Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string where = context.Request.QueryString["where"];
            string openid   = context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
            string action   = context.Request.QueryString["action"];
            string order_id = context.Request.QueryString["order_dd"];

            if (action == "order")
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.GetJsonByDataset(order_new(openid, where)));
            else if (action == "delete_order")
                Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                Update_delete("已删除", order_id);
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新成功!");
            else if (action == "list")
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            int number = MyCommFun.RequestInt("number");
            int page   = MyCommFun.RequestInt("page");

            string where = MyCommFun.RequestParam("where");
            string open_id     = MyCommFun.RequestParam("open_idss");
            string action      = MyCommFun.RequestParam("action");
            string mmm         = "Hg_number asc";
            int    recordCount = 0;
            int    ord         = MyCommFun.RequestInt("orderid");
            string order_123   = MyCommFun.RequestParam("order_123");
            string pic_name    = MyCommFun.RequestParam("pickname");

            if (action == "no_order")
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.GetJsonByDataset(No_order(open_id, where)));
            else if (action == "delete_order")
                Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                BLL.HG.Hg_list order = new BLL.HG.Hg_list();
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                jsonDict.Add("recontent", "删除成功!");
            else if (action == "pay_update")
                Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                BLL.HG.Hg_list order = new BLL.HG.Hg_list();
                order.update("已支付", order_123);
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新成功!");
            else if (action == "File")
                Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                BLL.HG.Hg_list order = new BLL.HG.Hg_list();
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新成功!");
                context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.GetJsonByDataset(Hgdata(8, page)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string channel_name = MyCommFun.RequestParam("channel_name");
            int    pagesize     = MyCommFun.RequestInt("page");
            string orderby1     = "id asc";
            int    pageindex    = MyCommFun.RequestInt("index");

            int recordCount = 0;

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";

            context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.GetJsonByDataset(GetList(channel_name, category_id, pagesize, pageindex, "wid=" + wid, orderby1, out recordCount)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        // string pass = MyCommFun.RequestParam("pass_1");

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string action = MyCommFun.RequestParam("action");
            int    user   = MyCommFun.RequestInt("Hg_number");
            string order  = MyCommFun.RequestParam("order_number");
            string text   = MyCommFun.RequestParam("text");

            if (action == "Suc_pay")
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
            else if (action == "all_suc")
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
            else if (action == "upload_start")
                if (Update_start(text, order) == true)
                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                    Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                    jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新成功!");
                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                    Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                    jsonDict.Add("recontent", "fail!");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
            BLL.wx_shop_cart            cartBll  = new BLL.wx_shop_cart();
            string                      _action  = MyCommFun.QueryString("myact");
            string                      openid   = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); //得到微信用户的openid
            Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (_action == "addCart")
                #region 添加购物车
                    int     wid        = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                    int     productId  = MyCommFun.RequestInt("productid");
                    string  skuId      = MyCommFun.QueryString("mid");
                    string  skuInfo    = MyCommFun.QueryString("attr");
                    int     productNum = MyCommFun.RequestInt("bc");
                    decimal totalPrice = (decimal)MyCommFun.RequestFloat("totprice", 0);

                    Model.wx_shop_cart cart = new Model.wx_shop_cart();

                    IList <Model.wx_shop_cart> cartList = cartBll.GetModelList("productId=" + productId + " and openid='" + openid + "' and skuId='" + skuId + "'");
                    int  getCartCount = cartBll.GetRecordCount("wid=" + wid + " and openid='" + openid + "'");
                    bool isAdd        = true;
                    if (cartList != null && cartList.Count > 0)
                        isAdd = false;
                        cart  = cartList[0];
                    if (isAdd)
                        cart.createDate = DateTime.Now;
                        cart.openid     = openid;
                        cart.productId  = productId;
                        cart.productNum = productNum;
                        cart.skuId      = skuId;
                        cart.skuInfo    = skuInfo;
                        cart.totPrice   = totalPrice * productNum;
                        cart.wid        = wid;
                        int ret = cartBll.Add(cart);
                        if (ret > 0)
                            jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                            jsonDict.Add("recontent", "添加购物车成功!");
                            jsonDict.Add("cartcount", (getCartCount + 1).ToString());
                            jsonDict.Add("errCode", "true");
                            jsonDict.Add("recontent", "添加购物车失败!");
                            jsonDict.Add("cartcount", getCartCount.ToString());
                        cart.openid = openid;

