Exemplo n.º 1
        private string SumAllMember()
            DataBase base2;
            string   text2 = "";
            string   text3 = "";
            string   text4 = "";
            string   text5 = "";
            int      index = 0;

            switch (this.Session.Contents["adminclassid"].ToString())
            case "0":
                text5 = " and gdid in (" + this.Session["adminarrgd"].ToString() + "-1) ";
                goto Label_0149;

            case "1":
                text5 = "";
                goto Label_0149;

            case "2":
                text5 = " and gdid = " + this.Session.Contents["adminuserid"] + " ";
                goto Label_0149;

            case "3":
                text5 = " and zdlid = " + this.Session.Contents["adminuserid"] + " ";

            case "4":
                text5 = " and dlsid = " + this.Session.Contents["adminuserid"] + " ";
            base2 = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(2));
            DataBase      base3   = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(1));
            SqlDataReader reader  = null;
            SqlDataReader reader2 = null;
            DataSet       set     = null;
            double        num3    = 0;

            string[] textArray = "01,11,21,31,41,特单,02,12,22,32,42,特双,03,13,23,33,43,特大,04,14,24,34,44,特小,05,15,25,35,45,合单,06,16,26,36,46,合双,07,17,27,37,47,08,18,28,38,48,09,19,29,39,49,10,20,30,40".Split(new char[] { ',' });
            reader = base2.ExecuteReader("SELECT top 1 convert(nvarchar,updatetime,11) as updatetime,content,qishu,kaisai,tupdatetime FROM affiche WHERE le=1 ORDER BY updatetime DESC");
            if (reader.Read())
                DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["kaisai"].ToString().Trim());
                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract(time);
                int      num4 = ((span.Days * 0x5a0) + (span.Hours * 60)) + span.Minutes;
                if (num4 < 360)
                    TimeSpan span2 = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["tupdatetime"].ToString().Trim()).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
                    this.sTime = (((span2.Hours * 0x5a0) + (span2.Minutes * 60)) + span2.Seconds).ToString();
                    object obj2 = text2;
                    text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' ><td rowspan=10>", reader["kaisai"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0].ToString().Trim(), "<BR>", reader["kaisai"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1].ToString().Trim(), "</td><td rowspan=10 align=center>", reader["qishu"], "</td>" });
                    text4 = reader["kaisai"].ToString();
                    set = base3.ExecuteDataSet("SELECT v1.*,isnull((cl.giveup1sum-cl.giveup2sum)/cl.giveupmoney*giveuppl,0) as give FROM Pl as v1 LEFT JOIN changeleave as cl ON (v1.id = cl.ballid AND cl.gsid = '" + this.Session["usergsid"].ToString() + "')  where ((id>0 and id<7 )or (id>34 and id <84)) order by id asc");
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            text2 = text2 + "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' >";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text8 = text2;
                        text2 = text8 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + "><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text9 = text2;
                            text2 = text9 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'><span class=tznumer>  <font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text10 = text2;
                        text2 = text10 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text11 = text2;
                            text2 = text11 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</span></font></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text12 = text2;
                        text2 = text12 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text13 = text2;
                            text2 = text13 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text14 = text2;
                        text2 = text14 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text15 = text2;
                            text2 = text15 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (i < 9)
                            if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                            text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            string text16 = text2;
                            text2 = text16 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                            if (reader2.Read())
                                string text17 = text2;
                                text2 = text17 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                                num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                                text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                            text2 = text2 + "<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>";
                        if (i < 6)
                            if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*csdls),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 " + text5 + "  and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                            text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center >" + textArray[index++] + "</td>";
                            if (reader2.Read())
                                object   obj3      = text2;
                                object[] objArray2 = new object[] { obj3, "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>", text3, "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=", set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim(), "&tztype=", int.Parse(((i + 2) / 2).ToString()), "&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>", double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString(), "</font></span></a></td> </tr>" };
                                text2 = string.Concat(objArray2);
                                text2 = text2 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                            text2 = text2 + "<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                    string   text18      = text2;
                    string[] textArray24 = new string[8];
                    textArray24[0] = text18;
                    textArray24[1] = "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' height='25' ><td colspan=14>本页总额<b><font color=blue>";
                    textArray24[2] = num3.ToString();
                    textArray24[3] = "</font></b>元(49粒),码均<b><font color=black>";
                    textArray24[4] = (num3 / 49).ToString("F2");
                    textArray24[5] = "</font></b>元;按陪率42(12水)估算:如中到<b><font color=red>";
                    double num27 = (num3 * 0.88) / 42;
                    textArray24[6] = double.Parse(num27.ToString()).ToString("F2");
                    textArray24[7] = "</font></b>元投注额,本项目您将输彩</td></tr>";
                    text2          = string.Concat(textArray24) + "<tr bgColor=#ffffff height=25><TD height=30 colSpan=11>";
                        index = int.Parse(base2.ExecuteScalar("select top 1 isnull(ds,0) from ball_order2 where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and userid=" + this.Session.Contents["adminuserid"]).ToString());
                        index = 0;
                    if (index > 0)
                        text2      = text2 + "金额超过" + index.ToString() + "已过给上一级";
                        this.sTime = "N";
                    else if (int.Parse(this.sTime) < 0)
                        text2      = text2 + "已关闭球赛,不能过单";
                        this.sTime = "N";
                        text2 = text2 + "过单金额<input type=hidden name=action value=save><input type=text name=amount onKeyUp=CountGold();><input type=submit name=Submit value=提交>" + "(注:金额超过<span style=color:#FF0000 id=odds0>0</span>将过给上一级)";
                    text2 = text2 + "</TD><td colspan=3><table bgcolor=ffffff><tr><TD id=closeM align=right ><FONT color=red>即将封盘</FONT> 倒数:" + "<SPAN id=close_msg>&nbsp;</SPAN>秒</TD></tr></table>";
                    text2 = text2 + "<table><tr><TD id=closeM align=right >" + "<SPAN id=close_msg>&nbsp;</SPAN></TD></tr></table>";
            return(text2 + "\n</table></form></body></html>");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string SumAllMember()
            string        text2   = "";
            string        text3   = "";
            string        text4   = "";
            int           index   = 0;
            DataBase      base2   = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(2));
            DataBase      base3   = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(1));
            SqlDataReader reader  = null;
            SqlDataReader reader2 = null;
            DataSet       set     = null;
            double        num3    = 0;

