amount)  ,a.amount,e.new_amount)  ,d.new_amount)  ,f.new_amount)  ,b.amount)  ,h.new_amount)  ,g.new_amount)  ,i.new_amount) as amount,game_number,a.prize_level_id,a.session_macro_id,a.session_number,a.session_game_group_game_id,a.price_schedule_id"

                                                       + " from " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule as a "

                                                       + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as d on a.price_schedule_id=d.price_schedule_id and d.day_of_week=10 and d.specific_date=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(day)
                                                       + (weekend?" left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as e on a.price_schedule_id=e.price_schedule_id and e.day_of_week=9"
                                                 :" left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as e on a.price_schedule_id=e.price_schedule_id and e.day_of_week=8")
                                                       + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as f on a.price_schedule_id=f.price_schedule_id and f.day_of_week=" + day_num

                                                       // now join the session-specific overrides...
                                                       + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule as b on a.session_macro_id=b.session_macro_id and a.session_game_group_game_id=b.session_game_group_game_id and b.session_number=" + session + " and a.prize_level_id=b.prize_level_id"
                                                       + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as g on b.price_schedule_id=g.price_schedule_id and g.day_of_week=10 and g.specific_date=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(day)
                                                       + (weekend ? " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as h on b.price_schedule_id=e.price_schedule_id and h.day_of_week=9"
                                                 : " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as h on b.price_schedule_id=e.price_schedule_id and h.day_of_week=8")
                                                       + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as i on a.price_schedule_id=i.price_schedule_id and i.day_of_week=" + day_num

                                                       // finall, grab the session game group info.

                                                       + " join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game on (" + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.session_game_group_game_id=a.session_game_group_game_id)"
                                                       + " where " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.session_id=a.session_id and a.session_macro_id=" + session_macro[SessionMacroTable.PrimaryKey]
                                                       + " and a.session_number=0"
                                                       + " order by " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.game_number"

Exemplo n.º 19
        public SessionGame(DataSet dataset) : base(dataset)
            DataColumn dc;

            Columns.Add(new DataColumn(NameColumn, typeof(String)));
            Columns.Add(dc = new DataColumn("game_part_number", typeof(String)));
            dc.MaxLength   = 8;
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ball_timer", typeof(int)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("progressive", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("bonanza", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("wild", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("double_wild", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("blind", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("poker", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("special", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("single_hotball", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn("callers_choice", typeof(bool)));
            Columns.Add(new DataColumn(ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey, XDataTable.DefaultAutoKeyType));

            if (dataset != null)
                DataTable child;
                dataset.Relations.Add(SessionGame.color_name = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(SessionGame.TableName))
                                                               + "_is_"
                                                               + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(ColorInfoTable.TableName))
                                      , dataset.Tables[ColorInfoTable.TableName].Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                                      , (child = dataset.Tables[SessionGame.TableName]).Columns[ColorInfoTable.PrimaryKey]
                ForeignKeyConstraint fkc = child.Constraints[color_name] as ForeignKeyConstraint;
                if (fkc != null)
                    fkc.DeleteRule = Rule.SetNull;
            number_column = NumberColumn;
            // these are event catches to make sure numbers track correctly.
            CloneRow      += new MySQLRelationTable.OnCloneRow(SessionGame_CloneRow);
            AddingRow     += new MySQLRelationTable.OnNewRow(initrow);
            ColumnChanged += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(SessionGame_ColumnChanged);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public CardsetRange(DataSet dataSet)
            : base(Names.schedule_prefix, TableName, false, false)