                        cart.productNum += productNum;
                        cart.skuId       = skuId;
                        cart.skuInfo     = skuInfo;
                        cart.totPrice   += totalPrice * productNum;
                        cart.wid         = wid;
                        bool ret = cartBll.Update(cart);
                        if (ret)
                            jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                            jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新购物车成功!");
                            jsonDict.Add("cartcount", getCartCount.ToString());
                            jsonDict.Add("errCode", "true");
                            jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新购物车失败!");
                            jsonDict.Add("cartcount", getCartCount.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    jsonDict.Add("errCode", "true");
                    jsonDict.Add("recontent", "添加购物车失败!");
            else if (_action == "pcount")
                #region 购物车商品数量
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int wid   = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                int count = cartBll.GetRecordCount("wid=" + wid + " and openid='" + openid + "'");
                jsonDict.Add("data", count.ToString());
            else if (_action == "remove")
                #region 移除购物车商品
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int cartId = MyCommFun.RequestInt("id");
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
            else if (_action == "modifyNum")
                #region 修改购物车商品数量
                jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int cartId = MyCommFun.RequestInt("ic");
                int newNum = MyCommFun.RequestInt("bc");
                cartBll.UpdateNum(cartId, newNum);
                jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                jsonDict.Add("recontent", "更新成功!");
            else if (_action == "getCity")
                #region  择省份,改变城市列表
                int privice = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pvid");
                BLL.pre_common_district           areaBll = new BLL.pre_common_district();
                IList <Model.pre_common_district> disList = areaBll.GetModelList("upid=" + privice + " and level=2");
                Model.pre_common_district         dis;
                StringBuilder jsonStr = new StringBuilder("{\"errCode\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"msgType\":0,\"errMsg\":\"\",\"data\":[");
                for (int i = 0; i < disList.Count; i++)
                    dis = new Model.pre_common_district();
                    if (i != disList.Count - 1)
                        jsonStr.Append("{\"id\":" + disList[i].id + ",\"name\":\"" + disList[i].name + "\"},");
                        jsonStr.Append("{\"id\":" + disList[i].id + ",\"name\":\"" + disList[i].name + "\"}");
            else if (_action == "getArea")
                #region  择城市,改变区域列表
                int ctid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("ctid");
                BLL.pre_common_district           areaBll = new BLL.pre_common_district();
                IList <Model.pre_common_district> disList = areaBll.GetModelList("upid=" + ctid + " and level=3");
                Model.pre_common_district         dis;
                StringBuilder jsonStr = new StringBuilder("{\"errCode\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"msgType\":0,\"errMsg\":\"\",\"data\":[");
                for (int i = 0; i < disList.Count; i++)
                    dis = new Model.pre_common_district();
                    if (i != disList.Count - 1)
                        jsonStr.Append("{\"id\":" + disList[i].id + ",\"name\":\"" + disList[i].name + "\"},");
                        jsonStr.Append("{\"id\":" + disList[i].id + ",\"name\":\"" + disList[i].name + "\"}");
            else if (_action == "order_save")
                #region 保存订单信息
                int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");

                int payment_id = MyCommFun.RequestInt("pc");    //支付方式:1货到付款;3微支付
                int express_id = MyCommFun.RequestInt("mtype"); //物流方式
                // string orderStrList = MyCommFun.QueryString("orderStrList");

                if (express_id == 0)
                    context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":3, \"msg\":\"对不起,请选择配送方式!\"}");

                BLL.wx_shop_user_addr           uAddrBll  = new BLL.wx_shop_user_addr();
                IList <Model.wx_shop_user_addr> uaddrList = uAddrBll.GetOpenidAddrName(openid, wid);
                if (uaddrList == null || uaddrList.Count <= 0 || uaddrList[0].id <= 0)
                    context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":3, \"msg\":\"收货地址不存在,无法结算!\"}");