            string[] textArray = "01,11,21,31,41,特单,02,12,22,32,42,特双,03,13,23,33,43,特大,04,14,24,34,44,特小,05,15,25,35,45,合单,06,16,26,36,46,合双,07,17,27,37,47,08,18,28,38,48,09,19,29,39,49,10,20,30,40".Split(new char[] { ',' });
            reader = base2.ExecuteReader("SELECT top 1 convert(nvarchar,updatetime,11) as updatetime,content,qishu,kaisai FROM affiche WHERE le=1 ORDER BY updatetime DESC");
            if (reader.Read())
                DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["kaisai"].ToString().Trim());
                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract(time);
                int      num4 = ((span.Days * 0x5a0) + (span.Hours * 60)) + span.Minutes;
                if (num4 < 360)
                    object obj2 = text2;
                    text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' ><td rowspan=10>", reader["kaisai"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0].ToString().Trim(), "<BR>", reader["kaisai"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1].ToString().Trim(), "</td><td rowspan=10 align=center>", reader["qishu"], "</td>" });
                    text4 = reader["kaisai"].ToString();
                    set     = base3.ExecuteDataSet("SELECT v1.*,isnull((cl.giveup1sum-cl.giveup2sum)/cl.giveupmoney*giveuppl,0) as give FROM Pl as v1 LEFT JOIN changeleave as cl ON (v1.id = cl.ballid AND cl.gsid = '" + this.Session["usergsid"].ToString() + "')  where ((id>0 and id<7 )or (id>34 and id <84)) order by id asc");
                    reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select userid  from agence where gdid=" + this.Session["adminuserid"].ToString());
                    string text5 = "";
                    while (reader2.Read())
                        text5 = text5 + reader2["userid"].ToString().Trim() + ",";
                    text5 = text5 + "0";
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            text2 = text2 + "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' >";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text7 = text2;
                        text2 = text7 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text8 = text2;
                            text2 = text8 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 6]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'><span class=tznumer>  <font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text9 = text2;
                        text2 = text9 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text10 = text2;
                            text2 = text10 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x10]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</span></font></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text11 = text2;
                        text2 = text11 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text12 = text2;
                            text2 = text12 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x1a]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                            reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                        text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                        string text13 = text2;
                        text2 = text13 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                        if (reader2.Read())
                            string text14 = text2;
                            text2 = text14 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x24]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                            num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                        if (i < 9)
                            if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                            text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            string text15 = text2;
                            text2 = text15 + "<td align=center background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(textArray[index]) + " class=nums><font color=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(textArray[index])) + " size=3><b>" + textArray[index++] + "</b></font></td>";
                            if (reader2.Read())
                                string text16 = text2;
                                text2 = text16 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i + 0x2e]["id"].ToString().Trim() + "&tztype=8&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>" + double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font></span></a></td> ";
                                num3 += double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString());
                                text2 = text2 + "<td align=center ><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                            text2 = text2 + "<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>";
                        if (i < 6)
                            if (this.Session["sessionSelectStaticCS"].ToString() == "全部")
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid asc");
                                reader2 = base2.ExecuteReader("select max(tztype) as tztype,max(tzteam) as tzteam,count(1) as orderno,isnull(sum(tzmoney*(1-csgd-cszdl-csdls)),0) as summoney from ball_order where DATEDIFF(dd, GETDATE(), updatetime)=0 and gdid in (" + text5 + ") and ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim() + " group by ballid order by ballid desc");
                            text3 = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            text2 = text2 + "<td align=center>" + textArray[index++] + "</td>";
                            if (reader2.Read())
                                object   obj3      = text2;
                                object[] objArray2 = new object[] { obj3, "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>", text3, "</font>   <br>  <a href='tzinfo.aspx?gameid=", set.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString().Trim(), "&tztype=", int.Parse(((i + 2) / 2).ToString()), "&marker=C'>  <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>", double.Parse(reader2["summoney"].ToString()).ToString(), "</font></span></a></td> </tr>" };
                                text2 = string.Concat(objArray2);
                                text2 = text2 + "<td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFFF><font color=#CC0000>" + text3 + "</font>   <br>    <span class=tznumer><font color=#000088>0</font></span></a></td> ";
                            text2 = text2 + "<td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
            string text17 = text2;