            dataSet.Relations.Add(CardsetRange.CardsetInfoRelationName = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(CardsetInfo.TableName)) + "_has_" + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(CardsetRange.TableName))
                                  , dataSet.Tables[CardsetInfo.TableName].Columns[CardsetInfo.PrimaryKey]
                                  , dataSet.Tables[CardsetRange.TableName].Columns[CardsetInfo.PrimaryKey]
                dataSet.Relations.Add(CardsetRange.DealerRelationName = MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(CardsetRange.TableName)) + "_has_" + MySQLDataTable.StripPlural(MySQLDataTable.StripInfo(Dealer.TableName))
                                      , dataSet.Tables[Dealer.TableName].Columns[Dealer.PrimaryKey]
                                      , dataSet.Tables[CardsetRange.TableName].Columns[Dealer.PrimaryKey]
                // probably a constraint exception... ranges used to be able to be created without a link to dealer.. NULL if you will
                // this translates between saves badly.
                Log.log("Deleting rows which reference dealer 0.");
                foreach (DataRow row in Rows)
                    if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(GetSQLValue(row[Dealer.PrimaryKey].GetType(), row[Dealer.PrimaryKey])) == 0)
                        goto restart;
                dataSet.EnforceConstraints = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
            static CreateTables()
                dsn_me     = new DsnConnection("odds.db");
                dsn_public = new DsnConnection("mysql-vertest");

                play_db           = new MySQLDataTable();
                play_db.TableName = "Odds_GamePlay";
                play_db.Columns.Add("Odds_GamePlay_id", typeof(int));
                play_db.Columns.Add("player_id", typeof(int));
                play_db.Columns.Add("start_card", typeof(int));
                play_db.Columns.Add("card_count", typeof(int));
                play_db.Columns.Add("card_base", typeof(int));


                game_db = new MySQLDataTable("Odds_Games");
                game_db.Columns.Add("Balls", typeof(String));
                game_db.Columns.Add("session", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("game", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("bingoday", typeof(DateTime));
                game_db.Columns.Add("pattern_id_1", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("pattern_id_2", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("pattern_id_3", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("pattern_id_4", typeof(int));
                game_db.Columns.Add("pattern_id_5", typeof(int));

                ds = new DataSet();
                ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("game_play"
                                                  , game_db.Columns[0]
                                                  , play_db.Columns[XDataTable.Name(game_db)])
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void GetPlayedSessions(DateTime bingoday)
            List <String> sessionList   = new List <String>();
            List <Int32>  sessionIdList = new List <Int32>();

            MySQLDataTable win_table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                          , "select * from prize_validations where bingoday=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(bingoday) + " group by session_id"

            //ScheduleDataSet scheduleDataSet = new ScheduleDataSet( StaticDsnConnection.dsn, bingoday, 1, true );

            ScheduleDataSet scheduleDataSet = new ScheduleDataSet(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, bingoday, 1, true);

            foreach (DataRow row in scheduleDataSet.sessions.Rows)

                MySQLDataTable game_table1 = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn,
                                                                "SELECT * from bingo_sched3_session_game where session_id=" + row["session_id"].ToString());

                DataRow[] game_table = scheduleDataSet.session_games.Select(scheduleDataSet.games.PrimaryKeyName + "=" + row[scheduleDataSet.games.PrimaryKeyName].ToString());


                foreach (DataRow gameRow in game_table1.Rows)
                    game_table1.Rows.Add(gameRow["game_id"], gameRow["session_game_name"]);

            sessions   = sessionList.ToArray();
            sessionIds = sessionIdList.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 23
        public SessionSalesDefine()
            initializing = true;
            SessionList.DataSource       = Local.session_info;
            SessionList.DisplayMember    = MySQLDataTable.Name(Local.session_info);
            PageList.DataSource          = Local.session_info.page_view;
            PageList.Columns[2].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
            //PageList.Rows[0].Cells[0].Selected = false;
            //PageList.Rows[0].Cells[1].Selected = true;
            PageList.Columns[0].Width   = 0;
            PageList.Columns[1].Width   = 90;
            PageList.Columns[2].Width   = 70;
            PageList.Columns[3].Width   = 70;
            PageList.Columns[4].Width   = 36;
            PageList.Columns[5].Visible = false;
            PageList.Columns[0].Visible = false;

            initializing = false;
            //PageList.Columns[0].Visible = false;

 private void InitClass() {
     this.DataSetName = "Preferences";
     this.Prefix = "";
     this.Namespace = "http://dol.oecken.net/ItemCreator/schemas/Preferences.xsd";
     this.EnforceConstraints = true;
     this.SchemaSerializationMode = global::System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema;
     this.tableBasic = new BasicDataTable();
     this.tableMySQL = new MySQLDataTable();
 internal void InitVars(bool initTable) {
     this.tableBasic = ((BasicDataTable)(base.Tables["Basic"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableBasic != null)) {
     this.tableMySQL = ((MySQLDataTable)(base.Tables["MySQL"]));
     if ((initTable == true)) {
         if ((this.tableMySQL != null)) {
Exemplo n.º 26
        void UpdatePriceGrid()
            int n;
            int prior_game_number = 0;