                IList <Model.cartProduct> cartList = cartBll.GetCartList(openid, wid);
                if (cartList == null)
                    context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":3, \"msg\":\"对不起,购物车为空,无法结算!\"}");
                decimal payable_amount = cartList.Sum(c => c.totPrice);
                BLL.express   expressBll = new BLL.express();
                Model.express expModel   = expressBll.GetModel(express_id);
                BLL.payment   pbll     = new BLL.payment();
                Model.payment payModel = pbll.GetModelBypTypeId(payment_id);
                Model.orders model = new Model.orders();
                model.order_no = "b" + Utils.GetOrderNumber(); //订单号B开头为商品订单

                model.wid             = wid;
                model.openid          = openid;
                model.modelName       = "微商城";
                model.modelCode       = "shop";
                model.modelActionName = "";
                model.modelActionId   = 0;
                model.user_id         = 0;
                model.user_name       = "";
                model.payment_id      = payment_id;
                model.express_id      = express_id;
                model.accept_name     = uaddrList[0].contractPerson;
                model.post_code       = "";
                model.telphone        = uaddrList[0].tel;
                model.mobile          = uaddrList[0].tel;
                model.area            = uaddrList[0].province;
                model.city            = uaddrList[0].city;
                model.district        = uaddrList[0].area;
                model.address         = uaddrList[0].province + " " + uaddrList[0].city + " " + uaddrList[0].area + " " + uaddrList[0].addrDetail;
                model.message         = "";
                model.payable_amount  = payable_amount; //应付商品总金额
                model.real_amount     = payable_amount; //实际商品总金额,
                model.status          = 1;
                model.express_status  = 1;
                model.express_fee     = expModel.express_fee; //物流费用

                if (payment_id == 1)
                {                             //货到付款,需要确认订单
                    model.payment_status = 0; //标记未付款
                {                             //先款后货
                    model.payment_status = 1; //标记未付款
                bool quicklyFH = false;
                if (payment_id == 3)
                    if (payModel.poundage_type == 1) //百分比
                        model.payment_fee = model.real_amount * payModel.poundage_amount / 100;
                    else //固定金额
                        model.payment_fee = payModel.poundage_amount;
                    BLL.wx_payment_wxpay   wxBll = new BLL.wx_payment_wxpay();
                    Model.wx_payment_wxpay wxpay = wxBll.GetModelByWid(wid);
                    quicklyFH = wxpay.quicklyFH;
                if (quicklyFH)
                    model.express_status = 0;
                model.order_amount = model.real_amount + model.express_fee + model.payment_fee;
                model.point    = 0;
                model.add_time = DateTime.Now;
                List <Model.order_goods> gls = new List <Model.order_goods>();
                foreach (Model.cartProduct item in cartList)
                    gls.Add(new Model.order_goods {
                        goods_id = item.productId, goods_title = item.productName, goods_price = item.totPrice, real_price = item.totPrice, quantity = item.productNum, point = 0
                model.order_goods = gls;
                int result = new BLL.orders().Add(model);
                if (result < 1)
                    context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":3, \"msg\":\"订单保存过程中发生错误,请重新提交!\"}");

                cartBll.RemoveCartInfo(wid, openid);
                //提交成功,返回URL  order_no
                context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":true, \"payType\":\"" + payment_id + "\", \"order_no\":\"" + model.order_no + "\",\"orderid\":\"" + result + "\",\"wid\":\"" + wid + "\",\"openid\":\"" + openid + "\",\"payable_amount\":\"" + payable_amount + "\", \"msg\":\"恭喜您,订单已成功提交!\"}");

            else if (_action == "order_canel")
                #region  //取消订单
                int        orderid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("order_id");
                BLL.orders oBll    = new BLL.orders();
                oBll.UpdateField(orderid, "status=4");
                context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":true, \"msg\":\"订单已取消!\"}");
            else if (_action == "fukuan")
                #region  //在线支付
                int          orderid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("order_id");
                BLL.orders   oBll    = new BLL.orders();
                Model.orders order   = oBll.GetModel(orderid);
                oBll.UpdateField(orderid, "express_status=1,payment_status=2 , status=2");
                context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":true, \"msg\":\"付款成功!\"}");
            else if (_action == "shouhuo")
                #region  //确认收货
                int          orderid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("order_id");
                BLL.orders   oBll    = new BLL.orders();
                Model.orders order   = oBll.GetModel(orderid);

