Exemplo n.º 1
 public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? Intersect()
     float maxDist = 200;
     MyLine line = new MyLine(MyCamera.Position, MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * maxDist);
     var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, MySession.PlayerShip, null, true, true, false, false, true);
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public MyCuboidSide()
     Lines[0] = new MyLine();
     Lines[1] = new MyLine();
     Lines[2] = new MyLine();
     Lines[3] = new MyLine();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Start(MyModel model, MyLine line, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.DIRECT_TRIANGLES)
     result = null;
     m_model = model;
     m_line = line;
     m_flags = flags;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, ref Matrix customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyLine lineInModelSpace = new MyLine(MyUtils.GetTransform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), MyUtils.GetTransform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix), true);

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? ret = m_rootNode.GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, m_model, ref lineInModelSpace, null, flags);

            return ret;
        public void DoWork()
            var glare = m_glare; // we copy variable because other thread can null it
            if (glare == null)

            if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(glare.Position, m_cameraPosition) < MyMwcMathConstants.EPSILON)

            var directLine = new MyLine(glare.Position, m_cameraPosition);

            using (MyEntities.EntityCloseLock.AcquireSharedUsing())

                var intersectionResult = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref directLine, m_ignoreEntity1, m_ignoreEntity2, false, false, false, false, true);

                //var intersectionResult = MyRender.GetAnyIntersectionWithLine(ref directLine, m_ignoreEntity1, m_ignoreEntity2, true);

                if (intersectionResult == null)
                    if (MySession.PlayerShip == null || MySession.PlayerShip.Weapons == null)
                        IsDone = true;

                    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? cockpitIntersection = GetIntersectionInNearSpace(MySession.PlayerShip.GetShipCockpit(), ref directLine, true);
                    Visible = !cockpitIntersection.HasValue;

                    Debug.Assert(m_helperCollection.Count == 0);
                    foreach (var weapon in m_helperCollection)
                        MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersection = GetIntersectionInNearSpace(weapon, ref directLine, true);
                        if (intersection.HasValue)
                            Visible = false;
                            IsDone = true;
                    Visible = false;

                IsDone = true;

                m_ignoreEntity1 = null;
                m_ignoreEntity2 = null;
                m_glare = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
 //  IMPORTANT: Bounding box you are trying to change need to have positive/negative infinite values, so initialize it with InitialBox (static member)
 static public void AddLine(ref MyLine line, ref BoundingBox bb)
     //AddPoint(ref line.From, ref bb);
     //AddPoint(ref line.To, ref bb);
     Vector3.Min(ref bb.Min, ref line.From, out bb.Min);
     Vector3.Max(ref bb.Max, ref line.From, out bb.Max);
     Vector3.Min(ref bb.Min, ref line.To, out bb.Min);
     Vector3.Max(ref bb.Max, ref line.To, out bb.Max);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void DoWork()

                if (m_entity == null)

                //if (m_entity.EntityId.HasValue && m_entity.EntityId.Value.NumericValue == 119150)
               // {
              //  }

              //  if (m_entity == MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Managers.Session.MySession.PlayerShip)
              //  {
              //  }

                Vector3 directionToSunNormalized = MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static.GetDirectionToSunNormalized();

                VisibleFromSun = false;

                MyLine line2 = new MyLine(m_entity.WorldAABB.GetCenter(), m_entity.WorldAABB.GetCenter() + directionToSunNormalized * MyShadowRenderer.SHADOW_MAX_OFFSET * 0.5f, true);
                var result2 = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line2, m_entity, null, true, true, true);
                VisibleFromSun |= IsVisibleFromSun(result2);

                if (m_entity.RenderObjects != null && m_entity.RenderObjects[0].FastCastShadowResolve)

                Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[8];
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    corners[i] = Vector3.Transform(corners[i], m_entity.WorldMatrix);

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    MyLine line = new MyLine(corners[i], corners[i] + directionToSunNormalized * MyShadowRenderer.SHADOW_MAX_OFFSET * 0.5f, true);
                    var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, m_entity, null, true, true, true);

                    VisibleFromSun |= IsVisibleFromSun(result);

                    if (VisibleFromSun)
                if (m_entity != null)
                    m_entity.OnClose -= m_entity_OnMarkForClose;

 private static bool IsLookAtTarget(MySmallShip smallShip, MyEntity otherEntity) 
     if (!MUST_LOOK_AT_TARGET || MySession.Is25DSector) 
         return true;
     float length = Vector3.Distance(smallShip.WorldVolume.Center, otherEntity.WorldVolume.Center);
     MyLine line = new MyLine(smallShip.WorldVolume.Center, smallShip.WorldVolume.Center + smallShip.WorldMatrix.Forward * length * 1.5f, true);
     MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, smallShip, null, ignoreChilds: true);
     return result != null && result.Value.Entity.GetBaseEntity() == otherEntity;                       
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, IntersectionFlags flags)
            BoundingSphere vol = physObject.WorldVolume;
            //  Check if line intersects phys object's current bounding sphere, and if not, return 'no intersection'
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref vol) == false) return null;

            //  Transform line into 'model instance' local/object space. Bounding box of a line is needed!!
            Matrix worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixInverted();

            return GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, ref line, ref worldInv, flags);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static async ValueTask Exec(ITerminal terminal, string fileName, CancellationToken token)
            foreach (var MyLine in File.ReadLines(fileName))
                if (MyLine == "" || MyLine.StartsWith("#"))

                await TerminalParser.InternalExecute(terminal, MyLine, token);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints on a WriteableBitmap with a stylized airbrush
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The bitmap to modify</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="to">The end point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size of the stroke</param>
        public static unsafe void Airbrush(WriteableBitmap bmp, Point from, Point to, Color color, int size)
            Random r = new Random();

            if (bmp == null) return;


            // Create a line segment representation
            MyLine line = new MyLine(from, to);

            // Get a bounding box for the painted area
            BoundingBox bitmapbounds = new BoundingBox();
            BoundingBox linebounds = new BoundingBox();

            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(0, 0, 0);
            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(bmp.PixelWidth - 1, bmp.PixelHeight - 1, 0);

            linebounds.AddPoint((int)from.X, (int)from.Y, size + AirbrushRadiu);
            linebounds.AddPoint((int)to.X, (int)to.Y, size + AirbrushRadiu);

            UInt32* start = (UInt32*)bmp.BackBuffer.ToPointer();
            int stride = bmp.BackBufferStride / sizeof(UInt32);
            // Move from 'from' to 'to' along timestep intervals, with one dot painted per interval
            for (int i = 0; i < AirbrushDots; i++)
                int x, y;
                line.Interpolate(i, AirbrushDots, out x, out y);

                int dist = r.Next() % size;
                double angle = r.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;

                double dx = Math.Cos(angle) * dist;
                double dy = Math.Sqrt(dist * dist - dx * dx);
                if (angle > Math.PI) dy = -dy;

                int bx = x + (int)dx;
                int by = y + (int)dy;

                BoundingBox dotbounds = new BoundingBox();

                dotbounds.AddPoint(bx, by, AirbrushRadiu);

                for (int k = dotbounds.Top, row = 0; k < dotbounds.Bottom; k++, y++, row++)
                    for (int j = dotbounds.Left, col = 0; j < dotbounds.Right; j++, col++)
                        AlphaBlended(start + stride * k + j, Color.FromArgb(AirbrushBytes[row][col], color.R, color.G, color.B));