            LoadPrices(DateTime.Now, 1);
            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("session", "Session");
            dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;
            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("game group", "Game Group");
            dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;
            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("pack", "Pack");
            dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;
            //n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add( "game_number", "Number" );
            //dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;

            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("session_game_group_game_row", "Hidden");
            dataGridView1.Columns[n].Visible = false;

            DataRow real_session_game_group = game_group["original_row"] as DataRow;
            DataRow real_game_group         = real_session_game_group.GetParentRow("game_group_in_session");

            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("price", "Price");
            //dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;
            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add("validation", "Validation");

            DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkbox = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();

            checkbox.Name       = "sale_validation";
            checkbox.HeaderText = "Sale Validation";
            n = dataGridView1.Columns.Add(checkbox);

            //dataGridView1.Columns[n].ReadOnly = true;

            if (session == null)
            if (session_macro == null)
            if (game_group == null)

            DataRow original        = this.game_group["original_row"] as DataRow;
            DataRow this_game_group = original;

            throw new Exception("commented out this line... how do we do prices anyhow?");
            DataRow[] rows = new DataRow[0];
            //DataRow[] rows = ControlList.data.session_packs.Select(
            //			SessionTable.PrimaryKey + "=" + session[SessionTable.PrimaryKey]
            //			+ " and " + SessionPackOrder.PrimaryKey + "=" + this_game_group[GameGroupTable.PrimaryKey] );
            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                int     game_number    = Convert.ToInt32(row[SessionGame.NumberColumn]);
                DataRow tmp_game       = row.GetParentRow("session_game_group_game_meta_game_info");
                DataRow tmp_game_group = row.GetParentRow("session_game_group_game_meta_game_group_info");
                DataRow tmp_session    = row.GetParentRow("session_game_group_game_meta_session_info");

                object[] o = new object[] { tmp_session[SessionTable.NameColumn]
                                            , tmp_game_group[PackGroupTable.NameColumn]
                                            , tmp_game[GameTable.NameColumn]
                                            , row[SessionGame.NumberColumn]
                                            , row };

                if (prior_game_number != (game_number - 1))
                    for (int x = prior_game_number; x < (game_number - 1); x++)
                        object[] o_blank = new object[] { "Game", "not in", "this group", "-" };
                prior_game_number = game_number;

            // checking for specific session (and specific day)
            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                prize_data = new MySQLDataTable(dsn, "select if(isnull(d.new_amount),if(isnull(b.amount),if(isnull(c.new_amount),a.amount,c.new_amount),b.amount),d.new_amount) as amount,game_number,a.prize_level_id,a.session_macro_id,a.session_number,a.session_game_group_game_id,a.price_schedule_id,d.new_amount as day_session_prize,c.new_amount as day_prize,b.amount as session_prize,a.amount as default_prize"
                                                + " from " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule as a "

                                                + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as c on a.price_schedule_id=c.price_schedule_id and c.day_of_week=" + day_of_week_type
                                                + ((day_of_week_type == 10) ? " and c.specific_day=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(date) : "")

                                                + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule as b on a.session_macro_id=b.session_macro_id and a.session_game_group_game_id=b.session_game_group_game_id and b.session_number=" + session_macro_session["session_number"] + " and a.prize_level_id=b.prize_level_id"
                                                + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override as d on b.price_schedule_id=d.price_schedule_id and d.day_of_week=" + day_of_week_type
                                                + ((day_of_week_type == 10) ? " and d.specific_day=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(date) : "")
                                                + " join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game on (" + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.session_game_group_game_id=a.session_game_group_game_id)"
                                                + " where " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.session_id=" + session[SessionTable.PrimaryKey]
                                                + " and a.session_macro_id=" + session_macro[SessionMacroTable.PrimaryKey]
                                                + " and a.session_number=0"
                // checking for default session, and maybe specific day.
                prize_data = new MySQLDataTable(dsn, "select if(isnull(new_amount),amount,new_amount)as amount,game_number,prize_level_id,session_macro_id,session_number,session_game_group_game_id," + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule.price_schedule_id,new_amount as day_prize"
                                                + " from " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule "
                                                + " left join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override on " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule.price_schedule_id=" + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override.price_schedule_id and " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule_override.day_of_week=" + day_of_week_type
                                                + ((day_of_week_type == 10) ? " and specific_day=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(date) : "")
                                                + " join " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game using(session_game_group_game_id)"
                                                + " where " + Names.schedule_prefix + "session_game_group_game.session_id=" + session[SessionTable.PrimaryKey]
                                                + " and " + Names.schedule_prefix + "price_schedule.session_macro_id=" + session_macro[SessionMacroTable.PrimaryKey]
                                                + " and session_number=0"