            string[] textArray24 = new string[8];
            textArray24[0] = text17;
            textArray24[1] = "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' height='25' ><td colspan=14>本页总额<b><font color=blue>";
            textArray24[2] = num3.ToString();
            textArray24[3] = "</font></b>元(49粒),码均<b><font color=black>";
            textArray24[4] = (num3 / 49).ToString("F2");
            textArray24[5] = "</font></b>元;按陪率42(12水)估算:如中到<b><font color=red>";
            double num26 = (num3 * 0.88) / 42;

            textArray24[6] = double.Parse(num26.ToString()).ToString("F2");
            textArray24[7] = "</font></b>元投注额,本项目您将输彩</td></tr>";
            return(string.Concat(textArray24) + "\n</table></form></body></html>");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void MainContent()
            string   text  = "";
            string   text2 = "";
            string   sql   = "";
            int      num   = 0;
            TimeSpan span  = Convert.ToDateTime(this.kaisai).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
            int      num2  = ((span.Hours * 0xe10) + (span.Minutes * 60)) + span.Seconds;

            if (num2 > 0)
                if (num2 < 600)
                    this.kyglcontent = "parent.sTime = '" + num2 + "';";
                DataBase base2 = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(1));
                sql = "SELECT v1.*,isnull((cl.giveup1sum-cl.giveup2sum)/cl.giveupmoney*giveuppl,0) as give FROM Pl as v1 LEFT JOIN changeleave as cl ON (v1.id = cl.ballid AND cl.gsid = '" + this.Session["usergsid"].ToString() + "') WHERE id>34 and id<84 ORDER BY id asc";
                DataSet set = base2.ExecuteDataSet(sql);
                for (num = 1; num < 11; num++)
                    if (num != 10)
                        this.kygltable = this.kygltable + "<tr>";
                        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                            string text5 = "";
                            if (i == 0)
                                text5 = "0" + num.ToString();
                                text5 = ((i * 10) + num).ToString();
                            this.curpl  = this.curpl + double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString() + ",";
                            this.ballid = this.ballid + double.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["id"].ToString().Trim()).ToString() + ",";
                            text        = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            text2       = double.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[((i * 10) + num) - 1]["id"].ToString().Trim()).ToString();
                            string kygltable = this.kygltable;
                            this.kygltable = kygltable + "<TD class=ball_td align=middle background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(text5.ToString()) + " height=27><FONT style=\"PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; FILTER: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000000; PADDING-TOP: 2px; HEIGHT: 10px\">" + text5 + "</FONT></TD>\n";
                            this.kygltable = this.kygltable + " <TD class=radio_set align=middle><FONT style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #cc0000\">" + text + "</FONT></TD>\n";
                            string   text8      = this.kygltable;
                            string[] textArray2 = new string[] { text8, " <TD align=middle><INPUT onkeypress=\"return CheckKey();\" onblur=\"return CountGold(this,'blur','", ((i * 10) + num).ToString(), "');\" onkeyup=\"return CountGold(this,'keyup','", ((i * 10) + num).ToString(), "');\" onfocus=\"CountGold(this,'focus','", ((i * 10) + num).ToString(), "');this.value='';\"   tabIndex=", ((i * 10) + num).ToString(), " size=4 name=", text2, "></TD>\n" };
                            this.kygltable = string.Concat(textArray2);
                        this.kygltable = this.kygltable + "</tr>";
                        this.kygltable = this.kygltable + "<tr>";
                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            string text6 = "";
                            text6       = ((j * 10) + num).ToString();
                            this.curpl  = this.curpl + double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString() + ",";
                            this.ballid = this.ballid + double.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["id"].ToString().Trim()).ToString() + ",";
                            text        = double.Parse(MyFunc.GetPlType(set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["pl"].ToString().Trim(), this.Session.Contents["ABC1"].ToString().Trim(), set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["give"].ToString().Trim(), "H", "0").ToString("F2")).ToString();
                            text2       = double.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[((j * 10) + num) - 1]["id"].ToString().Trim()).ToString();
                            string text9 = this.kygltable;
                            this.kygltable = text9 + "<TD class=ball_td align=middle background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(text6.ToString()) + " height=27><FONT style=\"PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; FILTER: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000000; PADDING-TOP: 2px; HEIGHT: 10px\">" + text6 + "</FONT></TD>\n";
                            this.kygltable = this.kygltable + " <TD class=radio_set align=middle><FONT style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #cc0000\">" + text + "</FONT></TD>\n";
                            string   text10     = this.kygltable;
                            string[] textArray4 = new string[] { text10, " <TD align=middle><INPUT onkeypress=\"return CheckKey();\" onblur=\"return CountGold(this,'blur','", ((j * 10) + num).ToString(), "');\" onkeyup=\"return CountGold(this,'keyup','", ((j * 10) + num).ToString(), "');\" onfocus=\"CountGold(this,'focus','", ((j * 10) + num).ToString(), "');this.value='';\"   tabIndex=", ((j * 10) + num).ToString(), " size=4 name=", text2, "></TD>\n" };
                            this.kygltable = string.Concat(textArray4);
                        this.kygltable = this.kygltable + " <TD align=middle colSpan=3><INPUT onclick=\"return ChkSubmit();\" type=button value=确定 name=btnSubmit><INPUT onclick=\"location.href='quickinput2.aspx'\" type=reset value=重设 name=btnReset> </TD></tr>";
                this.ballid = this.ballid.Substring(0, this.ballid.Length - 1);
                this.curpl  = this.curpl.Substring(0, this.curpl.Length - 1);
                this.gTime = this.kaisai;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void FootBallList()
            int num2;
            int start;
            int pagesize = 10;

