Exemplo n.º 1
        private void aftabTest()
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";

            int        appUserIDLookup   = 3;
            int        newOrganizationID = 12;
            int        oldOrganizationID = 10;
            DateTime   startDate         = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime   expiresDate       = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
            int        yearCode          = 2015;
            int        sportTypeID       = 2;
            int        appUserTypeId     = 5;
            AppUserDTO user = null;

            result = obj.GetAppUsers(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, appUserIDLookup, null);
            user   = result.AppUsers.First();

            user.Organizations.Where(o => o.ID == oldOrganizationID || o.ID == newOrganizationID).ToList().ForEach(o =>
                obj.RemoveAppUserFromOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, user.ID, o.ID);

            //  add the new organization link into the table
            result  = obj.AssociateAppUserToOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, user.ID, appUserTypeId, newOrganizationID, startDate, expiresDate, yearCode, sportTypeID);
            message = result.Success ? "Worked" : "Failed";
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void btnShareKeyUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            FileCabinetDocumentDTO            objf   = new FileCabinetDocumentDTO();
            ShareKeyDTO objKey = new ShareKeyDTO();
            AppUserDTO  user   = new AppUserDTO();

            List <AppUserDTO> objUsers = new List <AppUserDTO>();

            result = obj.GetAppUsers(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, 2, "");
            user   = result.AppUsers.First();
            user.SHAREKEYEXPIREDATE = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);
            result = obj.UpdateAppUser(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, user);

            objKey.ID               = 10;
            objKey.APPUSERID        = null;
            objKey.AMOUNT           = Convert.ToDecimal("3.99");
            objKey.DATECREATED      = DateTime.Now;
            objKey.LAST4CC          = "0002";
            objKey.PAYMENTTYPEID    = 1;
            objKey.PRIMARYAPPUSERID = user.ID;
            objKey.PROMOCODE        = "";
            objKey.PURCHASEDATE     = DateTime.Now;
            objKey.SALESREPID       = 1;
            objKey.SHAREKEYCODE     = "20151022-0001";
            objKey.ApplicationUser  = user;
            result = obj.UpdateShareKey(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, objKey);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void btnAddRemoveOrganization_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient svc    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();

            //get all the associations for the user
            int        appUserIDLookup   = 5; //this id is valid on my LOCAL DB, NOT server
            int        newOrganizationID = 25;
            int        oldOrganizationID = 21;
            DateTime   startDate         = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime   expiresDate       = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
            int        yearCode          = 2015;
            int        sportTypeID       = 2;
            int        appUserTypeID     = 5;
            AppUserDTO user = null;

            result = svc.GetAppUsers(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, appUserIDLookup, null);
            user   = result.AppUsers.First();

            //loop all associated organization and remove specific organization
            //NOTE: I skipped all success / fail catch logic just to run the routine
            user.Organizations.Where(o => o.ID == oldOrganizationID || o.ID == newOrganizationID).ToList().ForEach(o =>
                svc.RemoveAppUserFromOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, user.ID, o.ID);

            //add the new organization link into the table
            result          = svc.AssociateAppUserToOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, user.ID, appUserTypeID, newOrganizationID, startDate, expiresDate, yearCode, sportTypeID);
            lblMessage.Text = result.Success ? "Worked" : "Failed";
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            result = obj.LoginAppUser(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text);
            var show = result.AppUsers.First().ShowAds;

            lblMessage.Text = result.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void btnRemoveCoachFromUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var res     = obj.RemoveCoachFromCurrentAppUser(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, 1);

            lblMessage.Text = res.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void btnLoginUserTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var res     = obj.LoginAppUser(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, "*****@*****.**", "Admin1234");

            lblMessage.Text = res.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void aftabTest2()
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();

            result = obj.GetCoaches(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, null, "", 3, 12);

            lblMessage.Text = result.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void btnRemoveUserOrg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var res     = obj.RemoveAppUserFromOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, 1, 2);

            lblMessage.Text = res.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void btnGetCoaches_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var organizationId = 1;

            result = obj.GetCoachesByOrganizationId(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, organizationId);
            //these are all the coaches for that organization
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void btnAssociateUserToOrg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            int appUserTypeId = 5;
            var message       = "";
            var res           = obj.AssociateAppUserToOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, 1, appUserTypeId, 2, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(10), 2015, 1);

            lblMessage.Text = res.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void btnSendCoachEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var emailAddress = "*****@*****.**";

            string[] arr = new string[] { };
            result          = obj.SendAddCoachEmail(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, emailAddress, "Subject", "This is the message", arr);
            lblMessage.Text = "Sent email:" + result.Success.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void btnGetdocumentThumbs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var idList = new List <int?>()
                59, 60

            result = obj.GetAppUserDocumentsThumbs(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, idList.ToArray());

            lblMessage.Text = "Count =" + result.Documents.Count();
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void btnGetUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var res     = obj.GetAllAppUsers(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, 1);

            res.AppUsers.ToList().ForEach(au =>
                message += au.USERNAME;
            lblMessage.Text = message;
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void btnSalesReps_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var res     = obj.GetSalesReps(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, null, "", null);

            res.SalesReps.ToList().ForEach(sr =>
                message += sr.FIRSTNAME + sr.LASTNAME;
            lblMessage.Text = message;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void btnDebugAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj    = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
            MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
            var message = "";
            var id      = 10;
            var res     = obj.GetOrganizations(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, id, null);
            //var addedOrgDTO = res.Organizations.First();
            var test        = obj.GetOrganizations(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, id, null).Organizations;
            var addedOrgDTO = obj.GetOrganizations(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, id, null).Organizations.First();
            var orgDTO      = new OrganizationDTO
                ID                       = addedOrgDTO.ID, //THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR THE UPDATED TO WORK!!!
                NAME                     = "FullOrgCabinet",
                ADDRESS1                 = "840 Sullivan Drive",
                ADDRESS2                 = addedOrgDTO.ADDRESS2,
                CITY                     = "Lansdale test",
                STATECODE                = addedOrgDTO.STATECODE,
                ZIPCODE                  = "19442",
                PHONE                    = "2151234567",
                EMAILADDRESS             = "*****@*****.**",
                ORGANIZATIONTYPEID       = 1,
                CONTACTPERSON            = "Contact name",
                DATECREATED              = addedOrgDTO.DATECREATED,
                ORGANIZATIONSTATUSID     = 1,
                SALESREPID               = 1,
                DIRECTORNAME             = "Director Name",
                DIRECTOREMAIL            = "*****@*****.**",
                DIRECTORPHONE            = "33344455555",
                CABINETID                = addedOrgDTO.CABINETID,
                COMMENT                  = "comments",
                LOGOIMAGE                = addedOrgDTO.LOGOIMAGE
            var responseNew = obj.UpdateOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, orgDTO);

            if (responseNew.Success)
                message = "Successful Update";
                message = "Error on Update user";
            var io = 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool SaveOrganization()
                var c = new MyFileIt.CoachDTO();

                MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient obj             = new MyFileIt.MyFileItAppServiceClient();
                MyFileIt.MyFileItResult           result          = new MyFileIt.MyFileItResult();
                MyFileIt.OrganizationDTO          objOrganization = new MyFileIt.OrganizationDTO();
                objOrganization = setdata(objOrganization);
                if (Session["Organization"] != null)
                    objOrganization.ID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["Organization"]);
                    result             = obj.UpdateOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, objOrganization);
                    if (result.Success)
                    result = obj.AddOrganization(appGlobal.username, appGlobal.password, objOrganization);
                    if (result.Success)
            catch (Exception ex)
                appGlobal.DisplayMsg(ex.Message.ToString(), this);