            foreach (DataRow row in prize_data.Rows)
                int number = Convert.ToInt32(row["game_number"]);
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row2 in dataGridView1.Rows)
                    if (row2.Cells["game_number"].Value == "-")
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(row2.Cells["game_number"].Value) == number)
                        int col = 0;
                        foreach (int prize_id in prize_levels)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(row["prize_level_id"]) == prize_id)
                                row2.Cells[prize_col_start + col].Value = new Money(Convert.ToInt64(row["amount"]));
                //dataGridView1.Rows[Convert.ToInt32( row["game_number"] )-1].
 internal MySQLRow(global::System.Data.DataRowBuilder rb) : 
         base(rb) {
     this.tableMySQL = ((MySQLDataTable)(this.Table));
Exemplo n.º 28
        bool BuildRunInfo(bool one_session)
            if (ori == null)
                ori = new OddsRunInfo( );

#if this_loaded_player_tracking_for_phsycial_players
            BingoPlayers players = new BingoPlayers();
            DbDataReader reader  = StaticDsnConnection.KindExecuteReader("select card,sum(value) from player_track where bingoday="
                                                                         + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly(result.bingoday.AddYears(2006).AddDays(7).AddMonths(5))
                                                                         + " and session=" + (_sessions + 1)
                                                                         + " and card<>'000000000000000000'"
                                                                         + " group by card");
            if (reader.HasRows)
                while (reader.Read())
                    BingoPlayer player;
                    players.Add(player = new BingoPlayer(reader.GetString(0)));
                    int spend = reader.GetInt32(1);
                    for (int p = 0; p < (spend / 2000); p++)
                        BingoPack  pack = GameList.pack_list.GetPack(true, Cards, "Fictional Pack");
                        PlayerPack played;
                        pack.pack_set = p;
                        player.played_packs.Add(played = new PlayerPack());
                        played.pack_info = pack;
                        played.player    = player;
                        played.game_list = GameList;
            if (ori.trigger_stats.enabled = checkBoxTriggerBalls.Checked)
                ori.trigger_stats.max_triggered = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMaxTriggered.Text);
                ori.trigger_stats.triggered     = new int[ori.trigger_stats.max_triggered + 1];
                ori.trigger_stats.trigger_wins  = new int[ori.trigger_stats.max_triggered + 1];
            if (one_session)
                ori.Years    = 1;
                ori.Days     = 1;
                ori.Sessions = 1;
                ori.Halls    = 1;
                ori.Players  = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPlayers.Text);
                ori.Cards    = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCards.Text);
                // this will be overridden later, if external game grid is used.
                ori.Games = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGames.Text);
                ori.Years = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxYears.Text);
                ori.Days  = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxDays.Text);

                //move all days into the day counter
                // the DateTime thing will take just adding days.
                ori.Days  = ori.Years * ori.Days;
                ori.Years = 1;

                ori.Sessions = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxSessions.Text);
                ori.Halls    = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxHalls.Text);
                ori.Players  = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPlayers.Text);
                ori.Cards    = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCards.Text);
                // this will be overridden later, if external game grid is used.
                ori.Games = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGames.Text);

            ori.colored_balls = textBoxColorBallCount.Text.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(textBoxColorBallCount.Text) : 0;

            ori.flags.use_blower   = radioBallBlower.Checked;
            ori.flags.database_run = checkBoxDatabase.Checked;

            ori.flags.save_winning_cards = checkBoxSaveWinningCards.Checked;
            ori.flags.Count_BINGO_Calls  = checkBoxCountBINGOCalls.Checked;
            ori.flags.countColorBINGO    = checkBoxCountColorBINGO.Checked;
            ori.flags.quickshot          = checkBoxQuickshot.Checked;

            ori.flags.starburst     = checkBoxStarburst.Checked;
            ori.flags.simulate      = checkBoxSimulate.Checked;
            ori.flags.only_simulate = true;