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(linebounds.Left, linebounds.Top, linebounds.Width, linebounds.Height));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Move(MyLine lineGridSelectedItem, int movedistance)
            Action a = new Move(lineGridSelectedItem, movedistance);

            double[] costs = CostCalculationService.CalculateCost(model);

            actualCost       = costs[0];
            actualAreaCost   = costs[1];
            actualLayoutCost = costs[2];
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Load(MyMissionBase sender)
            m_ship       = m_shipId.HasValue ? MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_shipId.Value) : MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_shipName);
            m_trajectory = new MyLine(m_ship.GetPosition(), MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_targetId).GetPosition());

            if (m_isShip)
            m_shipMoving = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Split(int splitPercentage, MyLine lineGridSelectedItem)
            Action a = new Split(splitPercentage, lineGridSelectedItem);

            double[] costs = CostCalculationService.CalculateCost(model);

            actualCost       = costs[0];
            actualAreaCost   = costs[1];
            actualLayoutCost = costs[2];
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void Load(MyMissionBase sender)
     m_ship = m_shipId.HasValue ? MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_shipId.Value) : MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_shipName);
     m_trajectory = new MyLine(m_ship.GetPosition(), MyScriptWrapper.GetEntity(m_targetId).GetPosition());
     if (m_isShip)
     m_shipMoving = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Erases paint on a pbgra32 WriteableBitmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The bitmap to modify</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="to">The end point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="size">The stroke size</param>
        public static unsafe void Erase(WriteableBitmap bmp, Point from, Point to, int size)
            if (bmp == null)


            // Intermediate storage of the square of the size
            int sizesize = size * size;

            // Create a line segment representation to compare distance to
            MyLine linesegment = new MyLine(from, to);

            // Get a bounding box for the line segment
            BoundingBox bitmapbounds  = new BoundingBox();
            BoundingBox segmentbounds = new BoundingBox();

            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(0, 0, 0);
            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(bmp.PixelWidth - 1, bmp.PixelHeight - 1, 0);

            segmentbounds.AddPoint((int)from.X, (int)from.Y, size);
            segmentbounds.AddPoint((int)to.X, (int)to.Y, size);

            // Get a pointer to the back buffer (we use an int pointer here, since we can safely assume a 32-bit pixel format)
            Int32 *start = (Int32 *)bmp.BackBuffer.ToPointer();

            // Move the starting pixel to the x offset
            start += segmentbounds.Left;

            // Loop through the relevant portion of the image and figure out which pixels need to be erased
            for (int y = segmentbounds.Top; y < segmentbounds.Bottom; y++)
                Int32 *pixel = start + bmp.BackBufferStride / sizeof(Int32) * y;

                for (int x = segmentbounds.Left; x < segmentbounds.Right; x++)
                    if (linesegment.DistanceSquared(x, y) <= sizesize)
                        *pixel = 0;

                    // Move to the next pixel

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(segmentbounds.Left, segmentbounds.Top, segmentbounds.Width, segmentbounds.Height));
Exemplo n.º 17
        //  Difference between GetIntersectionWithLine and GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive is that the later doesn't calculate
        //  final result, but is better suited for recursive nature of octree. Don't call GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive() from
        //  the outisde of this class, it's private method.
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, MyModel model, ref MyLine line, float? minDistanceUntilNow, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? foundTriangle = GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(model, ref line, minDistanceUntilNow);

            if (foundTriangle != null)
                return new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(foundTriangle.Value, physObject, ref line);
                return null;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            Ray   ray = new Ray(line.From, line.Direction);
            float?ds  = ray.Intersects(new BoundingSphere(WorldMatrix.Translation, RadiusMax));

            if (ds == null)
            v = line.From + line.Direction * ds;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            Ray   ray = new Ray(line.From, line.Direction);
            float?ds  = ray.Intersects(this.WorldAABB);

            if (ds == null)
            v = line.From + line.Direction * ds;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private bool IsPossibleTarget(MySmallShip smallShip, params object[] args)
            if (!IsPotentialTarget(smallShip, args))

            MyLine  testRay = new MyLine(m_gun.GetBarell().GetPosition(), smallShip.GetPosition(), false);
            Vector3?result  = MyEntities.GetAnyIntersectionWithLine(ref testRay, this, smallShip, true, true, false, true);

            //smallShip.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref testRay, out result);
            return(result == null);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;
            foreach (MyPrefabBase prefab in m_prefabs)
                MyEntity entity = prefab as MyEntity;
                entity.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out prefabIntersectionResult);
                t = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref t, ref prefabIntersectionResult);

            return(t != null);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static void ComputeMaxDistance(MySunWindBillboardSmall billboard)
            Vector3 sunWindVector = m_directionFromSunNormalized * MySunWindConstants.SUN_WIND_LENGTH_HALF;
            var     offset        = (-m_directionFromSunNormalized * MySunWindConstants.RAY_CAST_DISTANCE);
            //  This line start where billboard starts and end at place that is farest possible place billboard can reach
            //  If intersection found, we will mark that place as small billboard's destination. It can't go further.
            MyLine line = new MyLine((sunWindVector + billboard.InitialAbsolutePosition) + offset, billboard.InitialAbsolutePosition + m_directionFromSunNormalized * MySunWindConstants.SUN_WIND_LENGTH_TOTAL, true);
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?intersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine_IgnoreOtherThanSpecifiedClass(ref line, DoNotIgnoreTheseTypes);

            billboard.MaxDistance = (intersection != null) ?
                                    (intersection.Value.Triangle.Distance - billboard.Radius) :
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void UpdateTargetVisibility(MySmallShipBot bot)
     if (locationVisibleCheckTimer <= 0)
         MyLine line   = new MyLine(bot.GetPosition(), location, true);
         var    result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, bot, null, true, ignoreChilds: true);
         locationVisible           = !result.HasValue;
         locationVisibleCheckTimer = 0.25f;
         locationVisibleCheckTimer -= MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns interstection with line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Line</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = null;

            //  Test against childs of this phys object (in this case guns)
            foreach (MyGunBase gun in GetMountedWeaponsWithHarvesterAndDrill())
                gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out intersectionGun);
                result = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref result, ref intersectionGun);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = null;

            //  Test against childs of this phys object (in this case guns)
            foreach (MyGunBase gun in m_guns)
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?intersectionGun = gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line);

                result = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref result, ref intersectionGun);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(new BoundingSphere(GetPosition(), m_selectionBox.Size().X));
            float?      dt  = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref line, ref box);

            if (dt == null)

            v = line.From + line.Direction * dt;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = null;

            //  Test against childs of this phys object (in this case guns)
            foreach (MyGunBase gun in m_guns)
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersectionGun = gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line);

                result = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref result, ref intersectionGun);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the missile does not collide too close to ship
        /// after shooting and correct its starting position if it does.
        /// </summary>
        private Vector3 CorrectPosition(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, MyEntity viewerEntity)
            var predictedTrajectory = new MyLine(
                position - MyMissileConstants.DISTANCE_TO_CHECK_MISSILE_CORRECTION * direction,
                position + MyMissileConstants.DISTANCE_TO_CHECK_MISSILE_CORRECTION * direction,
            var intersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref predictedTrajectory, this, viewerEntity);

            if (intersection != null)
                position = viewerEntity.GetPosition();
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Notify(MyLine line, MyEntity source)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source == null || !source.Closed);

            m_dangerZoneStructure.OverlapAllLineSegment<MyDangerZoneElement>(ref line, lineResults);

            foreach (var resultItem in lineResults)
                if (source == null || (resultItem.Element.Bot != source && MyFactions.GetFactionsRelation(resultItem.Element.Bot, source) == MyFactionRelationEnum.Enemy))
                    resultItem.Element.Bot.AddCuriousLocation(source != null ? source.GetPosition() : line.From, source);
        public void IgnorePropertyTest()
            MyLine line = new MyLine();
            line.Start = new MyImmutablePoint(1, 5);
            line.End = new MyImmutablePoint(2, 12);

