Exemplo n.º 1
 public ReleaseHelper(Release release, MusicBrainzClient musicBrainzClient)
     Tags     = new List <Tag>();
     UsedTags = new List <string>();
     _release = release;
     client   = musicBrainzClient;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task RunExamples()
            // Make sure that TLS 1.2 is available.
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

            // Get path for local file cache.
            var location = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            var client = new MusicBrainzClient()
                Cache = new FileRequestCache(Path.Combine(location, "cache"))

            Header("Example 1");
            await Example1.Run(client);

            Header("Example 2");
            await Example2.Run(client);

            Header("Example 3");
            await Example3.Run(client);

            Header("Example 4");
            await Example4.Run(client);

            Header("Example 5");
            await Example5.Run(client);

            Header("Example 6");
            await Example6.Run(client);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal SearchRequest(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder, string query, string entity)
            this.client  = client;
            this.builder = builder;
            this.query   = query;

            EntityName = entity;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal LookupRequest(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder, string id, string entity)
            this.client  = client;
            this.builder = builder;
            this.id      = id;

            EntityName = entity;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string genre, int limit)
            Console.WriteLine("Getting bands from the UK matching tag '{0}'", genre);

            var query = new QueryParameters <Artist>()
                { "tag", genre },
                { "type", "group" },
                { "country", "GB" }

            // Search for artist.
            var artists = await client.Artists.Search(query).Limit(limit).GetAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("The first {0} of {1} bands:", limit, artists.Count);


            var artist = artists.Items[DateTime.Now.Second % artists.Items.Count];

            Console.WriteLine("Choose random artist '{0}' and browse official album releases:", artist.Name);

            // Create request.
            var request = client.ReleaseGroups.Browse("artist", artist.Id).Limit(limit).Type("album");

            // Browse release-groups.
            var groups = await request.GetAsync();

            int pages = Math.Max(1, groups.Count / limit);

            // Print the first page
            DisplayReleases(groups, 1, pages);

            const int MAX_PAGES = 5;

            int i = 1;

            for (; i < pages && i < MAX_PAGES; i++)
                // Advance browse offset and fetch results.
                groups = await request.Offset(i *limit).GetAsync();

                DisplayReleases(groups, i + 1, pages);

                // Try to avoid rate limit ...
                await Task.Delay(500);

            if (i == MAX_PAGES)
                Console.WriteLine("Stopping at page {0} ...", i);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string band, string album)
            // Build an advanced query to search for the release.
            var query = new QueryParameters <ReleaseGroup>()
                { "artist", band },
                { "releasegroup", album },
                { "type", "album" },
                { "status", "official" }

            // Search for an release-group by title.
            var groups = await client.ReleaseGroups.SearchAsync(query);

            Console.WriteLine("Total matches for '{0} - {1}': {2}", band, album, groups.Count);

            // Get best match.
            var group = groups.Items.First();

            // Get detailed information of the release-group, including artists, releases and related urls.
            group = await client.ReleaseGroups.GetAsync(group.Id, "artists", "releases", "url-rels");

            var artist = group.Credits.First().Artist;

            Console.WriteLine("Official album releases of '{0} - {1}':", artist.Name, group.Title);

            foreach (var item in group.Releases.OrderBy(r => r.Date))
                Console.WriteLine("     {0} - {1}  {2}", item.Date.ToShortDate(), item.Id, item.Country);

            // Check if there are lyrcis available for the album.
            var lyrics = group.Relations.Where(r => r.Type == "lyrics");

            if (lyrics.Count() > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You can find lyrics for '{0} - {1}' at", artist.Name, group.Title);
                Console.WriteLine("     {0}", lyrics.First().Url.Resource);

            // Check if there's a wikipedia page for the album.
            var wiki = group.Relations.Where(r => r.Type == "wikipedia");

            if (wiki.Count() > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("More info for '{0} - {1}' at", artist.Name, group.Title);
                Console.WriteLine("     {0}", wiki.First().Url.Resource);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task <ReleaseList> BrowseAsync(string entity, string id, string type, string status = null, int limit = 25, int offset = 0, params string[] inc)
            var client = new MusicBrainzClient(Configuration.Proxy)
                Cache = Configuration.Cache

            return(await client.Releases.BrowseAsync(entity, id, type, status, limit, offset, inc));
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal BrowseRequest(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder, string id, string relatedEntity, string entity)
            this.client        = client;
            this.builder       = builder;
            this.relatedEntity = relatedEntity;
            this.id            = id;

