private static void DoIt()
     MyNamespace.MyValueType myValueType = default(MyNamespace.MyValueType);
     myValueType.A = 1;
     myValueType.B = 2;
     myValueType.C = 3;
     MyNamespace.Program.Print(myValueType);                                       // The overload taking a value type.
     MyNamespace.MyValueType test = (MyNamespace.MyValueType)(object) myValueType; // ILSpy tries to understand the boxing operation as best as it can, but ends up boxing and unboxing, despite the IL only boxing (because C# boxes/unboxes by casting and cannot differentiate between the value type and boxed type).
     MyNamespace.Program.Print(test);                                              // The overload taking the boxed type.
 // The overload taking the boxed type.
 private static void Print(MyNamespace.MyValueType test)
     ((MyNamespace.MyValueType)(object) test).PrintB();
 // The overload taking a value type.
 private static void Print(MyNamespace.MyValueType test)