            Serializer s = new Serializer(typeof(MyLine), "TestIgnoreProperties");
            string result = s.Serialize(line);
            MyLine actual = (MyLine)s.Deserialize(result);
            Assert.IsNull(actual.Start, "Line start should be ignored");
            Assert.IsNull(actual.End, "Line end should be ignored");
            // converters should not be called on ignored properties
            Assert.AreEqual(0, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertFromCount, "Property ConvertFrom not called correct amount of times");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertToCount, "Property ConvertTo not called correct amount of times");
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Notify(MyLine line, MyEntity source)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source == null || !source.Closed);

            m_dangerZoneStructure.OverlapAllLineSegment <MyDangerZoneElement>(ref line, lineResults);

            foreach (var resultItem in lineResults)
                if (source == null || (resultItem.Element.Bot != source && MyFactions.GetFactionsRelation(resultItem.Element.Bot, source) == MyFactionRelationEnum.Enemy))
                    resultItem.Element.Bot.AddCuriousLocation(source != null ? source.GetPosition() : line.From, source);
Exemplo n.º 32
    public void drawConnections()
        MyLine draw = new MyLine();

        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++)
            for (int j = i; j < nodes.Length; j++)
                if (adjacency[i][j] == 1)
                    draw.drawLine(nodes[i].area.center3D, nodes[j].area.center3D, Color.red);
Exemplo n.º 33
        public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation()

            if (m_elapsedMiliseconds > MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME + MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.DIYNG_TIME)
                if (m_particleEffect != null)
                    m_particleEffect = null;

                //  Free the light
                if (m_light != null)
                    m_light = null;


            //  Update light position
            if (m_light != null)
                // Aggro near bots
                if (m_light.LightOn)
                    if (this.WorldMatrix.Translation != m_previousPosition)
                        MyLine line = new MyLine(m_previousPosition, WorldMatrix.Translation);
                        MyDangerZones.Instance.Notify(line, OwnerEntity);

                if ((m_elapsedMiliseconds > MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME) &&
                    (m_elapsedMiliseconds < MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME + MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.DIYNG_TIME))
                    m_light.LightOn            = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomBool(2);
                    m_particleEffect.UserScale = m_light.LightOn ? 1.0f : 0.001f;

                m_light.Color = MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.LIGHT_COLOR;
                m_light.Range = MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.LIGHT_RADIUS;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation()

            if (m_elapsedMiliseconds > MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME + MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.DIYNG_TIME)
                if (m_particleEffect != null)
                    m_particleEffect = null;

                //  Free the light
                if (m_light != null)
                    m_light = null;


            //  Update light position
            if (m_light != null)
                // Aggro near bots
                if (m_light.LightOn)
                    if (this.WorldMatrix.Translation != m_previousPosition)
                        MyLine line = new MyLine(m_previousPosition, WorldMatrix.Translation);
                        MyDangerZones.Instance.Notify(line, OwnerEntity);

                if ((m_elapsedMiliseconds > MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME) &&
                    (m_elapsedMiliseconds < MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.MAX_LIVING_TIME +  MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.DIYNG_TIME))
                    m_light.LightOn = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomBool(2);
                    m_particleEffect.UserScale = m_light.LightOn ? 1.0f : 0.001f;

                m_light.Color = MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.LIGHT_COLOR;
                m_light.Range = MyIlluminatingShellsConstants.LIGHT_RADIUS;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = null;

            //  Check all voxel maps
            for (int value = 0; value < m_voxelMaps.Count; value++)
                m_voxelMaps[value].GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out testResultEx);

                //  If intersection occured and distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection)
                result = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref result, ref testResultEx);

Exemplo n.º 36
        private void UpdateTargetVisibility(MySmallShipBot bot)
            if (m_target != null && m_visibilityCheckTimer <= 0)

                MyLine line   = new MyLine(bot.GetPosition(), m_target.GetPosition(), true);
                var    result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, bot, m_target, true, ignoreChilds: true);
                m_targetVisible        = !result.HasValue;
                m_visibilityCheckTimer = 0.25f;
                m_visibilityCheckTimer -= MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionInNearSpace(MyEntity entity, ref MyLine worldLine, bool convertLine)
            if (!entity.IsVisible())

            MyLine line = worldLine;

            if (convertLine)
                ConvertLineToNearWorldCoordinates(ref line);

            Matrix drawMatrix = entity.GetWorldMatrixForDraw();

            drawMatrix.Translation += MyCamera.Position;
            Matrix worldInv = Matrix.Invert(drawMatrix);

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?ret = entity.ModelLod0.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES);

            if (ret == null)
                foreach (MyEntity child in entity.Children)
                    if (!child.IsVisible())

                    drawMatrix              = child.GetWorldMatrixForDraw();
                    drawMatrix.Translation += MyCamera.Position;
                    worldInv = Matrix.Invert(drawMatrix);


                    ret = child.ModelLod0.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(child, ref line, ref worldInv, IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES);
                    if (ret != null)

Exemplo n.º 38
        public void IgnorePropertyTest()
            MyLine line = new MyLine();

            line.Start = new MyImmutablePoint(1, 5);
            line.End   = new MyImmutablePoint(2, 12);

            Serializer s      = new Serializer("TestIgnoreProperties");
            string     result = s.Serialize(line);
            MyLine     actual = s.Deserialize <MyLine>(result);

            Assert.IsNull(actual.Start, "Line start should be ignored");
            Assert.IsNull(actual.End, "Line end should be ignored");
            // converters should not be called on ignored properties
            Assert.AreEqual(0, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertFromCount, "Property ConvertFrom not called correct amount of times");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertToCount, "Property ConvertTo not called correct amount of times");
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Оновлює модель фігури, при зміні її координат
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="childrens"></param>
        public void UpdateLines(UIElementCollection childrens)
            var    index   = 0;
            var    element = 0;
            MyLine line    = null;

            for (int i = 1; i < childrens.Count; i += 2)
                var box = childrens[i] as TextBox;

                if (WorkPanel.Figure.BaseLines.Count >= index && box.IsValid())
                    if (element % 2 == 0)
                        line = WorkPanel.Figure.BaseLines[index];

                    if (line != null)
                        if (box.Name == "X1" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(box.Text) && decimal.TryParse(box.Text, out decimal value))
                            line.X1 = box.Text.Trim();
                        else if (box.Name == "X2" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(box.Text) && decimal.TryParse(box.Text, out value))
                            line.X2 = box.Text.Trim();
                        else if (box.Name == "Y1" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(box.Text) && decimal.TryParse(box.Text, out value))
                            line.Y1 = box.Text.Trim();
                        else if (box.Name == "Y2" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(box.Text) && decimal.TryParse(box.Text, out value))
                            line.Y2 = box.Text.Trim();

                    if (element % 2 != 0)

Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Chceck if ship can see target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Target position</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target entity.</param>
        /// <returns>True, if bot can see position.</returns>
        public static MyEntity CanSee(MyEntity source, Vector3 position, MyEntity ignoreEntity)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = null;

            MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Render.MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("MySmallShip CanSee");
            //There is 100 multiplier because Epsilon can get lost during transformation inside GetAllIntersectionWithLine
            //and normalization assert then appears
            if ((source.GetPosition() - position).Length() > MyMwcMathConstants.EPSILON * 100.0f)
                var line = new MyLine(source.GetPosition(), position, true);
                result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, source, ignoreEntity, ignoreChilds: true);


            return(result.HasValue ? result.Value.Entity : null);
Exemplo n.º 41
        private void CalculateMoveCosts()
            //Parallel.For(0, model.modelLines.Count,
            //    index => {
            for (int index = 0; index < model.modelLines.Count; index++)
                MyLine myLine    = model.modelLines.ElementAt(index);
                MyLine newMyLine = null;
                Model  tempModel = model.DeepCopy(myLine, out newMyLine);
                tempModel.MoveLine(moveDistance, newMyLine);
                if (tempModel.IsInInvalidState)

                double[] costs      = CostCalculationService.CalculateCost(tempModel);
                double   summary    = costs[0];
                double   areacost   = costs[1];
                double   layoutcost = costs[2];
                lock (locker) {
                    Actions.Add(new Move(myLine, summary, areacost, layoutcost, moveDistance));
            //Parallel.For(0, model.modelLines.Count,
            //    index => {
            for (int index = 0; index < model.modelLines.Count; index++)
                MyLine myLine    = model.modelLines.ElementAt(index);
                MyLine newMyLine = null;
                Model  tempModel = model.DeepCopy(myLine, out newMyLine);
                tempModel.MoveLine(-moveDistance, newMyLine);
                if (tempModel.IsInInvalidState)
                double[] costs      = CostCalculationService.CalculateCost(tempModel);
                double   summary    = costs[0];
                double   areacost   = costs[1];
                double   layoutcost = costs[2];
                lock (locker) {
                    Actions.Add(new Move(myLine, summary, areacost, layoutcost, -moveDistance));
Exemplo n.º 42
        //  If explosion was with voxels, crease dirt decals in player's cockpit glass
        //  We don't throw random number of debris lines from explosion (because it will be waste). Instead we get intersection line from explosion center to player head,
        //  which should intersect the cockpit glass. Plus we move player head by random vector.
        void CreateDirtDecalOnCockpitGlass(ref BoundingSphere explosionSphere)
            MySmallShip player      = MySession.PlayerShip;
            float       maxDistance = m_explosionSphere.Radius * MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_RADIUS_MULTPLIER_FOR_DIRT_GLASS_DECALS;
            float       distance    = Vector3.Distance(player.GetPosition(), explosionSphere.Center) - player.ModelLod0.BoundingSphere.Radius;

            //  Decal interpolator - based on distance to explosion, range <0..1>
            //  But then increased because we aren't able to reach max distance so we need to help it little bit
            float interpolator = 1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1);

            interpolator = (float)Math.Pow(interpolator, 3f);

            //  Don't create dirt decal if we are too far
            if (interpolator <= 0.0f)

            //  Chech intersection between explosion and player's head. BUT move the line in player's head direction, because we don't want to make intersection with object which caused the explosion
            //MyLine line = new MyLine(intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, player.GetPosition(), true);
            //MyLine line = new MyLine(intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, MyCamera.m_initialSunWindPosition, true);
            //Vector3 playerHeadPositionWorld = MyUtils.GetTransform(MyFakes.PLAYER_HEAD_FOR_COCKPIT_INTERIOR_FAKE_TRANSLATION * -1, ref player.WorldMatrix);
            Vector3 playerHeadPositionWorld = player.GetPlayerHeadForCockpitInterior();
            MyLine  line = new MyLine(explosionSphere.Center, playerHeadPositionWorld, true);

            line.From += line.Direction * MyExplosionsConstants.OFFSET_LINE_FOR_DIRT_DECAL;

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?glassIntersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine_IgnoreOtherThanSpecifiedClass(ref line, new Type[] { typeof(MySmallShip) });

            if ((glassIntersection != null) && (glassIntersection.Value.Entity is MyCockpitGlassEntity))
                //  Decal alpha (never is 1.0f, because we want to see through the dirt)
                float alpha = MathHelper.Clamp(MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 1.0f, interpolator) - 0.1f, 0, 1);
                //const float ALPHA_INCREASE = 0.4f;
                //float alpha = 1 - (float)Math.Pow(MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1), 5);
                //float alpha = (float)MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, 1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1));
                //float alpha = MathHelper.Clamp(1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1) + ALPHA_INCREASE, ALPHA_INCREASE, 1);

                //  Decal size
                float size = MathHelper.Lerp(2.5f, 4f, interpolator);

                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx glassIntersection2 = glassIntersection.Value;

                MyCockpitGlassDecals.Add(MyCockpitGlassDecalTexturesEnum.DirtOnGlass, size, MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), alpha, ref glassIntersection2, true);
Exemplo n.º 43
        public void PropertyConversionTest()
            MyLine line = new MyLine();

            line.Start = new MyImmutablePoint(1, 5);
            line.End   = new MyImmutablePoint(2, 12);

            Serializer s      = new Serializer();
            string     result = s.Serialize(line);
            MyLine     actual = s.Deserialize <MyLine>(result);

            Assert.AreEqual(line.Start, actual.Start, "Line start not equal");
            Assert.AreEqual(line.End, actual.End, "Line end not equal");
            // make sure the property converter overrode the converter declared on the type
            Assert.AreEqual(1, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertFromCount, "Property ConvertFrom not called correct amount of times");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, MyLinePointConverter.ConvertToCount, "Property ConvertTo not called correct amount of times");
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static Entity ConverToCustomEntity(ObjectId CurrentEntityOI, int ProductCode, int ProductType)
            Entity ent = Atend.Global.Acad.UAcad.GetEntityByObjectID(CurrentEntityOI);

            MyCircle c = ent as MyCircle;

            if (c != null)
                #region Convert to mycircle
                c.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductType", ProductType);
                c.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductCode", ProductCode);
                ent = c;
                MyPolyline p = ent as MyPolyline;
                if (p != null)
                    #region convert to polyline
                    p.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductType", ProductType);
                    p.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductCode", ProductCode);
                    ent = p;
                    MyLine l = ent as MyLine;
                    if (l != null)
                        #region convert to line
                        l.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductType", ProductType);
                        l.AdditionalDictionary.Add("ProductCode", ProductCode);
                        ent = l;

                        // it was nothing
        public void SerializationUsesAliases()
            Serializer s = new Serializer();

            s.Settings.Types.PropertyNamingStrategy = new DelegateNamingStrategy(delegate(string old) { return("__" + old.ToLower() + "__"); });
            MyLine source = new MyLine();

            source.Start         = new MyImmutablePoint(0, 0);
            source.End           = new MyImmutablePoint(5, -5);
            s.Settings.IsCompact = true;
            string result   = s.Serialize(source);
            string expected = "{\"__start__\":\"(0:0)\", \"__end__\":\"5,-5\"}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, "serialization");
            MyLine target = s.Deserialize <MyLine>(result);

            Assert.AreEqual(source, target, "Deserialization");
Exemplo n.º 46
        private static bool IsCustomLookAtTarget(MySmallShip smallShip, MyEntity otherEntity, float radius)
            if (!MUST_LOOK_AT_TARGET)
                return true;

            BoundingSphere sphere = new BoundingSphere(otherEntity.WorldVolume.Center, radius);
            Ray ray = new Ray(smallShip.GetPosition(), smallShip.WorldMatrix.Forward);
            float? rayIntersection = ray.Intersects(sphere);
            if (rayIntersection.HasValue)
                MyLine line = new MyLine(smallShip.WorldVolume.Center, otherEntity.WorldVolume.Center, true);
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, smallShip, null, ignoreChilds: true);
                return !result.HasValue || !result.HasValue || result.Value.Entity == otherEntity;
            return false;
        public static void CreateDoc(string value, Stream destStream)
            var   pdfDoc   = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(destStream));
            var   document = new Document(pdfDoc);
            var   pageSize = pdfDoc.GetDefaultPageSize();
            float width    = pageSize.GetWidth() - document.GetLeftMargin() - document.GetRightMargin();

            SolidLine line = new SolidLine();

            AddParagraphWithTabs(document, value, line, width);

            // Draw a custom line to fill both sides, as it is described in iText5 example
            MyLine customLine = new MyLine();

            AddParagraphWithTabs(document, value, customLine, width);

Exemplo n.º 48
        public void DoWork()

                if (m_bot == null)

                BoundingSphere boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(m_position, m_bot.WorldVolume.Radius * 2.0f);
                if (MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithSphere(ref boundingSphere) != null)

                Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateWorld(m_position, MyMwcUtils.Normalize(m_targetPosition - m_position), m_up);
                float distanceToRoutePoint = Vector3.Dot(m_targetPosition - m_position, transform.Forward);

                for (int i = 0; i < m_points.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 transformedPoint = Vector3.Transform(m_points[i], transform);
                    MyLine line = new MyLine(transformedPoint, transformedPoint + transform.Forward * distanceToRoutePoint, true);

                    var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, m_bot, null, true);
                    if (result.HasValue)
                        // Collision detected

                Result = m_position;
                if (m_bot != null)
                    m_bot.OnClose -= m_bot_OnClose;
Exemplo n.º 49
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, ref Matrix customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyLine lineInModelSpace = new MyLine(MyUtils.GetTransform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), MyUtils.GetTransform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix), true);

            //MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result = null;

            m_result.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir = new IndexedVector3(lineInModelSpace.Direction);
            var from = new IndexedVector3(lineInModelSpace.From);

            m_bvh.RayQueryClosest(ref dir, ref from, m_result.ProcessTriangleHandler);

            if (m_result.Result.HasValue)
                return new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(m_result.Result.Value, physObject, ref lineInModelSpace);
                return null;
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle triangle, MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line)
            Triangle = triangle;
            Entity = physObject;
            InputLineInObjectSpace = line;

            NormalInObjectSpace = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref Triangle.InputTriangle);
            IntersectionPointInObjectSpace = line.From + line.Direction * Triangle.Distance;

            if (Entity is MyVoxelMap)
                IntersectionPointInWorldSpace = IntersectionPointInObjectSpace;
                NormalInWorldSpace = NormalInObjectSpace;

                //  This will move intersection point from world space into voxel map's object space
                IntersectionPointInObjectSpace = IntersectionPointInObjectSpace - ((MyVoxelMap)Entity).PositionLeftBottomCorner;
                Matrix worldMatrix = Entity.WorldMatrix;
                NormalInWorldSpace = MyUtils.GetTransformNormalNormalized(NormalInObjectSpace, ref worldMatrix);
                IntersectionPointInWorldSpace = MyUtils.GetTransform(IntersectionPointInObjectSpace, ref worldMatrix);
Exemplo n.º 51
        // Returns temporary in/out values for voxels
        int[, ,] GetVoxelContentSum(MyVoxelMap voxelMap, int gridX, int gridZ)
            int gridStartPointX = gridX * MAX_GRID_SIZE_IN_ONE_DIRECTION;
            int gridStartPointZ = gridZ * MAX_GRID_SIZE_IN_ONE_DIRECTION;

            //  Here we store intersections with line and triangles and specified grid point
            List<MyImportIntersection> intersections = new List<MyImportIntersection>(INITIAL_COUNT_OF_INTERSECTIONS);

            //  Here we store temporary in/out values for voxels. After that, we convert it to common voxel content values (0..255)
            int[, ,] voxelContentSum = null; 

            for (int gridPointX = 0; gridPointX < MAX_GRID_SIZE_IN_ONE_DIRECTION; gridPointX++)
                for (int gridPointZ = 0; gridPointZ < MAX_GRID_SIZE_IN_ONE_DIRECTION; gridPointZ++)
                    Vector3 gridCoord = GetGridCoord(voxelMap, gridStartPointX + gridPointX, 0, gridStartPointZ + gridPointZ);
                    if (gridCoord.X < m_minCoord.X || gridCoord.Z < m_minCoord.Z || gridCoord.X > m_maxCoord.X || gridCoord.Z > m_maxCoord.Z)

                    if (voxelContentSum == null)
                        voxelContentSum = new int[VOXELS_IN_GRID_IN_ONE_DIRECTION, voxelMap.Size.Y, VOXELS_IN_GRID_IN_ONE_DIRECTION];

                    MyMwcVector2Int triangleLookupCoord = GetTriangleLookupCoord(voxelMap, gridCoord);

                    //  We need to clear list of intersections

                    //  Get triangles that lie on this grid point/line
                    List<MyImportTriangle> triangles = m_trianglesLookup[triangleLookupCoord.X, triangleLookupCoord.Y];
                    for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
                        //  Ray is always in Y-axis direction
                        //MyLine line = new MyLine(gridCoord, gridCoord + Vector3.Up * 100000, false);
                        MyLine line = new MyLine(new Vector3(gridCoord.X, m_minCoord.Y, gridCoord.Z) + Vector3.Down * 10, new Vector3(gridCoord.X, m_maxCoord.Y, gridCoord.Z) + Vector3.Up * 10, false);

                        MyTriangle_Vertexes triangle;
                        triangle.Vertex0 = triangles[i].Vertex0;
                        triangle.Vertex1 = triangles[i].Vertex1;
                        triangle.Vertex2 = triangles[i].Vertex2;

                        float? distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref line, ref triangle);
                        if (distance.HasValue == true)
                            intersections.Add(new MyImportIntersection(line.From + line.Direction * distance.Value, triangles[i].Normal, distance.Value));

                    //  SortForSAP intersections by their distance from the origin (from the grid point)
                    intersections.Sort(delegate(MyImportIntersection p1, MyImportIntersection p2) { return p1.Distance.CompareTo(p2.Distance); });

                    int lastY = 0;
                    bool contentSwitch = false;     //  This tells us if we will add empty or full voxels. False = until now it's empty. True = it full.                    
                    for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Count; i++)
                        Vector3 tempGridCoord = GetGridCoord(voxelMap, gridStartPointX + gridPointX, lastY, gridStartPointZ + gridPointZ);
                        int length = (int)((intersections[i].Intersection.Y - tempGridCoord.Y) / m_gridPointsSize);
                        // this is here, because we must find intersection with triangle out of borders of voxel map, because we can use voxel hand at the borders
                        if (length < 0)
                            contentSwitch = !contentSwitch;

                        for (int y = lastY; y < (lastY + length); y++)
                            MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoord = voxelMap.GetVoxelCoordinateFromMeters(GetGridCoord(voxelMap, gridPointX, y, gridPointZ));
                            if (voxelCoord.Y < voxelContentSum.GetLength(1) &&
                               voxelCoord.Y >= 0)
                                voxelContentSum[voxelCoord.X, voxelCoord.Y, voxelCoord.Z] += (contentSwitch == false) ? 0 : 1;

                        contentSwitch = !contentSwitch;
                        lastY = lastY + length;

            return voxelContentSum;
Exemplo n.º 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates resource.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation()

                //Large ship weapons wont make bots curious
                if ((!(OwnerEntity is MyLargeShipMissileLauncherBarrel)) && MyMwcUtils.HasValidLength(this.WorldMatrix.Translation - m_previousPosition))
                    MyLine line = new MyLine(this.WorldMatrix.Translation, m_previousPosition);
                    MyDangerZones.Instance.Notify(line, OwnerEntity);

                if (m_isExploded)
                    //  Create explosion
                    MyExplosion newExplosion = MyExplosions.AddExplosion();
                    if (newExplosion != null)
                        float radius = m_ammoProperties.ExplosionRadius;

                        // Explicitly on Marek's request (ticket 4740)
                        bool amplifyRadius = m_collidedEntity != null ? MyFactions.GetFactionsRelation(m_collidedEntity.Faction, Faction) != MyFactionRelationEnum.Friend : false;
                        if (amplifyRadius)
                            radius *= 2;

                        BoundingSphere explosionSphere = new BoundingSphere(m_collisionPoint.HasValue ? m_collisionPoint.Value : GetPosition(), radius);