            // this will be overridden later, if external game grid is used.
            ori.flags.hotball = checkBoxHotball.Checked;

            // this will be overridden later, if external game grid is used.
            ori.flags._5cashball = checkBox5Hotball.Checked;

            ori.PackSize = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPackSize.Text);
            if ((ori.Cards / ori.PackSize) * ori.PackSize != ori.Cards)
                ori = null;
                MessageBox.Show("Cards does not divide by Pack Size evenly...");

            if (comboBox1.SelectedItem != null)
                String name = (comboBox1.SelectedItem as DataRowView).Row["name"].ToString();
                if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
                        DataRow row      = (comboBox1.SelectedItem as DataRowView).Row;
                        DataRow original = row["original_row"] as DataRow;
                        if (original != null)
                            ori.dealer = BingoDealers.GetDealer(original);
                        //ori.cardreader = new CardReader( row["original_row"] as DataRow );
                        //if( ori.cardreader.Length != 0 )
                        //	ori.flags.cardfile = true;
                    catch { }
                    ori.dealer = BingoDealers.nodealer;
                ori.dealer = BingoDealers.nodealer;

            if (!LoadGameInfoFromGrid())

Exemplo n.º 29
        void LoadPaper(BingoSessionEvent session, BingoPacks pack_list, List <String> rated_packs)
            MySQLDataTable paper_table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                            , "select * from pos_paper_barcode_master"
                                                            + " join pos_paper_barcode_item on pos_paper_barcode_master.pos_paper_barcode_master_id=pos_paper_barcode_item.pos_paper_barcode_master_id"
                                                            + " join item_descriptions on item_descriptions.item_description_id=pos_paper_barcode_item.item_description_id"
                                                            + " join floor_paper_names on floor_paper_names.floor_paper_name_id=pos_paper_barcode_item.floor_paper_name_id"
                                                            + " where pos_paper_barcode_master.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date) and pos_paper_barcode_master.session=" + session.session.session
                                                            + " order by transnum" //start_card"

            foreach (DataRow row in paper_table.Rows)
                string packname = row["name"].ToString();
                if (rated_packs != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (String rated_packname in rated_packs)
                        if (String.Compare(packname, rated_packname, true) == 0)
                            found = true;
                    // ignore loading this pack.  it's not allowed.
                    if (!found)
                int transnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]);
                if (transnum == 0)
                    // these are special case packs (paper usage tracking only)
                PlayerTransaction transaction = null;
                BingoPlayer       player      = GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), transnum, ref transaction);
                if (player != null)
                    PlayerPack pack = new PlayerPack();
                    pack.electronic  = false;
                    pack.transaction = transaction;
                    pack.start_card  = Convert.ToInt32(row["start_card"]);
                    pack.pack_info   = pack_list.GetPack(packname);
                    if (pack.pack_info != null)
                        //pack.pack_info.game_list = _games;
                        pack.player       = player;
                        pack.unit_number  = Convert.ToInt32(row["packnum"]);
                        pack.dealer       = pack_list.GetDealer(pack.pack_info, pack.start_card);
                        pack.paper        = true;
                        pack.pack_info.ID = player.played_packs.Count;
                            // fix the starting card....
                            // need to figure this out ( sam's town )
                            if (bDoLogCards)
                                Log.log("paper pack starting card " + pack.start_card);

