public static void Delete() { int result = MessageBox.Query(50, 7, "Warning!", string.Format("Are you sure? Do you want to permanently delete selected {0}?", MyDrive.SelectedItem.IsDirectory ? "directory" : "file"), "Yes", "No"); switch (result) { case 0: Utils.Drive.Delete(MyDrive.SelectedItem.Id).ContinueWith((task) => { if (task.Result) { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { var selectedItemIndex = MyDrive.Files.IndexOf(MyDrive.SelectedItem); if (selectedItemIndex == (MyDrive.Files.Count - 1)) { MyDrive.SelectItem(MyDrive.Files[selectedItemIndex - 1]); } MyDrive.Files.Remove(MyDrive.SelectedItem); Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); Application.Refresh(); }); } }); break; case 1: Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); break; } }
public static void SortOrder() { Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Sort By", 25, 10); RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup(3, 1, new string[] { "Ascending", "Descending" }, (int)Utils.Settings.SortOrder); dialog.Add(radioGroup); Button btnOk = new Button("OK", true); btnOk.Clicked = delegate() { Utils.Settings.SortOrder = (Utils.SortOrder)radioGroup.Selected; Utils.Settings.Save(); MyDrive.SortItems(); dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); btnCancel.Clicked = delegate() { dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; dialog.AddButton(btnOk); dialog.AddButton(btnCancel); Application.Run(dialog); Application.Refresh(); }
public static void NewFolder() { string newFolderName = "New Folder"; int newFolderCount = 0; while (MyDrive.Files != null && MyDrive.Files.Find((file) => file.Name.Equals(newFolderName)) != null) { newFolderName = string.Format("New Folder ({0})", ++newFolderCount); } Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Enter Folder Name", 50, 8); TextField textField = new TextField(newFolderName) { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(1) }; dialog.Add(textField); Button btnOk = new Button("OK", true); btnOk.Clicked = delegate() { Utils.Drive.NewFolder(MyDrive.CurrentDirectory.Id, textField.Text.ToString()).ContinueWith((task) => { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { MyDrive.Files.Add(task.Result); MyDrive.SortItems(); MyDrive.SelectItem(task.Result); dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }); }); }; Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); btnCancel.Clicked = delegate() { dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; dialog.AddButton(btnOk); dialog.AddButton(btnCancel); Application.Run(dialog); Application.Refresh(); }
public DriveView(MyDrive drive) { InitializeComponent(); = drive; DriveNameBlock.Text = drive.Path; }
private void PopulatePhysicalDrives() { cbDriveInfos.Items.Clear(); System.Collections.Generic.IList<MyDrive> physicalDrives = new System.Collections.Generic.List<MyDrive>(); ManagementClass devices = new ManagementClass(@"Win32_DiskDrive"); ManagementObjectCollection objects = devices.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject obj in objects) { MyDrive myDrive = new MyDrive(); // fields refer to myDrive.DeviceID = (string)obj["DeviceID"]; myDrive.Caption = (string)obj["Caption"]; myDrive.Name = (string)obj["Name"]; foreach (ManagementObject b in obj.GetRelated("Win32_DiskPartition")) { foreach (ManagementBaseObject c in b.GetRelated("Win32_LogicalDisk")) { myDrive.DriveLetter = (string)c["Name"]; myDrive.Caption += "(" +myDrive.DriveLetter+ ")"; } } physicalDrives.Add(myDrive); } MyDrive myDrive1 = new MyDrive(); myDrive1.Caption = "Please select one..."; myDrive1.DeviceID = "-1"; physicalDrives.Insert(0, myDrive1); cbDriveInfos.DataSource = physicalDrives; cbDriveInfos.DisplayMember = "Caption"; }