                num2 = int.Parse(base.Request.Form["page"].ToString());
                num2 = 1;
            if (num2 < 1)
                num2 = 1;
            DataBase base2 = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(2));
            int      num4  = int.Parse(base2.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Ball_bf1 ").ToString());

            if (num4 > 120)
                pagesize = (num4 / 2) + 1;
            if (num4 == 0)
                start = 0;
                start = (num2 - 1) * pagesize;
            int num3 = num4 / pagesize;

            if ((num4 % pagesize) > 0)
            for (int i = 1; i <= num3; i++)
                if (num2 == i)
                    object pageorder = this.pageorder;
                    this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { pageorder, "<option value=", i, " selected >", i, "</option>" });
                    object obj3 = this.pageorder;
                    this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, "<option value=", i, " >", i, "</option>" });
            object obj4 = this.pageorder;

            this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { obj4, "/ ", num3, " 页" });
            string  sql  = "SELECT qishu,ballid,balltime ,isnull(num1,0) as num1,isnull(num2,0) as num2,isnull(num3,0) as num3,isnull(num4,0) as num4,isnull(num5,0) as num5,isnull(num6,0) as num6,isnull(tema,0) as tema FROM Ball_bf1 order by balltime desc";
            DataSet set  = base2.ExecuteDataSet(sql, start, pagesize, "ball_pl1");
            int     num7 = 0;

            num7 = start;
            for (int j = 0; j < set.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                this.kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent + " <TR class=list_cen><TD align=\"center\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["qishu"].ToString().Trim() + "</TD>";
                this.kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent + "<TD nowrap bgcolor=\"#C8D1D6\" align=center>" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["balltime"].ToString() + "</TD>";
                string kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = kyglcontent + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text9 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text9 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text10 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text10 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text11 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text11 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text12 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text12 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text13 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text13 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text14 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text14 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                num7             = (((((this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString()) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString())) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString())) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString())) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString())) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString())) + this.myInt(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString());
                object obj5 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = string.Concat(new object[] { obj5, "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" height=\"27\"><strong>", num7, "</strong></td><td><a href=\"ballmsg.aspx?ballid=", set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ballid"].ToString().Trim(), "&action=mod\">修改</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;" });
                this.kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent + "<a href=\"javascript:if(confirm('确定删除!'))window.location='balllist.aspx?ballid=" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ballid"].ToString().Trim() + "&action=del';\">删除</a></td></TR>";
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void recalculate(string n1, string n2, string n3, string n4, string n5, string n6, string te)
            string sql   = "";
            string text2 = n1 + "," + n2 + "," + n3 + "," + n4 + "," + n5 + "," + n6 + "," + te;

            string[] tztype = text2.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            int      num    = (((((int.Parse(n1) + int.Parse(n2)) + int.Parse(n3)) + int.Parse(n4)) + int.Parse(n5)) + int.Parse(n6)) + int.Parse(te);
            DataBase base2  = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(1));