                            pack.unit_number = Convert.ToInt32(row["packnum"]);
Exemplo n.º 30
		public static void UpdateRanks( DateTime day_in_week, int session )
			if( input_db != null )
				long week_id = StateWriter.GetWeekID( day_in_week, session );
				input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank (card,session,bingoday,week_id,pack_set_id,game_count,total_points)"
						+ " SELECT card,session,bingoday,"+week_id+",pack_set_id,count(*) as game_count,sum(total_points) as total_points"
						+ " FROM called_game_player_rank2 where "
					    //+ (true?"pack_set_id=1":"pack_set_id>0")
						+ " card<>'000000000000000000'"
						//+ " and session=" + playing_session.session_number
						+ " and " + String_Utilities.BuildSessionRangeCondition( null, day_in_week, session )
						//+ " and bingoday=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly( playing_session.bingoday )
						+ " group by card,pack_set_id,session,bingoday order by bingoday,session,card,pack_set_id"

				if( use_bonus_points )
					MySQLDataTable table = new MySQLDataTable( input_db, "select * from rate_rank_bonus_points" );
					MySQLDataTable totals = new MySQLDataTable( input_db, "select * from called_game_player_rank where bingoday="+DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly( input_db, day_in_week ) +" and session="+session+" order by total_points desc" );
					if( totals != null && ( totals.Rows.Count > 0 ) )
						int place_num;
						foreach( DataRow row in table.Rows )
							place_num = Convert.ToInt32( row["place_in_session"] );
							input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank_bonus (card,week_id,bonus_points,bingoday,session)values("
								+ input_db.sql_value_quote_open + totals.Rows[place_num - 1]["card"] + input_db.sql_value_quote_close + "," 
								+ week_id + ","
								+ row["bonus_points"].ToString() + ","
								+ DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly( input_db, day_in_week ) + ","
								+ session 
								+ ")" );
				if( use_bonus_points )
						"replace into called_game_player_rank_partial (card,session,bingoday,total_points,week_id)"
	+ "select a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points+sum(IF(ISNULL(c.bonus_points),0,c.bonus_points)),a.week_id from called_game_player_rank as a left"
	+ " join called_game_player_rank as b on a.card=b.card and a.week_id=b.week_id and a.total_points<b.total_points"
	+ " left join called_game_player_rank_bonus as c on a.card=c.card "
	+ " where b.card is null and a.week_id=" + week_id
	+ " group by a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points,a.week_id"
						"replace into called_game_player_rank_partial (card,session,bingoday,total_points,week_id)"
	+ "select a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points,a.week_id from called_game_player_rank as a left"
	+ " join called_game_player_rank as b on a.card=b.card and a.week_id=b.week_id and a.total_points<b.total_points"
	+ " where b.card is null and a.week_id=" + week_id
#if asdfasdf	
					"replace into called_game_player_rank_partial(card,session,bingoday,week_id,total_points)"
								+ " select card,session,bingoday,week_id,max(total_points) as total_points"
								+ " from called_game_player_rank"
								+ " where week_id=" + week_id 
								+ " group by bingoday,session,card"
Exemplo n.º 31
        void LoadElectronics(BingoSessionEvent session, BingoPacks pack_list, PackDNA rated_packs)
            string         misc_item = Options.Default["Rate Rank"]["Misc Item To Select Sale", "none"].Value;
            string         misc_dept = Options.Default["Rate Rank"]["Misc Dept To Select Sale", "none"].Value;
            MySQLDataTable table;

            if (misc_dept != "none")
                MySQLDataTable specials = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                             , "select transnum,sum(quantity) as count from misc_trans join misc_item using(item_id) join misc_dept using(dept_id)"
                                                             + " where misc_item.name='" + misc_item + "' and misc_dept.name='" + misc_dept + "'"
                                                             + " and misc_trans.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date)"
                                                             + " and misc_trans.session=" + session
                                                             + " and misc_trans.void=0"
                                                             + " group by transnum"
                table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                           , "select access_db_sale.transnum,pack_type,start_card,pack_type_name,unit_num from access_db_sale"
                                           + " join access_db_packs on access_db_sale.electronic_id=access_db_packs.electronic_id"
                                           + " where void=0 and access_db_sale.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date) and access_db_packs.session=" + session
                                           + " and matched=0"
                                           + " order by transnum,access_db_packs.id"