                        //  Call main explosion starter
                        MyExplosionInfo info = new MyExplosionInfo()
                            PlayerDamage = m_ammoProperties.HealthDamage,
                            Damage = m_ammoProperties.ShipDamage,
                            EmpDamage = m_ammoProperties.EMPDamage,
                            ExplosionType = m_explosionType,
                            ExplosionSphere = explosionSphere,
                            LifespanMiliseconds = MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_LIFESPAN,
                            ExplosionForceDirection = MyExplosionForceDirection.EXPLOSION,
                            GroupMask = Physics.GroupMask,
                            CascadeLevel = CascadedExplosionLevel,
                            HitEntity = m_collidedEntity,
                            ParticleScale = 1.5f,
                            OwnerEntity = this.OwnerEntity,
                            Direction = WorldMatrix.Forward,
                            VoxelExplosionCenter = explosionSphere.Center + m_ammoProperties.ExplosionRadius * WorldMatrix.Forward * 0.5f,
                            ExplosionFlags = MyExplosionFlags.AFFECT_VOXELS | MyExplosionFlags.APPLY_FORCE_AND_DAMAGE | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_DEBRIS | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_DECALS | MyExplosionFlags.CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT,
                            VoxelCutoutScale = amplifyRadius ? 0.5f : 1.0f,
                            PlaySound = true,

                        newExplosion.Start(ref info);

                    if (m_collidedEntity != null && !m_collidedEntity.IsExploded())
                            WorldMatrix.Forward * MyMissileConstants.HIT_STRENGTH_IMPULSE,
                            GetPosition() + MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() * 2,
                            MyMissileConstants.HIT_STRENGTH_IMPULSE * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized());
                        m_collidedEntity.OnClose -= m_collidedEntity_OnClose;



                bool firstTargetting = m_elapsedMiliseconds == 0;


                m_missileTargetUpdate += MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_MILLISECONDS;

                if (m_missileTargetUpdate >= MyGuidedMissileConstants.MISSILE_TARGET_UPDATE_INTERVAL_IN_MS || firstTargetting)
                    m_missileTargetUpdate = 0;

                    switch (m_missileType)
                        case MyMwcObjectBuilder_SmallShip_Ammo_TypesEnum.Guided_Missile_Radar_Detection:
                                MySmallShip targetShip = m_targetEntity as MySmallShip;
                                if (targetShip != null && targetShip.IsRadarJammed())
                                    m_targetEntity = null;
                        case MyMwcObjectBuilder_SmallShip_Ammo_TypesEnum.Guided_Missile_Engine_Detection:

                                Matrix proj = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(MyGuidedMissileConstants.ENGINE_GUIDED_MISSILE_RADIUS, MyGuidedMissileConstants.ENGINE_GUIDED_MISSILE_RADIUS, 0, 1000);
                                Matrix view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(GetPosition(), GetPosition() + WorldMatrix.Forward, WorldMatrix.Up);
                                m_visualFrustum.Matrix = view * proj;

                                MyEntities.GetAllIntersectionWithBoundingFrustum(ref m_visualFrustum, m_targetEntities);

                                if (m_targetEntities.Contains(m_targetEntity))

                                MyEntity target = null;
                                float closestToMissileDirection = float.MaxValue;

                                foreach (MyEntity entity in m_targetEntities)
                                    if (CanTarget(entity))
                                        MySmallShip targetShip = entity as MySmallShip;
                                        if (targetShip != null)
                                            if ((targetShip.IsEngineTurnedOff()))

                                        Vector3 targetPos = entity.GetPosition();
                                        Vector3 missilePos = this.GetPosition();
                                        Vector3 missilePosEnd = this.GetPosition() + this.WorldMatrix.Forward * 10000;
                                        Vector3 closestPos = MyUtils.GetClosestPointOnLine(ref missilePos, ref missilePosEnd, ref targetPos);

                                        float distance = Vector3.Distance(closestPos, targetPos);
                                        if (distance < closestToMissileDirection)
                                            closestToMissileDirection = distance;
                                            target = entity;


                        case MyMwcObjectBuilder_SmallShip_Ammo_TypesEnum.Guided_Missile_Visual_Detection:
                                Matrix projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.ToRadians(MyGuidedMissileConstants.VISUAL_GUIDED_MISSILE_FOV), 1, 10, MyGuidedMissileConstants.VISUAL_GUIDED_MISSILE_RANGE);
                                m_visualFrustum.Matrix = Matrix.Invert(WorldMatrix) * projectionMatrix;

                                MyEntities.GetAllIntersectionWithBoundingFrustum(ref m_visualFrustum, m_targetEntities);
                                int testsLimit = 8;

                                if (m_targetEntities.Contains(m_targetEntity))

                                MyEntity target = null; //looks better if missile gets "lost"

                                float closestToMissileDirection = float.MaxValue;

                                foreach (MyEntity entity in m_targetEntities)
                                    if (!CanTarget(entity))

                                    if (testsLimit-- == 0)

                                    if (MyEnemyTargeting.CanSee(this, entity) == null)
                                        Vector3 targetPos = entity.GetPosition();
                                        Vector3 missilePos = this.GetPosition();
                                        Vector3 missilePosEnd = this.GetPosition() + this.WorldMatrix.Forward * 10000;
                                        Vector3 closestPos = MyUtils.GetClosestPointOnLine(ref missilePos, ref missilePosEnd, ref targetPos);

                                        float distance = Vector3.Distance(closestPos, targetPos);
                                        if (distance < closestToMissileDirection)
                                            closestToMissileDirection = distance;
                                            target = entity;


                if ((m_initTime - m_elapsedMiliseconds) > 0)
                {   //simulating missile launch and engine ignition
                    MyEntity owner = OwnerEntity;
                    if (owner != null)
                        Vector3 transformedInitDir = Vector3.TransformNormal(m_initDir, owner.WorldMatrix); //
                        Vector3 initialVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
                        if (owner.Physics != null)
                            initialVelocity = owner.Physics.LinearVelocity;
                        Physics.LinearVelocity = transformedInitDir * m_ammoProperties.InitialSpeed + initialVelocity;
                    //  This will help blend "initial velocity" and "thrust velocity" so at the beginning missile is powered by initiatal velocity only, but later 
                    float velocityBlend = MathHelper.Clamp((float)(m_elapsedMiliseconds - m_initTime) / m_blendVelocities, 0, 1);

                    if (velocityBlend == 1.0f)
                        m_actualSpeed = m_ammoProperties.DesiredSpeed;
                        float initialSpeed = 0.0f;
                        MyEntity owner = OwnerEntity;
                        if (owner != null)
                            if (owner.Physics != null)
                                initialSpeed = owner.Physics.LinearVelocity.Length();

                        m_actualSpeed = velocityBlend * m_ammoProperties.DesiredSpeed + ((1.0f - velocityBlend) * (m_ammoProperties.InitialSpeed + initialSpeed));

                        if (m_missileType != MyMwcObjectBuilder_SmallShip_Ammo_TypesEnum.Missile_Basic && m_smokeEffect == null)
                            // if (MyCamera.GetDistanceWithFOV(GetPosition()) < 150)
                                MyParticleEffect startEffect = MyParticlesManager.CreateParticleEffect((int)MyParticleEffectsIDEnum.Smoke_MissileStart);
                                startEffect.WorldMatrix = WorldMatrix;
                                m_smokeEffect = MyParticlesManager.CreateParticleEffect((int)MyParticleEffectsIDEnum.Smoke_Missile);
                                m_smokeEffect.WorldMatrix = WorldMatrix;
                                m_smokeEffect.AutoDelete = false;

                    m_desiredVelocity = GetDesiredVelocity(m_targetEntity);

                    Physics.LinearVelocity = m_desiredVelocity * m_actualSpeed * 1.0f;