                //if (order.payment_id == 1)
                //    oBll.UpdateField(orderid, "express_status=2,payment_status=2 , status=3");
                // }
                // else
                oBll.UpdateField(orderid, "express_status=2,payment_status=2 , status=6");
                // }

                context.Response.Write("{\"errCode\":true, \"msg\":\"交易完成!\"}");
            else if (_action == "so")
                #region  //产品搜索,主要字段名称,分类,简介

                int    wid         = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid");
                string pagesizeStr = MyCommFun.RequestParam("pagesize");
                string orderby     = " id desc";
                int    currPage    = MyCommFun.RequestInt("currPage");; //当前页面
                int    recordCount = 0;                                 //总记录数
                int    totPage     = 1;                                 //总页数
                int    pageSize    = MyCommFun.Str2Int(pagesizeStr);    //每页的记录数
                if (pageSize <= 0)
                    pageSize = 10;
                if (MyCommFun.RequestInt("page") > 0)
                    currPage = 1;

                string key = MyCommFun.RequestParam("key");

                DataSet productlist = new DataSet();

                DAL.wx_shop_product artDal = new DAL.wx_shop_product();
                productlist = artDal.SoGetList(wid, key, pageSize, currPage, "upselling=1", orderby, out recordCount);
                if (productlist != null && productlist.Tables.Count > 0 && productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow dr;
                    for (int i = 0; i < productlist.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        dr            = productlist.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                        dr["p_count"] = recordCount;
                        if (dr["link_url"] != null && dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid(dr["link_url"].ToString().Trim(), openid);
                            dr["link_url"] = MyCommFun.urlAddOpenid("detail.aspx?wid=" + wid + "&pid=" + dr["id"].ToString(), openid);


Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Model.HG.A_HG_new_order Str = new Model.HG.A_HG_new_order();

            BLL.HG.Hg_list add = new BLL.HG.Hg_list();
            Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string case_ = context.Request.QueryString["case_"];

            if (case_ == "save")
                //  string openid=context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
                string name      = context.Request.QueryString["name"];
                string phone     = context.Request.QueryString["phone"];
                string sex       = context.Request.QueryString["sex"];
                string money     = context.Request.QueryString["money"];
                string type_     = context.Request.QueryString["type_"];
                string time      = context.Request.QueryString["time"];
                string day       = context.Request.QueryString["day"];
                string adress    = context.Request.QueryString["adress"];
                string weixiname = context.Request.QueryString["weixinname"];
                string openid    = context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
                //   string total=context.Request.QueryString["total"];
                //   Str.Openid_ = openid;
                Str.Name_       = name;
                Str.Tel_        = phone;
                Str.Sex_        = sex;
                Str.Pick_many   = money;
                Str.Type_       = type_;
                Str.Time_       = time;
                Str.start_time  = DateTime.Now.ToString();//开始时间
                Str.Pick_day    = day;
                Str.Weixin_name = weixiname;
                Str.Openid_     = openid;
                int day_   = int.Parse(day);
                int money_ = int.Parse(money);
                int total_ = day_ * money_;
                Str.total = total_.ToString();
                string bb = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + GuidTo16String();//生成的订单号
                Str.Order_dd   = bb;
                Str.Order_from = "小程序";
                Str.Fw_zt      = "未支付";
                Str.Delet_     = "未删除";
                Str.Adress     = adress;
                int fal = add.Add_order_new(Str);
                //   Str.total = total;
                if (fal == 0)
                    jsonDict.Add("order_dd", bb);
                    jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                    jsonDict.Add("recontent", fal.ToString());
                    jsonDict.Add("order_dd", bb);
                    jsonDict.Add("errCode", "true");
                    jsonDict.Add("recontent", fal.ToString());
            else if (case_ == "jujia")
                    //  string openid=context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
                    string name      = context.Request.QueryString["name"];
                    string phone     = context.Request.QueryString["phone"];
                    string sex       = context.Request.QueryString["sex"];
                    string money     = context.Request.QueryString["money"];
                    string type_     = context.Request.QueryString["type_"];
                    string time      = context.Request.QueryString["time"];
                    string day       = context.Request.QueryString["day"];
                    string adress    = context.Request.QueryString["adress"];
                    string weixiname = context.Request.QueryString["weixinname"];
                    string openid    = context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
                    //   string total=context.Request.QueryString["total"];
                    //   Str.Openid_ = openid;
                    Str.Name_       = name;
                    Str.Tel_        = phone;
                    Str.Sex_        = sex;
                    Str.Pick_many   = money;
                    Str.Type_       = type_;
                    Str.Time_       = time;
                    Str.start_time  = DateTime.Now.ToString();//开始时间
                    Str.Pick_day    = day;
                    Str.Weixin_name = weixiname;
                    Str.Openid_     = openid;