                foreach (DataRow row in specials.Rows)
                    int transnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]);
                    PlayerTransaction transaction = null;
                    BingoPlayer       player      = GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), transnum, ref transaction);
                    int count = Convert.ToInt32(row["count"]) + player.pack_sets.Count;
                    for (int n = player.pack_sets.Count; n < count; n++)
                        PackSet tmp;
                        player.pack_sets.Add(tmp = new PackSet());
                        tmp.set_id = n + 1;
                table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                           , "select access_db_sale.transnum,pack_type,start_card,pack_type_name,unit_num,pos_num from access_db_sale"
                                           + " join access_db_packs on access_db_sale.electronic_id=access_db_packs.electronic_id"
                                           + " where void=0 and access_db_sale.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date) and access_db_packs.session=" + session
                                           + " and matched=0"
                                           + " order by transnum,access_db_packs.id"

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                int transnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]);

                PlayerTransaction transaction = null;
                BingoPlayer       player      = GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), transnum, ref transaction);

                //Log.log( "Player : " + player.card );
                int packnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["pack_type"]);

                // ignore the macro pack labels.
                if (packnum < 100)
                    PlayerPack pack = new PlayerPack();

                    pack.start_card = Convert.ToInt32(row["start_card"]);
                    pack.pack_info  = pack_list.GetPack(row["pack_type_name"].ToString(), "Pos " + row["pos_num"].ToString());
                    if (pack.pack_info == null)
                        continue;                          // fail loading this.
                    //pack.game_list = _games;
                    pack.player      = player;
                    pack.unit_number = Convert.ToInt32(row["unit_num"]);

                    if (rated_packs != null)
                        bool   found    = false;
                        string packname = row["pack_type_name"].ToString();
                        //Log.log( "Looking for pack to stack: " + packname );
                        foreach (PackSet check_pack_set in player.pack_sets)
                            if (check_pack_set.Count == rated_packs.pack_sequence.Count)
                                bool empty_slot = false;
                                int  tmp_pos    = 0;
                                foreach (BingoPack seq_pack in rated_packs.pack_sequence)
                                    if (check_pack_set.Count > tmp_pos && check_pack_set[tmp_pos] == null)
                                        empty_slot = true;
                                if (!empty_slot)
                                    // this pack set is already full.
                                    //Log.log( "(all manager packs already loaded)stack is full... skipping..." );
                            int pos = 0;
                            foreach (BingoPack seq_pack in rated_packs.pack_sequence)
                                if (check_pack_set.Count > pos && check_pack_set[pos] != null)
                                    //Log.log( "slot is full... skipping..." );
                                //Log.log( "Comparing " + seq_pack.name +" vs " + packname );
                                if (((check_pack_set.Count <= pos) ||
                                     (check_pack_set.Count > pos && check_pack_set[pos] == null)) &&
                                    String.Compare(packname, seq_pack.name, true) == 0)
                                    //Log.log( "Steppig match_pos... setting id " + check_pack_set.set_id );
                                    pack.pack_set = check_pack_set.set_id;
                                    check_pack_set.Set(pos, pack.pack_info);
                                    found = true;
                            if (found)
                                //Log.log( "located..." );
                        if (!found)
                            //if( player.card == "000000015200000761" )
                            //	Log.log( "something bad." );
                    Log.log("electronic pack starting card " + pack.start_card);

            //if( match_pos > 0 )
            foreach (BingoPlayer player in this)
                foreach (PackSet check_pack_set in player.pack_sets)
                    if (check_pack_set.Count == rated_packs.pack_sequence.Count)
                        Log.log("Incomplete pack sequence?");
Exemplo n.º 32
        void LoadElectronics(BingoSessionEvent session, BingoPacks pack_list, List <String> rated_packs)
            MySQLDataTable table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                      , "select access_db_sale.transnum,pack_type,start_card,pack_type_name,unit_num,pos_num from access_db_sale"
                                                      + " join access_db_packs on access_db_sale.electronic_id=access_db_packs.electronic_id"
                                                      + " where void=0 and access_db_sale.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date) and access_db_packs.session=" + session
                                                      + " and matched=0"
                                                      + " order transnum" /*by mod(start_card,50),start_card/50"*/