                Physics.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

                if ((m_elapsedMiliseconds > m_missileTimeout) || (Vector3.Distance(GetPosition(), m_origin) >= m_maxTrajectory))

                if (m_smokeEffect != null)
                    Matrix smokeMatrix = Matrix.CreateWorld(WorldMatrix.Translation - 0.5f * WorldMatrix.Forward, WorldMatrix.Forward, WorldMatrix.Up);
                    m_smokeEffect.WorldMatrix = smokeMatrix;

                if (m_targetEntity != null)
                    if (m_targetEntity.Physics != null)
                        m_targetVelocity = m_targetEntity.Physics.LinearVelocity;
                        m_targetVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
Exemplo n.º 53
        protected override void Drill()
            //  Sphere which is used to make tunnel to voxel and sphere for testing collision with voxel
            m_fakeCollisionSphere = new BoundingSphere(m_fakeSpherePositionTransformed, m_radius);
            //  Check for collision with drill and world
            //MyEntity collisionResult = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithSphere(ref m_fakeCollisionSphere, this, Parent, false, true);
            // bSphere collision doesn't work - the sphere is tested against LOD0 model, but it is hidden inside the COL model and the bSphere is too small to reach it - so I use line instead

            MyEntity collisionResult = null;
            MyLine line;

            if (MySession.Is25DSector)
                line = new MyLine(m_positionMuzzleInWorldSpace - 10 * WorldMatrix.Forward, m_positionMuzzleInWorldSpace + 20 * WorldMatrix.Forward, true);
                line = new MyLine(m_positionMuzzleInWorldSpace - 10 * WorldMatrix.Forward, m_positionMuzzleInWorldSpace + 5 * WorldMatrix.Forward, true);

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, Parent, this, true, true);
            if (intersection != null && intersection.Value.Entity.Physics != null)
                collisionResult = intersection.Value.Entity;

            if (!(collisionResult is MyVoxelMap))
                m_lastTimeDrillNotCollidedWithVoxelMapInMiliseconds = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;

                if (!MySession.Is25DSector)


                if (collisionResult != null)
                    var effect = MyParticlesManager.CreateParticleEffect((int) MyParticleEffectsIDEnum.MaterialHit_Autocannon_Metal);
                    effect.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(m_fakeCollisionSphere.Center);
                    collisionResult.DoDamage(0, m_damage * MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS, 0, MyDamageType.Drill, MyAmmoType.Basic, Parent);
            //  Display particles when we are in contact with voxel
                if (m_dustEffect == null)
                    m_dustEffect = MyParticlesManager.CreateParticleEffect((int)MyParticleEffectsIDEnum.Smoke_DrillDust);
                m_dustEffect.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(m_fakeSpherePositionTransformed);
                m_dustEffect.UserScale = MySession.Is25DSector ? 3 : 1;

            //  Play sound if there is collision with voxel 
            if (collisionResult != null)
                if (collisionResult is MyStaticAsteroid)
                    if (!collisionResult.IsDestructible)
                StartDrillingCue(collisionResult is MyVoxelMap);

            //  We found voxel so lets make tunel into it
            using (var voxelMapsFound = PoolList<MyVoxelMap>.Get())
                bool drilled = false;
                bool drilledSomeDestructibleContent = false;
                MyVoxelMaps.GetListOfVoxelMapsWhoseBoundingSphereIntersectsSphere(ref m_fakeCollisionSphere, voxelMapsFound, null);

                int drillInterval = MySession.Is25DSector ? 100 : (int)MyDrillDeviceConstants.DRILL_INTERVAL_IN_MILISECONDS;
                int timerToDrillInterval = MySession.Is25DSector ? 100 : (int)MyDrillDeviceConstants.TIME_TO_DRILL_VOXEL_IN_MILISECONDS;

                foreach (MyVoxelMap voxelMap in voxelMapsFound)

                    if ((collisionResult is MyVoxelMap) && ((MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds - m_lastTimeDrilled) > drillInterval)
                        && (MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds - m_lastTimeDrillNotCollidedWithVoxelMapInMiliseconds) > timerToDrillInterval)
                        drilled = true;
                        float rangeStep = 0;
                        float radius = GetRadiusNeededForTunel();
                        BoundingSphere bigSphereForTunnel = new BoundingSphere(m_fakeCollisionSphere.Center, radius);
                        while (rangeStep < m_range)
                            MyMwcVector3Int exactCenterOfDrilling = voxelMap.GetVoxelCoordinateFromMeters(bigSphereForTunnel.Center);

                            // we don't want to drill indestructible voxels or empty space
                            if (voxelMap.IsVoxelInVoxelMap(ref exactCenterOfDrilling) && voxelMap.GetVoxelMaterialIndestructibleContent(ref exactCenterOfDrilling) == MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL)
                                drilledSomeDestructibleContent = true;
                            CutOutFromVoxel(voxelMap, ref bigSphereForTunnel);

                            bigSphereForTunnel.Center += 2 * WorldMatrix.Forward;

                            rangeStep += 1;
                if (drilled)
                    m_lastTimeDrilled = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
                    if (!drilledSomeDestructibleContent)
Exemplo n.º 54
        private void UpdateVisibility(MySmallShipBot bot, Vector3 targetPosition)
            if (m_visibilityCheckTimer <= 0)
                if (bot.GetPosition() == targetPosition)
                    m_targetVisible = true;

                    MyLine line = new MyLine(bot.GetPosition(), targetPosition, true);
                    var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, bot, null, true, ignoreChilds: true);
                    m_targetVisible = !result.HasValue;

                m_visibilityCheckTimer = 0.5f;
                m_visibilityCheckTimer -= MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
Exemplo n.º 55
 private void UpdateTargetVisibility(MySmallShipBot bot)
     if (locationVisibleCheckTimer <= 0)
         MyLine line = new MyLine(bot.GetPosition(), location, true);
         var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, bot, null, true, ignoreChilds: true);
         locationVisible = !result.HasValue;
         locationVisibleCheckTimer = 0.25f;
         locationVisibleCheckTimer -= MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
Exemplo n.º 56
        //  Finds intersection between line and model, using octree for speedup the lookup.
        //  Another speedup is, that first we check triangles that are directly in the node and then start
        //  checking node's childs. But only if child node instersection is less than last know min distance.
        MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(MyModel model, ref MyLine line, float? minDistanceUntilNow)
            //  Check if line intersects bounding box of this node and if distance to bounding box is less then last know min distance
            float? distanceToBoundingBox = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref line, ref m_boundingBox);
            if ((distanceToBoundingBox.HasValue == false) || ((minDistanceUntilNow != null) && (minDistanceUntilNow < distanceToBoundingBox.Value))) return null;

            //  Triangles that are directly in this node
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? foundIntersection = null;

            // temporary variable for storing tirngle boundingbox info
            BoundingBox triangleBoundingBox = new BoundingBox();

            MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Managers.MyPerformanceCounter.PerCameraDraw.RayCastTrianglesProcessed += m_triangleIndices.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_triangleIndices.Count; i++)
                int triangleIndex = m_triangleIndices[i];

                model.GetTriangleBoundingBox(triangleIndex, ref triangleBoundingBox);

                //  First test intersection of triangleVertexes's bounding box with line's bounding box. And only if they overlap or intersect, do further intersection tests.
                if (MyUtils.IsBoxIntersectingBox(triangleBoundingBox, ref line.BoundingBox) == true)
                    //  See that we swaped vertex indices!!
                    MyTriangle_Vertexes triangle;
                    MyTriangleVertexIndices triangleIndices = model.Triangles[triangleIndex];
                    triangle.Vertex0 = model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I0);
                    triangle.Vertex1 = model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I2);
                    triangle.Vertex2 = model.GetVertex(triangleIndices.I1);

                    float? distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref line, ref triangle);

                    //  If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection
                    if ((distance != null) && ((foundIntersection == null) || (distance.Value < foundIntersection.Value.Distance)))
                        Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangle);

                        //  We need to remember original triangleVertexes coordinates (not transformed by world matrix)
                        foundIntersection = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref triangle, ref calculatedTriangleNormal, distance.Value);