            if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                if ((int.Parse(tztype[6]) % 2) == 0)
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=1;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=2;";
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=2;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=1;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=2;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=1;";
            if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) >= 0x19)
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=4;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=3;";
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=3;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=4;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=3;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=4;";
            if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                if (((int.Parse(tztype[6].ToString().Substring(0, 1)) + int.Parse(tztype[6].ToString().Substring(1, 1))) % 2) == 0)
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=5;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=6;";
                    sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=6;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=5;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=5;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=6;";
            if ((num % 2) == 0)
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=7;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=8;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=8;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=7;";
            if (num >= 0xaf)
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=10;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=9;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=10;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=9;";
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (int.Parse(tztype[i]) != 0x31)
                    if ((int.Parse(tztype[i]) % 2) == 0)
                        object obj2 = sql;
                        object obj3 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", i + 11, ";" });
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", i + 0x11, ";" });
                        object obj4 = sql;
                        object obj5 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj4, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", i + 0x11, ";" });
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj5, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", i + 11, ";" });
                    object obj6 = sql;
                    object obj7 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj6, "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=", i + 11, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj7, "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=", i + 0x11, ";" });
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                if (int.Parse(tztype[j]) != 0x31)
                    if (int.Parse(tztype[j]) >= 0x19)
                        object obj8 = sql;
                        object obj9 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj8, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", j + 0x1d, ";" });
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj9, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", j + 0x17, ";" });
                        object obj10 = sql;
                        object obj11 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj10, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", j + 0x17, ";" });
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj11, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", j + 0x1d, ";" });
                    object obj12 = sql;
                    object obj13 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj12, "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=", j + 0x1d, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj13, "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=", j + 0x17, ";" });
            for (int k = 1; k < 50; k++)
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) == k)
                    object obj14 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj14, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", k + 0x22, ";" });
                    object obj15 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj15, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", k + 0x22, ";" });
            for (int m = 1; m < 50; m++)
                if ((((int.Parse(tztype[0]) == m) || (int.Parse(tztype[1]) == m)) || ((int.Parse(tztype[2]) == m) || (int.Parse(tztype[3]) == m))) || ((int.Parse(tztype[4]) == m) || (int.Parse(tztype[5]) == m)))
                    object obj16 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj16, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", m + 0x53, ";" });
                    object obj17 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj17, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", m + 0x53, ";" });
            for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
                if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[n])) == "red")
                    object obj18 = sql;
                    object obj19 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj18, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", n + 0x85, ";" });
                    object obj20 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj19, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x8b, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj20, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x91, ";" });
                else if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[n])) == "green")
                    object obj21 = sql;
                    object obj22 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj21, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x85, ";" });
                    object obj23 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj22, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", n + 0x8b, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj23, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x91, ";" });
                    object obj24 = sql;
                    object obj25 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj24, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x85, ";" });
                    object obj26 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj25, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", n + 0x8b, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj26, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", n + 0x91, ";" });
            for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                if ((int.Parse(tztype[index]) % 2) == 0)
                    object obj27 = sql;
                    object obj28 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj27, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (index * 7) + 0x9e, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj28, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (index * 7) + 0x9f, ";" });
                    object obj29 = sql;
                    object obj30 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj29, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (index * 7) + 0x9f, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj30, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (index * 7) + 0x9e, ";" });
            for (int num8 = 0; num8 < 6; num8++)
                if (int.Parse(tztype[num8]) >= 0x19)
                    object obj31 = sql;
