public void TestOutputNoPane()
            // Create an instance of the package and initialize it so that the GetService
            // will succeed, but the GetPane will fail.

            // As first create a service provider.
            using (OleServiceProvider serviceProvider = OleServiceProvider.CreateOleServiceProviderWithBasicServices())
                // Now create the mock object for the output window.
                if (null == mockOutputWindowFactory)
                    mockOutputWindowFactory = new GenericMockFactory("MockOutputWindow", new Type[] { typeof(IVsOutputWindow) });
                BaseMock mockBase = mockOutputWindowFactory.GetInstance() as BaseMock;
                mockBase.AddMethodReturnValues(string.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(IVsOutputWindow).FullName, "GetPane"),
                                               new object[] { -1, Guid.Empty, null });
                // Add the output window to the services provided by the service provider.
                serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow), mockBase, false);

                // Create an instance of the package and initialize it calling SetSite.
                ServicesPackage package = new ServicesPackage();
                int             result  = ((IVsPackage)package).SetSite(serviceProvider);
                Assert.IsTrue(Microsoft.VisualStudio.ErrorHandler.Succeeded(result), "SetSite failed.");

                // Now we can create an instance of the service
                MyGlobalService service = new MyGlobalService(package);
        public void TestOutput()
            callbackExecuted = false;
            // As first create a service provider.
            using (OleServiceProvider serviceProvider = OleServiceProvider.CreateOleServiceProviderWithBasicServices())
                // Create a mock object for the output window pane.
                GenericMockFactory mockWindowPaneFactory = new GenericMockFactory("MockOutputWindowPane", new Type[] { typeof(IVsOutputWindowPane) });
                BaseMock           mockWindowPane        = mockWindowPaneFactory.GetInstance();
                mockWindowPane.AddMethodCallback(string.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(IVsOutputWindowPane).FullName, "OutputString"),
                                                 new EventHandler <CallbackArgs>(OutputWindowPaneCallback));

                // Now create the mock object for the output window.
                if (null == mockOutputWindowFactory)
                    mockOutputWindowFactory = new GenericMockFactory("MockOutputWindow1", new Type[] { typeof(IVsOutputWindow) });
                BaseMock mockOutputWindow = mockOutputWindowFactory.GetInstance();
                    string.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(IVsOutputWindow).FullName, "GetPane"),
                    new object[] { 0, Guid.Empty, (IVsOutputWindowPane)mockWindowPane });

                // Add the output window to the services provided by the service provider.
                serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow), mockOutputWindow, false);

                // Create an instance of the package and initialize it calling SetSite.
                ServicesPackage package = new ServicesPackage();
                int             result  = ((IVsPackage)package).SetSite(serviceProvider);
                Assert.IsTrue(Microsoft.VisualStudio.ErrorHandler.Succeeded(result), "SetSite failed.");

                // Now we can create an instance of the service
                MyGlobalService service = new MyGlobalService(package);
                Assert.IsTrue(callbackExecuted, "OutputText not called.");