/// <summary>
        /// Gets all seeds within said bounds.
        /// If a cell inside the bounds is not loaded, it will generate the seed but wont load the cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds to get seeds from</param>
        /// <param name="list">List to put seeds into.</param>
        public void GetSeedsInBounds(BoundingSphereD bounds, List <MyObjectSeed> list)
            BoundingBoxD box    = BoundingBoxD.CreateFromSphere(bounds);
            Vector3I     cellId = Vector3I.Floor(box.Min / m_cellSize);

            for (var it = GetCellsIterator(box); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out cellId))
                if (m_loadedCells.ContainsKey(cellId))
                    m_loadedCells[cellId].GetAll(list, false);
                    MyProceduralCell cell = GenerateCellSeeds(cellId);