            EntityName = entity;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static async Task <ArtistList> BrowseAsync(string entity, string id, int limit = 25, int offset = 0, params string[] inc)
            var client = new MusicBrainzClient(Configuration.Proxy)
                Cache = Configuration.Cache

            return(await client.Artists.BrowseAsync(entity, id, limit, offset, inc));
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override async Task <ReleaseList> BrowseAsync(MusicBrainzClient client, CancellationToken ct)
            string url = builder.CreateBrowseUrl(EntityName, relatedEntity, id, type, status, limit, offset, include);

            var list = await client.GetAsync <ReleaseListBrowse>(url, ct);

            return(new ReleaseList()
                Items = list.Items, Count = list.Count, Offset = list.Offset
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string artist, string album, string song)
            // Build an advanced query to search for the recording.
            var query = new QueryParameters <Recording>()
                { "artist", artist },
                { "release", album },
                { "recording", song }

            // Search for a recording by title.
            var recordings = await client.Recordings.SearchAsync(query);

            Console.WriteLine("Total matches for '{0} ({1}) {2}': {3}", artist, album, song, recordings.Count);

            // Get exact matches.
            var matches = recordings.Items.Where(r => r.Title == song && r.Releases.Any(s => s.Title == album));

            // Get the best match (in this case, we use the recording that has the most releases associated).
            var recording = matches.OrderByDescending(r => r.Releases.Count).First();

            // Get the first official release.
            var release = recording.Releases.Where(r => r.Title == album && IsOfficial(r)).OrderBy(r => r.Date).First();

            // Get detailed information of the recording, including related works.
            recording = await client.Recordings.GetAsync(recording.Id, "work-rels");

            if (recording.Relations.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No lyrics available :-(");


            // Expect only a single work related to recording.
            var work = recording.Relations.First().Work;

            // Get detailed information of the work, including related urls.
            work = await client.Work.GetAsync(work.Id, "url-rels");

            // Check if there are lyrcis available for the recording.
            var lyrics = work.Relations.Where(r => r.Type == "lyrics");

            if (lyrics.Count() > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You can find lyrics for '{0} - {1} ({2})' at", artist, recording.Title, release.Date.ToShortDate());
                Console.WriteLine("     {0}", lyrics.First().Url.Resource);
        public IHttpActionResult Get(string id)
            var artist = _service.GetOne(id);

            if (artist == null)
            var realeases = MusicBrainzClient.GetReleases(artist.ID.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 13
 public ArtistController(MusicBrainzClient musicBrainzClient,
                         WikiDataClient wikiDataClient,
                         WikipediaClient wikipediaClient,
                         CoverArtService coverArtService,
                         ILogger <ArtistController> logger)
     _musicBrainzClient = musicBrainzClient;
     _wikiDataClient    = wikiDataClient;
     _wikipediaClient   = wikipediaClient;
     _coverArtService   = coverArtService;
     _logger            = logger;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string name)
            // Search for an artist by name (limit to 20 matches).
            var artists = await client.Artists.SearchAsync(name.Quote(), 20);

            Console.WriteLine("Total matches for '{0}': {1}", name, artists.Count);

            // Count matches with score 100.
            int count = artists.Items.Count(a => a.Score == 100);

            Console.WriteLine("Exact matches for '{0}': {1}", name, count);

            // By default, search results will be ordered by score, so to get the
            // best match you could do artists.Items.First(). Sometimes this method
            // won't work (example: search for 'U2').
            // If the search string is the exact name, it might be better to compare
            // to that string or to order by similarity, like done here:

            var artist = artists.Items.OrderByDescending(a => Levenshtein.Similarity(a.Name, name)).First();

            // Get detailed information of the artist, including band-members and related urls.
            artist = await client.Artists.GetAsync(artist.Id, "artist-rels", "url-rels");

            Console.WriteLine("Current band members of '{0}':", artist.Name);

            // Band members are represented as artist-artist relationships. To filter relations,
            // inspect "TargetType" and "Type" properties.
            var members = artist.Relations.Where(r => r.TargetType == "artist" && r.Type.Contains("member"));

            foreach (var relation in members.Where(r => !(bool)r.Ended))
                Console.WriteLine("     {0}", relation.Artist.Name);