                    object obj32 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj31, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num8 * 7) + 0xa1, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj32, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (num8 * 7) + 160, ";" });
                    object obj33 = sql;
                    object obj34 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj33, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num8 * 7) + 160, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj34, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (num8 * 7) + 0xa1, ";" });
            for (int num9 = 0; num9 < 6; num9++)
                if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[num9])) == "red")
                    object obj35 = sql;
                    object obj36 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj35, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa2, ";" });
                    object obj37 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj36, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa3, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj37, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa4, ";" });
                else if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[num9])) == "green")
                    object obj38 = sql;
                    object obj39 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj38, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa2, ";" });
                    object obj40 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj39, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa3, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj40, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa4, ";" });
                    object obj41 = sql;
                    object obj42 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj41, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa2, ";" });
                    object obj43 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj42, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa3, ";" });
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj43, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", (num9 * 7) + 0xa4, ";" });
            for (int num10 = 0; num10 < 12; num10++)
                if (MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype[6]) == num10.ToString())
                    object obj44 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj44, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", num10 + 200, ";" });
                    object obj45 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj45, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", num10 + 200, ";" });
            if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[6])) == "red")
                sql = (sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=212;") + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=213;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=214;";
            else if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[6])) == "green")
                sql = (sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=212;") + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=213;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=214;";
                sql = (sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=212;") + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=213;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=214;";
            for (int num11 = 0; num11 < 12; num11++)
                if (text2.IndexOf("49") == -1)
                    if (MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype, num11) > 0)
                        object obj46 = sql;
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj46, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                        object obj47 = sql;
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj47, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                else if (int.Parse(MyFunc.GettwelveId("49")) != num11)
                    if (MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype, num11) > 0)
                        object obj48 = sql;
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj48, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                        object obj49 = sql;
                        sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj49, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                else if (MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype, num11) > 1)
                    object obj50 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj50, "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                else if (MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype, num11) == 1)
                    object obj51 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj51, "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
                    object obj52 = sql;
                    sql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj52, "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=", num11 + 0xd7, ";" });
            if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[6])) == "red")
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if ((int.Parse(tztype[6]) % 2) == 0)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=232;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=233;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=233;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=232;";
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) >= 0x19)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=235;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=234;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=234;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=235;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id>235 and id<244;";
            else if (MyFunc.GetRGB(int.Parse(tztype[6])) == "green")
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if ((int.Parse(tztype[6]) % 2) == 0)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=236;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=237;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=237;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=236;";
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) >= 0x19)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=239;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=238;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=238;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=239;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE (id>231 and id<236) or (id>239 and id<244);";
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if ((int.Parse(tztype[6]) % 2) == 0)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=240;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=241;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=241;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=240;";
                if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) != 0x31)
                    if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) >= 0x19)
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=243;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=242;";
                        sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE id=242;" + "UPDATE pl SET result=1 WHERE id=243;";
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=0 WHERE (id>231 and id<240);";
            if (int.Parse(tztype[6]) == 0x31)
                sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result=20 WHERE (id>231 and id<244);";
            sql = sql + "UPDATE pl SET result='" + MyFunc.GettwelveId(tztype[6]) + "' WHERE id=230;";
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void FootBallList()
            int num2;
            int start;
            int pagesize = 10;