            //  Get intersection with childs of this node
            if (m_childs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_childs.Count; i++)
                    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? childIntersection = m_childs[i].GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(model, ref line,
                        (foundIntersection == null) ? (float?)null : foundIntersection.Value.Distance);

                    //  If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection
                    foundIntersection = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle.GetCloserIntersection(ref foundIntersection, ref childIntersection);

            return foundIntersection;
Exemplo n.º 57
        internal override void Update(MySmallShipBot bot)

            if (bot.Leader != null)
                if (ShouldFallAsleep(bot))
                    bot.IsSleeping = true;

                Vector3 leaderToBot = bot.GetPosition() - bot.Leader.GetPosition();
                Vector3 formationPositionActual = bot.Leader.GetFormationPosition(bot);
                Vector3 botToFormationPosition = formationPositionActual - bot.GetPosition();

                float leaderDistance = leaderToBot.Length();
                float formationPositionDistance = botToFormationPosition.Length();

                Vector3 flyTo;
                if (formationPositionDistance > MyMwcMathConstants.EPSILON_SQUARED && leaderDistance > MyMwcMathConstants.EPSILON)
                    float leaderFactor = MathHelper.Clamp(leaderDistance - 5, 0, 25) / 20;
                    flyTo = (1.0f - leaderFactor) * leaderToBot / leaderDistance + leaderFactor * botToFormationPosition / formationPositionDistance;
                    flyTo = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(flyTo);
                    flyTo = bot.GetPosition() + flyTo * formationPositionDistance;

                    // Update leader visibility
                    if (visibilityCheckTimer <= 0)
                        MyLine line = new MyLine(bot.GetPosition(), formationPositionActual, true);
                        leaderVisible = !MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, bot, bot.Leader, true, ignoreSmallShips: true).HasValue;

                        visibilityCheckTimer = 0.5f;
                        visibilityCheckTimer -= MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
                    // Bot is on formation position
                    flyTo = bot.GetPosition() + bot.WorldMatrix.Forward;
                    leaderVisible = true;
                if (leaderVisible)
                    bool afterburner = /*bot.Leader.IsAfterburnerOn() || */formationPositionDistance > AFTERBURNER_DISTANCE;
                    Vector3 lookTarget = formationPositionDistance < LOOK_DISTANCE ? formationPositionActual + bot.Leader.WorldMatrix.Forward * 5000 : formationPositionActual;

                    float factor = MathHelper.Clamp(formationPositionDistance / 200, 0.5f, 1.0f);

                    factor = factor * factor * factor;

                    bot.Move(flyTo, lookTarget, bot.Leader.WorldMatrix.Up, afterburner, 1, 25, factor, slowRotation: true);

                    checkTimer += MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;

                    if (leaderDistance > MIN_LEADER_DISTANCE)
                        findSmallship.Update(bot, bot.Leader);

                        if (findSmallship.PathNotFound)
							//We dont want our friends sleeping elsewhere
                          //  bot.IsSleeping = true;
Exemplo n.º 58
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the missile does not collide too close to ship
 /// after shooting and correct its starting position if it does.
 /// </summary>
 private Vector3 CorrectPosition(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, MyEntity viewerEntity)
     var predictedTrajectory = new MyLine(
         position - MyMissileConstants.DISTANCE_TO_CHECK_MISSILE_CORRECTION * direction,
         position + MyMissileConstants.DISTANCE_TO_CHECK_MISSILE_CORRECTION * direction,
     var intersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref predictedTrajectory, this, viewerEntity);
     if (intersection != null)
         position = viewerEntity.GetPosition();
     return position;
Exemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints on a WriteableBitmap like a paintbrush
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The bitmap to modify</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="to">The end point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="previous">The point prior to the 'from' point, or null</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color of the brush</param>
        /// <param name="size">The stroke size</param>
        public static unsafe void Brush(WriteableBitmap bmp, Point from, Point to, Point? previous, Color color, int size)
            if (bmp == null) return;


            // Intermediate storage of the square of the size
            int area = size * size;
            uint flatcolor = (uint)((int)color.A << 24) + (uint)((int)color.R << 16) + (uint)((int)color.G << 8) + color.B;

            // Create a line segment representation to compare distance to
            MyLine line = new MyLine(from, to);

            // Get a bounding box for the line segment
            BoundingBox bitmapbounds = new BoundingBox();
            BoundingBox linebounds = new BoundingBox();

            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(0, 0, 0);
            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(bmp.PixelWidth - 1, bmp.PixelHeight - 1, 0);

            linebounds.AddPoint((int)from.X, (int)from.Y, size);
            linebounds.AddPoint((int)to.X, (int)to.Y, size);

            // Get a pointer to the back buffer (we use an int pointer here, since we can safely assume a 32-bit pixel format)
            UInt32* start = (UInt32*)bmp.BackBuffer.ToPointer();

            // Move the starting pixel to the x offset
            start += linebounds.Left;

            if (previous.HasValue)
                MyLine previoussegment = new MyLine(previous.Value, from);

                // Loop through the relevant portion of the image and figure out which pixels need to be erased
                for (int y = linebounds.Top; y < linebounds.Bottom; y++)
                    UInt32* pixel = start + bmp.BackBufferStride / sizeof(UInt32) * y;

                    for (int x = linebounds.Left; x < linebounds.Right; x++)
                        if (line.DistanceSquared(x, y) <= area && previoussegment.DistanceSquared(x, y) > area)
                            if (color.A == 255)
                                *pixel = flatcolor;
                                AlphaBlended(pixel, color);

                        // Move to the next pixel
                // Loop through the relevant portion of the image and figure out which pixels need to be erased
                for (int y = linebounds.Top; y < linebounds.Bottom; y++)
                    UInt32* pixel = start + bmp.BackBufferStride / sizeof(UInt32) * y;

                    for (int x = linebounds.Left; x < linebounds.Right; x++)
                        if (line.DistanceSquared(x, y) <= area)
                            if (color.A == 255)
                                *pixel = flatcolor;
                                AlphaBlended(pixel, color);

                        // Move to the next pixel

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(linebounds.Left, linebounds.Top, linebounds.Width, linebounds.Height));
Exemplo n.º 60
        /// <summary>
        /// Erases paint on a WriteableBitmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The bitmap to modify</param>
        /// <param name="from">The starting point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="to">The end point of the stroke</param>
        /// <param name="size">The stroke size</param>
        public static unsafe void Erase(WriteableBitmap bmp, Point from, Point to, int size)
            if (bmp == null) return;


            // Intermediate storage of the square of the size
            int area = size * size;

            // Create a line segment representation to compare distance to
            MyLine line = new MyLine(from, to);

            // Get a bounding box for the line segment
            BoundingBox bitmapbounds = new BoundingBox();
            BoundingBox linebounds = new BoundingBox();

            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(0, 0, 0);
            bitmapbounds.AddPoint(bmp.PixelWidth - 1, bmp.PixelHeight - 1, 0);

            linebounds.AddPoint((int)from.X, (int)from.Y, size);
            linebounds.AddPoint((int)to.X, (int)to.Y, size);

            // Get a pointer to the back buffer (we use an int pointer here, since we can safely assume a 32-bit pixel format)
            Int32* start = (Int32*)bmp.BackBuffer.ToPointer();

            // Move the starting pixel to the x offset
            start += linebounds.Left;

            // Loop through the relevant portion of the image and figure out which pixels need to be erased
            for (int y = linebounds.Top; y < linebounds.Bottom; y++)
                Int32* pixel = start + bmp.BackBufferStride / sizeof(Int32) * y;

                for (int x = linebounds.Left; x < linebounds.Right; x++)
                    if (line.DistanceSquared(x, y) <= area)
                        *pixel = 0;

                    // Move to the next pixel

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(linebounds.Left, linebounds.Top, linebounds.Width, linebounds.Height));