            // Lyric are represented as artist-url relationships.
            var lyrics = artist.Relations.Where(r => r.TargetType == "url" && r.Type == "lyrics");

            if (lyrics.Count() > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You can find lyrics for '{0}' at", artist.Name);

                foreach (var relation in lyrics)
                    Console.WriteLine("     {0}", relation.Url.Resource);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static async Task <ReleaseList> SearchAsync(string query, int limit = 25, int offset = 0)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.Messages.MissingParameter, "query"));

            var client = new MusicBrainzClient(Configuration.Proxy)
                Cache = Configuration.Cache

            return(await client.Releases.SearchAsync(query, limit, offset));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static async Task <Release> GetAsync(string id, params string[] inc)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.Messages.MissingParameter, "id"));

            var client = new MusicBrainzClient(Configuration.Proxy)
                Cache = Configuration.Cache

            return(await client.Releases.GetAsync(id, inc));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static async Task Browse(MusicBrainzClient client, string name)
            // Search for an artist by name (limit to 20 matches).
            var artists = await client.Artists.SearchAsync(name.Quote(), 20);

            Console.WriteLine("Browsing release-groups of '{0}'", name);

            var artist = artists.Items.OrderByDescending(a => Levenshtein.Similarity(a.Name, name)).First();

            int limit = 50;

            // Browse the first 50 release-groups of given artist, include ratings.
            var groups = await client.ReleaseGroups.BrowseAsync("artist", artist.Id, limit, 0, "ratings");


            // Show official albums.
            foreach (var item in groups.Items.Where(g => IsOfficial(g)).OrderBy(g => g.FirstReleaseDate))
                Console.WriteLine("     {0} - {1}  {2}  {3}", item.FirstReleaseDate.ToShortDate(),
                                  item.Id, GetRating(item.Rating, 10), item.Title);

            Console.WriteLine("Album + Compilation");

            // Show compilations.
            foreach (var item in groups.Items.Where(g => IsCompilation(g)).OrderBy(g => g.FirstReleaseDate))
                Console.WriteLine("     {0} - {1}  {2}  {3}", item.FirstReleaseDate.ToShortDate(),
                                  item.Id, GetRating(item.Rating, 10), item.Title);


            if (groups.Items.Count == limit)
                Console.WriteLine("There are probably more items to browse ({0} release-groups total) ...", groups.Count);

Exemplo n.º 18
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var entry = value as ILibraryEntry;

            if (entry != null)
                catch (Exception)

Exemplo n.º 19
        public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string band, string album)
            // Search for an artist by name.
            var artists = await client.Artists.SearchAsync(band.Quote());

            var artist = artists.Items.First();

            // Build an advanced query to search for the release.
            var query = new QueryParameters <Release>()
                { "arid", artist.Id },
                { "release", album },
                { "type", "album" },
                { "status", "official" }

            // Search for a release by title.
            var releases = await client.Releases.SearchAsync(query);

            Console.WriteLine("Total matches for '{0}': {1}", album, releases.Count);

            // Get the oldest release (remember to sort out items with no date set).
            var release = releases.Items.Where(r => r.Date != null && IsCompactDisc(r)).OrderBy(r => r.Date).First();

            // Get detailed information of the release, including recordings.
            release = await client.Releases.GetAsync(release.Id, "recordings", "url-rels");

            Console.WriteLine("Details for {0} - {1} ({2})", artist.Name, release.Title, release.Date);

            // Get the medium associated with the release.
            var medium = release.Media.First();

            foreach (var track in medium.Tracks)
                // The song length.
                var length = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((int)track.Length);

                Console.WriteLine("{0,3}  {1}  ({2:m\\:ss})", track.Number, track.Recording.Title, length);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public ReleaseGroupService(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder)
     this.client  = client;
     this.builder = builder;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static async Task Run(MusicBrainzClient client)
     await Search(client, "Massive Attack", "Mezzanine");
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets meta data / tag information from the music file itself and looks up any missing data
 /// using a MusicBrainz API implementation (for instance album cover art).
 /// </summary>
 public MusicDataFetcher()
     ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
     MusicBrainzClient = new MusicBrainzClient();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static async Task Run(MusicBrainzClient client)
     await Browse(client, "Britney Spears");
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static async Task Run(MusicBrainzClient client)
     await Search(client, "alternative rock", 10);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public WorkService(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder)
     this.client  = client;
     this.builder = builder;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static async Task Run(MusicBrainzClient client)
     await Search(client, "The Rolling Stones");
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiate the actual request.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual Task <T> BrowseAsync(MusicBrainzClient client, CancellationToken ct)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public RecordingService(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder)
     this.client  = client;
     this.builder = builder;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public ReleaseBrowseRequest(MusicBrainzClient client, UrlBuilder builder, string id, string relatedEntity, string entity)
     : base(client, builder, id, relatedEntity, entity)