                num2 = int.Parse(base.Request.Form["page"].ToString());
                num2 = 1;
            if (num2 < 1)
                num2 = 1;
            DataBase base2 = new DataBase(MyFunc.GetConnStr(2));
            int      num4  = int.Parse(base2.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Ball_bf1 ").ToString());

            if (num4 > 120)
                pagesize = (num4 / 2) + 1;
            if (num4 == 0)
                start = 0;
                start = (num2 - 1) * pagesize;
            int num3 = num4 / pagesize;

            if ((num4 % pagesize) > 0)
            for (int i = 1; i <= num3; i++)
                if (num2 == i)
                    object pageorder = this.pageorder;
                    this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { pageorder, "<option value=", i, " selected >", i, "</option>" });
                    object obj3 = this.pageorder;
                    this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { obj3, "<option value=", i, " >", i, "</option>" });
            object obj4 = this.pageorder;

            this.pageorder = string.Concat(new object[] { obj4, "/ ", num3, " 页" });
            string  sql  = "SELECT * FROM Ball_bf1 where tema<>'' order by balltime desc";
            DataSet set  = base2.ExecuteDataSet(sql, start, pagesize, "ball_pl1");
            int     num7 = 0;

            num7 = start;
            for (int j = 0; j < set.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                this.kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent + " <TR class=list_cen><TD align=\"center\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["qishu"].ToString().Trim() + "</TD>";
                this.kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent + "<TD nowrap bgcolor=\"#C8D1D6\" align=center>" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["balltime"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0] + "</TD>";
                string kyglcontent = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = kyglcontent + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text9 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text9 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text10 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text10 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text11 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text11 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text12 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text12 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text13 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text13 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                string text14 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = text14 + "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" class=\"ball_td\" align=\"center\" background=" + MyFunc.GetRGB(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString()) + " height=\"27\"><font style=\"filter: glow(color=#000000,strength=1); height:10px; color:#000000; padding:2px\">" + set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString() + "</font></TD>";
                num7             = (((((int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num1"].ToString()) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num2"].ToString())) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num3"].ToString())) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num4"].ToString())) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num5"].ToString())) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["num6"].ToString())) + int.Parse(set.Tables[0].Rows[j]["tema"].ToString());
                object obj5 = this.kyglcontent;
                this.kyglcontent = string.Concat(new object[] { obj5, "<TD width=50 align=middle bgcolor=\"C1D7E5\" height=\"27\"><strong>", num7, "</strong></TR>" });