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                if (rated_packs != null)
                    bool   found    = false;
                    string packname = row["pack_type_name"].ToString();
                    foreach (String rated_packname in rated_packs)
                        if (String.Compare(packname, rated_packname, true) == 0)
                            found = true;
                    // ignore loading this pack.  it's not allowed.
                    if (!found)
                int transnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]);
                PlayerTransaction transaction = null;
                BingoPlayer       player      = GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), transnum, ref transaction);
                int packnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["pack_type"]);

                if (packnum < 100)
                    PlayerPack pack = new PlayerPack();
                    pack.electronic = true;
                    pack.start_card = Convert.ToInt32(row["start_card"]);
                    pack.pack_info  = pack_list.GetPack(row["pack_type_name"].ToString(), "Pos " + row["pos_num"].ToString());
                    if (pack.pack_info == null)
                        continue;                          // fail loading this.
                    pack.paper = false;
                    //pack.game_list = _games;

                    pack.player      = player;
                    pack.unit_number = Convert.ToInt32(row["unit_num"]);
#if each_pack_has_counts
                    foreach (BingoGame game in _games)
                        int x;
                        // pack doesn't play in this game.
                        if (pack.pack_info.ID >= game.pack_card_counts.Count)
                            pack.game_card_count[game.game_ID] = 0;
                        x = pack.game_card_count[game.game_ID] = game.pack_card_counts[pack.pack_info.ID - 1];
                        if (x > pack.most_game_card_count)
                            if (pack.least_game_card_count == 0)
                                pack.least_game_card_count = x;
                            pack.most_game_card_count = x;
                        if (x > 0 && x < pack.least_game_card_count)
                            pack.least_game_card_count = x;
                    //pack.pack_info.ID = player.played_packs.Count;
Exemplo n.º 33
        void LoadElectronics(BingoSessionEvent session, BingoPacks pack_list)
            MySQLDataTable table = new MySQLDataTable(StaticDsnConnection.dsn
                                                      , "select access_db_sale.transnum,pack_type,start_card,pack_type_name,unit_num,access_db_sale.bingoday from access_db_sale"
                                                      + " join access_db_packs on access_db_sale.electronic_id=access_db_packs.electronic_id"
                                                      + " where void=0 and access_db_sale.bingoday=cast( " + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDate(StaticDsnConnection.dsn, session.bingoday) + " as date) and access_db_packs.session=" + session.session_number
                                                      + " order by mod(start_card,50),start_card/50"

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                int start_card = Convert.ToInt32(row["start_card"]);
                if (start_card == 0)
                    // these are special case macro label place holders... no real cards.
                int transnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["transnum"]);

                PlayerTransaction transaction = null;
                BingoPlayer       player      = GetPlayer(Convert.ToDateTime(row["bingoday"]), transnum, ref transaction);
                if (player != null)
                    int packnum = Convert.ToInt32(row["pack_type"]);

                    if (packnum < 100)
                        PlayerPack pack = new PlayerPack();
                        pack.electronic  = true;
                        pack.start_card  = start_card;
                        pack.transaction = transaction;
                            pack.pack_info = pack_list.GetPack(row["pack_type_name"].ToString());
                            pack.dealer    = pack.pack_info.GetRangeDealer(start_card);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( e.Message );
                            throw new Exception("Fail loading packs.");
                        if (pack.pack_info == null)
                            continue;                              // fail loading this.
                        pack.paper = false;
                        //pack.game_list = _games;

                        pack.player      = player;
                        pack.unit_number = Convert.ToInt32(row["unit_num"]);
#if each_pack_has_counts
                        foreach (BingoGame game in _games)
                            int x;
                            // pack doesn't play in this game.
                            if (pack.pack_info.ID >= game.pack_card_counts.Count)
                                pack.game_card_count[game.game_ID] = 0;
                            x = pack.game_card_count[game.game_ID] = game.pack_card_counts[pack.pack_info.ID - 1];
                            if (x > pack.most_game_card_count)
                                if (pack.least_game_card_count == 0)
                                    pack.least_game_card_count = x;
                                pack.most_game_card_count = x;
                            if (x > 0 && x < pack.least_game_card_count)
                                pack.least_game_card_count = x;
                        if (bDoLogCards)
                            Log.log("electronic pack starting card " + pack.start_card);
                        //pack.pack_info.ID = player.played_packs.Count;
                        // ignore macros