                    Str.total = money;
                    string bb = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + GuidTo16String();//生成的订单号
                    Str.Order_dd   = bb;
                    Str.Order_from = "小程序";
                    Str.Fw_zt      = "未支付";
                    Str.Delet_     = "未删除";
                    Str.Adress     = adress;
                    int fal = add.Add_order_new(Str);
                    //   Str.total = total;
                    if (fal == 0)
                        jsonDict.Add("order_dd", bb);
                        jsonDict.Add("errCode", "false");
                        jsonDict.Add("recontent", fal.ToString());
                        jsonDict.Add("order_dd", bb);
                        jsonDict.Add("errCode", "true");
                        jsonDict.Add("recontent", fal.ToString());
            else if (case_ == "order")
                string openid = context.Request.QueryString["openid"];
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                order_dd = MyCommFun.QueryString("order");
                BLL.HG.Hg_list          order_T = new BLL.HG.Hg_list();
                Model.HG.A_HG_new_order model   = order_T.getorder(order_dd);
                string timeStamp = "";
                string nonceStr  = "";
                string paySign   = "";
                Senparc.Weixin.MP.TenPayLibV3.RequestHandler packageReqHandler = new Senparc.Weixin.MP.TenPayLibV3.RequestHandler(null);

                timeStamp = TenPayV3Util.GetTimestamp();
                nonceStr  = TenPayV3Util.GetNoncestr();

                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("appid", "wx16650bedd9b0916a");                                                                  //公众账号ID
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("mch_id", "1403543902");                                                                         //商户号
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("nonce_str", nonceStr);                                                                          //随机字符串
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("body", model.Name_ + "服务");                                                                     //商品信息
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("out_trade_no", order_dd);                                                                       //商家订单号
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("total_fee", ((double.Parse(model.total)) * 100).ToString());                                    //商品金额,以分为单位(money * 100).ToString()
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("spbill_create_ip", context.Request.UserHostAddress);                                            //用户的公网ip,不是商户服务器IP
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("notify_url", MyCommFun.getWebSite() + "/api/wxpay/notify_url.aspx?wid=" + 44 + "|" + order_dd); //接收财付通通知的URL
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("trade_type", TenPayV3Type.JSAPI.ToString());                                                    //交易类型
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("openid", model.Openid_);                                                                        //用户的openId

                string sign = packageReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", "70OvzuXGLFP7539B9zbvEMUBd1H1Tv8Q");
                packageReqHandler.SetParameter("sign", sign);                       //签名
                string data = packageReqHandler.ParseXML();

                var      result = TenPayV3.Unifiedorder(data);
                DateTime bb111  = new DateTime();
                WriteTextLog(bb111, result);
                var    res      = XDocument.Parse(result);
                string prepayId = res.Element("xml").Element("prepay_id").Value;

                RequestHandler paySignReqHandler = new RequestHandler(null);
                paySignReqHandler.SetParameter("appId", "wx16650bedd9b0916a");
                paySignReqHandler.SetParameter("timeStamp", timeStamp);
                paySignReqHandler.SetParameter("nonceStr", nonceStr);
                paySignReqHandler.SetParameter("package", string.Format("prepay_id={0}", prepayId));
                paySignReqHandler.SetParameter("signType", "MD5");
                paySign         = paySignReqHandler.CreateMd5Sign("key", "70OvzuXGLFP7539B9zbvEMUBd1H1Tv8Q");
                payaddid        = "";
                paytimeStamp    = timeStamp;
                paynonceStr     = nonceStr;
                paypackageValue = string.Format("prepay_id={0}", prepayId);
                paypaySign      = paySign;
                litDate         = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                oreder_name     = model.Name_ + "服务预约";
                context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
                pay_ bb = new pay_
                    timeStamp = timeStamp,
                    nonceStr  = nonceStr,
                    paySign   = paySign,
                    signType  = "MD5",
                    package   = prepayId
                string json_bill = JsonMapper.ToJson(bb);